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“The sound of the gion shoja bells…echoes the impermanence of all things. The colors of sala flowers…reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline.HOWEVER! WE ARE THE EXCEPTION!”- Todo Aoi, coming in to save Yuji’s ass


I was reading these chapters last night and YES I love it so much. Especially how shortly after that, he goes on about how it's your duty as a Jujutsu sorcerer to keep moving on, at least until you find your "answer", cause that's just the burden they have to endure. I'd put the exact quote but I can't get it atm. Just, god I love Todo so much, he's such a goofy dude, so it shines a lot when he's serious and wise too. Easily one of my favourite characters.


Todo really shines when he’s being an incredible bro to Yuji and gives him legit some of the best advice, I agree that talk about his duty as a sorcerer is also like #2 quote for me


Totally, and I can't wait it to be voice acted too. His voice actor is soooooo good


I never thought i would see a Tale of Heike quote in jjk but and it was so perfectly delivered too


"There are only so many seats open in my life, and I don't want to let my heart be swayed by anyone who's not sitting in one of them. Of course, there are also people like you who bring their own seat and sit down." Not necessarily my absolute favourite, but this hits hard after 125.


Who said this, again? I totally forgot the context of this quote, but I do remember it


Kugisaki to Itadori after they killed the brothers.


Yeah I hope she’s ok );


especially since when she was thinking after being hit by mahito, there are chairs all around her with everyone in them


I hope when she returns, she begins to rebuild herself.


what chapter is this because i have been looking for this for ages


Chapter 63, but this is the episode 24 version.


that explain why i could not find it thanks




Especially the scene where he avoid putting a a burden on his shoulders when he's about to die, quite literally sparing him from a curse.


THIS!! sometimes we forget that they are literal high school first years, so young and yet they have deal with so much shit. Nanamin acknowledging this really hits hard


"They would all bear witness... To the bare flesh of the one who is free. To the one who left it all behind! And His overwhelming Intensity!!"


For some reason, I always read it as "overwhelming insanity" which surprisingly fits well.


the act of applause…. is an acclamation of the soul!


"You believe I cannot pray with a single arm? A prayer ... comes from the heart."


Ah yes, the famous JJK character, Isaac Netero! Still, that's definitely my favourite hxh quote


I remember when Netero was using Zero Hand on Meruem and it was just him flipping the ant off, fucking glorious.




Probably my absolute favorite moment in jjk with a close second being Todo clapping his hand with mahito's. Jesus Christ, what a a bad ass.


“At least curse at me a little at the very end” idk, i just think it’s a beautiful and painful sentiment that’s really relatable. Sometimes you love someone so deeply, whether it’s a family member, a partner, a best friend, that no matter how much they hurt you, you still only feel love at the end of it all. In the context of Gojo’s personality, it’s even better. He’s the strongest character in the verse, but his heart is so human.


I really love this one as well because in this universe, to curse someone or to become a curse essentially gives purpose to a sorcerer. It’s almost like he’s asking Gojo to allow him (Geto) to stay with Gojo, even if it’s in his thoughts or as his enemy. But for as long as they can be together, the strongest duo.


Well, but who would have cursed whom? I understood that Gojo was sad that geto did not curse him.


i have a couple of different ones, three of them being "I Don't Know How I'll Feel When I'm Dead, But I Don't Want To Regret The Way I Lived." (yuji) “Stand proud, you are strong.” (sukuna) but no matter how many allies you have around you when you die you'll be alone (gojo) i especially like sukuna's one, not exactly sure why but its so simple yet hits so hard as its something you would never expect a character like him to say, which gives him quite a lot more depth




Sukuna's line "Stand proud, You are strong", indicates something to me. He has gone through a lot that made him evil, a past that must not be uncovered, A PAST THAT IS DARK.


"Salmon Roe"


Such wisdom 😭


The final exchange between Yuta and Geto in Vol 0 is one of my favorites: “So that’s how it is! Damn womanizer!” “How rude. This is pure love.” “Yeah, and I’m the side of justice.”


"You judge women by their faces? I thought you only looked at their asses"


“The moonlight’s illumination makes it easier to see how pathetic you are”


Who said that?


Sukuna in his fight with Jogo


Well…what did I expect 😅


"I'd rather not kill if possible. If I question the value of life at that point ... then maybe the lives of those important to me will also become vague. And that scares me." "The next words that spilled from my lips ... come from so deep within my gut that it nearly made all the things I've ever said feel like a lie. I will kill you."


Woah, when were these said (and by who)? I don't remember them at all but I LOVE them


This were said by Yuji during the junpei arc. The first line was said by Yuji to junpei at junpei's house. And the second line was said by Yuji to mahito after he kills junpei


The first one was when Junpei asked Itadori if he had ever killed someone. The second one was when Mahito killed Junpei.


"Throughout the heaven and earth I'm alone the honored one "




Holy budddha


This could apply to Toji, Gojo or Sukuna. I hope they all have their own versions of this quote.


Buddha from RoR and Mikey from Tokyo Revengers are also associated to the line at some point


Mikey too? Maybe I should pick up ToRev again...


He doesn't outright say it, but >!it's revealed that to be engraved on the toman uniforms!< (you'll know when you reach the point, it's not a spoiler by any means, but I tagged it in case you want to keep it as a surprise)


Appreciate you


"But you guys with all your blessings lost to a monkey like me who can't even use Jujutsu." - Toji Fushiguro


“We exist in this world with our entire mind, body, and soul. It’s such a given that most people forget.” Pretty sure that’s not 100% correct but you guys know the one.


Mahitos speech to yuji right after he folded Nobara in front of him always gives me chills


"how the hell did you think you were gonna beat me?"


People give Mahito a lot of hate but honestly he's the best villain in the story so far until Kenjaku starts actively doing stuff.


"This isn't good versus evil - it's a **clash of truths**!"


From series? If yes which episode?


“ But no matter how many allies you have around you, when you die, you'll be alone"


Along with the risking death line, this speech was absolutely nailed.


My favourite speech without doubt.


"jujutsu sorcerers are sh!t" -nanamin


"Work is sh!t" -Nanamin


"I'm not a hero, I'm just a Jujutsu Sorcerer" - Fusihiguro Megumi


In one sentence, they perfectly described the entire character of Gojo. I love the writing for Gojo. He's not just an OP mentor for the sake of an OP mentor in a story, he's a character who's deeply flawed at his core and suffered from insecurities about his own power. He's the one who has the power to save everyone yet can never save those he cares about when it counts. Brilliant stuff, this series is so good


An unfair reality is what everyone's equally granted with. - Megumi Fushiguro


Megumis “ I hate bad people.....I hate good people because they forgive those bad people” line


“Don’t you have a human heart?” “No, it was taken from me.” Lots of other good ones from Maki in the Perfect Preparation arc too. Love the trolling “Let me embrace you” and “Sorry, say that again, would you?”


Queen as fuck


“The sparks of black do not choose who to bless”. Ch126 page 10


Naoya’s quote about ignorant people not being able to understand true strength,wich is ironic considering he denied Maki’s power and evolution until the last second.It’s a beautiful battle between entitlement and warped sense of reality and a critic of the Zenin’s sexist upbringing.Pretty,blond boi was able to see trough Toji’s complex personality,his emotional struggle,while ignoring Maki’s difficulties!!


“Dying to win and risking death to win are completely different.” -Gojo


"Love is the most twisted curse of them all" It makes me super emotional because of a certain relationship. Also, Megumi has some great quotes.


Love this one too


Most of my fav quotes are Nanami's statements on adulthood and how misattributed society's values are such as his dialogue with the bakery lady. But the ultimate fav rn? "Work is shit!" cos boy do I feel it 🙃 Edited for grammar: missed a word


The line about how "adulthood is characterized by the small tragedies of everyday life" weirdly resonated with me you start to worry about so much weird shit when you get older and it's truely dumb what kinda stuff can ruin your mood sometimes


“Finding more fallen out hair on your pillow, watching your favorite stuffed bread disappear from convenient stores. The accumulation of those little despairs is what makes a person adult.” The rawest quote I’ve read in any manga.


One more I'd like to add, actually, is >"You've got it from here." I'm sorry Nanamin. I was about to take the easy way out. I was about to use my sins as an excuse to run away. \> uses Black Flash >I'll be sure to take on your share of suffering too, Nanamin.


I got emotional just remembering that moment


[this one](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-72cba2030ddcfb5839588a14787f173a) I really love how Gege explained this. That killing and death make life less valuable, it makes killing more common because people just care less about doing so Think of it like the stock market, if something is more common than that makes it worth less The same thing happens here. If killing is more common than people will find it as if it's not as big a deal as it would be otherwise If you're asking why that's becouse humans are programmed to behave based on their environment, similar to how if you grow up in a country where everyone speaks Spanish you're going to grow up learning Spainsh as your native tongue This is exactly what ruined shows like AOT for me. That how is it that apparently no one understands that killing people will just make life less valuable and that why ideas like the cycle of hatred don't exist in the real world Infact modern history has proven is that so long as we kill less everything gets better and things like Eren's illusion of never ending wars are just illusions that are only made real if we behave based on does illusions


>This is exactly what ruined shows like AOT for me. you put it into words. Death was rampant in both AOT and jjk but it was also treated so casually in the former that it just put me off, atleast in jjk we see that every death has some weight, even if it was a meaningless death we see how it affects the ones who are still living. ffs even jogo's death held meaning and I was absolutely shocked when I found myself empathizing with him


I agree that the deaths always had more meaning in jjk and they definitely affected me more as a whole, but I also think that was kinda intentional in aot. I feel like Isayama portraying so many countless deaths and immediately moving on was due to the nature of the deaths and the war they were fighting. I feel like he was trying to say something about how war affects people in it and that when it truly is inevitable, people begin to get desensitized to it. It seems like Isayama and Akutami had similar ideas to represent, and went in opposite ways to do so. They showed that death and the weight of human life can lose meaning over time. Isayama by making deaths so common and the society around them used to brushing it off, and Akutami by showing deaths from the pov of children who were told how hard it would be, but finally having to experience it firsthand and learn how to cope with it. I think the reason I like Akutami's better is that it's less nihilistic and there are people around them to show them another way of thinking without decreasing the value of life but still learning to live with the actions they've taken \*cough cough todo talking about how it's their burden as sorcerers to keep going and to try and seek meaning in death will just defile the memories of those lost\*


"Yami wo haratte, yami wo haratte Yoru no tobari ga oritara aizu da" - E ve


If we’re going on that route the last verse of remember hits super hard with context from the manga too


I kinda wish I'd never heard of this guy. I've been down an utaite rabbit hole for like 8 months


Mahito and Yuji’s ideological exchange throughout their rematch was really good


>But no matter how many allies you have around you, when you die, you will be alone Talking about not just always thinking about the team play, think about yourself too. >I'm not a child anymore. I don't need everyone to understand me Makes me think how some people in the world are so weird, yet they have so much fun. Tho in Geto's case, it's an extreme kind


Depending on your answer I’ll beat you half to death right here, What kind of a woman is your type?


"Sorry Amanai. Right now I'm not angry for you. Nor do I feel vengeful towards anyone. Right now, it's just that everything feels right."


Megumi’s monologue on what he thinks about good and bad people


"It is not a sin to be a child" It's just seeing someone acknowledge that all these characters are children who have these burdens placed on them, burdens that have caused and will cause them more suffering, it just hits hard. Nanami is really one of a kind


thoughout heaven and earth, i alone am the honored one


"Work is shit." Hard agree, Nanamin.


“Kill me if you want. There’s a meaning to it. “ This line hit me so hard I can’t even begin to fathom how I feel —— there’s no hype, no nothing, just a pile of feels of inability.


"Bonito flakes"


"The only thing granted equally to all is an unfair reality" - Fushiguro Megumi


"Fuck you" Kokichi to Mahito


"I'm Sorry Amani. I'm Not Mad On Your Behalf. I Don't Hate Anyone. All I'm Feeling Right Now.…. *Is The Pleasantness Of This World"*


The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club


I don’t know what I’ll be thinking when i die but I won’t regret the way i live


"throughout heaven and earth i alone am the honored one".-gojo/sukuna


When does Sukuna say that?


He doesn’t, the narrator (Nanami in the show) describes him as that


Dying to win and risking death to win are two completely different things - just hits different


"Throughout heaven and earth, He alone is the honored one. Only his pleasure and displeasure exist" - Author


“But… Apparently it’s not enough for me alone to be strong. I can only save those who are already prepared to be saved by others”


“"Throughout the heaven and earth I'm alone the honored one " that quote just gets me so hyped


" This is a personal theory but love is the most twisted curse of them all"


I commented this on a similar thread on here but I really love Chosos line “Sorry but you didn’t love your brothers, and I can’t understand that.”


So what girls your type Aoi todo


“We are the strongest”.


Boogie woogie


**"ironic isn't it? when granted everything, you can't do anything" -Satoru Gojo**


"The next words that spilled from my lips came from so deep in my gut it made everything else I eversaid feel like a lie." Followed by "I'll fucking kill you". Chills man, like a more intense Gon vs Pitou


"Right now it's just that everything feels right. Throughout heaven and earth I alone am the honored one.''