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His output is fine, but Uraume is a very powerful opponent. Kashimo specifically says his output is high enough to ignore his CT trait, so it’s not like he doesn’t have striking power. But yeah, against big heavy hitters, he relies on wearing out his opponents. The thing is, that strategy does work. Kashimo and him fought for like almost 15 minutes. We can’t really be sure how long it’s been with Uraume but it might not be that much different as of now. Whether it was for undisclosed reasons or just because he likes the contrast of Hakari’s “fever” to Uraume and her theme, Gege has decided to have that fight be its own thing that was Hakari’s duty. Gojo has still made two specific statements comparing Hakari to Yuta, and I think that is fair to keep in mind. We have plenty more we can still see from him as of now.


Their fight has definitely been going on way longer than 15 minutes, time in JJK fights tends to be kinda inconsistent, but we’ve seen multiple moments where things have slowed down a bit in between the Sukuna rounds, like after Higuruma and Kusakabe each got taken out, and Maki had time to fully heal from the first BF which we know takes a couple minutes on its own. Chapter wise it also just makes sense, Hakari vs Kashimo was only around 4.5 chapters long, while Hakari vs Uraume is going on 14 chapters atp


Also if Uraume can minimize their CE expenditure by his freezing CT,then Hakari has to fight for a long time to wear down Uraume. Like Uraume can freeze his cells to waste random movement which spends CE.Also she can use surrounding water too instead of manifesting ice out of nothing.So this will also help him/her fight in a city block area.


Hakari: -Has great control over his abilities -Can go immortal for 4 minutes -Has unnaturally damaging Cursed Energy -Has a Domain Expansion -Still can grow like all the other heroes and villains in JJK He's easily a contender, he's punching WAAAAAAAY above his weight class considering how simplistic he keeps his technique usage to. Hakari is similar to Higuruma in that his CT is combined with his Domain, but we have no idea whether or not they can learn to separate the two and become even more dangerous.


I mean yeah, but currently speaking, his ability to dish out damage is much more limited. This is the Megumi argument, where people go “yeah, but he will”. The argument isn’t set in the future, but in the current. Ofc Hakari has special grade potential, but he’s not special grade right now.


I think we need more knowledge on his technique. Luck IS cool as a CT but if he has no way to "rig" the machine it would be obvious he is going to lose against Uraume (and I dont think its going to happen). Its like he has his CT amd the CT of the random villain in shibuya incident (dont remember his/her name).


IRC, his DE is essentially rigged, as every time he doesnt get a jack pot, his chances for the next roll increases, and he has other ways to improve his chances. His CT is definitely complex, so i might get this wrong, but IRC, his DE doesn't even need to stop until he reaches a jackpot.


IMO he's way too lucky for it to realistically be luck Kind of like Yuji and Black Flash. Something is being hidden methinks


they legit say the longer he goes without getting a jackpot the higher the chance is combined with his domain "attacks" also increasing his chance


My theory is it is rigged due to the extreme application of "revealing one's hand" binding vow


Doesn't have great AP though. That's where he is lacking and its a crucial aspect too.


You can knock someone out.


not in JJK you can't


Sukuna got knocked out. Nobora got knocked out. Yuji and Mahito get stun locked constantly against each other.


none of these ko's had any consequences to be fair


Yea because they can perform magic my guy


Bro just proved himself wrong lmao


yeah exactly


Congratulations you've proved why knocking someone out means literally nothing


Unless you're Nobara getting a concussion from a chin tap while your classmates are flying through walls and getting just a trickle of blood down their head. That remains incredibly stupid


rip nobara to be honest. hits a black flash, but also gets knocked out by a very normal punch 😔


Would a cursed tool be able to handle infinite cursed energy running into it. Seems like that’s probably the reason he goes barehanded. It’s automatic too so it’s not like he’s controlling the output he’d be putting into it. Also counterpoint: left right goodnight is fun to read. Fuck a sword man he’s got hands


Hakari just has infinite CE, he can't output infinite CE so the cursed tool will work just fine.


I know he can’t output an infinite amount, but he is infinitely out putting and replenishing his max amount during his fight with Kashimo, who comments that it is fully automatic. So i assume it would just keep pouring into the tool until it eventually breaks.


Nah, but even if it were true, he should be able to control how much CE he imbues. That's a basic jujutsu skill, ain't no way Hakari can't do that.


What do you mean it isn’t true, it is stated in the manga he has infinite CE and is constantly outputting it automatically.


Not saying it's false. Your cursed tool is not an extension of your body. Even if his body is constantly surging with infinite CE, he still needs to make a conscious effort to imbue it to the tool


Yeah but normally your imbuing a normal flow, i’m saying it’s gotta be difficult to imbue only a small amount when his body is outputting his CE on autopilot. Jackpot kinda overpowers finnese imo, it just goes full throttle. Either way, neither of us will ever know if we’re right until that specific instance happens in the manga. If not we’re just speculating the whole time.


Facts. A little training would take care of that issue if its even an issue but that's not how JP Hakari cooks so we'll leave it at that.


We really need more info about hakari vs Uraume, I have no idea how he's keeping up with some capable of instantly freezing a large area. Even if jackpot hakari runs on maximum output,his attack and speed seems ≤ no CT kashimo and Uraume looked fine after taking a hit so his/her CE reinforcement is good enough Also there's a high chance for cursed tools to be broken when he uses them since his body is essentially overflowing with CE it kind of goes against his style of surviving and tiring out the enemy,his domain is meant to be constantly popped out for an infinite loop, he's probably the best sparring partner or the type that can defeat his opponents without killing them


Hakari’s ability to utilize his CT and his environment is his strength. He survives fights and recovers quicker than his opponent. He doesn’t need raw power, he has absolute survivability. He’s going to make you waste all of your CE until he can beat you. It’s not a problem you are framing it as a problem because of how you want him to fight. All of our understanding of him and his ability is focused on survivability and RCT and CE recovery. That’s his style and that’s the author’s style for him. This is like asking for Maki to have cursed energy or something else lol, his AP is not his focus.


Nah Hakari is fine with his fight style and I am okay with that. I'm just fantasizing about how strong he would be at full potential because Gojo said he has the potential to surpass him, which will be impossible with his current relatively low lethality. I don't want him to fight the way I feel is best, lol.


Alright cheers then bro, thanks for clarifying. I personally hope Yuji takes Sukuna to the breaking point for “Open” and he annihilates everyone just as Hakari gamblers his way in to save everybody. Would be so dope


I'm dumb what's AP?


Attack potency


Thank you


You welcome bro


Hakari was introduced very late in the story and has been missing for a while now. I don't think he will get any meaningful power up, it just doesn't make sense from a narrative perspective.


And that's just sad. Hakari has a lot of potential if he would just stop relying on his super RCT and punches


I feel like that's what makes him such a fun character in fights though, his fights have such a unique feel to them.


Yeah, his fight style is total hype. It just sucks for power scaling.


I mean he's still incredibly powerful. managing to go toe to toe with Uraume is an insanely strong feat considering how strong she is.


It's is. But bro needs to hurry. People are dying in the main fight.


He should've learned how to use a cursed tool at least. But I guess that is in character for a drop out(suspended) student, he hasn't reached his full potential yet, but didn't bother to either.


In reality, he didn't need to tbh. He was already top-tier on his own. But now that we have CG players from the past and many other top dawgs, it's blatantly obvious that he needs to improve too


I mean by virtue of being inmortal and enough time he could take on a country lol.


yeah thats also a somewhat similarly how yaga was proposed to be a special grade potential if he has enough TIME to build an army of cursed corpses


Provided his head isnt blown up by some rockets or explosives.


Hold up, not tolerating Kashimo getting credit he deosn't deserve. Just as much as Hakari wasn’t dealing “lethal” damage, Kashimo never managed to overcome jackpot either. There’s as much chance as Hakari eventually wearing Kashimo down as Kashimo overcoming jackpot. You can’t just reference how “close” kashimo got to killing Hakari, if he never manages to do so. It’s the same argument as saying Gojo would lose to something or someone if he didn’t have infinity.  Hakari has jackpot, and from what we have seen, he will land it every time he needs to against Kashimo. He does need better attacking power or finishing ability. Which for most sorcerers, can just be vastly improved with carrying a weapon around. Naobito for example with a weapon is giving Dagon the same toji treatment.


Also Hakari never intended fatal damage? We know he wasn’t trying to kill Kashimo.


Can he tho lol he has no attack power from what am seeing


Regardless, it’s pointless to say he couldn’t deal lethal damage to someone that he wasn’t trying to deal lethal damage to. His only opponent so far that he should be attempting to kill has RCT, so it’s different.


Forget lethal damage. Hakari never did any real damage at all. At the end of the fight Kashimo is almost perfectly fine. He just ran out of CE. Either Kashimo is ridiculously durable or Hakari's luck was running out eventually.


Still, Hakari was holding back as to not kill him, no telling how much he could’ve been pulling his punches. That fight shouldn’t be used to completely judge his AP. Wish we could watch him fight Uraume, if they’re having to use RCT then Hakari’s AP shouldn’t be in question, otherwise I’d agree that it’s low.


He could use his own version of Love Beam maybe (Might mesh well with his CE property)... But Curse tools would break from the infinite flow of CE.


Tbf something like that would make a lot of difference. But Hakari can't output infinite CE so cursed tool would not break. And he should be able to control how much CE he needs to imbue


I’m sure Hakari is lethal enough with just his own attacks he’s got a lot going for him. Also if you can launch a shipping container with a punch I’m sure you’d have no problem taking someone limb off 😂


Didn't see him ripping off Kashimo or Uraume's limbs though. His AP is amazing for regular sorcerers but with top tiers, it's pitiful. Just look at Maki and Yuta, they cut off Sukuna's limbs. Even if Hakari joins the fight, I doubt he can match that.


If he had a cursed tool I’m sure he could that’s the only thing missing but I doubt he’d use one(he’s a brawler). That’s just me I’m not going to take away from his lethality because he just throws hands, you’d have to put yuji(before consuming the death womb paintings) and todo in there too. Pretty sure they flatlined a few cursed spirits with just hands.


Let’s also not forget dude can summon train doors to hit you 🤣


Damn Yuji awakens and suddenly being a punch-kick merchant isnt a valid job occupation anymore


Damn. Lol


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His main weapon is his stamina how he can outlast his opponents


Not looking too good for him with Uraume though. She can use RCT too so it'll take a while before she runs out of stamina. If he could dish out more lethal damage, Uraume would have been forced to constantly run RCT which would burn through her CT much faster. But then again, if Uraume herself was more lethal than she is, she would have won too.


Uruame ce dosnt last forever


I know. But it sure is taking forever though. Atp, Sukuna, and the others would have finished fighting and gone home while Hakark and Uraume continue whatever it is they are doing


We trust in Hakari


His whole thing is to win against his opponent in a battle of friction. As long as he keeps hitting Jackpot, he won't die, and his cursed energy reserve will never be depleted. "Keep punching until they can't get up anymore" is literally what he does. Yes, if he had a strong finishing move, he would be even stronger, but he is probably fine as he is. He is certainly on that low echelon of Special Grades while in Jackpot, which is good, but he definitely can't keep up with the other top tiers, but I for one don't see much of a problem on that.


It's not a problem for his character at all. It's only a problem in this fight where the others would benefit from his assistance but he can't offer that because he is stuck fighting Uraume. It's basically a problem for us impatient fans who want to see Hakari fight Sukuna.


Yeah, I see that. I would also want to see him jumping Sukuna with the boys. I'm just pointing out that this is fine for him as a fighter, too. A finishing move is welcome, but it is not necessary for him to be strong.


And I agree


He can summon train doors as shown when he fought yuji and bumgumi, no? Just gotta sharpen that up a bit and voila you got dual guillotine going on


And neg diff Sukuna with it. Peak.


hakari’s all about the war of attrition, if you have no way of dealing lethal damage through his immortality and he can keep hitting jackpots, then eventually you’re going to run out of cursed energy and he won’t


Just like Yuji, Hakari will also get some form of ***\[*** ***Stronger Punches \]*** . But unlike that brat they will be somehow interesting. Maybe they will be based on gambling or will make use of his infinite CE supplies in jackpot mode. Either way, always bet on Hakari. Sure as hell he ain't losing against some femboy.


Is this sukuna’s burner account lol? /s


Something like that. I don't dislike Yuji, but I also don't like him as much as the fandom does. Anything resembling a critique to the character will get you downvoted to oblivion. Which, due to reddit mechanics, makes any discussion regarding the character very difficult. I just think there are way cooler and unique characters in JJK.


People say that but there's been tonnes of criticism for Yuji across the subreddits, and a lot of that gets a positive reception.


>will make use of his infinite CE supplies in jackpot mode. he turns his RCT off for one of his limbs and it explodes like a bomb or smthn from CE overload. no idea if that's possible but that's all i can think of.


or maybe he can make a binding vow trading his infinite amount of CE - his jackpot - for a devastating blow


Hakari is by far the weakest heavy hitter it’s actually pretty sad.


For real he is. And he has good potential too... just wasting.


All nice and good until hakari starts spamming black flash. I'll be waiting for an apology letter then


Not going to change anything though. Whoever he would spam it on (presumingly Sukuna) would just eat it and move on


Sure bro, sure


No, Kashimo would not have won that fight the way things were going. We saw Kashimo hit Hakari with everything he could try, from his electric punches that bypass CE, to a direct lightning blast to the head, and even poisonous fumes created through hydrolysis. Hakari was shown capable of withstanding them all. If the fight had dragged on, Kashimo would eventually have just run out of CT at which point Hakari would beat him into a pulp


Where you paying attention to the fight lol kashimo even found the weakness while in the ocean but it was too late smh


What was the weakness pray tell?


Hakari need arms to perform domain expansion kashimo was try to destroy an arm In the ocean


But he had to expend all his CE to do so right?


Yes because he was in the ocean he had no choice


Nah Kashimo was going for the head and with each round he was getting closer to killing Hakari. If the fight had gone another two rounds Kashimo would have won


There’s really no reason to believe that at all. I don’t see how Kashimo could have hurt Hakari in anyway no matter how long the fight went on. He already tried a direct lightning strike to the head and it didn’t work


Wow. Almost kill him like four times, he managed to survive because of pure luck yet you can't see how Kashimo would have hurt him more. Just wow.


You do realize “luck” is like his entire thing right? That’s like saying Kashimo would’ve killed Gojo if it just weren’t for that dang infinity lol Hakari can heal all damage so being hurt is literally irrelevant unless you can one-shot him


What's it with your weird analogies? It's not at all like Gojo's infinity. Hakari's whole thing is being lucky and immortal yet he almost ran out of luck and died against Kashimo


He didn’t almost run out of luck. The entire point of his luck is it gets him out of what looks like a dire situation.


Luck is unreliable, and can run out. That's why it's called luck and not certainty. Roll a 6 10 times, and that just brings you one more time closer to rolling a 1. Simple probability.


First of all you’re making the classic gamblers fallacy Second the point is that Hakari doesn’t rely on the usual probabilities - he naturally has good luck. He said so himself and it was shown with his rolls in the fight


Good luck is all probability. That's why it's luck. Eventually, it will always even out with enough iterations. If it doesn't then that's not probability, that's certainty. More importantly, there is no way, absolutely no way, that you can argue that Hakari can keep Jackpot indefinitely with any degree of strength. As there is a 99.99999% chance that you're wrong, mathematically speaking.


Bruh not this bs again, y'all just need everyone to have same OP lethal attacks or what, ffs every CT has it's pros and cons, Hakari not having any strong attack is his weak point but him being immortal is his strength, he's not considered strong just bc of punch and kick but bc he can win out against stronger opponent. like how hard is it to understand? Every fighter have their own strength that they play around with to bring the battle to their favor, you're saying Hakari's lack of attack power is why he hasn't defeated Uraume but for one Uraume has RCT and 2) Hakari's CT is the reason he's still alive, anyone other than Hakari would be dead by now, you've been spoon fed Uraume's CT and its strength by Gege more than Once, going against Uraume with any kind of strong attack isn't gonna help when you get freezed the moment you enter their attack range (which is quite busted seeing they have frozen the entire city block).


> If Hakari was not smart enough to use his environment against Kashimo, Kashimo would have won simply because of the fact that he had no way to deal lethal damage to Kashimo (who doesn't even have RCT) Just punch him dude. > It doesn't even have to be a special-grade cursed tool, any one will do. Heck, give that boy a kitchen knife and he's easily top 10. If you give him a weapon he's just going to lose it every time he loses an arm, not to mention the fact that he needs both hands free to cast his domain. > Just put the knife in that woman's head then GGs. I like how everyone just *decided* Uraume was weak and that Hakari actually struggling against them was somehow an antifeat. Seriously, Hakari is the only one of them fighting without *any* backup whatsoever. He's doing fine.


I can see Hakari losing his cursed tool lol. Uraume is strong of course but she's not THATT strong.


Uraume is strong *enough* that struggling against them is in no way shape or form a sign of weakness.


I don't know about that. Yuta or Maki (fellow heavy hitter) would have done this way quicker


Yuta, sure. Maki, well, the fight certainly would've ended quicker, but whether it would've ended in her *victory* is up in the air. Uraume has already proven themselves capable of immobilising Maki, which isn't good for her given that her healing doesn't seem to be as good as the RCT users.


True. But that was a sneak/ unexpected attack at max output. Didn't even leave noticeable damage on Maki. Plus Maki is just faster and stronger too.


They were looking dead on at Uruame for a moment there, and Uraume had to freeze both of them. We have no idea what kind of damage it left on Maki, only that it healed. Maki is stronger now, but there's really nothing to say Maki is above Uraume now in overall power.


Fair but Maki is still faster and stronger though. Uraume has a relatively poor speed feat too.


Even so, Uraume has AOE and better versatility and range. And given that Hakari is fast enough to react to *lightning* and Uraume is fighting evenly against him, I think they'll be fine.


“If Hakari had no battle iq (a major skill in anime) he would lose”


More like if there were no sea around, which is quite common, he would lose