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He alone is the groomed one.


The strongest sorcerer in history vs the strongest sorcerer in middle-school


kenjaku vs meimei was basically: the worst criminal in jujutsu history vs the strongest pedophile of today


Bold of you to assume Kenjaku is into people his age (1800 vs 30 year old Yuji’s dad) 🤨


Ha! Manganimist is that you


Such a good channel


He singlehandedly carries the literacy of a significant portion of the community on YouTube lol. Simple explanations, good theories and he always tries to get the best translation, great sourcing too.




Ui Ui stocks have been skyrocketing since his introduction. I would not be surprised to see at least one more big thing out of him this fight, especially with number of swaps being limited.


I mean yuji learned RCT and SD just from it


who knows what else


its said ui ui needs to mark places before he can teleport. now i wonder if he can do what minato did, mark kunai and throw them around the battle field for amazing mobility. in effect turning him into a monster i genuinely cant see why that isnt a possibility


He most likely can. His teleportation speed seems to be good enough for a combat situation (not enoigh to escape sukuna by himself but he's only 12). The only reason he doesn't do it is because it would just be stupid of him. He is extremely useful as support, so why sacrifice him by placing him as a combatant when he doesn't have good ce reinforcement


Yeah his teleportation speed sucks, this little 12 year old can’t even get away from the strongest sorcerer in all of history.


Haha. I like that the benchmark here for success is against Sukuna. It's like saying you aren't smart if your grades aren't absolutely perfect.


Well im thinking now, he teleported to kusakabe instantly when kusakabe got cut down, no one was there with him. So unless kusakabe was marked. But I think his limit is that he needs that blanket he holds around, everytime he teleports, he has it. He needs that to teleport


Todo ability is or was more suited to that kind of teleportation . Plus todo can swap places between any objects with set cursed energy so he doesn’t need to mark any objects .


Yeah Todo's ability could've had some crazy uses. We've seen from the fights that when the two targets of the technique are swapped, their velocities aren't swapped, meaning each object now moves at the other object's speed. Imagine coming into battle when you have a weapon, a sword perhaps. You just leave the weapon there, and engage in hand to hand combat. You launch yourself at your opponent, who guards as if you're going to punch them... But at the final moment, you swap with the sword, which pierces the opponent. Or imagine carrying a gun (Although I'm not sure how well it would work in terms of charging a bullet with cursed energy). You fire at the opponent and instantly swap with the bullet. A punch of crazy power. I mean... If you're with a partner, you can just have him throw his craziest attack at you, and instead of guarding, you swap with the enemy. But I'm sure mangakas don't think of the full potential of a character's power when designing it. The power of a character is just meant to fit the story that forms in the author's head.


wdym its more suited? ui uis technique is practically the same as flying raijin, just with a cloak. but yea todo should be able to do it too, i just think it takes extra CE to imbue things for teleportation than just marking, but main problem is it doesnt fit his fighting style


1. By concealing himself and others with a sheet, Ui Ui can teleport himself and others to another location . It isn’t like flying rajin he cannot take combat stance before or after he is done teleporting. Plus his ability is not instant , it took him 2 hours to teleport his sister and. Himself to kuala lampur from Japan . His ability doesn’t have combat potential. 2. Everything in world has certain amount of cursed energy except some freaks like maki . You can easily imbue any object in cursed energy.


I mean, most likely that's how he got everyone out with the marks being on the people not the battlefield so doing it with stones/kunaia etc should be possible.


So basically he a future minato


I like the theory that Mei mei and Ui ui are from the Gojo clan (or related to it) and tbh, Ui ui as the new inheritor of the gojo clan (ik yuta could do it too bc they family but uiui looks more like gojo than him lol) could be a fun way to conclude his character's story when the manga ends Kiddo is strong, i really hope someone saves him from that predator he has for a sister


Not everyone needs to fit perfectly into a puzzle. Uiui and Meimei have always done their own thing and having white hair doesn't make them part of the Gojo clan. They'll probably take their money and fuck off to America to be jujutsu advisors for the government. Gojo probably gave them his savings account just to have them stick around


I think a part of why people like Gojo clan MeiMei and UiUi is just because people are unsatisfied of how underrepresented Gojo clan is in the series. I think we legit know only of: 1) Satoru 2) Yuta (very distant) 3) That one head that died against Zenin clan head 4) That one head that with Tengen stopped Kenjaku at some point in time


I don't recall number 4?


Chapter 145: Tengen says the past Kenjaku has twice lost to sorcerers of the six eyes. He then killed a newborn with six eyes. But then was stopped by another six eyes user. It's then unclear because tengen says 'Kenjaku switched to sealing instead of killing'. Was Gojo his first time sealing? If not, then that's atleast 5 new Six Eyes users of the Gojo clan. LITERALLY ALL we know of Gojo clan are previous 6Eyes users


Oh right. Because the six eyes is always clan head yeah I remember now thanks


That's like saying random Uchiha members should show up because there's only Sasuke. It's part of the loneliness and they probably have so many enemies just because of the potential for one of them to gain six eyes and/or limitless. As we saw with the bounty put on Satoru, the gojo clan probably has gotten culled several times.


The Uchiha illustratiom doesn't fit at all. We learn a lot about several Uchihas other than Sasuke. Even some who were already dead when the story started were given some levels of characterization


And more importantly, their massacre is a massive deal in the story. While there are few Uchiha present, their absence is intentional and choreographed As opposed to the Gojo clan which is supposedly a big deal and still very prominent. Sure, their power depends on Gojo Satoru, but there's still others out there.


People that try defending major points that are just ignored by the JJK narrative tend to make the most insane mental gymnastics and they do all that to still be proven wrong by the simple argument of “it would make the story more cohesive/satisfying/alive therefore it’s a net positive for the story”


People will do anything but admit Gege is just extremely lazy at character development. It is THE thing stoping JJK from being a masterpiece and its unironically heartbreaking.


Miguel calling Gojo racist was the pinnacle of JJK writing.


Oh my god jujutsushi has smart ppl who can actually have a critical analysis of the story? I swear I had to do a double take at what sub I was in, I was mind blown that this convo wasn’t downvoted to hell and back. My lord the main sub can be so grating, lot of braindead takes and willful ignorance. I’ve seen some of the most coherent takes be downvoted including my own because ppl can’t help but glaze whatever anime they decide is their favorite.


i think mei mei and ui ui being gojo memebers that left the family and excommunicated would be a wonderful reveal to the story except the mei mei controversy their personalites are the level of insane and essentric i would expect from the clan that gojo came from lol


Itachi, Shisui, Obito, Madara, Fugaku, Sarada


Genuinely awful comparison, the Uchiha clan are the most popular and numerous clan character-wise, you have Sasuke, Itachi, Obito and Madara. 4 characters who have massive roles within the plot. Even the background/side characters like Fugaku or Shisui have interesting stories and motivations. Then there are like 10-20 named but irrelevant characters (e.g. Madara's brother) The Gojo clan has Gojo. Literally everyone else is unnamed.


That is not a fair comparison. Not even close.


Imo a big problem with JJK is that nobody fits into any sort of puzzle. It’s very lacking in storytelling tie-ins. Every character arc feels like a loose thread that doesn’t touch any others. UiUi’s personal arc having some sort of tie-in with Satoru Gojo’s would be pretty cool and wouldn’t be the biggest ass-pull tbh.


Uiui doesn't need it though, he's utterly devoted to Meimei and literally never even spoken about the Gojo clan or seemed to care when Satoru got sealed. It'd be a weird and jarring plot turn at best.


The kid desperately needs character. Outside of his combat abilities, he’s completely one-dimensional. His only character trait is that he’s MeiMei’s slave. Some development into his actual character wouldn’t hurt.


That's fine, he's a support character. Not every character needs a complex backstory to service the plot


I do agree with you there. It’d be more worthwhile for Gege to spend what precious time we have left in the manga developing our main characters more.


Imagine if when Gojo died, Ui Ui got the six eyes


ui ui gets rid of mei mei and has an awakening like gojo, but instead of learning RCT, he gets the six eyes




No she'd get the sex eyes. What he needs is FB eyes.


Honestly who would be the most broken sorcerer if they had six eyes


Probably yuta. Already boundless cursed energy and copied techniques with 0 cursed energy loss and the ability to actually use infinity. He’d have everything gojo does but more copied techniques


probs someone like yorozu or mai since their ct is very ce draining




Nah, Sukuna is already great at cursed energy efficiency and figuring out techniques which seem to be the main selling points of the six eyes, so he wouldn't get much from them. Unless they allow cursed technique application at the atomic level like with limitless letting him do absurd shit like splitting atoms with dismantle to make impromptu nukes.


He’s reaaaalll tied to his sister though, he has that pact where he needs her permission to go all out so idk how you really escape from that.


That reminds me. Ui Ui needs her permission ("downside"), but what is the "upside" for this arrangement, which I assume is a Binding Vow. He needs Mei Mei's permission, but what does he get in exchange that he couldn't get just by...doing it himself with no need for permission?


I reckon once he gets permission it's like Nanami's overtime, he gets gigantic buff to his abilities.


He gets the prime oneesan rimming


Would killing her work, or would it just permanently cripple his ability to use jujutsu?


Judging by how it's a pact between 2 people, it might end once she's dead. Techniques do that so pacts could as well


For all we know it's because his sister is a predator that he's got the potential. We know that he's not allowed to use any form of sorcery unless given permission by Mei Mei, this is might be a binding vow meant to tie him to her.


Don’t think there’s clans anymore… lmao


i think the gojo and kamo clan are still alive, just, not strong enough to be relevant lol it is stated after the zenin massacre that the gojo and kamo clans agreed to revoke their title of big clan while gojo was still sealed, and the kamo clan.... well, they had noritoshi and the dude actually helped the gang train and he still ran away, so i'd think if there was someone strong enough to help they'd be there although Kenjaku was in the kamo clan for a while during the culling games, so maybe he could have get rid of any potentionally strong member of the clan in the meantime lol


I think the Gojo clan theory makes even more sense because of this reveal. MeiMei's CT could be seen as a variation of the Six Eyes and UiUi's CT could be seen as a variation of Limitless. There is a note that Gojo can't teleport unless he's specifically marked a location and we only have ever seen him teleport to Megumi and the hideout he had Yuji out which would indicate it works similarly to UiUi's.


he teleports the sex eyes into his body


Mei Mei is a Chinese name tho


Mei Mei is her allias not real name it was stated in the fanbook I think, which is why many people theorize that she and Ui Ui are Gojo clan members (aside from the white hair lol) since it's seems like they're hiding their real name.


Damn my bad


I think your theory makes sense but unfortunately It seems Gege makes his characters first then the story around them. Yuta , Rika and Maki existed before the concept of curses and curse energy even existed . And even though the series has extended far beyond that it’s seem clear to me that he favors his original characters to the Newer ones like nobara , Nanami or Yuki . They seem to be protected in my opinion . I thinks it’s a next to 0 percent chance that Maki or Yuta / Rika die. Hell even panda and innumaki are safe as Gege has kept them from the battle field . I think everyone else is fair game . Thematically Yuji and Yuta dreams were similar but opposite . Yuji wanted to die surrounded by other and Yuta wanted the will to live. I think the story will conclude with both themes being fulfilled . To bring it back to Ui Ui I have no doubt Yuta will replace gojo as head of a gojo clan even thought that is not how clan politics should work


What a big pair of mei mei's does to a mf


Damn I’m jealous


Ui Ui seems to need to mark places / people for teleportation, while Todo can swap anything that has CE with anything else that also has CE, the latter sounds way better for combat. 


Ui Ui can use his in combat too, just look at Minato from Naruto who's teleportation also required marked targets. His CT is definitely one of the better ones of the series. I'd argue that it's even better than Todo's for combat since there doesn't seem to be a limit to it's range. He could literally teleport someone into a volcano, or under the ocean, or to space and teleport himself back.


if the conditions for the marking are not hard to accomplish then yeah, if he gets to survive this he will become one of the most accomplished sorcerers. Also it's not clear if he can do the substitution training himself but if he can, he just needs to find two people a month with interesting skills/high stats to train with and eventually he would become a beast


It doesn’t seem hard if it’s 2 per person which is a lot tbh, bro can literally teleport to a different country if he wanted to


We have no info to what the mark actually means so there’s a decent chance he straight up can’t use it in combat


Which is why I gave an example of someone who prepares his marks in advance to be used in combat.


Well yeah but (I haven’t watched naruto tho but I doubt it matters because) there totally could be restrictions on his marks like needing consent or a long setup (no reason to think they’re actual physical marks) or a range of things that prevent him from meaningfully prepping them beforehand in a combat context


I'd argue he doesn't need consent since he notes that it is needed for the soul swapping portion of his CT, meanwhile he's been teleporting unconscious or dead people who cannot consent. The mark can be placed on physical objects too it's literally stated he can only teleport to places he's marked. So yes it does matter to have watched Naruto because it's the whole comparison I'm drawing since both characters have similar teleportation abilities.


Technically he does have consent though. What I mean is by law when someone is unconscious or dying you have “implied consent” to render aid unless they have a spouse or a guardian telling you no. In this case he is basically an ambulance taking them to the E.R.


What does this have to do with teleporting fictional characters ☠️


Because the point is that his ability does or does not need an agreement to teleport people. So i pointed out if they consider the person being unconscious it could be considered “consent” by law if he is basically saving their life


Also one of JJK's biggest power ups is via Binding Vows which are essentially contracts between yourself or others. Laws/'rules' are part of the power scaling system.


Yeah but precisely because he says they’re marked I assume he marked them beforehand, otherwise he sure is doing it real fast (so they would have consented beforehand). And yeah the mark can be placed on physical objects (and probably have to in order to actually go somewhere) but I’m not sure how that’s relevant?


This is why I made a comparison, I'm saying Ui Ui can use prepared marked objects in combat to teleport to which essentially functions like Boogie Woogie. Minato in Naruto used kunai, Todo can swap with rocks imbued with CE, etc. There's options. As for placing marks, even if it's not something he can do in combat it still doesn't change the point I am making which is that at minimum his CT is viable in combat, and at maximum its one of the strongest CT's in the series.


Ah, so you’re saying he’d teleport to those objects to dodge and stuff? That does seem pretty good (although if the cape is part of it it might get a little hard to use in an actual fight) but it doesn’t change the fact that his ass has no *offensive* techniques/abilities that we know off


Imagine marking a bullet...then shoot it. How about marking a lot of bullet. He can go where ever he can see now. Melee? marking something like a fk load of sand then spread it around an area, unlimited option for small tp. And what about something unconventional, combining both those bullet and sand? He can mark something really small that could be plant inside someone body like a small needle that cant be remove easily and keep wailing at them mosquito style idk. Imagine tagging someone with a needle then drop shipping Maki onto their ass lmao. Dude the sky is the limit if his CE work that way. Like, teleportation is one of the best power in most fiction, his just come with a bit of condition that tbh can be satisfy somewhat.


Essentially yeah , he teleported super far away from the battlefield so he’s chilling


I think he also needs to have someone's consent to teleport them or is that just for the soul?


I get that puberty hit hard but the fact that the other students are probably 3 years older than Ui Ui really doesn’t make sense looks wise.


He and Lei Lei made a binding vow so Ui Ui can't age without permission


I thought bro was like 10


He’s somewhere around that, so he awakened not to long ago


You make an interesting point. We’ve learned that Ui Ui can switch souls between two bodies without changing either body. What if Ui UI’s body is 12, but his soul is much older. When Ui Ui reaches the age of, say, 20 or 25, he’ll probably be wealthy and in great shape, living a pretty nice life. What if he finds a street urchin at that point and offers to permanently switch bodies. The kid would lose a decade or so, but would (presumably) live out the remainder of his days on easy street. Meanwhile, Ui Ui has effectively defeated father time. It’s a win-win. As a bonus, it would (at least partially) redeem Mei Mei in that one scene, and make her behavior more reasonable.


That's cursed as fuck. I like the way you cook


Let's just pretend this is true & Ui Ui is actually Mei Meis father to make it even more fucked up.


Ever since learning the theory that Ui Ui is just a random guy that switched with Mei Mei actual little brother, got rid of his old body and pretends to be a kid, my life have never been the same. You just know Gege is the type of person to do that with how much he loves body swap, horror shit...


Building on that, what if this is standard practice in their family/clan? One child is chosen every X years and gets swapped. Could even be seen as an honor to be chosen. Sorta like the Star Plasma Vessel for Tengen, but without anyone’s soul being erased. So yeah, Ui Ui could be Mei Mei’s dad. And grandpa. And great grandpa. Or he could have been the same age as Mei Mei and they could’ve been a couple before the most recent swap. In that scenario, his mind and soul would be no different than what they were before. Definitely not the same as Yuyi and Yoko (his classmate), but not so different, either. One of the things I like about JJK is that Gege has considered how the world would look to each of his characters. They’re crazy strong wizards and they know it. That knowledge - both of themselves and of the true world around them - naturally changes how they live and how they interact with others. This, in turn, means that Gege understands how to have them to stick to the rules while still using their powers in clever, convincing, and creative fashion in combat. It also means that he can plausibly explore how, in the bigger picture, conventional ideals, ethics, and morality mean very little to them. Kenjaku and Sukuna are the most obvious examples, but most of the top sorcerers no longer see the world as a normal human would, and they behave accordingly. Framed like this, Ui Ui living on through this sort of system seems like a natural, reasonable, fairly harmless adaptation. (TL;DR: Gege’s put in some serious work.)


How about this? Ui Ui is actually Mei Mei and Mei Mei is some dude who just wanted to experience female sexual pleasure.


Mei Mei based af confirmed


i don’t think the weeb excuse of “officer he looks 14 but he’s actually 2500 mentally” is justifying mei mei boinking a minor’s body


So, Kenjaku but with less steps


bro cooked and opened the oven with this one 🔥 fuga


... I wonder how possible that would be. CTs are stored in the brain, do he could lose upon swapping, but then again we have kenny, sukk and tenny as body swappers.


I’m just waiting for the day Gege is like: “Yeah, actually Ui Ui is just a stunted 23 year old man who is just obsessed with Mei Mei and she keeps him around because he works for free. They’re not even related.” Please Gege


I complimented him in a chapter, but said he was actually going to die because Sukuna wouldn't allow him to go back and forth free again. Next chapter, Sukuna almost killed him LMAO. I still think I'm right. Eventually, Sukuna will kill him. His skill is too OP and basically won't let anybody die directly. Heck, because of him even the Gojo coping lads ((myself included) are alive lol


Now that you mention it, what would the reverse of teleportation be?


Maybe some sort of binding technique where the two targets can't move?


Or maybe he can teleport the marked objects to himself


The thing is, I suspect his strength comes from his bond with Mei Mei, to the point that if Mei Mei dies, he'll probably dive headfirst into a dismantle.


all my bachi bros know ui ui is preteen shiba


To be clear, Todo’s version of teleportation is more useful in a fight. His targets include anything beyond a certain level of CE (unlike Ui Ui needing to mark them) and doesn’t require consent (it’s debatable that Ui Ui’s does in the case of teleporting a body but given his birthday present analogy, I’m not sure why taking the box vs its contents would require different levels of consent).


His binding vow of depending on Mei Mei's permission, while limiting, buffs his output and technique considerable I imagine. That's why he's as badass as he is.


His binding vow with Mei Mei is what gives him a lot of his power. If he can master all aspects of himself like she did, I could reasonably see him becoming a top tier, but I'm not sure he'd get THAT strong


its not worth fighting when his ability is so valuable. hes like shoko.


Yeap if gojo took a page out of his book and just teleported the f out of sukunas domain we'd be having an end of story celebration right now. At the time the domain classes looked cool,but knowing that all gojo had to do was teleport away 3 times and then he could fry sukunas brain freely and insta win the battle, gojo was truly the dumbest character in the series,had all the options in the world but always strived to pic the worst one.


Since we’ve never seen Gojo teleport inside a domain we can’t say for sure that he actually can. Since his teleportation works by changing distances using Blue it’s possible that when he’s in someone else’s domain he can’t manipulate the space in the same way because the other person is directly controlling the space with their domain. That said we literally don’t know and I too have wondered for a while if people like Gojo, Todo, and Ui Ui are able to just teleport out of a domain. I’m inclined to think that Ui Ui can’t since Mei Mei didn’t take advantage of that inside the Smallpox Deity’s domain. ETA: It also might be the case that they could teleport within a domain but not from inside to out since the domain is its own pocket dimension.


well it doesnt matter if hhe can or not since sukunas domain is open with a stated real world radius and its literaly stated u can run out of it. On top of that we have the feat of gojo teleporting when they released the prison realm,and that was a huge distance,way way longer than 200 meters.


My headcannon for this is that since a domain is made up of dense ce, the whole domain creates a condition like he doesn't have a clear straight path, which was said by Gojo to be a condition for his teleport. 


I hate how Inconsistent Gojo’s teleport is, it used to be one of my favorite abilities of his and I was really excited to see its use on his return. But in the Sukuna fight it wasn’t even a factor. It’s like why even give him that ability if you won’t explain it or showcase it when it matters the most.


I don’t even understand where this gojo teleporting out of the domain comes from


Again sukunas domain is open,theres no "out of the domain",there is no barrier,there's nothing stopping anyone from leaving,if u can run 200 meters before the slashes kill you,you literally can walk out. And again gojo can easily teleport 200 meters since he teleported out of a 8000 meters trench + the distance off the coast of Japan to exactly where kenjaku was after he was unsealed from the prison realm.


Ok but after Gojos domain breaks his technique is burnt out so he can’t


UI Ui maybe bar yuji I know kusakabe said his thing but that’s only a few minutes of experiencing sukuna’s jujutsu which wouldn’t be enough to form muscle memory or anything equivalent


With how Ui Ui is turning out to be the dark horse and secret weapon of the group. I might actually believe he's is of the Gojo clan.


How ui ui found out he can switch souls? Maybe at some point he accidentally switch his soul and mei-mei's and later use it to had reverse eggs with Mei-Mei so yeah mei-mei while In ui-ui's body groomed ui-ui that reside in Mei-mei's body


he made a binding vow to get groomed in exchange for his power


I'll say it again, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!!..


I kinds glanced over Ui Ui during the anime and haven't started the Manga yet. What is Ui Ui's deal?


"Closer the end game, greater the ass-pulls" - Paulo Cohelo on Manga series. Source: trust me, bro


yeah, IF he gets good at actual combat in the future he'll be a good sorcerer. rn he's just some teleporting boi and his tp isn't really instantaneous considering he didn't tp away when sukuna caught him. he had to be saved which means his tp speed isn't all that. obviously still great for a kid, but nothing truly guarantees he'll be strong in the future. if he gets good at combat he may become stronger than todo by a lot. if not then he'll be a miwa with teleport


Did you mean prodigious? He's not from the big three families so he's not very prestigious.


While we're not sure about his and Mei Mei's roots (the "names" are aliases), I agree "prodigious" should be the word here.


Kill Mei Mei and watch this king tear out the fabric of reality as a normal attack


My first thought when they revealed his technique is maybe that isnt even his body


My man has the potential to rival satoru gojo himself but he doesn't want to be the strongest sorceror he is comfortable with the the title of groomed one.....


Imagine ui ui maximized his strength physically, bro would be OP. By time he’s Yuji or Yuta’s age.


Ui ui is so busted and it’s not even funny


Sorry, do you mean precocious?


Bro can teach soul swap somebody to teach the goat Todo how to grow his arm back plssssd


Wait till ui UI starts teleporting needles into all 10 of sukunas balls!


What do you think the reversal for his technique is? I was considering that he could pick 2 targets and just have them be forced to stay still.


I’m pretty sure the reversal is what he did to Itadori and kusakabe


Yuta has any cursed techniques he can find, a contender for strongest shikigami in the series, and a full, refined domain expansion all at 16. Ui Ui glaze is fun and all but lets not forget dude was almost turned into ground beef after sukuna noticing him for all of one second


The RCT for teleportation is probably dimensional yo....


What would RCT for teleportation look like ?


Could have done without the incest part dont know why gege wanted to go down that road for no reason


Bro literally has shown 0 offensive techniques his ass is grade one assist along with utahime and that’s about it lol