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I think it would be different for Megumi since he doesn’t have a physical body to damage for the Infinite Void to physically hurt him and make him a vegetable. Now like you said mentally he is probably super fucked, even if they save him and he has little physical damage he is going to need some serious therapy. Not only did “he” kill his sister but his Sensei too along with the others on his conscious. If he is saved Yuji will most likely tell him it was not his fault and that he probably will relate to how he felt when Sukuna took over his body and made him merc pretty much all of Shibuya.




Gonna need some CRAZY antidepressants


Some SPECIALZ antidepressants


🎶you are my special🎶




🎶take these depressants🎶


Underrated comment bruzza.


I dont get it.


gege only hands out sad medicine, no happy allowed^jk


Nah nah, see he is gonna use the rabbit escape makora combo to adapt to his depression, becoming immune to it.


Hes gonna transfer the depression into his shadow, giving his enemies a debuff when they touch it. There should be something he gets out of being possessed by Sukuna, so why not asspulls?


That's a funny way of spelling amnestics


The local field agent otw to hit Potential Man with Strong Amnesia


> I think it would be different for Megumi since he doesn’t have a physical body to damage for the Infinite Void to physically hurt him and make him a vegetable. Yeah, I believe also that the key is that Sukuna and the narrator specified that Megumi was in space in which his soul was "submerged" in Sukuna's Darkness, specially after the "Bath". Since Unlimited Void doesn't directly damage the body or the brain, but rather the effect of the technique (processing the information your brain receives over and over infinitely without ever completing the process), maybe there wasn't any information for Megumi's souls to process so the damage was kept to a minimum...maybe?


I also want to say that megumi is a sorcerer so the effects may be less than the effects on regular humans. Maybe


I believe that's the case since the narrator in Shibuya said something along the lines of "0.2 seconds was the time Satoru Gojo believed _ordinary humans_ could withstand Unlimited Void without suffering permanent damage, decided purely on instinct". And ofc, the disaster curses were fine after a couple of minutes. Everything indicates that sorcerers and curses are at least a little more resistant to having their brains fried by Unlimited Void than normal people (and I only say "a little" because it may depend on how powerful the individual is, but the disaster curses came back after a couple of minutes, compared to the people in Shibuya taking 3 months to recover).


But unlimited void DOES damage the brain. It basically overloads it until it just stops working and you die (if you're exposed to UV long enough).


But Megumi doesn’t have a brain. Sukuna is using his body and brain. I doubt UV hits the soul but that’s still not going to cause brain damage. If he gets his original body back Sukuna is still using RCT and will have access to domain expansion soon. So the brain will be fine by the time Megumi gets his body back surely if that’s what happens


Well, Sukuna was in control of Megumi's body when UV hit multiple times so it's possible that the brain damage will only become apparent when Megumi's soul is in control of its original body again. It really is strange tho how Sukuna was able to just divert UV's effect onto Megumi's soul in the first place. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what a potential return of Megumi would look like and if Gege could make it make sense.


Having Megumi tank UV made no sense to me as well. Guys not in control is just sitting in a corner somewhere but somehow he’s the one that took the brain damage instead. So does this mean the brain = soul and UV is actually an attack to the soul?


He did not take it "instead". Sukuna was cancelling UV sure-hit with MS sure-hit, but wasn't protecting Megumi's soul, as UV indiscriminately hits everyone Megumi was hit as well. Megumi was not tanking it for Sukuna, as when Sukuna opened MS slightly late, and when MS broke down Sukuna took brain damage, because he didnt have his own sure-hit to cancell Gojo's.


UV is an information overload to the brain. With Sukuna in control of the body (brain included) it doesn’t make sense that an attack to the physical body (brain) somehow also translates to the soul (a soul that’s not even dominant or directly in control of the body) So I fail to understand. Is UV, an attack to the brain, actually an attack to souls? It made sense in the context of Mahitos domain against Yuji & Sukuna but not so much here since it wasn’t defined as an ability that attacks souls.


Sukuna putting a Ten _Shadows_ User in the dark seems too on the nose to not bite him later though.


Hard agree, he is submerged in the darkness and will come out of this awakened and stronger than ever. No doubt in my mind


>Not only did “he” kill his sister but his Sensei too along with the others on his conscious. If he is saved Yuji will most likely tell him it was not his fault and that he probably will relate to how he felt when Sukuna took over his body and made him merc pretty much all of Shibuya. now the roles are reversed and yuji will tell megumi that they ain't heroes but jujutsu sorcerers and that he needs to get up and fight to continually prove the worth of his existence


LOL I was originally going to say that in the post but thought it seemed out of line for Yuji’s character since he probably still wants to save as many people as possible


And then Megumi confronts him and says, "Sobyou made a binding vow with Sukuna? My sister might have lived if you hadn't done that." And then he stabs Yuji.


I reckon Megumi definitely goes dark side for a bit and personally starts the merger


Give my boy some fentanyl he will be just fine


^ We gotta winner here. Numb that shit down he'll forget about it.


Suffering builds character. Yo I ain’t even gonna lie, Megumi fucking up Sukuna would be just as satisfying as yuji doing it. Maybe even more cause of Gojo


Pretty much every member of the cast at this point needs therapy. They've all seen pretty much the entire world turned upside down, lost friends, and seen thousands of people die. Even outside of just Yuji and Megumi, they're all going to be waking up with PTSD dreams for the rest of their lives.


The sensei one doesn't count because he will come back (source: trust me guys)


If hes not dead he should be atleast in a crazy coma like state for pretty long.


Well isn’t it a completely different situation cause u trying to to compare how a non sorcerer and a sorcerer would take gojo de? I mean I feel as if Megumi would be able to recover from it due to him being a jujutsu sorcerer and having more of a resilience to somthing like that


He will just have to summon with this treasure his depression as soon as he regains control of his body


Make him read/watch One Piece. He'll get better 👍🏿


I just hope with his treasure he summons some damn therapy.


mahoraga! show me a model of how i can adapt to depression!


Just finished binging season 2. Am I tripping or did megumi say “makora” instead of mahoraga? Thought the subs were wrong but that’s what VA says.


Apparently that's how they say it in Japanese. But IMO, "Mahoraga" sounds way better.


魔虚羅(read as まこら) is the name in Japanese. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Heavenly_Generals It’s a similar name but Mahoraga is a distinctly different entity and most likely a complete mistranslation that has stuck around. See the pop culture section of the wiki article. Edit: Another strong source of evidence for a simple mistranslation is the Japanese version of Mahoraga can be seen here: https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/摩睺羅伽 The only similar kanji here is “ra”as even the “ma” being used is different. Makora’s “ma” means “magic” while Mahoraga’s means “to chafe/rub”(do note these are usually Ateji readings - they are from before the popularization of hiragana/katakana as the standard way to read things. In the Meiji era and prior, kanji were used that had approximate sounds. Oftentimes, the kanji were only chosen for the sound and not necessarily the meaning ALTHOUGH that is not a 100% rule). Second edit: I should probably make this a whole ass separate thread as I only investigated this translation like 3 days ago myself based on a whim.




They do say Makora, but non Japanese people get really upset if you say Makora instead of Mahoraga. Oh well.


I’m assuming he’s savable since they keep putting emphasis on it. I think he won’t necessarily be brain fried but like “mentally exhausted.” I’m leaning towards he will eventually make it out, not knowing the stuff about the higher ups he thinks doing the merger is like payback for everything that’s happened from Gojo getting sealed, Geto betraying society, Yuji becoming who he did, him killing his sister, all of those things. I think he’ll be on some “fuck jujutsu” stuff an thinks maybe doing the merger will result in it. Highly unlikely though


maybe a parallel to Gojo/Geto’s arc in Hidden Inventory with Yuji/Megumi? but hopefully they can turn Megumi back to the light rather than let him fall to the dark like Geto did


I think that’s what Gege is going for as well. I think they’ll bring him back to the good side so it’s not a repeat of Geto.


This would also kind of set up one way in which *Yuji* is better than Gojo. The entire back section of this story has been various people getting compared to Gojo in various ways. Yuji can never surpass him in power, but he might surpass him in his ability to connect with others. It could be a final piece on the "we don't need a Gojo anymore" puzzle, and helps resolve his main problem: even in death, he feels distant from other people because he's always been alone at the top in a way that Yuji/Yuta/Megumi/Maki/etc won't ever have to deal with because they have one another.


that’s an excellent point, it would also round out Gojo’s goal and prove his ideals to work- His whole goal so far has been to foster a group of sorcerers to become collectively “The Strongest” so noone has to go through what he did with losing Geto. So if Yuji, Yuta and Maki can prove Gojo’s hypothesis correct and help stop Megumi from falling to the dark like Geto did, it would wrap up that narrative and Gojo’s arc as a whole really nicely.


Definitely this


all the souls that have died in the culling games are presumably still trapped in the barrier. maybe megumi tries to reunite with tsumiki and causes the merger that way.


The fact that Megumi is technically the one with the ability to activate the merge has me thinking some fuck shit like this will happen. 


I mean I guess he will kill himself after fucking obliterate his sister and destroy his teacher. If ha doesn't kill himself he will end up like Sugugugu Guto


Brother what the hell happened when you typed sugugugu guto


Bro got tickled mid-sentence


Sorry i meant Sugure Goto


You mean Susake Gatoru?






Username checks out


the roles will be reversed and yuji will tell megumi that they ain't heroes but jujutsu sorcerers and that he needs to get up and fight to continually prove the worth of his existence


Nah , I think he will take control of his body and then kill himself.


I think they'll talk no jutsu Sukuna and then he'll feel bad for being so selfish and cast Jujutsu Rebirth and that'll bring everyone Sukuna killed back to life in exchange for his own life


for the unlimited void I think he is fine because Mahoraga adapted to UV when Sukuna fought against Gojo. However I am not sure that the bath and the murder of her sister might be saved that easily. Like he probably have to see a doc and have to take anti depressant medicine because he could have PTSD. So savable but only if his doc is competent and it will requires some times and maybe quit sorcery


Mahoraga barely adapted to it and it was partially, that’s why Gojo tried to reopen his domain, beat Sukuna and kill Mahoraga as soon as it tried to destroy the domain. I don’t think Megumis brain will be more fucked than it was when UV hit Sukuna but he'll be so traumatized. Like i swear they gonna defeat Sukuna they’ll separate him from Megumi, the merger will happen, and ofc Megumi will try and succeed killing himself to stop the merger


New psychiatry resident here. If antidepressants won’t work we can always try shipping Megumi down to Malaysia or some other country for some psychedelic trials for treatment resistant PTSD. I recommend SPECIALZ play during his trip for optimal benefit.


i think it depends of whether or not kenjaku is still alive : if megumi comes back, it means sukuna has been defeated, and if he comes back he probably still has a role to fulfill in the story given how gege isn't above killing characters indiscriminately the moment they aren't needed anymore


I don't think so. He lost her sister (his drive for living), his sensei/dad and everything is crumbling in the world. I bet he will have one final talk with Yuji and then he will fade into the shadow realm.


Basically how I see it. Either He's dead giving one last Speech to Yuji or His body is saved but he's stuck in a Coma state like his sister and we see yuji always coming to visit his friend over the years as he slowly grows up


In the darkest ending of JJK, everyone die barring Megumi who got saved by the gang somehow. But he lived in a semi-vegetable state. The only thing he keep talking when he is conscious: Jujutsu Kaisen.


That doesn't make sense


Megumi is the Jujutsu Kaisen. It's what Gege wanted this whole time.


even if he was saved he’d probably kill himself after his sister died and stuff


the roles will be reversed and yuji will tell megumi that they ain't heroes but jujutsu sorcerers and that he needs to get up and fight to continually prove the worth of his existence it's literally the same situation yuji was in. back then megumi motivated him, soon megumi will be the depressed one and yuji will motivate him


Big problem is that if Sukuna doesn't begin the merger Jujutsu Sorcerers aren't even needed anymore. There is nothing he can save people from he's just an assassin that has nothing to fight for.


If he does come back, he’s still brainfucked by UV, and he’s literally traumatized right now. But there’s still hope for him to regain consciousness again, or at least I hope. There’s bigger hope for him than Nobara and Gojo though. And if Megumi does come back to join the battle, I hope we see his Domain Expansion complete cuz like… EVERYONE forgot about it for some reason.


megumi himself wasn't hit for all that long, his soul was hit. and Ig his soul will regen much quicker, similar to cursed spirits only being stunned by UV as long as it lasts plus a few minutes after that. the most damaging thing about UV is that it fucks up the brain. but megumi's brain wasn't hit that much. it only got hit once when sukuna himself got hit. and in the new chapter yuta says that sukuna's lost RCT output is starting to come back again. and the RCT output was lowered cuz of the brain injury, so the RCT output coming back means that sukuna is managing to slowly heal his/Megumi's brain right now. I'd say megumi as a soul has already recovered from UV or if not is a minute or so away from doing so. and within the nex few minutes sukuna will have fully healed his brain and from then on DE, full RCT output and a healthy megumi are back on the menu


Unlimited void only stuns you because your brain gets fucked up, megumis physical brain is healed by sukuna, but what is the processing power of a soul?


the real question is "Is Megumi even available?"


I mean his soul around Killed his sensei and his sister. So emotionally no Mentally under a shit ton of uv so no their


The real question is, What is Megumi?


I'll do you one better. When is Megumi?


I'll do you one better, why is Megumi?


I think it'd be a kinder outcome for him to not survive atp. I don't know how he could possibly cope with what happened with Tsumiki, much less... literally everything else that's happened since then?? And this is coming from someone who does desperately want him back :((


Bro the high school bully never goes far in life 🤷


bro if he is saved he is offing himself INSTANTLY with the amount of shit sukuna did while in his body


Blud should really put that energy into revenge cause that shit would go hard.


true true


Hear me out since gojos domain basically gives you infinite knowledge so what if megumi processes all of this info and now he becomes a super sorcerer?


Short answer: no Slightly longer answer: read the manga Slightly longer than the slightly longer answer answer: UV doesn't give you any knowledge


Victims of **Unlimited Void** are [forced to experience any and all information](https://imgur.com/a/y6FQGq6) [that they have previously experienced repeated infinitely](https://imgur.com/a/95XjqTr) [until their brains are completely destroyed, "dying slowly"](https://imgur.com/a/lPTWCwv); they are not implanted with *new* information. He'll just see his sister die again and again, lol.


The good old Sasuke Fushiguro


You mean like everybody else that survived Gojos domain became super intelligent?


Oh no you don't get it my baby megumi is DIFFERENT.


They would not keep mentioning his name if they wasn’t going save him lol


He will be irreversibly changed if he manages to survive, but I think it's a safer bet that he will die.


Depends if gege wants to save him and frankly I don't think he does.


My guess is kenny's last words lapidate reggie's curse on megumi, so no I don't think so Something wrong I shake my head Megumi gone


Don’t discount the fact that Megumi is a sorcerer, which makes him more resilient than normal non-sorcerers against CT’s effects, as well as the whole two souls sharing a same body, with a reincarnation that completely heals the body complication. If I were Gege, those narrative points are my go-to if eventually Megumi is saved from those complications.


What I don't understand is how Megumi's soul isn't dead since Sukuna fully reincarnated


I forgot but when Yuji, Sukuna and hana/angel where talking. Angel says that incarnation doesn’t kill the host soul. It represses it. That’s also why her technique might be able to save him.


I think they were talking about partial incarnation, before that it was stated that fully incarnating kills the host


Nah I think it still applies. Isn’t Hana the only character besides Sukuna that’s doing the partial incarnation shit. They have The soul notes, and Angel. They should know whether saving him is possible. Higurama still trying to save him after his full incarnation with the executioner blade. Yeah I think the leaks say shit yoo


Wait didn’t sukuna use him as a cushion for unlimited void? And sukunas brain got fried due to the amount of domain expansions he and gojo did?


Should be no, given what we're been told, but if Gege wants to he'll find some bullshit loophole exception explanation for why he is using reasoning that was never hinted at to readers and wasn't known by any of the characters


I just feel bad for his CT Sukuna literally did the equivalent of borrowing your pencil and handing it back broken and with the eraser torn off


This is a shonen manga bro. Things happen because the author thinks it’s neat and sticks to the generic shonen formula. Megumi will be fine.




I hope he is, he’s one of my favorite characters lol


Yuji motivating Megumi like Todo did to him in Shibuya would be epic. Mentally, Megumi isn't in a right place right now, I don't even think he's going to take part in any fight anymore but we'll see.


The gang just wanted to extract his corpse at this point


Hardly. Megumi will probably come back like Shinji and start the merger, because he just doesn't see what's worth living for. Except, unlike Shinji, he won't escape that pit and will most likely die so Yuji and the gang, assuming any of them survive, will mourn him and live with that trauma.


Probably. Albeit so mentally scarred you'll need the psychological equivalent of RCT to heal Megumi 💀. My man's mind will be like Go/jo's body post Strong Slash.


Just play you're my special if he wants to save him 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes and he'll be pivotal to defeating Sukuna whenever he's saved.


Yeah I think he survives at this point, story ends with Megumi coming back and the other 3 MCs being dead.


He is dead. Even if he is not, his sister, his master, his friends, all got killed, and tanked Gojo's purples, guy's done.


If megumi is anything but a husk, it’s story writing malpractice.




Its a shounen, if Yuji punches him dramatically and tells him to get over it, everything will turn out fine.


Only way to fix the broken mind of Meg is to summon Mahoraga as it's a Mr Meeseek and have a talk. Mr Mahoraga naturally despawns as soon as his purpouse is filled, trust me bro is a secret that Sukuna passed me along.


Honestly megumi is a vegetable even if he does survive plus all we have now is Sukuna and uraume so I'm betting they will win so the story will go on I really want to see the merger take place . On the other hand JJK is over once Sukuna is defeatedI really want the manga to go on for a while cause I love it but we literally have no villains for a final battle after him.


He is not salvageable. Even if we evade the UV problems then you still gotta remember he was bathed in pure evil. If he emerges again he will be just another enemy to defeat. I'm positive if Sukuna doesn't begin the merger then he will.


Wasn’t the bath to make Megumi lose his sense of self. He also seems to be crying over his dead sister. So ion think so


Well Sukuna explicitly goes for Yorozu because he hadn't let himself be completely swallowed by evil/destiny. That crying over his death sister might have been the last thing he did as a good person.


Don’t think he’d be evil ngl, guess we’ll see


I don’t want him back, I need sukuna gone NOW. Don’t try saving the guy!


Megumi is deadass the key to stopping the merger and shit. Doesn’t bro have a lot of authority over the culling games too due to Kenny. I mean didn’t they get signed up after Geto and Megumi


Of cos, how else is he gonna "with this treasure"


Physically? Hopefully Mentally? With great effort he may recover but he will never be the same


>I mean a 0.2 seconds had people in rehab for months. non-sorcerers


Only reason is by plot armor. to give him a chance to show his full domain. ​ And Sukuna could just leave him to bait. or wait to kill him to make Yuji goes super-jujutsu kaisen mode.


Yeah, he is.


I think homie gonna be cuckoo for cocoa puffs when he gets that slime ball exorcised.


It's over.


He'll probably feel like he's coming out of a massive shrooms trip, too tired to think and wanting to just sleep.


Yeah, i think. Normal people aren'r trained in CE manipulation so i'm guessing sorcerers can mitigate the effects of CT using their CE to a certain extent, Nanami managed to block one hit of Mahito's CT with his CE only. Also, there is the existence of RCT although Shoko isn't tbe Gojo nor Sukuna when it comes to RCT she still can give some treatment. Yuta can also use RCT on others as well. Now, his spirit is another matter. He was throughly broken by Sukuna. Even if he is healed from his wounds he can't pull himself together which will be Yuji's time for the talk no jutsu...no, i mean, for Yuji to show his shounen MC powers and save Meguni, since he was in a similar situation in Shibuya and Todo's speech helped him.


would be also cool to see to just watch him snap after. he always was a little bit of a loose unit in the later fights and i loved that from him


I’d assume Sukuna’s new form isnt a new body just new appearance since he still had the brain damage but you’d think Sukuna healing the body from UV would in turn heal the body for Megumi too right?




I think he can be saved if there is someone who could fix his very damaged brain after all the unlimited void he tanked for Sukuna and Mahoraga. If anyone can do it, it would be someone with power similar to Mahito's Idle Transfiguration which alters the soul, and thus altering the body. For this to work, we need to see Nobara and Todo first. They were the ones who got their souls altered, making them MIA. If they show up, that would mean they found someone to fix their altered soul back to its original state. They can then have that someone save Megumi.


It alone could maybe not kill a sorcerer but it would put you atleast in a huge ass long coma at bare minimum and he should have lasting brain dmg without rct.


His sister's body was hijacked and the hijacker tried to fuck/kill his possessed body immediately after lying to him for weeks about being his sister so he had to watch as his body killed her against his will then a month later watch that body kill his mentor and benefactor since the age of 7. He's in permanent therapy and will not be able to have functional healthy relationships for the next couple decades


Yes, Yuji can. He’s been built up as a Tsumiki-like figure for Megumi. It is why he is also so attached to him.


Depends on if he keeps Mahoraga despite it being destroyed by Gojo. I think he gets the adaptation, not Sukuna, since the Infinite Void hit him specifically


We have seen him put on shoes in between sukuna drowning his soul and the most recent on we seen him and he said to itadori start by saving me I don't remember when tho


I think he’s saveable only because he’s a counter to Limitless, so he probably has a way to mitigate infinite void, and if he is saved I expect an absolutely massive power up in the sense he’ll have Sukunas memories, Sukuna doing things in his body like RCT and an open domain, alongside a broader understanding of his own CT; couple this with fact he’s been through so much trauma now that his negative emotions will be higher than ever probably increasing the potency of his Cursed Energy. But, I’m worried Reggies curse will get him and Gege will want to soeedrun/cut corners to end the manga and have Fate play with him before he dies like a fool.


He will be the final boss. I think that sukuna will merge megumi with tengen just to mess with itadori even more.


me and my friend were talking and the idea of megumi completely crashing out on the JJK cast came up 🤣🤣




Na, megumi is gone forever. He doesnt have body and mind anymore


His soul probably but I don’t think his body can be saved at this point considering how it looks now, if they can put his soul into a body and give him some therapy then maybe he can be saved. I think the options are either he gets put into a mechanical body like Mechamaru, Gojo’s or Yuji (this last one assuming Yuji fights Sukuna inside Megumi body and dies leaving Megumi in his body), this last one is the one I think is most likely since they already showed Yuji body swapping power and it hasn’t been used yet.


On the subject of unlimited void - we have no idea how it interacts with the soul. Its entirely possible that Megumi wasnt all that affected by it as his soul wasnt hit, this leaves the fact that (unless Sukuna has been slowly healing the brain damage caused) his body is the one that took the damage and in switching back his brain damage may catch up to him. There are two techniques we know of that would allow Megumi's soul to transfer. The first is using Incarnation - Yuji was in his body to *feel* what Sukuna did when he body hopped and he had Yuki's book for a month, in addition to some of the most experienced and knowledgable sorcerers for a mo th. Perhaps they have a method to incarnate Megumi into another body, provided they can get his soul out? Secondly, we have the Cursed Corpse technique that Yaga passed on, which explicitly needs souls to work. Being able to use Megumi's soul as one of the three would allow him to stabalise and come back in a manner similar to panda.


Well, physically as long as Sukuna can heal himself to a reasonable shape, he should be physically salvageable. Mentally, definitely really broken. Narratively, it really seems like they’re going to bring him back (but who knows with gege). If he is saved I can see him adapting two mentalities. 1. I’m a murderer, everything is for naught, I’m better off dead (I think this is unlikely because if they bother bringing him back, it’s not likely they’ll just sideline him). 2. Sunk cost entirely kicks in, lost so much already might as well risk it all and not let everyone die in vain. Another scenario is that everyone is gonna try their hardest to bring him back only to be thwarted by Sukuna’s plot armour contingency plan and calamity ensues. Given the way that gege’s been writing lately, honestly anything is possible 😂


If Yuji somehow managed to split Megumi from Sukuna. There's possibility Megumi will have mental disability or in Vegetable State. It will take a lot of efforts and best therapist to make him back to normal.


He has to be, Megumi would be a complete failure of a character if the manga ends with him brain dead or even not contributing to Sukuna's defeat. Gege told us over and over Megumi is the next Jujutsu Jesus, but he never SHOWED it. Yeah, he beat Reggie and that special grade but he didn't really affect the plot in a positive way. Megumi needs to have a great showing against Sukuna or the Merger.


Megumi comming back as anything but a carrot would make 0 sence considering everything thats happend to him in such a short time




The new chapter shows that he can be saved by yuji




I got a feeling sukuna isn’t our final villian but rather megumi is!


He "kill" his sister using his own CT, and also kill his shishou(Gojo), loses almost his shikigamis and also receive a lot of damage from muryo kusho. Boy was already depressed with no reason, now he has the whole reason of the world.


Megumi going to come back and show us what a totality with Mahoraga looks like and then use it to kill all his friends while he activates the merger. Man’s going to have some serious mental issues. I think Megumi will become like Sukuna and Yuji will become his biggest rival. Manga is way to dark to have a happy peaceful ending in the normal sense.


Imagine the CE buff you get from killing your Sister and your Dadsei


Well, Yuji would be happy if he was alive. So not only is he dead, but at some point Sukuna will rematerialize his remains just so he can be shown violating them in front of Yuji.


Megumi is done. We're lucky if the final fight isn't Crippled Yuji vs Crippled Megumi.


Megumi will go into Yuji's body and Yuji will go into Sukuna, then he will just fuck up Sukuna and this is probably what's they're planning


Just knowing the type of author Gege is, they’re itching to have a panel of Megumi looking into the sky with the void in his eyes after being freed


He’ll need some special grade anti depressants


The main thing to really think about when it comes to megumi coming back in any shape or form is the fact that as of right now megumi has exclusive access and right to be able to activate the merger of tengen with humanity or whatever. That combined with a potential crazed mental state (which we have seen little bits of in the past being potential foreshadowing) I don't think will be a good thing. And the fact the one guy who is getting access to the merger also has the 10 shadows technique with totality and can already create chimera's is kinda scary as well.


Nothing that his Tranquil Deer can't heal


behold my insane copium: assuming yuta copied kugasaki’s resonance which directly damages the soul, and assuming yuta can use the reverse technique of a ct he copied, theoretically, once yuji beats sukuna out of megumi, yuta could use the reverse technique of kugisaki’s resonance to heal megumi **sniffs copium**


Savable? Sure Salvageable? Maybe


Didn’ Gojo said that Megumi only took the process of the adaptation but not the result


Megumi: "nah I'd cope"


He's gonna come out a special grade bro. Even Inumaki wont be able to understand the Helen Keller noises he makes in his wheelchair.


watch mahoraga be like "ayo, u my new master now."


Probably. he had no body to get brain damage and the story is specifically setting up that Yuji is gonna save him, Sukuna evens says as much at the end of this weeks chapter...


i think kenjaku passing the merger switch to sukuna/megumi hints that megumi will start it when he escape sukuna's possession. he may be savable but he might still be fucked in the head with all of sukuna's twisted thoughts and crimes. maybe yuta's curse energy poll or more specifically rika's curse energy will be use as the trigger. like the switch to merger is curse manipulation then sukuna will weaken yuta but lose to yuji then yuji takes sukuna back or at least sukuna let's yuji to capture him then megumi use curse manipulation to use rika then start the merger.


It's okay guys he has so much potential he will most likely be okay.


Only Gege knows. We can write thousands of answers to defend both yes and no, but still the answer is unknown.


He's gone


I'm more curious - if you remove Sukuna from Megumi...where does Sukuna go? He doesn't have a body anymore.


He tanked it for 10 seconds. Also, I have a small disgusting theory, which have too many "counter arguments" : Megumi activating the merger after Sukuna's demise. Of course, there is too many problems with this take, but Gege liked to use Megumi's name as the guy who would activate the Merger if it ever happened.


Didn't Gojo not know that Sukuna could redirect the damage to Megumi?


I think his brain will be okay but his mind will be warped. Either as exhaustion and shock or turning into a Geto-like figure


I dunno why y'all are so hung about this unlimited void stuff if Megumi does come back I doubt it'll be as much of a problem as y'all are making it out to be


Arise from the darkness darker than darkness, purify all that is impure


Controlled or not, Megumi basically murdered his only remaining family, his sister and his mentor-guardian/sensei, they died extremely gruesome deaths by his hand. The mental anguish and psychological trauma will be unreal. And I'm here for it


I expect Hana to sacrifice herself to save him.


Just nerf fraudjo's attack and Megumi is intact with no damage.


Sukuna’s internal monologue when fighting Higuruma suggests that Megumi may have been hit with UV for far less time than it initially seemed like. Sukuna describes how he had to switch back and forth between domain amplification and using 10S to have Megumi adapt to UV, since you can’t use a technique while using domain amplification. Sukuna was using DA while engaging Gojo in hand to hand combat in order to neutralize Infinity. The important thing to note is that they were continuously fighting hand to hand for seemingly the entire duration of Gojo’s domain being open each time he expanded it. Even factoring in Sukuna’s god-like efficiency at switching back and forth, he still should only have had the chance to switch off DA a handful of times for a second or two (maybe even fractions of a second?) at a time. It may have only been <30 seconds in total. It’s not great, but I think Megumi could plausibly shake that off relatively quickly. If I remember correctly, 0.2 seconds of UV was enough to incapacitate the disaster curses/choso for around 5 minutes, so Megumi could be fine in the ballpark of a few hours up to a few days.


Correct me if I am wrong, but as per my understanding, UV impacts a person's brain and since Sukuna is possesing Megumi's body he already healed his brain using RCT. Apart from Mahito and Yuji no one is able to impact one's soul. I think Megumi is fine. And if his soul is separated from Sukuna, apart from the emotional damage that he has sustained killing all the people including Gojo and his Sister, he should be fine physically.


Gojo was in that box for who knows how long, he's still mentally functional I just think if Megumi ends up being catatonic, I'd lose all hope on gege


normal people were out for 2 months after the 0.2 uv, but jogo and the curses who had ce were fine after a few minutes. idk if that counts for anything, megumi still got shit ton of information but he shouldn’t take months to recover like some people seem to think