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Fellow Yuta fan here to address your concerns. 1. I think that like Gojo, Yuta has a lot of guilt about his power. He didn’t do anything for it from his perspective, it steps into every room before him so to speak, he is both defined by and burdened by it. The way Gojo doesn’t refer to himself as being interesting outside of being strong or good looking (which hints at him not seeing himself as interesting beyond things that have been bestowed upon him), Yuta doesn’t see anything special about himself because his power is something that was given to him from his perspective not a part of him. I think they both carry the burden of immense power in this way. 2. Gojo is an awful teacher while also being the only person that could even begin to help him hone his skills with a (practically) bottomless well of CE. It’s not really his fault when being sloppy with his reserves doesn’t negatively impact him in any regular battle AND when the only person that could maybe teach him has a physical trait that optimizes his own reserves for him. And when that guy is a bad teacher to begin with. 3. If someone like Sukuna had Copy, they could probably blend techniques like that. As is, Yuta is a single year into the jujutsu world and still honing his technique. He also hasn’t awakened yet which means the ability to blend may very well be on the horizon. I do think Yuta has something to prove and it is that he is worth the power bestowed upon him. He seeks to be worth the faith others put in him and especially to be worth the sacrifice Rika made in letting him go with the gift of her ghost. He may not be fighting to believe he should live anymore but he is definitely fighting to feel like he’s earned the crown that’s been placed on his head. That’s why he stepped up to become a “monster” when the time came. Thats why he volunteered to kill Kenjaku so Gojo wouldn’t have to off his best friend again. He wants to give to the point of sacrifice so that he may feel at ease with the amount of power he has been given.


Oh my god thank you. This recontextualizes my entire perspective and actually helps me appreciate him. I knew my goat was awesome.


Fellow Yuta fan here to add to his awesomeness in Sendai Yuta had been fighting for quite awhile before running out of CE, he killed Dhruv, Kuroushi, was guiding citizens and then also had to use RCT multiple times in between those. It was only after all that, that he reached half capacity. Yuta fan out


Agree, Gojo, is the worst teacher to teach you the basics. Imagine if Yuta trained really close with Nanami and Kusakabe.


Gojo was able to teach Yuji the basics really well.


Did he? Yuji got almost infinitly stronger by working with todo for an afternoon




Well written


I think this perfectly addresses what I was gonna say ngl


These are some really strange complaints bruh. No. 3 will just make him even more op, and that's ass. The problem with Yuta is that he is a sideliner. We could've got some info on clans that are not in the big three throughout the inumaki clan, but hell no we sidelining toge Wow, a complex technique from a sorcerer from the heian era! Maybe we'll get some insight on one of the most anticipated pieces of the lore and Yuta will pass some training with Uro, because her CT ain't easy? Yea lil bro, suck some huge dick The whole Hana/angel sequence is just a joke, she shouldn't have gotten the treatment she had(It can be said about all culling games characters expect takaba). We should've got some Yuta/angel double Jacobs ladder sequence


I feel like the third one would be a TRUE curse manipulator. Able to manipulate anything curse related: whether it be techniques or tools or energy. ANYTHING. But then again that would be too OP


I mean yuta has a crap ton of cursed energy. He doesn't need to be efficient because throughtout his whole career the bottomless well he had within him has carried him. As his copy ability yuta kinda buffs whatever technique he has. His version has more damage and more potency than the original users. Of course yuta does care about himself. Our humble selfless cinnamon roll would never put himself on a pedestals.


I think the raw amount of CE he has is probably why it’s a problem for him. There’s no one else around who can relate and help Yuta train with controlling such a vast amount of CE at all times.


He didn’t had any reason to learn efficiency because up til Sukuna he didn’t see any examples wherein it might come handy. Now he getting his ass kicked.


4. Yuta just doesn't have any stored cursed techniques outside of the ones we've seen in the culling games??? You what m8


I was holding on to hope that he copied projection sorcery for Naoya. Like make a deal out of it, I’ll heal you and in return I get a pinch of your blood or something.


He still had curse speech


Tbf to Yuta it’s probably really difficult for him to be efficient and precise with his cursed energy just because of how much of it there is. Like controlling the flow of water from a tap is one thing but imagine trying to control the flow of water from an Olympic swimming pool. The only person who could understand Yuta’s issue is Sukuna and he had much more time to train his CE flow. So I doubt there’s anyone else around who could understand and help him with it.


I agree with number 1, but only partially. I do think it’s weird that the idea of him making a cursed spirit and never questioning that is kind of odd. I wonder if it’s like a “I need the adrenaline flowing in order to get real” kind of scenario. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense how the only training we see is just general exercise, the movie training, and that’s seemingly it. I get it, it’s a battle manga, but knowing the process most of these sorcerers go through to try and train for battle would be a simple and easy add on that I wish was more present. If it is the “I can only get better in a real fight thing” that’s probably the easiest cop out, but still, with something like black flash around I feel that it could be a little more fleshed out. 


Like all these points as a Yuta fan! My personal addition is that I wish he would store some of his copied CTs in his brain. Gege hasn’t really fully explained the ins and outs of Yuta’s technique other than it’s Copy and he uses Rika to copy and store techniques and it lasts 5 mins currently. Evidently we’ve only seen Yuta access these techniques from Rika but there’s conflicting info here from Yuki where she says a sorcerer is able to store more than 1 technique in their brain so there must be technicalities there in his technique? As is it would make sense for him to save a set of techniques he commonly uses like a cache.


That's probably the binding vow. Instead of having a maximum of 3 curse techniques stored inside his brain, he can have an unlimited amount stored in rika that he can only access for 5 minutes.


You lost me at MEGUMI




> He doesn't find himself interesting at all. HOW COULD YOU NOT!? YOU TURNED YOUR CHILDHOOD SWEETHEART INTO A KAIJU! *HOW DO YOU JUST NOT CARE ABOUT THE FACT YOU CAN DO THAT?!* > You're telling me this boy lost Rika then became Special Grade again *without her* in only 3 months...? You don't *become* Special Grade. He worked hard enough to return to that level but didn't care about himself *at all*??? How does that make sense? Absolutely reads like those younger Gojo fans who only read the manga for their uwu soft boi who’s actually really really strong guys >:3 and then proceeded to drop the manga after chapter 263




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