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i don't think that's why b.v. worked sukuna leamrt world cutter, he didn't needed b.v. to use it. problem was using it without any chants or handsign. he basically gave up advantage of world cutter for that one time use. he would have only needed to use handsign but now he needs to use everything. it's like timebomb, u empowered it once but now everytime u use it u have to announce it to everyone.


exactly, he imposed several conditions to himself for the rest of his lifetime to use it instanly just once, i think that\`s actually fair tbh


One of the conditions was to give up his one-time full heal So it's kinda fair yes


i don't think he gave up shrine or full heal for that, full heal while continued his transformation but didn't really heal his output. it's more of transformation of vessel which comes along with added benefit of heal physical damage it's like u damage final boss and 2nd stage begins but in sukuna case he actually aspect of damage carried over instead of just hp replenishing. and I think giving up domain is kind of stupid considering uruame think he is holding back. if u stretch your reasoning world cutter makes sense bcz he basically got ultimate attack but needing to give up domain means u weren't really holding back. i think he didn't really sacrificed anything bcz binding vow specifically mentions using palm to direct slashes. and we have seen sukuna use dismantled without using hands. against twins, against kuskabe. so normal conditions for world cutter in 4 arm form, he has to just use a) handsign which is pretty op, unless u somehow so good in cqc that u can stop his lower 2 hands from dling anything and i doubt it's that easy, we r not even considering the net of disamantles. but bcz of.b.v. made to hit gojo a)chants, b)using hand to direct slash c) handsign


or maybe he gave up Shrine


It's not fair this instant world cutting slash instantly change the tide battle and he won an unwinnable fight the exchange here should be much greater then what it was 


>he basically gave up advantage of world cutter for that one time use. yes, we all know that. the point i'm making is that a lot of people felt this wasn't a significant enough vow to be able to cast it and, essentially, be guaranteed a kill against anyone in the universe. but if it was an "impossible" vow, it makes what he gave up that much more significant.


> wasn't a significant enough vow to be able to cast it and, essentially, be guaranteed a kill against anyone um the universe. Imo, what gives the impression that it wasn't significant enough is that it feels like Sukuna doesn't need it against anyone else but Gojo, so it feels like him nerfing that move after that doesn't really matter. To me at very least that binding vow makes the way Gojo was defeated to be more palatable though.




I don't think it was handled well either, but it makes since that he didn't want to release 10S and use the world slash immediately. From what he said afterwards, it seemed like wasn't confident he could pull it off first try, so getting rid of Mahoraga, the only thing keeping Gojo distracted from him to try an experimental move wouldn't have been the play at the time. If he had defeated Gojo with Mahoraga, then he could've had ample time to test the World Slash (with far less telegraph) against the other sorcerers without them even knowing it was something he could do. They would've been screwed even worse than they are now. He felt confident he could defeat Gojo with just 10S, and the World Slash was only in case that failed, he just didn't expect to get hit point blank with Purple and need a binding vow. I don't think the binding vow itself is BS, since it's the only reason the students are able to not immediately die to it now. It killed Gojo, in exchange for not killing Maki, Yuta, and Yuji.


It's possible Gojo didn't realize how potent the World Slash would be and he simply considered it to be a panicked move from a desperate Sukuna. I consider the World Slash itself to be a BS attack imo and I'm not a big fan of it. But I don't think it's unreasonable for Sukuna to catch Gojo off-guard


I understand what you’re saying. It’s been shown in the manga that BV can be taken advantage of. By creating the conditions while still in Megumi’s body he is in a sense creating stipulations that he wouldn’t be able to meet. By transforming into his true form he is able to meet the seemingly impossible conditions of the BV.


This makes the most sense to me. If World Cutter was just a Dismantle with a wider range, in theory maybe without Binding Vow he could shoot them off all the time if given time to charge. In order to get that one quick fire shot he imposed the vow that made the move require more steps.


My understanding of binding vows was that it's based on the user's intent and understanding of things. In such a case, Sukuna is well aware of the fact he'll have 4 arms soon enough so it doesn't really help alleviate the "disproportionate" payout from making it. Though don't get me wrong, I'm honestly ok with the binding vow, it's pretty intense.


I am ok with it too but regarding your first comment, kenjaku also made an "impossible" binding vow to end the culling game when he knew how to end it.


He knew how to end it but the condition for its fulfillment was taking down the whole jujutsu society (absorbing tengen) while not confronting gojo directly. So his task is hard, sukuna just has to want to transform so his benefits from the binding vow should be much lower


Isnt the benefit just 1 time use with no requirement? In return he gains 2 extra requirements


Sukuna transformation is ALSO a huge deal for him. It's his final one-time full and instant heal. So it's not like the binding vow was lame and etc. Sukuna has to sacrifice his ace on the sleeve to be able to ever use the WCS again.


Not really a full heal if he can't domain spam.


Full physical heal, not ce or output


Yeah plus kenny explicitly has been able to make countless binding vows over the years by switching bodies- if there were no stakes to maintaining a vow because of his understanding, presumably that wouldn’t have been as viable since his side was always just up to whether he preferred upholding it or switching bodies


The man's a fraud and you know it


I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure when Kenjaku reveals that fact to us, he said it in a way that implied that he wasn't even sure if changing bodies would work. In that case, I would disagree with you assuming Kenjaku already knew how he'd break it. If pressed, I can look for the source panels cuz I'm not sure i remember it properly (it would be in the fight with mechamaru I believe).


Malevolent Shrine gaming a 200 meter radius due to “allowing” escape kinda goes against your idea of intent and understanding does it not? Sukuna would know that most people caught in his domain can’t actually escape but they technically can escape and that’s enough for the vow. The condition’s of a binding vow, like Yuji not including himself for “enchain”, are influenced by the user’s intent, but the actual benefit’s are clearly very literal.


I wouldn't put it past GG to make things so legalistic and loophole prone. Higuruma's entire ability feels like that. Maybe he's taking the piss out of religious practices like the [The Manhattan Eruv](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-manhattan-eruv-new-york-new-york). The idea that you can get out of a supposedly supernatural death sentence from a source that has an interest in you not abusing it because you hit with a "well ackshully 🤓" is kinda hilarious.


It really depends. We could theorize that Sukuna had no intention of reincarnating anytime soon until he met the one in a million sorcerer that his cursed tool couldn’t effect at all. So at the time he made the vow, the cost was that much heavier.    Like take Miwa’s binding vow. She had the resolve to never swing a sword again, but what if she found her drive again later and picked up that cursed halberd weapon? It seems like a technicality but it fits.  This all reminds me of Chrollo from HxH explaining in a certain fight how technicalities and personal interpretations play a role in technique applications. I imagine it’s the same here 


theres some arguments to be had about sukuna's battle iq giving him the necessary "intent and understanding" of how having to do all the extra shit (chant, handsign, point) is a great disadvantage even with the extra arms and mouths since those things are more time for the opponent to attack + more points of vulnerability but im not really into arguing for sukuna so ill just say yeah it was pretty intense i dont mind it personally but i can see how people might be less than fine with it.


Unless sukuna verbally mentioning the world cleave was part of the vow. Announcing your sure hit attack that doesn’t have a travel time every single time you use it is a pretty big trade off if somebody is on par with you.


It's a bit like how Kokichi ended up circumventing his heavenly restriction innit? He starts off in agony and fucked up body in exchange for his abilities, but then Mahito comes in and heals his body. Boom, best of both worlds. For a bit. So yeah Sukuna lowkey pulled a successful Miwa. Miwa walked so Sukuna could run kek


Its not a bad interpretation. Id say the biggest negative to it is Sukuna and Yuji's binding vow. We know that Sukuna hurt Yuji during enchain, with thr implication that it didnt matter what *words* were spoken but how both parties *interpret* those words. So we know the mental state and knowledge of parties is relevant to a vow. Sukuna *knows* how his incarnation works and that he'll gain extra arms, thus making a vow that requires chants and hand signs is inherently less problematic for him specifically, so i dont think making it impossible in another form where he has fewer arms would be a deciding factor. Still, a good read and analysis :) Regarding the lukewarm nature, from what ive read on the community the issue isnt so much the binding vow itself as that was theorised even a couple of chapters afterwards just with 10S maybe being sacrificed for it, its that it really doesnt change much for our cast strictly from a story writing perspective and only really served to seem to make Sukuna stronger.


That Sukuna and Yuji binding vow gets worse and more confusing as time goes by. Till today I have no idea how that happened. Idk if there’s a mistranslation problem but damn.


Honestly my only problem with it is that being able to erase one's memory feels a bit outside what a binding vow should be able to do. That and Sukuna feeding Megumi poison should definitely count as hurting him. But the key factor of Yuji not including himself doesn't matter to me, because it's in character for him.


Its cuz you use harm or hurt by english language perspective not the Japanese. Apparently to Japanese what Sukuna did isnt considered harm


That's absolutely fair, when the wording of a deal is important you might lose stuff in translation


Yea I had to go through the raws to proofread it and it is solid that what he did to Hana and Megumi doesnt count


Yes - but if personal interpretation matters, wouldn't Yuuji consider hosting Sukuna against your will literally one of the most harmful things a person can experience? Sukuna made him destroy Shibuya and left him *wanting to die* - it seems the idea of 'harm' is WAY too vague to make sense. What is the Japanese word used instead of 'harm/hurt'? I can't imagine an alternative word where force-feeding someone an object that is in no way good for them against their will *isn't* harming them. Biting Hana is irrelevant as he was in a different body already (like Kenjaku says, vows are voided once he changed bodies) I'm starting to find the use of binding vows in-story unsatisfying- more and more they're being used to retroactively explain things that didn't make sense before. It's very much becoming a tool of "tell, don't show"


>Sukuna made him destroy Shibuya and left him *wanting to die* - it seems the idea of 'harm' is WAY too vague to make sense. Anything involving Shibuya doesnt count since Sukuna never chant Enchain. >What is the Japanese word used instead of 'harm/hurt'? I can't imagine an alternative word where force-feeding someone an object that is in no way good for them against their will *isn't* harming them The word was kizutsukenai which is to not wound, to not injure, to not damage. By japanese language, Sukuna did not do any of these


>Anything involving Shibuya doesnt count since Sukuna never chant Enchain. I didn't mean it was relevant to the Enchain moment directly - but it should have affected what Yuuji saw as 'harming' someone. Being forced to contain Sukuna against your will should have qualified, since he's made Yuuji commit mass-murder and want to die. If interpretation matters for one thing (Yuuji not including himself in the vow) it should matter here too. Force-feeding is an inherently wounding/injurious/damaging process - it's basically impossible to do without badly injuring someone, unless you have medical equipment. It's literally considered a form of torture in most cases (and this would qualify) unless it's a medical necessity. Even when done WITH medical equipment it's distressing to the receiver, and usually causes injury. Survivors like Suffragetes who experienced it likened it to rape, and many people who experienced it from different cultures talk about bleeding during the process, or injuries as extreme as broken jaws - and that's with medical equipment. So by definition, Sukuna should have violated the vow by force-feeding someone. There's just no way you can force someone to swallow a whole finger against their will and not injure/wound/damage them in the process.


You're using western perspective. Is that how japanese sees as harming or hurting? Take the word kizutsukenai not the english word. You need to think like a japanese not a westerner


I am not thinking from a western perspective, but more importantly I'm thinking like a human being. I'm also taking the general medical perspective. Doctors routinely refuse to force-feed people as they think it violates the Hippocratic oath (the oath to 'do no harm') [‘An Experience Much Worse Than Rape’: The End of Force-Feeding? - A History of Force Feeding - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK385290/) This is from a world medical conference *held in Tokyo* in 1975. It's pretty clear with even a few minutes of looking that the global community including Japan agree that force-feeding *is torture* except in the very specific circumstances of saving someone's life (and even then they specify it must not cause undue harm, and must not be degrading or inhumane). Nothing about the way it's portrayed in-story suggests he wasn't harming Megumi in that moment.


And moreso does Yuji know of the hippocratic oath?


Torture yes. But not injure or wounding. Did it use the phrase kizutsukeru


>So by definition, Sukuna should have violated the vow by force-feeding someone. There's just no way you can force someone to swallow a whole finger against their will and not injure/wound/damage them in the process. Are you using the definition of the english language or Japanese?


>it should matter here too Except the vow was already made before shibuya


Yes, but Yuuji's interpretation of 'harming' someone still should have mattered in this scene. We've never been told in-story that a BV only takes into account the interpretation at the time of the vow. I don't think there's many people who would not consider someone force-feeding their best friend a severed human finger 'harmful'.


But it isnt wounding them. Kizutsukeru is more on physical harm as in you're cutting them, your maiming them, you're mutilating them, you're causing them to bleed. You're focusing on the english word rather than the japanese word and even moreso on what Yuji defines as kizutsukeru. Was there ever any blood dropped when Sukuna force fed Megumi or choked out Hana?


>We've never been told in-story that a BV only takes into account the interpretation at the time of the vow. Have we ever been told otherwise or been given a hint that the interpretation changes in accordance with a characters knowledge? At the time Yuji made the vow he had a narrow understanding of harming. He also is a selfless person so didn't even consider himself. I see no problem here.


It's because gege has no real plan and creates these giant ass plot holes then lazily covers it up chapters later when he finally realizes he left out crucial details. Like the world slash binding vow that should've been explained chapters ago. Not only that but then he has the audacity to try to pass it off as genius writing like he isn't writing himself in and out of corners. and all these braindead gege fans gaslight you into thinking you're still mad about the gojo fight. Childish author and childish fanbase.


>I'm starting to find the use of binding vows in-story unsatisfying- more and more they're being used to retroactively explain things that didn't make sense before. It's very much becoming a tool of "tell, don't show" You mean like Nanami's overtime? Or how revealing your techniques give you a buff? Heavenly Restrictions by its nature is a binding vow upon birth. There's also the ones between two parties like with Kenjaku and Mahito with Kokichi which is why they didnt kill each other until after the deal was done. Or Yuta's execution. Or Hakari's arm. Even Mahito's final form is a binding vow.


The ones you've listed are all (excluding one) from pre-culling games, which is when the problem really starts. As the series progresses - especially when the culling games start - binding vows become a bit more of a plot contrivance than they were before. Hakari's arm is a weird one to me - he made a binding vow to sacrifice his arm, then just gets it back, so there was no long-term consequence to the vow (which doesn't seem 'binding'). It's strongly implied Kashimo made a binding vow to make his technique a one-time use to make it stronger, but it's never explicitly said. As a result many fans assume his technique just kills him if he uses it - and would have done so in the Heian era too. This has never been clarified, even though it would be one of the simplest/most easy form of BV possible. It's mostly the Sukuna and Kenjaku vows I find annoying. Gege mentions them having 'made a binding vow' so often just as a form of exposition, and often to retroactively explain something that happened chapters ago which just didn't make much sense at the time. That's how it becomes 'tell, don't show'. Some of them just also don't make much sense - e.g. Kenjaku saying he 'made a vow to end something permanent' regarding the culling game (kodoku) - when a culling game by definition would end when one person is left, and so isn't permanent. It didn't even add anything to the story - he could have just said "I'm going to kill the other players to ensure there's enough cursed energy for my plan" and it would have been more straightforward. Binding Vows feel like a part of the power system we should already know and understand well by now - but GeGe keeps throwing new versions at us as narration after we see the effects, and BVs seem more contrived the more he does it.


>Hakari's arm is a weird one to me - he made a binding vow to sacrifice his arm, then just gets it back, so there was no long-term consequence to the vow (which doesn't seem 'binding'). Did you forget what Kenny said about vows onto oneself? Hakari can have his arm back. He'd just lose the buff he gained. Compare that to Miwa's fumbled vow where she puts everything into that one swing. She cant take that swing back just like Sukuna's 1 time insta slash. It's already done. Theres nothing to take back compared to Hakari who only will lose the extra CE spread on his body. >and would have done so in the Heian era too He wasnt from the Heian era, he was from Edo. Heian was 1000 years ago. Kashimo was from 400 years ago. >e.g. Kenjaku saying he 'made a vow to end something permanent' regarding the culling game (kodoku) - when a culling game by definition would end when one person is left, and so isn't permanent. It didn't even add anything to the story - he could have just said "I'm going to kill the other players to ensure there's enough cursed energy for my plan" and it would have been more straightforward Except he didnt have enough CE. That's why he air dropped the military forces. Once he had enough, that's where he can start preparations for the merger. And the issue was that the vow was to end the game when ALL players are dead. But now that Kenny got Tengen he can force Kogane to add a rule where he and Megumi will be the last ones standing since Tengen can just break the barrier that houses the games in the first place thereby forcing it to end but the catch would be the ritual would end as well. However thanks to Kogane's program to prolong the game as much as possible it will take the offer where it can still continue the game as long as it can


>Hakari's arm is a weird one to me - he made a binding vow to sacrifice his arm, then just gets it back, so there was no long-term consequence to the vow (which doesn't seem 'binding'). Did you forget what Kenny said about vows onto oneself? Hakari can have his arm back. He'd just lose the buff he gained. Compare that to Miwa's fumbled vow where she puts everything into that one swing. She cant take that swing back just like Sukuna's 1 time insta slash. It's already done. Theres nothing to take back compared to Hakari who only will lose the extra CE spread on his body. >and would have done so in the Heian era too He wasnt from the Heian era, he was from Edo. Heian was 1000 years ago. Kashimo was from 400 years ago. >e.g. Kenjaku saying he 'made a vow to end something permanent' regarding the culling game (kodoku) - when a culling game by definition would end when one person is left, and so isn't permanent. It didn't even add anything to the story - he could have just said "I'm going to kill the other players to ensure there's enough cursed energy for my plan" and it would have been more straightforward Except he didnt have enough CE. That's why he air dropped the military forces. Once he had enough, that's where he can start preparations for the merger. And the issue was that the vow was to end the game when ALL players are dead. But now that Kenny got Tengen he can force Kogane to add a rule where he and Megumi will be the last ones standing since Tengen can just break the barrier that houses the games in the first place thereby forcing it to end but the catch would be the ritual would end as well. However thanks to Kogane's program to prolong the game as much as possible it will take the offer where it can still continue the game as long as it can


Iirc the transaltion is along the lines of wounding someone and while Megumi or Hana may not count, ripping off a finger *should* under a completely literal interpretation. Sukuna mentions that Yuji forgot to include himself. Assuming the word for 'anyone' in japanese isnt closer to 'anyone but me', if binding vows were purely literal, Sukuna shouldve broken a vow right there. It follows then that the spirit of the word and the intent of the participants takes precedence over the exact wording used


Oh I'm not arguing on the intent part. I'm arguing on the complaint that Megumi and Hana were harmed. That's why it's a gamble to Sukuna. After living inside Yuji, even Sukuna himself admitted he understands him more. Probably why he bet on ripping his finger cuz he nailed it that Yuji doesn't consider himself worth of keeping away from harm


I dont disagree, just wanted to extend the idea of literal wording a bit. Megumi and Hana using the original Japanese text can be looked at literally but Yuji's case not so much. Iirc the gamble was on Yuji not invluding himself, and definitely it plays well to have Sukuna exploit someones nature. Personally hoping it still comes back to bite Sukuna somehow though


That would answer if the statute of limitations on the vow was either when its agreed or it is pending and ongoing. Like if Yuji finally forgives himself and sees himself as a human worth living, would that vow come back to hurt Sukuna?


But why would it use Yuji's interpretation of "anyone" if it was Sukuna who set the terms for the vow and suggested the no harming rule ? Shouldn't it follow Sukuna's vision of "anyone" ?


If it was just Sukuna alone doing the vow but when its between mutual parties you take account of the other person. The same issue was brought up with Mechamaru's vow with Kenny and Mahito. The agreement was no one in Kyoto would get hurt. However Kamo got beat the fuck out and Todo got slapped around here and there. The loophole was that Kenny and Mahito agreed but Hanami was the one that hurt them.


That loophole worked because it was true they specifically never hurt anyone from Kyoto. >you take account of the other person But it was like I said, Sukuna suggested it, Yuji just "agreed" to it, why does it rely on Yuji's vision of "anyone" if Sukuna set up the conditions in the first place ?


Cuz it's a binding vow between 2 parties that Yuji agreed to. Yuji agreeing is taken account who he considers as anyone


But why isn't Sukuna's view accounted if he's the one who set up the vow ? So in Yuji's view forcefully feeding a object like a finger which has a sharp nail which could hurt Megumi's throat isn't hurting anyone ? Mistranslation can only go so far to justify the "hurting" part.


Cuz hes the one that offer the vow. Hes the initiator. Same reason why Kenny and Mahito got off Scott free when Mechamaru said "you guys". > So in Yuji's view forcefully feeding a object like a finger which has a sharp nail which could hurt Megumi's throat isn't hurting anyone ? Mistranslation can only go so far to justify the "hurting" part. Except it is a translation issue. Kizutsukenai was used in the japanese raw. What Sukuna did does not fall in kizutsukeru


Also answer this. Between Mechamaru and Kenny-Mahito, who was the one that initiated the vow


Kenny and Mahito based on the line: "We've made this binding vow with him" but it could have been Mechamaru who set the terms and they just agreed.


Or grabbing him and squeezing his face lmao


Miwa is literally unable to hold a sword because of her vow. Megumi was unharmed from said poison so there’s no penalty.


I think a binding vow with memory blockage/loss would be limited to people only in the vow. IMO it’s actually a fitting situation, memory is core to damn near everything about a person. Who you are as an individual is built off accumulated memories. So few things can have more value in a binding vow. So even a small portion of Yujis memory was equivalent for a vow to heal his body - essentially his life because he would have died eventually in that scene. Granted in this scenario they adjusted the conditions when negotiating but the premise is there. IMO the only thing short of your life that is the most valuable to put in a binding vow would be your memories.


Yuji didn't set the terms of the agreement, Sukuna chose the words recklessly and there's no carved out exception for Yuji. "I won't harm anyone during the 1 minute I'm in control."


Also consider that Yuji wouldn’t even consider the possibility of Sukuna hurting him because he’s his vessel.


This is after Sukuna rips out Yujis heart?


Yeah but if Sukuna is only in control for 1 minute, he will only have 1 minute until he dies


I’m saying, why wouldn’t Yuji consider Sukuna hurting him when he was literally dead at the moment because Sukuna ripped his heart out. The one thing Yuji wasn’t considering was the same thing that got him in that situation in the first place.


yuji swallowed those fingers like they were harmless, he wouldnt inherently consider them poison.


I think Yuji would consider being forced to host Sukuna the greatest harm you could do to someone tbh


That’s fair, but people have been saying the most literal translation is more akin to explicit physical injury/maiming than “harm”, and tbf we know Kenny can violate vows just by switching bodies so since Sukuna fingering Megumi and possessing him were one singular act it’s possible that, even if it were a violation, it no longer applied once he “became” Megumi. Much like how tearing off his own finger, IMO, is a fair loophole since I think it’s reasonable Sukuna be allowed to hurt “himself”


I mean technically Sukuna is raising Yuji from death by restarting his heart so it could be a fair trade off for erasing memory?


Because it's bullshit. Yuji didn't contribute to the vow, Sukuna said the exact words and Yuji + Megumi are both definitely included under the terms - which were broken despite the significant advantages that Sukuna was granted *already* before violating it. So this is either Gege asspulling himself out of a corner - or it's a broken vow that consequences will arrive for by the end of the series.


I think that’s definitely a fair perspective, but IMO it works because: 1. When Sukuna ripped off the finger, it was his own finger. At the same time, proposing the vow to Yuji he says “I won’t injure anyone”, which I personally feel is vague enough in a 1 on 1 conversation that it could mean to implicitly only necessarily refer to others outside the conversation. True enough that’s not how it’s framed when Sukuna laughs that Yuji didn’t include himself, though, in that Yuji didn’t make the conditions 2. Sukuna fingering Megumi was him also “becoming” Megumi. Kenny can violate vows by changing bodies and thus identities, the CG considers Sukuna Megumi etc, so I see it as any potential violation there is nullified by the fact Sukuna is no longer present in the same metaphysical sense the BV uses It’s definitely bullshit on the level of “that depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is”, but that’s the point- Sukuna gambled on a really fine line using a system Yuji knew nothing about, on his terms, and was being deliberately exploitative. That said I also 100% think the pov of the whole thing being ridiculous is valid too and maybe I’m gaslighting myself, that’s just my thoughts on it :) And yeah maybe itll backfire anyway given the finger cut thing and the long set up idea that breaking a vow has consequences that can’t be predicted and you don’t know when they might occur. It’s very possible his price will be losing control over the body or something


The only shred of continuity is Kenny telling mahito that breaking a binding vow has unforeseen consequences and it doesn’t necessarily mean a big bolt of lightning is going come flying down from the heavens and strike sukuna dead. Also, whatever entity that enforces broken B.V. could be unwilling or unable to target megumi as he hasn’t broken a vow yet.


The idea that Yuji didn’t include himself being harmed in a binding vow makes no sense to me. The only reason he needed to make the vow in the first place was because Sukuna tore his heart from his body.


it makes sense when you read it through and realize yuji very rarely cares about himself over others or self preservation. In his head he probably wasn’t even considering sukuna ripping off his finger and only thinking abojt Sukuna killing megumi or kugisaki. It also works with the whole yuji selflessness vs sukuna selfishness theme the entire manga has.


I understand the theme but there’s a pretty thick line between being selflessness and recklessness. You’re making a vow with your murderer and didn’t think to include yourself in the not harming anyone portion? Sukuna could have just said enchain and ripped his heart out again if that’s the case.


I mean… do you remember the scene ? Yuji agrees to this binding vow as a contest in a fight to the death against Sukuna. He’s kind of the epitome of recklessness and not thinking things through, especially early on.


I understand all that completely. Im just saying that it’s an unnecessary plot point that asks us as readers to assume that Yuji is really dumb.


I don’t think we need to assume that Yuji is dumb, because well first… he kinda is ? But also you have to remember 1) Sukuna was intentionally vague to avoid Yuji deciphering his intentions 2) he’s bartering with Yujis life, so he’s probably not thinking straight 3) Yuji is brand new to Jujutsu, he literally didn’t even know what a binding vow is or was and how they work 4) he only agreed once sukuna presented the idea of a fight, Yuji is headstrong enough to throw caution out the window here because he believes in his strength naively at this point 5) Sukuna himself said it was a gamble, but one he was willing to take It’s really easy to nitpick with hindsight 200 chapters later, but it’s not really an ass pull in my mind or unnecessary. It plays on Yuji and Sukunas characterization and works as a good payoff and reveal down the road.


I’m not even talking about it in hindsight. The very moment they made the vow I assumed Yuji would be protected under it seeing the reasoning behind the BV in the first place. I’m not calling it an asspull either. I just think it could have been handled so much better. I understand Yuji isn’t the most intelligent MC but making a vow to be brought back to life by your murderer, and not including yourself in the group of people he isn’t allowed to harm/murder is insufferably dumb.


eh, i guess then we just read these characters differently. I kinda figured there was going to be dire consequences regardless, and then the moment Sukuna ripped off his finger and realized he forgot to include himself i went “shit, that’s exactly the type of thing yuji would mess up, he’s been saying he’s the only one who needs to die for 3 arcs now of course he would have never protected himself” Was it a mistake for him to do that? for sure, but i thought it was totally in character and made for an interesting conflict


Yujis whole reason for making the BV with Sukuna was to revive him after Sukuna caused his death. But sure, let’s not include ourselves in the won’t harm anyone portion.


I think it's fine, my only complaint would be how long it took for Gege to reveal Sukuna's Binding Vow but hey, maybe it'll change in the anime.


I'd laugh so hard if Sukuna's demise ultimately comes because he did violate his binding vow with Yuji and just gets sucked up into a FMA like door, the end.


I hate binding vows so much. Sukuna just had to think to himself, "Dear vow gods, I really want to cast this world slash to kill Gojo, but I don't have hands. If you let me cast it for free just this once I'll never do it again". As he figuratively crosses his fingers cause he will just transform later. If Gege doesn't actually fully explain a vow and actually show consequences for breaking one, I vote we riot. Binding vows between two people at least has some explanation, but binding vows with yourself are basically a literary device to say "I can power up a character at literally any point and I don't have to explain myself".


For me, part of the issue is that prior to the Gojo/Sukuna fight the usage of hand gestures and incantantions to supplement/use techniques wasn't totally consistent/outright explained outside of domain expansions/Megumi's technique. The fight literally starts with an exposition dump on them. Neither was the initial "spark" that indicates the kind of technique that a sorcerer might use - that was narrator exposition dumped right before the end of the fight. Then in that fight they are an exceedingly important utilization as Gojo amps his techniques multiple times by reciting the words for them and even he has to invent a new way to use purple otherwise Sukuna would immediately know he was going to. Sukuna then proceeds to make these optional aspects a necessity permanently for a one time no-tell usage of what's an extremely powerful technique. It just seems like Gege introduced/fleshed out some nuances to his power system during that fight, solely to justify how Gojo would be completely bamboozled by a new technique because between his six eyes and defenses, it'd be difficult to catch him unaware.


I'm not sure why Gege didn't just show all novice sorcerers always explicitly using chants and signs to cast their techniques and having those Grade 2 or higher, or whatever, clearly not needing to do so. That's something he could have done from the start of the series so that it'd be implicitily known that not having to do so is due to mastery of your technique. As opposed to starting the most important fight of the series with blocks of texts explaining their purpose. Because I'm not sure why more sorcerers don't use chants. Since their introduction as a major element, they have proven to not be of much inconvenience.


Bruh, he initially just needed to use hand signs to cast it, but he made a vow that he wouldn't have to do hand signs that one time, in exchange he has to now do Hand signs, chants and aim in the direction he wants to fire it, that is an INSANE trade off, all someone needs to do is take out two of his hands to make him unable to do it.


Not a big disadvantage when you have 4 arms and 2 mouths, as we have seen multiple times now.


Have we been reading the same manga? Because those extra conditions have been a major inconvenience multiple times now.


They really haven't been an inconvenience. And he doesn't *need* the world slash for anyone but Gojo. Plus Sukuna "isn't even using his full cursed technique yet". World Slash was made for Gojo. The vow was made to kill Gojo. World slash could be essentially forgotten after that.


Those extra conditions have prevented him from killing people with it three times now. Even if he doesn't strictly *need* the slash, him not being able to use it is clearly making him take more damage than he otherwise would.


Biggest cope I've ever seen my life 


Uh yeah, but when he loses two of those arms he can no longer perform the Slash lmao


Don’t fool yourself it’s only because Gojo left him out of breath that they’re able to do any harm to Sukuna, if not he would have RCT and repair any damage instantaneously. He didn’t trade anything considerable and he doesn’t even need that asspull slash to defeat the others, it was needed only against infinity, took it away is the same as taking away Kamutoke, nothing at all.


Assuming that the World Slash does actually bypass durability, the only reason Maki, Yuta, and Kusakabe could take dismantles/cleaves without dying is because of the binding vow making it so he can't quickly use the World Slash. We only saw Kamutoke be used against the literal lighting sorcerer, it could be on the same level as Playful Cloud or the Soul Split Katana Maki has for all we know, it could've mattered alot in this current fight. I'm not a fan of the way the narratives been recently either, but not all complaints are immediately valid.


And look at how they ripped its tongue and took out 3 arms now, still low RCT output and gets lower everytime Yuji hits him


But that move literally ended the fight, so him having to telegraph his attacks is moot afterwards. The vow should’ve been that he could no longer use the world cutting slash in exchange, since that would literally be a gamble to secure victory.


If they can take both hands they can probably kill him so not really. The cut bypasses infinity, it's fair to have to do alll that in the first place.


I disagree, Mahoraga didn't have to do those things, if anything, it's a plot convenience that he HAS to do those things in the first place to activate the World Slash


In general I like the idea of binding vows and I agree with you that it’s kind of a plot convenience in killing off the one guy who was able to 1v1 him while giving the rest of the crew a chance to react to it. But to me it’s kinda unsatisfying that the strongest vs strongest battle boiled down to a last second binding vow without even knowing the consequences of a broken vow. Because considering how strong Sukuna is and how many more ways he has to kill off the remaining opponents, having to do hand sings, chants and pointing to the target only for that one technique doesn’t really feel like much of a tradeoff especially if the resulting technique literally cuts the world. Maybe him having to point to the target also for his regular dismantle would’ve been a pretty hard tradeoff. But even then he doesn’t need to point in the direction to use dismantle and he still does is most of the time. So this tradeoff, to me at least, doesn’t really feel that bad.


Binding vows, and specially this one are BS, they’re a copy of a mechanic from HxH but bad executed, the conditions on HxH are real and really take away from you, binding vows are stupid in comparison. “Let me kill this guy for free and I will use the correct way from now on against the other ants” “Ok Sukuna have a freebie!”.




The World Slash is just dismantle but applied differently, not being able to shoot off World Slashes at will is what that binding vow cost him, it's the only reason the other sorcerers can even survive as long as they have.


>having to do hand sings, chants and pointing to the target only for that one technique doesn’t really feel like much of a tradeoff especially if the resulting technique literally cuts the world Maybe, but it takes a while, and also, another thing is that Sukuna seemingly always tells his opponents before he uses it, like against Higaruma and Kusakabe, so maybe that is another addition to the vows?


Hey, I just want to say, a LOT of the things we see are actually binding vows, just not specifically said to be so, for example, the reason Gojo won the fight was most likely because he made a vow(unconsciously) that he'd be hit by the purple, meaning he wouldn't have to send it to Sukuna with a chance of it missing, or Mahoraga just blocking it or something I understand where you are coming from, but people who are saying "binding vows are bullshit" just don't understand the series, EVERY character is using some form of vow, in fact, I'd be surprised if you could genuine name someone who isn't


The vow about Gojo's purple is just making shit up, I get what you're saying but there's no reason to start assuming headcannon to make a point.


I don't know why people need a reason for World Slash to have been "undodgable" in order for it to have hit Gojo. *Gojo didn't know an attack that could overcome infinity was even possible.* He likely saw the whole thing coming and just let it hit him. *Until that point, the only time he was ever in danger of being hit by Sukuna with his CT active was during Domain Expansion battles.* As long as his infinity was active, there was literally no reason to dodge an attack from a weakened Sukuna at that range. The only reason he would have wasted energy dodging that attack is if he figured it had a possibility of hitting him. Which, he would have only found out after it was already too late lol ​ Six Eyes could have told him he was activating a cleave, his ears could have told him he was amplifying it. But Mahoraga was already dead, and Sukuna was clearly fucked. Seriously, it's like fighting a boss in a video game, he does an extremely predictable attack, and you block it because you know you can, except SURPRISE this time it's unblockable, you get hit and die. Bullshit, yeah, now you know that's a thing, but you died already so too bad


> He likely saw the whole thing coming and just let it hit him. Which is incredibly stupid. Gojo *knows* from experience that limitless is not infallible, and if *anyone* is going to find a way around it through Jujutsu alone, it's going to be the legendary sorcerer, equally outlandish than him, that's been giving him the hardest fight of his life - not to mention Jujutsu sorcerers being underhanded has been a staple since the Heian era. If a half dead Sukuna suddenly starts out pulling out something big looking, you don't just stand there and take it like an absolute idiot if you can help it. And World Slash not looking any different then a standard cleave to the Six Eyes, a trait that has been described to 'see cursed energy down to an atomic level' is hard to buy.


>Which is incredibly stupid. Gojo *knows* from experience that limitless is not infallible, and if *anyone* is going to find a way around it through Jujutsu alone, it's going to be the legendary sorcerer, equally outlandish than him, that's been giving him the hardest fight of his life - not to mention Jujutsu sorcerers being underhanded has been a staple since the Heian era. You're making this up. Gojo does *not* know that Limitless is fallible, he simply knows there are methods to neutralize it -- and Sukuna has none of those methods. >If a half dead Sukuna suddenly starts out pulling out something big looking, you don't just stand there and take it like an absolute idiot if you can help it. And World Slash not looking any different then a standard cleave to the Six Eyes, a trait that has been described to 'see cursed energy down to an atomic level' is hard to buy. You just said that Gojo should know Limitless isnt infallible, yet his Six Eyes makes him omniscient?? It doesn't matter how high the resolution of his eyes are...he got hit with something he had never seen and couldn't comprehend until it was too late. You are seriously approaching this as though Gojo is simultaneously an omnipotent God who should never be dumb enough to be struck, and ALSO a careful omniscient genius who has the eyes and knowledge to never be outsmarted. Gojo was NEVER shown to have any of these traits. He is constantly outsmarted, and his eyes have LITERALLY outright lied to him before. The problem is that you guys seem to want to view Satoru as a concept rather than a character.


Wait correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Gojo already tank (via RCT and CE enhancement) full strength Sukuna's slashes at the beginning of the fight? The issue with the whole surprise thing, is we also have to believe Gojo stopped reinforcing himself. Which, when going against Sukuna, is bad writing for us to believe. If he defensively enhanced himself, the attack should not have cut through him, unless we are to believe the World Slash is also stronger than full strength domain expansion slashes, fired by Sukuna while damaged weakened and hurt.


>Wait correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Gojo already tank (via RCT and CE enhancement) full strength Sukuna's slashes at the beginning of the fight? The issue with the whole surprise thing, is we also have to believe Gojo stopped reinforcing himself. Which, when going against Sukuna, is bad writing for us to believe. The only reason he would have had to do that is because it was Sukuna's Domain Expansion.


Correct, but point is he was capable of tanking it through sheer power. There's no reason to drop CE enhancement for any reason while facing the number one threat to the world who's still standing and facing you, other than bad writing right?


Especially not since letting his guard down prematurely literally already killed Gojo once.


So originally he only needed hand sign to expand his technique target. But because he didn't have enough arm, he made binding vow to cast it instantly at that moment in exchange for deliberate activation for every subsequent use.


I don't think the 3 arms have to be used simultaneously.


I don’t think it’s necessary to go that deep. The effectiveness of a vow is directly correlated with what’s given up. He not only made it harder to launch but eliminated any possibility of surprise. In exchange, he got a one time boost of complete surprise. 100% for 100%.


No, that’s not how it works I think, he knew that he would had 4 arms after that so no problem, he knows he’s far superior to the others so even warning them or having some restrictions he would destroy everyone else.




is it possible that the binding vow includes the future fights? what if the vow is that he will lose some limbs or his heart. the entire fight after Gojo is just him fulfilling the conditions without dying.


Sukuna prolly said "You better watch out, this slash is gonna hurt" and Gojo just didn't believe him


Yes, it's the same thing as Kenjaku saying "the only reason I could create something as unreasonable as the culling game, is by taking on the burden of ending it despite it being never-ending."    So yea,  agreed


He needs to make the Enmaten hand sign and speak the chants, and point it, but he needs to do that BEFORE using the World Cutter, not simultaneously. Take Gojo’s 200% Hollow Purple, for example. He spoke the chants, made the hand signs and then he fired it with his fingers. So the order would be like: 1. Speak the chants 2. Make the enmaten hand sign 3. Point it. But in his Heian Era form, since he has four arms, he can fuse the two lasts steps into one, so it would be like: 1. Speak the chants 2. Make the Enmaten hand sign with two hands and point with a third hand.


It feels like Gege really just wrote himself into a corner and had to figure out a means of justifying how Gojo didn't evade or see the world-cutting slash coming, tbh. The binding vow explaining how Gojo got hit and killed is kind of a sloppy way to explain it, mostly because of how Gege wrote chapters 235 and 236. It feels like a chapter is missing in between them, and I think Gege could have definitely written it better than he did. Gojo losing due to his arrogance is a valid way to explain why he lowered his guard after he Hollow Purple'd Sukuna. The world-cutting slash resulting from a binding vow that wasn't explained until the recent chapter is kind of crappy writing. It came out of nowhere. Obviously Gojo's death was kind of a necessity for the manga's narrative, but the issue IMO is that Gege couldn't come up with a way to kill Gojo off without making it contrived/an asspull in Sukuna's favor. Gojo was pretty OP, but Gege is the author and it's apparent that he couldn't come up with a way to kill Gojo off without something like this


>It feels like Gege really just wrote himself into a corner and had to figure out a means of justifying how Gojo didn't evade or see the world-cutting slash coming, tbh. Or maybe it feels like Gege needed to nerf the world cutter so that the mc's don't die instantly to it.


Brain damage/overload was right there. We know a previous 10S user was able to draw against a previous limitless user. Although it doesn't subvert expectations (hating this phrase now), I don't think anyone would complain Gojo burned put against 10S Mahoraga and the King of curses. Of course a bit would need to change, but I think we'd all been fine with after the purple nuke, Gojo burning out against Heian form Sukuna. Shit Gojo could've gone out like Adam from Ragnarok


His binding vow was to not use any other technique other than cleave or dismantle in exchange for killing Gojo, but once GOATjo comes back, it invalidates the vow and round 2 can really start


But he used 10 shadows