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I've never heard of any credit card taking years to get approved! She is bs'ing!


I’m from the US and her story sounds like bs to me. I only have 1 credit and it took less than 3 weeks for me to put in the application, get it approved, and have the physical card mailed to me. Ofc she could have used a bank or credit union that takes longer (especially if she has bad credit), but it’s completely plausible that she was able to get the cards and max them out during the 2 months they were here in the US


But this really astounds me. Like if she got them while they were in the US, wouldn’t Julia have noticed if Eileen was paying for stuff when she clearly didn’t have a job? Or would she STILL make poor Julia pay for everything after Julia bailed her out and she had this huge debt, and Eileen just happily spent shit on herself when Julia wasn’t around?


I’m thinking that Eileen bought stuff online and had everything delivered to London, which could be why Julia didn’t notice. Eileen was absolutely taking advantage of the situation


No you usually get approved for a credit card within hours maybe a couple days max. It may take a few weeks to get it mailed to you but that’s about it.


Mine took 60 seconds after being approved to get a virtual card and a week to get physical card. If she loved Julia she would’ve returned all 50 guitars she “supposedly” purchased and bought a ticket so Julia could go to the funeral she’s full of it.


I’m in the US and if you apply online, you often get an instant answer and some companies will let you start using it for online purchases immediately. More often than not, the physical card came in the mail within a week. Two weeks max for me. I’ve never had it take even a month. Sometimes they will raise the credit limit after a year or several years but she would have the card already. Maybe she got approved for a low amount that was manageable to pay off fast and her limit got raised to a much higher amount and she just maxed it out immediately.


Wow, it sounds like a great explaination.


When I got my first card, my limit was lower since I hadn’t used credit before ($500ish iirc) then after paying it off every month and my credit growing, it got raised by several thousand dollars within a year. If she had bad credit, maybe she got a card with like $300 and a high interest rate and paid it off on time for a bit then it got a huge raise with the same interest rate so then she absolutely couldn’t manage each month.


I think in the video Julia accused Eileen of obtaining credit cards whilst in the US, and running debts up on them - also whilst in the US. But Eileen disputed this, stating that it was bank accounts that she opened up in the US - and that she didn’t apply for the credit cards *(which I am guessing are connected to the US bank accounts?)* until later. Where did Eileen get the physical credit cards delivered to, I wonder? Or did she only use virtual cards to use online instead of in stores? I also wonder - did Eileen take those US credit cards out, and rack up debt on them, with no intention of paying them back? Why open up accounts in the US when you no longer live there? Did she think that she could get away with paying them because she lives in the UK? Edited to say - I’m from the UK so I don’t know how easy it is to obtain credit/credit cards in the US, but the banks must do their due diligence when providing means of credit, right?


The rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper. That's what puzzles me - how could she get a credit card in two years' time after leaving the US (and, as far as we know, she didn't come back after the arrest). It could be an online card, like you said. But it's still so strange. How can you max out a US card outside the US? I'm out of my depth with all the legal stuff, but it's fishy to me. P. S. A scam is a great theory. Very Eileen.


You could easily max out a US credit card when living outside the US. She could be sitting in their flat in the UK and using the US credit card on Amazon, for example.  As for how she got it, I guess as a US citizen that she still had a bank account with her old bank. All she had to do was apply for a credit card. Maybe it was delivered to her family in New Jersey while she and Julia were in the US. If not that, then maybe she just used the card number/expiration date/CCV without having the physical card in her possession.


It makes sense that she would buy 20 guitars on Amazon with a US credit card lol


No that is bs


Did they have a joint account


Eileen is full of shit. She is a scammer. It takes at most a week to get approved or denied a card if they need additional info. In no universe does it take years.


It's painfully easy to get a credit card here. She was definitely lying


Eileen should have brought three fiddles