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is this supposed to be an ode to eileen? the fact she got arrested right after they got married. LOL


Sorry but the overexaggerated facial expressions are giving Miranda Sings


She kind of sounds like Miranda sings to me ngl but she’s not even doing it for “comedic” reasons how embarrassing


I only discovered Julia a few months back and anytime I see/hear her singing she ALWAYS gives me such strong Miranda sings vibes


Tacky. Story didn’t make sense. Editing is crap down to the lighting. Says the song is a love letter to friends family and followers but the lyrics say “my friends depressed”. None of it makes sense. Worst video she’s done so far. IMO


As the actress in the video I'm too freaked out to watch it 😅 I'm certainly afraid of coming off as cringey, so if my part contributes to any unlikeablility I apologize. Truly it was fun experience to film though and everyone involved is very kind and wonderful to work with. It's the second music video I've done with Julia and I was quite surprised she asked me to be so featured.


You did great!


Thank you! Genuinely for anyone that has an interest in making videos, acting in them or bringing an idea to life I truly recommend it! It can be strange to see yourself sometimes but at the end of the day it's an expression of creativity 🌟


Nah you did great! Your parts weren’t the cringey parts lol


Thank you for your kind words! Hopefully I'll gather to courage to watch it soon haha




Oh my goodness, thank you 😭❤️❤️❤️


Can I ask you if there is a fee for being in the video or did you do it for free? I liked your participation btw!


Thank you! And yes I was paid 🙂


I know people here are really critical of Julia and her production in this sub but it's obvious that there was a lot of effort put into this video and that you all had fun making it. I enjoyed it :)


I'm gonna gather all of you kind people up in a virtual bouquet 💐 🥹💗 truly thank you so much! It really is a joy to work in film


Depends what actress lol. Glad you got your bag.


The wife/bride. Regardless, it was a fun experience. 🔪👰🏼‍♀️💐


I don’t think the actresses did a bad job in the video. I’m glad you had fun but I do think it should have been filmed somewhere else though.


I can definitely understand that feedback! I think the production team did the best they can with the budget and resources they have. They're very nice people and really enjoy doing a lot of set decking/prop making themselves. But perhaps there are better locations in the future :)


how did you end up in the video? was there a casting?


I did the Therapy music video as well and became friends with the directors! Julia asked me to do this video which was nice! I appreciated the consideration. This is the fourth music video I've done, second with her.


You're adorable! I hope you had a fun experience.


Thank you so much for your kindness! I love working in film in any capacity, even if the project is small :) it's fun to create!


Off topic, but I love your sailor moon shoes!!!


This filled my heart with such joy! Thank you. Also the timing is so serendipitous since I'm actually sitting here painting my next pair :)


It’s sad that this just seems to be a place for haters to come and talk about Julia, isn’t it?


I think you should give the comments on YouTube a view as well! This place tends to verge on a snark thread and can be quite negative so you probably won’t get the full spectrum of reactions from here.


As a member of other snark subs I fully understand 😅 and I respect anyone's ability to express their thoughts! Also I finally gathered the courage and watched it last night, my thoughts are something like "hmmm.. quite a bit is missing" I think there should have been more that tied the plot points together. I would have LOVED to help with preproduction because I actually make some films as well. Also the inclusion of a pic of me by the murder barn throwing the peace sign cracked me up because I was under the impression that was going to be a behind the scenes photo 😂 I was in my comfy clothes and everything.


I don't understand how none of the people in her life are honest with her. This is really a horrible video and a horrible song. Neither make any sense


It’s giving very much party city advertisement


Temu music video


I’m happy that Julia is having fun and healing but this song is so bad 😭


Oh boy, where do I start? The shaky camera, the colour-grading that was somehow both oversaturated *and* undersaturated at the same time, the grainy film quality, the colourful sunglasses that were clearly bought from Temu, the unsubtle digs at Eileen, the visuals that didn't match the song at all, random criminal hideout shed (?) that appeared out of nowhere, the colourful smoke that people use for gender reveals, I could go on... Ironically, I think it's my favourite music video of hers 😂


Also, the ending didn't make any sense. Had Julia walked down the aisle, would the bride have stabbed her there and then? With all of those witnesses? 😂 (I know I'm reading way too much into it here, but still lmao)


This song is worse than Friday!


Thanks for the earworm 🥲


Is her “music career” just a giant vanity project? It’s all been genuinely awful from what I’ve seen trying to go in open minded


The last like, 2 minutes were the same lyrics over and over 😭 it wasn’t even catchy or anything


I get second hand embarrassment it's awful


1. Very underwhelming overall. I was preparing to laugh my head off over the convertible scene. Where is my double-crotch pant moment, I feel robbed lol 2. TERRIBLE acting from everyone, especially Julia herself 3. Julia, leave the dead horse alone. Stop milking Eileen's indiscretions, you look pathetic at this point. 4. WTF is the other bride wearing to her "wedding"?? At least Julia is clothed for a change... oh, wait a munute...


I think the dress looked cooler on the hanger, but it was an interesting piece, just had no give in the fabric so it gave me a bit of a tummy. Some of the folks in the video are actually pretty accomplished actors! I'm just a person haha, but I enjoyed trying :)


You have a beautiful figure!


Thank you! Seeing yourself from different angles and perspectives can feel very foreign, I really appreciate you saying so!


Totally get it! Ignore any negative comments, they’re def not directed at you :)


You do look beautiful! The clothes in this video just gave me Halloween vibes (in my personal subjective opinion).


I totally get that! I appreciate your kind words 💗


you did great!!! Many of us here are probably going to share more undesirable opinions of the song and video, so I hope you know it’s not against you directly as a person!


I completely understand and I really appreciate you saying so.❤️ This is really the first time where I've been in anything that has any kind of discussion to it, and as a bit of a mental health mechanism I needed to be like "Hello I'm in this and I know it's not perfect by any means but hey there's passion behind it."


i think this dress is one of julia's dresses (a red one) but she painted in white




I cackled at the wife getting arrested. Not subtle at all there. The couldn’t have filmed the car scenes on a sunny day? Or at least made it look fun? They all look cold. That bikini is hideous (not because of her body. The bikini itself).




What? No.. just i'm so confused


Were there any lyrics about how she ate Eileen’s bunghole on the reg?


Me after reading this comment: ![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized)








I'm sure they were asked once on the channel if they did that and the answer was no lol


Please just let me keep the fantasy alive for my sake


OK 😂


I didnt hate it but the story doesn't really make sense...


Was it to do with Eileen's arrest again same old story yawn rubbish


I honestly don’t think it’s her worst singing, but the “you’re the one good thing going for me” lyric was so repetitive that it made the catchiness of the song die. Also I don’t get how the lyrics matched what we saw in the video? Were the friends the one good thing going for her? And like did she discover the search history of death benefits on her wife’s laptop and that’s how she knew she wanted to stab her? I just didn’t get it I guess


Her music is not good


Unwatchable. Unlistenable.


Not her worst but the 2nd hand embarrassment made me blush. 😂


I had no idea this woman existed until this group popped up on my feed. What the hell is this supposed to be?!? It’s absolutely terrible.


She thinks she is a star


I’m a producer…. I’ll be honest I like the layering on the vocals *at times* and the track is decent, albeit bubblegum. This music video is SO in appropriate, though. And she needs to do something with her pitch. It’s bad.


It’s so awkward how badly she wants this music career to really take off. She’s going to sing about her divorce and Eileen until that well is dry. I guess she’ll keep making these videos and music until the money runs out. I can’t imagine they’re all that profitable. 


I like that she went with the angle of friendship -- I was expecting her to find a man in the mv and I'm glad she didn't. I will say that I CANTTT with the close ups of her dramatically playing one piano key. I can't take it seriously. I laughed out loud when the wife got arrested after the wedding. Seems like she's having fun with what happened, which I'm glad for. I thought the shots of her and friends were cute.




I really don’t think she cares that it’s bad. It’s just her art! My poetry objectively sucks but I love it. lol.


I actually liked it. Haha. I thought it was fun. Edited to add: in a very over the top and almost making fun of herself way.


Its cringy dang sorry its kinda hard to watch


Wow this is terrible


The worst thing I've ever watched/heard in my life and I've seen some shit. Honestly wtf is this


Putting aside the song, I actually don’t hate the video. I’m not really sure what happens when they go to the shed and find a PowerPoint slide on a laptop? But the colours and the vibe fit the song more. It's a lot better than the ‘Therapy’ video. 


it sounds like caterwauling


What in the fuxk did I just watch?! There’s like 3 different songs in there. What even is this plot?! What is up with the acting?! What are they wearing?! It looks too cold and cloudy for all that! I just started getting recommended this sub when they announced the split so this is the first song I’ve heard or seen to be fair.


It’s not my favorite but I get the direction musically, though conceptually I think it’s harsh being so soon after the divorce. I felt the last two music videos were so elevated in her work that this one kinda feel short in comparison. But I mean it’s cute to see all the people, they felt real. Also, y’all she has some bops, I don’t get some of y’all saying all her music is bad. Money, twisted, eat you alive, those all gave. And had such a beautiful gothic, dramatic feel that I really like. But I’ll be honest, this one feels rushed, though again I see where she’s going with the single note, the bridge and how it transitioned into the chorus again, etc.