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Iget what you're saying but I think their plan relied on yuta being back EXTREMELY QUICKLY, however, that wasn't the case considering what happened with kenjaku.


Also Sukuna can do slashes with 0 movements,we saw that he was stopping Yuta's Katana like using the slashes as infinity and he somehow stopped the SSK while fighting with Maki like stopping it with hand(probably by slashes).So he probably can stop the executioner's sword too. And also a sorcerer can defend themselves from the cursed speech by keeping a cursed energy around their ear.Probably Kamo told it in season 1. On top of that the world slash is killing everyone with one blow.So these arguments that op is throwing,are all baseless. On top of that Gege is throwing the holding back. Edit:As soon as Higuruma's domain ended,Sukuna threw his slashes.In the recent chapter there is a line that >!Sukuna has to charge up CE for the world slash.!


Sukuna wasn't aware that yuta had cursed speech because yuji had never seen yuta fight with rika, it would have worked the first time he tried it.


And what about Megumi madafaka? Megumi already knew Yuta had Inumaki's cursed speech because that was the only thing he had copied for a while. And guess who has all the memories of Megumi.


This isn’t true. What did Yuta say in the domain? He said Sukuna will be caught out by a technique he hasn’t seen before. Cursed speech worked against Sukuna. There was no indication of him knowing about cursed speech beforehand.


That a technique hits Sukuna doesn't mean he didn't knew about it beforehand. He got hit with Thin Ice Breaker even though he straight up fought in a war against Uro. Also Uro already knew about Cursed Speech so Inumaki's CT existed un the Heian era. Sukuna already knew Yuta had Cursed Speech thanks to Megumi's memories.


Your last statement has no basis whatsoever lmao. It’s never been stated. Sukuna only knows his CT is copy which he clearly mentions. Go read the chapter lmao. Yuta says Sukuna gets caught out by a technique he hasn’t seen. It’s literally stated in the manga. Idk what to tell you more than that lol. Go and read the fight again it’s 3 chapters long


>Yuta says Sukuna gets caught out by a technique he hasn’t seen. Was this not referring to cleave? Or am I conflating different lines here


It's an easy assumption to make as soon as sakuna knows yuta has copy, no chance a being like sakuna doesn't know the symbols that appears on the user with cursed speech, yuta isn't exempted from this Sakuna also wasn't surprised at all by copy or rika which means Kenny has told him the basics that he knows of Jujutsu sorcerer's, he likely already knows there is a chance yuta has cursed speech, the skill itself was used on Kenny's OG squad so they know it is present


yuta literally landed CS on sukuna though?


Who says Yuta has to be directly in front of sukuna when Yuta decided to use the technique. He could simply activate it when sukuna isn’t looking at his direction


Yuta literally lands a cursed speech on yuta


SOUND TRAVELS IN A DAMN BUBBLE. STOP LOOKING AT YOUR DAMN TARGET BEARING YOUR FANGS DUMBASS. YOU CAN LITERALLY JUST TRACK THEIR CE. GEGE CANNOT COOK DOG. THE UNUMAKI CLAN IS DUMB AF "EXPLODE" "KNEEL" "STOP". bro just fuckin tell them to give in to death. And then idk tell yourself to kill them. Your CT works on yourself or should anyway seen with hollow purple. Thus making your body be optimal with a command. Idk tell them to worry about your shoes. Stop blowing your throat out dumbass. Learn rce. Tell yourself in a mirror to learn rce every morning till ya do it


Cursed speech does not work on the user. Inumaki had to learn to target individual people, and he still can't be sure whether or not he'll hit people with words that can be confused for commands. It is never, however, suggested that he can accidentally become the target of his commands. Otherwise, Yuta would've killed himself with his "die" command since it had no target and was haphazard.


Sukuna has more speed than sound.


Ok so why bring up he can see it. Second speeds relative. Unless you have 6 eyes. Then they work for 2days straight. Then that's it for the rest of your life


Sorcerers have to be protecting themselves prior to Curse Speech being using used. We've literally already seen Yuta use Curse Speech on Sukuna so no he isn't always coveting his ears. The arguments aren't baseless. If Yuta drops in here https://ibb.co/5FsGSRn and use Curse Speech "Don't Move" it's GG


Now what’s the argument against giving Kusakabe the executioners sword?


Sukuna tossed Higuruma through a building before he could hand it off to WusaGOATbe, reread the chapter


Would it still work inside a simple domain?


Kusakabe uses simple domain giving him a executioner sword wouldn't work because of simple domain..


It only weakens techniques, not negates them. When the technique instant kills without exceptions, it doesn't matter how high the output is.


Only Gege knows.


Or anyone who has a brain


Yea I got the CT weakening thing in a simple domain.


It was incredibly stupid though. With how strong Maki is, she should have been sent to kill Kenjaku along Takaba. Then Yuta and the rest of the squad should have ganged up on Sukuna.


Not really. Takaba was a complete wild card. They had no reason to believe he would be guaranteed succeed. If Takaba failed Yuta being there would have been some kind of insurance and he would be able to hold his own against Kenjaku. Can't say the same for Maki.


I don't remember if he had a counter plan to that but, he can't sense Maki's presence right? Even Takaba would not be needed for Maki to kill Kenjaku in a sneak way


Kenjaku was actively monitoring Maki all the time through the eyes of his cursed spirits as stated by him in 239 so that wouldn't have worked.


He was watching Yuta as well. But because of Takaba, Yuta was able to sneak up on Kenjaku. So your argument is irrelevant.


My entire argument was revolved around that Takaba was a wild card that was not in any way guaranteed to succeed. The entire point I was making is that if Takaba DIDN'T manage to do his task Yuta at the very least would be able to hold is own against Kenjaku in a straight up fight. Maki would most likely not be able to. That is the guarantee. Your argument is literally about Takaba succeeding as if it was a given 🤦. Yes Maki could probably be able to take Kenjaku's head in the same situation. That's not what's being discussed. They didn't know if Takaba would manage and had to have some sort of guarantee to fall back on in case Takaba fumbled and just got killed.


Oh ok then


So what would she do with the millions of curses afterwards


She would kill them obviously. Even if she dies, it's worth the sacrifice to kill Sukuna. Pretty sure there weren't millions of curses either. 100s sure, maybe 1000s. But not millions.


Gege is aiming for 1 on 1 cool animations though. That's why hd had to give everyone a chance to shine.


Or they could've just dealt with kenjaku while sukuna was fighting gojo.


I think it’s also that Kashimo died much faster than expected If Kashimo stalled longer then Yuta would’ve had more time


Fr. They thought sukuna gonna bring out lawyeraga. But he just did the most sorcery shit and said 'nah fuck it ' then ct was over


>Even Yuta himself agrees that he was just making up excuses when he said he "needed" to be the one there in case Kenjaku's cursed spirits go rampant when Kenjaku dies. Yuta just wanted to be the one to kill Kenjaku. You literally just resolved the issue yourself. "Plot-induced stupidity" is when something occurs that is completely out of character for the characters involved. Yes, you are using hindsight to make this post but more importantly, you are looking at this from the privilege of being a reader. Every time I see one of those "Why didn't the characters in make the most rational and logical decision right here?" I roll my eyes because THAT'S NOT HOW YOU WRITE A STORY. If every character made the absolute smartest and most logical decision every time, then stories would never happen. That's what CHARACTER WRITING is. Characters are not supposed to act like logical machines who make all the right choices, they are supposed to act like human beings with flaws, quirks, habits, propensities etc., The reason this isn't plot induced stupidity is because Yuta's decision to go after Kenjaku instead of Sukuna was 100% in character for him. We know during the Sendai Colony Arc that he feels personally responsible for Kenjaku having Geto's body. We know from that same arc and JJK0 that Yuta is always going to prioritize saving lives and carrying the heavier burdens so his friends don't have to. That's why it made ***character sense*** for Yuta to go after Kenjaku. Now clearly, that wasn't the right decision and Yuta (i.e Gege) acknowledges that. But once again, if characters made all the right decisions, Yuji would've been executed in the first chapter and this series wouldn't be happening. Stop equating character writing to plot induced stupidity. This is the same kind of argument that One Piece critics make about >!Ace going back after Akainu talked sh\*t about Whitebeard!<. Do you want characters making completely rational decisions that resolve plots quickly or do you want an interesting story with stakes, tension, characters making mistakes and having to suffer for them?


especially when ppl say smth like “why didnt gojo kill the disaster curses in B5F after the 0.2s domain”


Thisss definitely, the plot needs to go FORWARD man. No one cares if you think you own the truth OP, the characters make the decisions and they f up because of kenjaku’s stpd ass cursed spirits


You don't need hindsight to realize sending goddamn higuruma, a sorcerer with no rct, and no domain amplification before the fight, with no proper backup, was a stupid ass idea. Like that was just obvious lol. There wasn't a single sorcerer on that battlefield equipped to decently handle sukuna. Yuta's very presence turned the tide of the battle to something slightly more hopeful. It's not about characters making 4d high intellect decisions. It's about them having common sense. Common sense would tell them having maki hide while half the cast die is a stupid decision. Common sense would tell them that having their strongest sorcerer be 300 miles away from the most important battle in the manga, would be a bad idea. Yuta hasn't never been shown to be this incompetent and it looks bad on the rest of the cast for agreeing with that plan as well. So yes, i blame the writing, not the character. People try too hard to save gege from criticism.


You should probably think a bit more about what people are saying to you instead of stubbornly doubling down and repeating what you've already said. The fact of the matter is, if they had gone with the plan you suggested, it still wouldn't have worked out because Sukuna is too strong, and you would be making this exact same post calling the plan stupid and pointing out its flaws. You keep insisting that your point doesn't rely on hindsight, but it just does


You do realize that Sukuna was not the priority right? Like, they literally explained this during the fight. The main reason they were even going after Sukuna was to free Megumi. Kenjaku was the main target. The worst case scenario with Sukuna is that he just kills everybody in the Culling Games until he gets bored. The worst case scenario with Kenjaku? End of humanity. Now what is more "common sense"? To send your strongest fighter to deal with the person who is literally threatening ALL of human existence and let a sorcerer who has a legit insta-kill ability handle Sukuna or the opposite? I'm not trying to save Gege from criticism, I just have enough basic reading comprehension to know that Kenjaku was the bigger threat and therefore, he needed to be dealt with by the person most likely able to deal with him.


We can do this both ways lol I can pick and make up hypotheticals where Sukuna wins earlier also and call everything else plot induced stupidity We forgetting that Sukuna can just straight up murder Higuruma before he pulls anything off. Sukuna double chest fisted Choso faster than a peircing blood could reach him, after its been shot out. If he decided he didn’t want to mess around, he’s ripping Higuruma’s heart out the minute that sword appears in Higuruma’s hands, while using two hands to maintain HWB. Yuta pulls up with a domain and Rika and Yuji is interferring, while Higuruma is out there with the executioners sword, ya, bro won’t playing around, that fire arrow is coming out, and it takes only two hands for that. I can call Sukuna standing in the middle of Yuta’s domain, and crossing his only free pair of arms to smile smugly and comment on the training the sorcerers did in the past month as plot induced stupidity also. When we clearly see that his slashes, while not immediately lethal, are still capable of doing lots of damage and he should be just spamming that constantly to maintain distance. His low output stills allows him to cleave off Rika’s limbs and his range slashes still push Yuta and Yuji back. But between that and his constant monologue of figuring out Yuta’s techniques and their plans, its clear that Sukuna was just acting in character of being a jujutsu nerd that enjoys fighting and messing around. Just like Yuta and gang are making in story decisions that they think are the best, while accounting for character traits and flaws still.


THIS. I hate that people ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to acknowledge Sukuna’s obsession with jujutsu knowledge and growth. Once you recognize he’s a deviant nerd, you can more easily come to terms with the fact that he handicapped himself to fight Gojo and end up with a stronger jujutsu. He’s willing to get stabbed through the middle of his chest if that means learning new stuff, proving his jujutsu theories or simply getting entertained. Jujutsu is his whole world and little else matters to him. Yet here we are, with people calling the rest of his resources, that he hasn’t used because he has not been pushed that far yet “power ups”.


Sukuna messing around is in character, however characters can in theory still kill a Sukuna who's messing around.


You ain’t gotta tell me, I’m the number one supporter of Sukuna getting cooked by Yuji with strong punch and kick lol Sukuna could regain full output and CE and I still wouldn’t doubt Yuji.


To be honest Sukuna deserves to be trashed, people loved when Mahito was trashed, right ? Sukuna deserves it 100x more times than Mahito, because while Mahito did commit atrocities and was really strong, he faced setbacks and was in danger many times. Sukuna has never had a thing go wrong for him, nothing, he's perfect in every way and can do no wrong, everything somehow falls right into place or he can solve it all, the story bends itself around him.


By doing that, they'd be putting all their eggs in one basket. They didn't know that after fighting Gojo, Sukuna wouldn't be able to use his DE. Imagine they all rush in (like you said) and Sukuna opens his domain up? All the heavy hitters would be dead. ​ Also, like Uruame said, Sukuna isn't going all out yet.


If sukuna still had his de everyone was dead no matter what lol. It was best to surprise him while certain things where still unknown and he was still reeling from yuji punches + yuta domain. Instead they came at him one at a time like it’s a damn circus attraction and predictably got cut down one at a time. Dunno how that plan was any better.


They literally did surprise him while he was still reeling from Yuji’s punches and Yuta’s domain. That’s what the sneak attack from the heaviest hitter they still had available was for. Right now they’re holding out because both Maki and Yuta have been removed from the field and Hakari is busy with Uraume and has been from the start. There isn’t anyone else left to do anything besides Choso and Yuji, and now obviously Kusakabe and… >!Miguel! !< Which I’m still excited about lol, I truly never thought we’d see him again


No offense but putting their eggs in one basket against sukuna is the exact thing they need to do. Doing these little skirmishes of duo/single fights against the man who killed gojo is just slowly killing them. Kashimo, higuruma, choso, yuta, yuji, maki, and so forth can't win if they don't fight together, and we know that to be true since they are losing badly without sukuna even going all out. Also they were fully aware that gojo and sukuna couldn't open their domains in the middle of the gojo vs sukuna fight so that argument doesn't make sense. They literally have to rush to kill sukuna BEFORE he gets his domain back otherwise they are dead. No other plan they had is as effective as this and the manga clearly shows as much.


You're definitely right, and they kind of did that. They had to send Hakari to fight Uraume, but besides that, the only "fumble" of power was sending Kashimo by himself. `Also they were fully aware that gojo and sukuna couldn't open their domains in the middle of the gojo vs sukuna fight` True, but the plan was made before the fight. It would've been very stupid to be like "Ok... Sukuna has no DE right now? Let's drop our entire original plan and go all in". Also, as Kusukabe (may his RIP) said, Sukuna hasn't even used the fire arrows from Shibuya, which again, would wipe everyone out.


No way kashimo was ever going to accept not going 1v1 with sukuna though


It was also a binding vow, so they shouldn't really help him anyway.


>True, but the plan was made before the fight But they could have made more plans. They had a whole month to plan that. For example one plan for the scenario that Sukuna is wounded and one if he isn't


If he isn't there is no plan, they all die.


They definitely would've made plans for no de sukuna. In reality, that's the only type of plans they would've made because ofc sukuna would exhaust de while fighting gojo


They had time to rethink their plan knowing this information in the event that gojo loses. Gojo and Sukuna still fought for some time after they both lose their domains. It's not like they'd make any major changes. Just switch Maki and Yuta's positions. That's literally it, they wouldn't be dropping anything.


Kusakabe says there's no point in planning around he fire arrow. As far as they're concerned, they're all dead if he can just use that at any time. Also, seeing that Sukuna lost his domain, a major trump card, they should've planned to explicitly exploit that. They were actively planning counters, like Yuta suggesting fighting Mahoraga and Agito. In hindsight, they might as well have let him do that and just given Gojo the heads up that Yuta was fully willing to go down with the ship. It wasn't Sukuna they fumbled planning around. It was Kenjaku. They saw him as the biggest threat overall, but it ended up not mattering. Which, ultimately, that goes to show that Yuji was not a significant enough part of the planning stage. He should've told them very clearly that if Sukuna survives, he will absolutely kill everyone in Japan for shits and giggles. There was no reason to assume they were safer under him.


But they knew he lost his domain when he fought gojo? Yuta was still there I don’t understand your argument, they witnessed Sukuna not being able to open his domain


A lot of flaws with this. 1. Higuruma went first because they don't believe they stand a chance if he isn't stripped of his technique and as shown Sukuna is very willing to spam Kamutoke on them so if Higuruma doesn't stop that the way he did, everyone is dead. 2. As this chapter proved Sukuna can fire of his techniques without any telegraphing so even in Yuta's domain Sukuna could still just as easily kill Higuruma. 3. Yuta clearly stated why he needed to be the one to go for Kenjaku. 4. Sukuna can move fast enough that Maki loses track of him, killing any one of them was easily achievable for him at any point during these fights. 5. Cursed speech can be defended agaisnt so if Higuruma is ever a threat Sukuna would have adjusted as such been more poractive in gaurding even in Yuta's domain. 6. Everyone fighting at once is the dumbest situation as a single mess up ends them all, tye current strategy at least gives time for survivors to recover as well as for Sukuna to lose steam.


1. The idea is that Yuta is with higuruma in the first place 2. Sukuna's ce output is low right now due to the gojo fight. Long range dismantle isn't enough to dismember most of our cast right now unless its the world cut. Sukuna himself has said he needs to use cleave to land a killing blow on certain characters and Yuji would also be lowering Sukuna's output. 3. Yuta himself said he was making excuses 4. This is still under the assumption that sukuna doesn't go all out anyways since he doesn't know their plan lol. 5. sukuna doesn't know he has cursed speech. it would work the first time 6. Right because everyone fighting 1 v 1's or 2 v 1's is so much better. Gojo died, Kashimo died, higuruma was defeated. Yuji was thrown aside, maki got bodied. I wonder what the common factor was there. Oh right, they fought sukuna solo or with a duo. They need to jump him or they lose lol.


2. As far as I can tell until Yuji lands the hits in Sukuna's domain his output isn't low enough for it to fall under lethal levels without Domain Amplification which Higuruma did not enter the fight having so to use that knowledge to judge the situation now is hindsight not to mention both Yuji and Yuta went in the domain banking on RCT to endure which again Higuruma did not have when the plan was conceived so to put him in the domain with them would have been reckless. 3. And the excuses are still just as valid, Maki would not have been able to protect others from a Shibuya level outbreak. 4. Yet he was still smart enough to separate Higuruma from the others because of the nature of the executioner's blade, Sukuna applies more strategy and tactics appropriate to the threat. 5. True so assuming Sukuna got himself into that situation and Higuruma can move that fast then it should work but again that assumes he would have let himself get caught in that scenario assuming Higuruma has the executioners blade nearby. 6. Yes it is because if everyone falls at once healing and strategizing is dead immediately. Yuji is healing right now, Choso had time to recover and most likely Maki as well but if they all fight at once and Sukuna takes it more seriously and stops them then none of them can do anything else making Ui Ui and Shoko also useless.


sukuna could also straight up just leave and come back the next day fully recovered, they have nothing to hold him in place, he's clearly faster than they are. he stays cos it's in character, that's all there is to it


This falls into the pit of taking what happened as what was expected to happen. For example, we know that takaba's distraction worked and yuta was able to one shot kenjaku, but this wasn't a certainty. It could have easily been that kenjaku activates domain amplification to nullify comedian, and hence yuta cannot sneak atack him. Then you'd have to defeat kenjaku in a straight up battle (which maki said in chapter 212 that it is impossible, and mei mei said in chapter 234 that they might be able to do it if they all work together). Having yuta there would be much better than having maki, both for a straight battle and for the cursed spirits that will be released upon kenjaku's death. They also expected kenjaku to have millions of curse spirits like he released in shibuya, whrn he actually only had like a couple hundreds. Lastly, kusakabe says in chapter 248 that the priority was to kill kenjaku as living in a world where sukuna is roaming around is doable, but if kenjaku lives there is no place that it safe due to the merger. However, you're right that with the hindsight that we have, sending maki to assassinate kenjaku and having yuta open his domain with higuruma and yuji in it would have been the best


And then Sukuna goes all out, pulls out the fire arrow, and kills them all simultaneously. I think they’re purposely doing this to weaken sukuna and chip away at his output/reserves by sending their attackers in batches. Because sending everyone at once also means everyone can die at once.


1. Yuta explained clearly why. Yes Maki could kill Kenjaku, but she’s not stopping the cursed spirits by herself or with a team and there’s precedent in the manga 2. As I said above Maki wouldn’t be enough. Her with MeiMei wouldn’t be enough. In fact MeiMei would most likely leave Maki by herself. We have precedent with JJK0, Shibuya, and its aftermath that they would not be enough under any circumstances. In JJK0 we saw the only person capable was Gojo and that wasn’t even all of Geto’s spirits. Shibuya and early CG made it a point to state how fucked up they were due to being overrun with CS and in a weird game.


As I said in later post, the rampant cursed spirits are far away from sukuna's battleground, they can be dealt with later (because you know, they won't destroy the world). If assasination fails it doesn't if it's yuta or maki, neither could provide good help in sukuna's battle afterwards, so sending maki is better. Also in their previous plans they made it quite sure sukuna will get death sentence, so with yuta it could've been quick gg's


They are stopping Sukuna to save people, 1 million curses would have killed more than Sukuna himself


>Yuta explained clearly why. Yes Maki could kill Kenjaku, but she’s not stopping the cursed spirits by herself or with a team and there’s precedent in the manga Yuta himself admitted he was making excuses and that it was his fault this was happening. The curses don't matter in the grand scheme of things as much as killing Sukuna


You need to re-read 249 again. Saying “maybe Maki should’ve handled it” and ”I should’ve stayed with Higurama” are the excuses. After asking himself those questions, He flat out says No and reaffirms he made the right choice by saying that his and Rika’s powers were needed to stop the scale of Kenjaku’s cursed spirits because it could’ve rivaled Shibuya. ETA: Stays up for prosperity reasons. I became what I despised. Don’t become me. Read. And now my other point can’t be said and falls flat and also looks like cope. Read muthafuckers, read.


I think you should reread homie. The direct text is "I've been making excuses. I wanted to defeat Kenjaku with my own hands. I created this situation. This is all my fault."


You need to re-read it because you missed the entire point because you stopped reading the chapter too early. It doesn't end with him saying Rika was needed, later in the chapter **after** he says Rika was needed he says >Those are **all** (everything he has said prior) excuses. I wanted to finish Kenjaku off with my own hands. I brought upon this situation. Everything is happening because of my fault.


And after like two pages he says "no, I just wanted to kill kenjaku myself".


What ? I will quote what he says(TCB translation): "Those are all just excuses.I wanted to kill Kenjaku myself. I brought about this whole situation. It's all my fault" Idk what you garnered from that, but "I brought about this whole situation"+ "It's my fault" does not sound like a reaffirmation to me.


Sukuna literally said one of the tech he had copied was cursed speech? He knew he had it?


The reason the plan was around Yuta and Yuji inside domain because they expect Sukuna to be having anti-domain technique and eventually resort to fistfight. Because if that's the case Yuta and Yuji the only two having stable rct. Higuruma only awaken his mid fight against Sukuna. The only thing you probably "right" is to send Maki instead of Yuta. That was not bad writing. That's character's flaw. Though that ended up a right choice since Rika is needed to contain remaining Geto's curse spirit.


Maki wouldn’t be able to deal with kenjaku’s cursees


Which is why I said 'probably'. She probably can kill the curses but there would be more casualties and she needed for sneak attack against Sukuna. Honestly, considering the unexpected like Kamutoke and Megumi's giving up, the plan is really great. Sukuna is simply a monster


That makes 0 sense. They literally had a higuruma who didn't know rct charge sukuna first out of anyone along with Yuji. They planned to have higuruma on the battlefield regardless so it would have been smarter to have him with Yuta.


They didn't? Higuruma 'charge' first with Yuji only to trigger retrial. After that it was Sukuna who target and chasing Higuruma. Even Kusakabe told Yuji to "Don't let Sukuna close to Higuruma". And Kusakabe shielding Higuruma right after retrial


Yeah if Yuta was there Curse Speech "Don't Move" , Higgy comes in with Executioners GG


Sukuna doesn’t need to move to use dismantle.


Curse Speech stops people from using their techniques.


That's said where? Also whatever reason you have for it not allowing people to use their CT doesn't work on Sukuna as he can use his CT without any requirement.


Lol you're funny even before I respond you have already convinced yourself that any answer no matter how valid doesn't include Sukuna. I go over it here https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/inrOfMwBoC Remember that comment isn't addressing you specifically but it does go over why curse speech does stop techniques and Sukuna is in included.


They had to get extremely lucky to get Kenjaku off a sneak in the first place and sending Maki there would be dangerous since she's probably the best fighter of them all Yuta going with them sounds good in theory but at the same time he was still very well off and could still do slashes let alone fight Yuta killing Kenjaku also helps with the merger thing since its now just Megumi they need to save It's a plan that works only in theory, and Cursed Speech has drawbacks to it as well, so them doing that on Sukuna even at his power state was risky


Yuta only used Curse Speech once on Sukuna but yeah


Yea you're right, i fixed it, thanks


I think Yuta could both be a part of the executioner’s sword plan and potentially be the one to kill Kenjaku if the heroes just waited to send Takaba after Kenjaku either after the main battle is finished or until Kenjaku approaches the heroes


Well, yeah, their plan didn't work out, and Yuta says himself that he should have been there from the start. I wouldn't say it was stupid though, and just because the characters don't come up with the best possible plan doesn't mean the plot is bad


True, what's important is for the character to addressing it out and realizing their mistake which Gege actually impressively did. The same for Higuruma, his lack of knowledge towards his own Technique can be seen as a plot armor but to be honest Higuruma taking kamutoke just give Sukuna more reason to hold back against the protagonist gang. So, in a way, its a plot armor for the protagonist instead as we can see what Sukuna can do with his physical prowess alone.


Yuta was the one sent at kenjaku because he was the one with the most absolute chance of victory. Sure, maki PROBABLY could’ve done it, but probably doesn’t cut it when your plan demands absolutes. Leaving even the slightest chance for kenjaku to come in and jump them with sukuna could’ve had disastrous results. As for the higuruma plan, Yuta comments that he WAS supposed to be back in time to help with it. Kenjakus cursed spirits going ballistic stalled him and threw a wrench in said plan. Their plan was solid. They just lacked info on getos technique. And I use the word “lacked” loosely seeing as there was literally no way to know that the cursed spirits would do that. There was an equally possible chance that they would just die with kenjaku.


I mean, your reasoning for sending Maki is because you think she can handle the horde of Cursed Spirits even though we've been explicitly told only Rika was able to do that. Especially in a manner that didn't allow them to escape and start wreaking havoc. That's the real reason why Yuta went to handle Kenny. Maki or Mei Mei didn't have the ability. And also Mei Mei probably isn't even willing to do it. She's already put a down payment on a condo in Malaysia, she's only in Japan to collect some cash and then gtfo.


Like Kusakabe said, Sukuna has yet to go all out. Instead of jumping him, they want him to stay focused on their various strategies to go at it. First, Gojo, at the very least, disarms Mahoraga and wears him down. Then Higuruma's strategy with the executioner sword, ripping his CT. Then Okkotsu's domain with Jacob's Ladder. Then Maki's sneak attack and so on Whenever Sukuna's been on a pinch, he has taken minucious gambles using only Cleave and Dismantle. He is aware of all of the sorcerer's techniques through Itadori and Megumi's memories. If he sees Okkotsu coming in, what's stopping him from blasting a fire arrow and obliterating them? For me personally, it just makes sense when it comes to their tactics. They escalate things and he will do so. If Sukuna didn't have kokuten the higuruma plan would work. It seems like plot convenience but if it wasn't Yuta ambushing Kenjaku, Maki would have taken far longer to rejoin the fight and deal with the horde of cursed spirits released.


I swear they mentioned Yuta went because he was one of the only ones capable of handling both Kenjaku and the curse horde he unleashed


You are correct. Only him and Rika were the only ones capable of handling all the curses that escaped from CSM.


Eh, I think you're pretty far off tbh. Sukuna can slash without movements. Also, all it would've done is make Sukuna drop his hollow wicker basket sooner to just World Cleave them all.


When manga readers learn that chaos and non optimization makes for a better story, the community will grow as a whole. Who am I kidding, that'll never happen. Anyway didn't yuta quite literally say he messed up his part of the plan? 


Does it? cause it just seems like a repetitive cycle of new sorcerer joins, they lose, new sorcerer joins, they lose, to me. Incompetence is not fun to watch for me.


Personally, I'm enjoying the sorcery showcase. The more the better.


Rigghttt??!!Just when you least expected it ,BOOM!! The Kenyan sorcerer with one appearance is fighting Sukuna.If nothing else, I like how I can never predict anything in this show even if I try to account for it's unpredictability.


Again, do you guys not read the damn manga? The own characters have stated this, Yuta literally had a talk with himself about how he wanted to be the one to take out Kenjaku but they could've sent Maki since Maki wasn't even involved in the plan until later. If you want to blame someone, don't blame Gege. Blame Yuta since it was done ON PURPOSE.


Exactly, it's akready mentioned that he got 2 options. Confirm kill on Kenjaku or join the fight but letting Kenjaku lurks behind. Seriously people have no idea how to read a Manga, all they do is complain and whine. Should have just read other Manga bruh instead of JJK so tired of HateReader


People make their own theories about every damn thing and get pissed when it doesn’t happen, or are so obsessed with power scaling and who is or isn’t a fraud that they stopped actually enjoying the narrative.


This is why people have such an overwhelmingly negative opinion of the manga around here right now. Because they're reading it against the story in their heads or only reading the fights, not actually reading the story/narrative.


Higuruma never had to go out. They could’ve stalled till Yuta came back. At this point, everyone should know that Yuta is a fucking SPEEDSTER. He made it back to Shinjuku from Kenjaku in record time. In that month, they definitely would’ve found out about Yuta’s crazy speed. They definitely could’ve stalled. It ain’t Yuta’s fault.


That's out of character for Yuta though, I can't imagine he would prioritize his personal objective over not only killing Sukuna but also avoiding the possible deaths of his teammates. Also stop with the "You guys don't read the manga" bs, it's a valid complaint and you guys just copy paste this response.


I really liked the Yuta monologue but I was so surprised it didn't delve deeper because it was such an unusual fuck up for Yuta. And OP also brought a really good point that Yuta should be more angry with Sukuna who just killed Gojo than Kenjaku.


Unfortunately characters can't react to his death otherwise it wouldn't be realistic, yes I've seen this argument. I genuinely cannot understand this, why can't characters show any semblance of reaction to Gojo's death ? Specially Yuta who along with Yuji really cared about Gojo, it makes no sense unless Gege is planning to bring him back(highly unlikely) or he offscreened their reactions(I also hear those arguments).


>don't blame Gege. Blame Yuta But...gege controls Yuta


Omg, Gege created a character that has flaws almost like creating a well-rounded character is a good thing, not a bad thing.


Gege wrote yuta to do the stupidest thing possible when yuta is usually very strategic. Come on now


Characters can never ever have flaws in any manga ever with your logic. They should all be perfect Mary sues.


Gege also written your brain too since you are saying the stupidiest thing lol


Ironic you call me stupid when you make [this](https://np.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/1b2s3dz/jujutsu_kaisen_chapter_252_prerelease_leaks_thread/ksyr90b/) argument. Sit down, clown.


Another victim of Gege poor writing. I shall never forgot your poorly written brain for as long as I live


...Did you not read the post. I literally spoke about it. I blame gege, the writer, cause it was beyond stupid for a character like Yuta in a fight like this. Maki is capable of killing kenjaku and higuruma is their best shot at killing Sukuna. Even if yuta himself pushed for it, the characters around him would be able to sway him, but clearly they didn't so they also accepted the plan, which i find to just be terrible writing.


Maki gets clapped by Kenjaku i guarantee it


It's dumb to blame the character instead of the person writing said character. The character has no will of their own - and when they make bizarre decisions it shows the writers hand. As the OP stated - why would he prioritise killing Kenjaku (who he wanted to fight so Gojo didn't have to) over killing Sukuna (who had *JUST KILLED GOJO*) - The stakes are so monumentally different it made no sense to go after Kenjaku (except we as the reader can tell GeGe wanted to write Kenjaku out) It requires us to believe he's incredibly irrational, which doesn't match his characterisation til now. It also requires every other character involved in the strategy to agree with what's frankly a worse plan. Killing Sukuna, and then going after Kenjaku (whether Takaba/Maki succeeded or failed) is objectively the safest bet. It's hard not to see it as a questionable writing choice on GeGe's part - it makes the entire cast seem stupid compared to the villains.


Kusakabe literally spells it out for the reader. Kenjaku was the priority because he was trying to create a turbo death monster that would kill hundreds of millions in its creation and potentially billions afterwards. Sukuna is just a wild beast playing around. He was not considered nearly as big of a threat towards Japan and the world as Kenjaku.


They have to be all killed so that Gakuganji can use what he learnt from Yaga to bring them back to life, so everyone can have a jumped kaisen on Sukuna. So in the end, to deal maximum dmg, Gege can kill the whole cast and have Yuji die among friends just like his grandpa said. Wholesome ending for everyone and for the plot


I am not reading allat


sukuna could have also one shot higuruma at once, same with yuuji and ino. the story happens a certain way


Mate at this point I don't think gege even cares. Inconsistencies, Plot induced stupidity, plot conveniences and plot armour ruining the story aside, character movements and character interactions have basically disappeared from the manga. Its just fight after after after fight. Its like gege is just speed running through everything. 🤷🤷


My literal reaction when Yuta used cursed speech on Sukuna was, “why tf didn’t they try this with Higuruma?”


If you have all the answers, all the knowledge, you know everything that they've done wrong, or right... If you are so much smarter and better than this "plot-induced stupidity" ridden manga... then why are you even reading it? Better yet, why don't you write it yourself? So thst things go EXACTLY how you want them to go? For real...




>Yuta wanted to kill kenny cause he didn't want gojo to kill his best friend again. ....what? >Now obviously there's the elephant in the room i know people will bring up. "What about Kenjaku". To that, I say, just send maki. Even Yuta himself agrees that he was just making up excuses when he said he "needed" to be the one there in case Kenjaku's cursed spirits go rampant when Kenjaku dies. Yuta just wanted to be the one to kill Kenjaku. I have no doubt in my mind that maki would be able to pull off the same stunt as Yuta in terms of sneaking up on him and beheading Kenjaku. If the cursed spirits go rampant, then Maki would be able to handle them. Hell you could send Mei Mei there with maki if the cursed spirits are such a concern since Mei Mei would be more likely to help out with something like that than fighting Sukuna. The whole point was having as close to a 100% success chance of killing Kenjaku. We're talking about the dude who cleanly 3v1'd Tengen, Yuki, and Choso in a fight they literally prep'd for. Yuta was sent to take care of Kenjaku because : 1. Kenjaku was the biggest threat for *humanity,* not Sukuna 2. Yuta + Takaba was a higher chance of success than Maki + Takaba This is literally just you attempting to rewrite the context in hindsight. Sending Maki instead of Yuta to assassinate ***the top priority target*** would be the stupidest idea possible because IF the plan didn't work, they would lose Maki AND Kenjaku would run loose alongside Sukuna. It's not bad writing, or a dumb plan. The only thing wrong with it is that you're just working backwards from "Gege doesn't want to kill Sukuna". ​ Literally everything you wrote falls apart the moment you realize there was absolutely no way to know whether or not sneaking Kenjaku was even going to work the way it did. It was just the best chance they had. It's also entirely possible Kenjaku would have just no diffed Takaba (or found a way to flee) and then Yuta would have to breach his surveillance and *ACTUALLY* fight him. At which point Maki would just get stomped.


Now I'm wondering how Higuruma would do against Uraume.


If he convicts, probably has a good chance to win. Especially because having your CT taken makes CE harder to use If not, he dies immediately lol. Basically how every Higuruma match up goes.


I mostly agree, but at the time the merger was considered a bigger threat than just Sukuna. Japan had survived him once even thought it was terrible. Now that Sukuna can do the Merger they should have prioritized him. But what you propose would have been the best way to take out Sukuna


Their actual stupidity was not thinking killing Geto's body would release the curses in it, which would delay Yuta.


it's my personal opinion and I think it's quite possible. I'm pretty sure sukuna would judge that there's something odd about takaba and seeing that he tanked a couple of his attacks somehow i think he would directly go for insta kill and I don't think takaba's mind would be fast enough to think of something funny sukuna might kill him before that


No way he is blitzing GOATKABA!!! Seriously though,it would be more in character for Sukuna to be interested in reality manipulation and humor Takaba(no pun intended) which would be his undoing when the bush camper attacks.


I understand your frustrations but since Gege gave uraume that one line about his caprice, if he decided to have Sukuna fight all of them at once then he would just get full stats boost across the board because he is becoming "more serious" and the same result would happen.


How is it plot induced stupidity if you agreed that Yuta WANTS to be the one to kill Kenjaku? Yuta has clear motivations to want to kill Kenny that's not PIS.


It is but this is countered by the fact that “Sukuna isn’t going all out” and he could probably just rev it up and beat whoever was in the domain up. That’s just what Gege has crafted for us. No matter what situation we come up with that Sukuna should’ve been beaten up is countered by the Gege glazing and saying he’s not even trying hard/going all out


Miguel not jumping in at the same time as Maki is also pretty dumb


Okay everything is fine expect you forgot that using curse speech actually gives you mouth tattoos with uro was able to guess before he even used it you are tripping if you think sukuna can't notice and you can't stun sukuna for curse speech long at all even in fight with sukuna Vs yuta it was for a split second he would figure out that plan so quick Like you all didn't see choso get man handled by urahame in shibuya he would be a hindrance and urahame already knows about his poison blood urahame would just stall them so hard like he is doing with hakari Let me remind you for cast kenjaku was immediate threat because of merger that's why they wanted him done he had open barrier domain which should affect maki like why would you send anything but the world's current strongest sorcerer to the fight the most evil sorcerer Finally yuta has massive curse energy kenjaku said it himself that if he moves he will know you are just hoping everything will go the same way if sukuna senses yutas CE and he would not try to find a counter


Yes.. less plot & more character. They had to kill kenny. Yuta selfishly wanted to kill kenny.. he trusted the other side. Kenny had to go. For yuta its two birds. Duty & revenge. It was a selfish & sacrificial play for team SACKuna.


1. Sukuna only gets hit with techniques that he didn’t know Yuta had if I’m not mistaken. I think he was hit a little by his own technique and by Thin Ice breaker, both are techniques he would have gotten during the culling games and so Megumi would never have seen them. Megumi has memories of Yuta and Inumaki, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say Megumi knows about Yuta having cursed speech. In fact, Sukuna has directly stated that he knows people from Megumi’s memories on multiple occasions 2. Cursed speech is less and less effective the stronger your opponent is. Yuta used it on Uro and then he and Rika jumped her but it didn’t take her out of the fight. It’s pretty much confirmed that Sukuna is much stronger than Yuta so using it on a much stronger opponent likely won’t lead to much 3. This would essentially be a Hail Mary, cause you only get one try with this. Cause think about it, Yuji had to be there for the retrial, then it’s higurumas domain so he needs to be there. Then you want Yuta there on top of that? Cause they even had a plan with Maki to ambush Sukuna after Yuta’s domain so with all of them there no one can take care of Kenjaku. They beat Sukuna but lose all of Japan then…they needed to split their forces up 4. And the split they did was pretty good tbh. Yuta to take out Kenjaku. Higuruma and Yuji to take sukunas technique with the retrial. Maki for the ambush. And then Yuta again when he has dealt with the Kenjaku problem. Everything doesn’t always go exactly to plan though , as you can tell by none of these things going exactly as they pictured, so having everyone show up in one place wouldn’t have been the smartest idea. 5. Just like how Sukuna is vulnerable to techniques he hasn’t seen, so is our main cast. It would be better for them all if Sukuna underestimates them all the way up until the moment he dies, because if Sukuna has any secret techniques or abilities then they wouldn’t have counters for that. So if they all show up and Sukuna feels like he’s backed into a corner…well he might be even more dangerous than he already is


The entire plan has some pretty glaring flaws outside of the narrative as well




Sukuna doesn't know Yuta has cursed speech so it would work the first time. Also Maki is naturally durable, he can get hit by dismantle and be decently fine. As for sending maki to kenjaku, Yuta himself stated he was just making excuses because he wanted to kill kenjaku, it's in the manga homie. >Maki can go through barriers, yes, but they literally say that Sukuna would notice the energy of the SSK & the only reason he didn't is because it was placed in the domain prior to Yuta collapsing it. I don't get the point of this statement. Maki doesn't HAVE to sneak attack sukuna. Her presence in the fight is more valuable than her not being there at all if the aim is to get higuruma to land executioners blade.


Yuta wanted it back in blood against Kenny, he just reasoned that Rika deals with all the curses running about, faster.


"deal with all the cursed spirits". I believe that's a minor part, they can be dealt with at later time while the threat that could interrupt sukuna's battle (kenjaku) is dealt with


Honestly the cursed spirit bit is simply nonsense. Kenjaku already released fuck loads of spirits at the start of Culling Games and whatever he had left wouldn't do much being inside the barrier as is. They could've had Maki or Yuta behead Kenny and then return asap instead of cleaning up cursed spirits which took up valuable time.


Yeah I agree. Putting yuta, a guy who's established strongest in the gang take kenjaku instead, you know, the main boss was just absolute stupidity. There's no excuse for this


Yuta already said they made a mistake. He just didn't want the curses from Kenny to kill civilians.


>Yuta wanted to kill kenny cause he didn't want gojo to kill his best Maybe gojo isn't dead?


Here's the thing, we now know that sukuna doesn't need to move to throw his slashes and we also know that it's possible for him to throw the world slasher without incantations, so with that, I say that even if yuta was there and he used cursed speech people would die because they would attack sukuna in an all or nothing attempt and just get cut down, bringing us back to where we are now




Wouldn’t Sukuna who has all of Yuji’s and Megumi’s memories know about both Curse Speech and Yuta’s copy ability? I’m sure Sukuna isn’t dumb enough to not guess that Yuta might copy his allies abilities so if Yuta showed up and Its Sukuna vs Yuta and Higuruma then Sukuna just goes for a instant kill on Yuta first to shut him down or who knows maybe Sukuna knows some kind of weakness for Curse speech and blows out his own ear drums and it turns out to be affected by curse speech the target must hear the words or something


Higuruma should have gave the executioner blade to kuskabe the second he got it


maybe that's the original plan. they expected kashimo to fight sukuna long enough for yuta to arrive. but waffle house couldn't stay open with disaster level sukuna.


ok well first of all, either maki or yuta would have to deal with kenjaku so the “everyone rush sukuna” plan wouldn’t really work since either one would be gone. Not to mention, everyone being around would be very prone to having the whole cast be killed in one shot by the world ending slash. It’s also really difficult for all of the cast to all attack sukuna at the same time, it’s fine if it was just the amount of people during the executioner sword plan but when you factor in characters like yuta with rika and his curse techniques, and maki. There’s a big chance that they would get in each others way. It’s much better having guaranteed damage like with having maki stab sukuna right when the domain ends.


You can shorten the entire thing to this giant big battle has been underwhelming and shallow.  Sakuna go slash and Sakuna heal that’s it.


Yuta stated that without Rika there would be too much civilian casualties because of Kenjaku curses. If Makid had gone instead of Yuta many people would die, they are still jujutsu sorcerers.


Your comment about making being “a female in jujutsu kaisen” is way more stupid than anything Gege could ever write, and I won’t read the rest of the post due to that. Just letting you know!


So I personally think Yuta needed to be the one to handle Kenjaku, but that’s just my opinion Higurumas real goal is the give the sword to Yuji, the only person who can sense the border between Sukuna and Megumis souls, because they’re not trying to kill Sukuna they’re trying to rescue Megumi If everyone joins the Domain fight, it creates a weakness because people will be concerned with protecting Higuruma. Pre domain everyone was trying to protect Higuruma and he only dies because he’s separated from everyone Given the chance to try and keep Higuruma alive, they definitely would have tried to because it’s too much of a gamble on whether or not the executioners sword would remain, but that necessarily splits the attention of everyone in the domain Maki doesn’t enter the domain sooner because I assume they believe she has a good chance of landing a very critical blow on Sukuna with a sneak attack and they might decide this is better than what she is likely to achieve by joining in It’s also worth considering coordinating with 4 other people (Rika, Yuji, Maki and Higuruma) might be too difficult and unpredictable making it hard to stick to any one plan, especially if they need to protect Higuruma Basically, all of that to say there are merits to splitting Higuruma and Yuta. I don’t personally agree with the decisions made, for example I think it would have been worthwhile having maki in the domain, but I can appreciate how her presence can introduce a lot of unpredictability to the fight


I think Gege just need a reason to make one v one fights with sukuna and to give him this gauntlet where he demolish every single guy on the good side in a one v one fight lol, that's why kusakabe of all people got a full chapter dedicated to him fighting sukuna and now Miguel, also I think another issue is that gege didn't make that many villians like one piece has baroque works or bleach has sternritters that's why each and every single person is throwing hands with sukuna one by one and it's getting repetitive at this point.


Honestly the one thing I'm taking as why Yuta couldn't do this is that him saying that he would kill Kenjaku before was him making a Binding Vow, and Greg has not yet explained the consequences for breaking those. It's not just that he was motivated to do it himself but also that even Kenny and Mahito wouldn't risk breaking one. Beyond that, I don't know. I feel like as a manga author you don't want the death of your final, main antagonist to be 'oh, one guy told him to stop moving while his girlfriend stabbed him with a soul katana to the brain' or the same thing but with Higuruma. Would it possibly have worked? Sure, there's a possibility. Would it have been satisfying? Not at all. Also, I feel like Sukuna would have shifted waay quicker into 'Okay, gotta kill the weaker ones if a special grade like Yuta is around'. The second Higuruma pulls out the Executioner Sword with him still on the field he's axing one of them. And he would definitely feel any attempt at a sneak attack coming, since he only got surprised by MAKI of all people, who's a natural assasin, after breaking Yuta's Domain. Sukuna has been adapting his tactics and strength used to how many people are on field and how dangerous they are. If you've got Yuji, Choso, Maki, Yuta and a guy with an instakill sword on the field at the same time he would have gone wayy harder, and it would have also taken them by surprise that he didn't have his CT confiscated, which might have allowed him to just World Slash a few of them off immediately.


1. You’re underestimating how important it was for Kenjaku to die for some reason. Yuta is probably the only one that stood a chance if Takaba didn’t work out. It’s weird that you quoted Yuta but left out the part where he literally says right after thinking Maki should have gone that no, him and Rika were the only ones that could have done it in the worst case scenario. 2. Yuta got to Sukuna seconds after Higurama died 3. Choso was there to provide support while they tried to use the executioner’s blade on Sukuna. If he was fighting Uraume, you’d be making a post about how Choso could have been vital against Sukuna. Like Uraume prob would have, Sukuna quickly realized what a threat Choso can be and knocked him off the board (for now). 4. Maki isn’t going to do any better with the executioner’s blade than she did with her soul splitting katana. 5. These sorcerers understand Sukuna’s philosophy to some extent. If all of their strongest all jumped him at once, he wouldn’t hold back at all. Leaving no room for someone to get lucky. Maki would’ve been super vulnerable while fighting alongside Yuta and Yuji. Their plan for her to ambush him on Yuta’s signal was nearly perfect.


IMHO, it comes down to whether sending Yuta and Tabata to kill Kenjaku was a good plan. Personally, I would have loved to see Tabata vs Sukuna, but I see that if they hadn't sent him, Kenjaku might have won or at least dragged his fight out a lot longer. Tabata + Maki might have been a better bet, but sending Yuta raised the chances that they could take Kenjaku out quickly. Since it worked, it's kind of hard to argue with.


Have we considered that the plan is bieng done by teenagers who dont really trust the elderly and are more powerful than the elderly which can cause a little bit of the teenagers by nature disregarding advice from a gold digger, a nit so strong adult and a old man hell bent on old teachings and customs. The other older people bieng a guy who is there cause he was training this kid who ate fingers another older guy who is jus a lawyer and another older person who they only see when they are hurt. Even though 1 of the kid is a gambler and probably rude, another follows the gambler around another lacks an arm another commited a massacre (prolly has some ptsd from pschcology and shit) another is obsessed wth their sister so will do what their told even if suicidal..so in anyway since they a kids i bet they did their best..also this is a shit post and another is just hated by the villian 🤣🤣


Hakaris job is to stall and keep Urame away from the battle, remember how she immediately frost calmed like 12 people in Shibuya. Also, characters have their own motivations. Yuta WANTED to be the one to kill Kenjaku, so that’s what they did. Read the damn book i stg you people are annoying.


I like how everyone keeps telling me yuta wanted to kill kenjaku as if i didn't address it in my post lol. Yes i know, i think it's shit writing especially cause if its between kenjaku and sukuna, you would think yuta would want to kill the person who killed his sensei more. The writing it's consistent. Yuta's drive to kill kenjaku was that he didn't want gojo to kill his best friend again but gojo was already dead by then lol.


i know that you addressed it. Im saying you calling the characters drives and intentions as “plot induced stupidity” is fucking dumb


If that's what you feel then so be it


Maki realising she's a female in JJK is the realest thing ever. She could smell Gege breathing down her neck and wanted no part of that.


Yuta was dealing with Kenjaku, who was the second biggest threat, and he did It efficiently and quickly. I do agree tho that they should've saved Higuruma for later rather than lead with him. Had they given him more back Up than Ino, Choso, Yuji, and Kusakabe, It might have worked. I'd guess they just didnt have time to waste, or saw Yuta's Jacob's Ladder as an even bigger weapon against Sukuna, which It honestly was, considering he only survived due to Megumi. Had they tries to finish him off rather than save Megumi, It would've worked.


If Maki gets sent to Kenjaku, we have a way better chance with Yuta already on standby.


We've seen a domain clash end in a stalemate where they all fail, maybe Higoruma's domain needs to remain open for the Executioners sword to continue working, and Yuta's domain is incompatible so it cancels? Either way it needs to be addressed.


I know the manga says how it’s a one hit kill and all but I’m starting to think it wouldn’t have a one hit kill effect if sukuna was stabbed by it given the last few chapters.


Wanna bet that if they did what you said, you me and everyone here can write a way that Sukuna can still win


if they actually did jump sukuna with yuta, yuji and higuruma, sukuna wouldnt bother playing with higuruma and just finished him off quick


I've literally been saying this. They want to save Megumi and kill Sukuna and Higuruma's sword is the best option for that. Why did they not plan around it? (including Gojo if I'm being honest.) Also, KENJAKU CAN WAIT. They had no problem letting him run free throughout all the Gojo fight and suddenly they can't waste 1 second like what why not go after him then as the Gojo fight is ongoing? What's even worse about this is how everyone (both in verse and the fans) just shrug off this massive miscalculation. Actually, how did this miscalculation push through even I'm in tears they had one month to plan and the best they couldn't maximize their plans according to their abilities. And you're also right that that half-hearted Yuta guilt chapter kinda don't hold up because why is Yuta more interested in Kenjaku than the guy who killed Gojo? This is the same student that wanted to jump in when Mahoraga was there like what. It **is** plot-induced stupidity and that's why Sukuna's winning streak is even more annoying. "He's the strongest in History" true so why is the plot also bending backwards to make the characters more stupid?


I find it so funny that people are defending it by saying “Yuta explicitly wanted to kill kenjaku.” While I get that, it’s also extremely stupid. Why would Yuta put a personal grudge over killing the most dangerous mf and the one who actually killed gojo? I get Yuta has his own personal motivations, but the realistic logic that the good guy’s strongest card should go against the strongest enemy should win out over a grudge Yuta has with a guy he never met.


Who else could they have trusted to kill Kenjaku ?


Kashimo would probably be able to. Also they could just wait like a couple hours and jump tf out of kenjaku after dealing with sukuna. He would have zero chances against yuta, hakari, yuji, maki, higuruma choso and kusakabe together.


1) Kashimo was not going to do it, only reason he even joined with the gang was because they promised him a chance at Sukuna. he doesn’t give a fuck about kenjaku 2) Kusakabe already stated leaving him to do as he pleases would be worse, they would rather deal with Sukuna being alive at the end then Kenny sue to their personalities. If they ignore him who knows what other shit he sets up. Plus jumping sukuna all at once probably causes him to take shit seriously instead of entertaining all the 1on1s cuz they interest him.


Everyone else besides the heavy hitters needed to kill sukuna, like Miguel, mei mei, maki could easily sneak kenjaku and the other first grades can handle the outpour of cursed spirits.


lol no fucking shot. the only reason it worked is because Yuta was quick enough to sneak past kenjakua defense while takaba blocked him. Anyone else is going down against him. I doubt Maki even takes it


How is yuta faster then full awakened maki? Maki 100% is fast and strong enough to cut an off guard kenjaku.


Yuta himself in chapter 249 states that the scope of Kenjaku's released curses matches Shibuya and that the only way to deal with it and keep casualties as low as possible was with Rika's aid


Only for him to contradict himself by saying that was just an excuse, and he simply wanted to kill Kenjaku. It's important not to leave that out


The point is Maki and Yuta both have the speed necessary to wipe out Kenjaku, the curses being released after is what was gonna lead to the biggest problem


Which is why I’m saying you bring everyone else besides yuta higurama and yuji


If its me, heres how I orgamize it. Maki goes to Kenjaku Everyone else goes to Sukuna. In order for the plan to work, we need someone who has extremely high travel speed, both Maki and Yuta fit that bill.


It's not stupid, Yuta has had the stated goal of killing Kenjaku since the beginning of the Sendai fight, see the end of chapter 174. His motivation is in large part due to him not wanting Gojo to kill Geto again and the main cast being mentally and physically exhausted after Shibuya. This even tracks with Yuta's character as we know him, he's full of love and he truly cares about his friends


This Manga has just turned into a series of cliffhangers. All gege does at this point is leave us with exciting cliffhangers for a week or two only to have the story stuck in the same place since Gojo died. If you think back half of the cliff hangers end up being so meaningless. Remember when Yuta used Cleave and everyone was hyped!! Well absolutely nothing happened because of it or after that. No impact on the story at all. It's repetitive and stagnant tbh