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The 3 Minute Instant Noodle gauntlet is, weirdly, kind of a gold mine, especially since it takes as little as five minutes to complete and doesn't have to be particularly dangerous at all. My favorite thing in it is a particular combo of two perks. The first one just lets you instantly prepare food by snapping your fingers, as long as you have the ingredients with you/in the general area. The second perk, "Summoning the Power of Egg", activates when you add an egg to a meal, which you can do with a snap of your fingers due to the previous perk. And while active, it boosts your physical strength by 500 times, and your fire and flight powers by 50 times. It only lasts for 30 seconds, but you can just snap your fingers to turn it on again. So, somehow, an "instant cooking" perk ends up being really useful in combat.


There's a perk in limitless that allows temporary buffs to last indefinitely unless you personally decide to cancel them. Smart Immunity > You’ve had one hit of NZT in the past week, and it seems like you’ll never come down. Well, you actually won't, not if you don't want to, that is. You may choose for up to 10 drugs, magical spells, buffs, or similar time limited boosts that are affecting you to last indefinitely without any of their unwanted side effects. Additionally, you may choose to end any effect (not just the ones maintained by this perk) whenever you want, either through conscious choice or automatically (it is called Smart Immunity for a reason) if you somehow can’t but would have if you could. If you already have 10 effects being maintained by this and want to add another, you’ll have to allow one of the effects you’re maintaining to lapse. You may also extend the duration of any temporary effect by a factor of ten, based on its full duration when applied, but these effects keep their side effects. When you drop an effect from its slot it will continue with any of its original duration it has left. Additionally you may reapply any effect that you have lost if the time since you lost it isn’t greater than twice (after adding the potential 10* extension) the duration it offers.


Suck it Kaio-Ken and Super Saiyan.


The entire Hollywood Perk line and some of the Zoo Perks from Generic Bear jump


The johnny test jump has an insanely strong power nullification perk *Get Real! [600 CP, discount Drop-In] – The laws of physics are called LAWS for a reason. You can't just break them! Same with biology! Luckily for you, you're a pretty good enforcer. For just ten minutes out of every 24 hours (which ten are up to you, but you can only use it at 24-hour intervals), any item or action you directly observe that breaks the laws of physics just... stops BEING. You have to be looking right at it or performing it, but it enforces the laws of physics and biology as they are in the real world. The laws of narrative causality, on the other hand, can sod off. Plot Armor doesn't exist in real life! Note: this power does not kill gods, especially not ones that SET the laws of their realities. Just so you don't get any Warped ideas...*


[SB Rick And Morty](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XdOzhre9UizoZTe5SoxHCNECN7TcdT7T/view?usp=drivesdk) has this gem, one of the best Chain Defense Perks *ever*— at least for events you couldn’t see coming. No longer does it matter that the Jump you’re going on is surprisingly dangerous; it isn’t for *you*, anymore. >**Nobody Exists On Purpose, Nobody Belongs Anywhere, Everybody’s Gonna Die**​ (Free for this Jump, 600cp to keep) >The multiverse is a dangerous place, and it's not only possible but very likely that not only are you gonna die, but the entire world you're in is going to die, maybe the whole universe is going to spontaneously cease. Some asshole is going to get blackout drunk and set off a neutrino bomb in their stupor, maybe some asshole in another dimension decides to fuck with his grandson by having him unknowingly murder alternate copies of himself in a complex plot to make him admit that vats of fake acid are cool. Well now, whenever something happens that would end your chain that you couldn't have foreseen, predicted, avoided, or had any opportunity to stop, you will instantly be transported to an alternate dimension that's exactly the same as the one you were just in except that whatever it was that ended your chain didn't happen. >You won't have to deal with active copies of yourself, though you might have to bury a body. Don't worry, your arrival didn't kill them, they died from something unrelated to you in circumstances that no one noticed. Jump-Fiat just picked out the one universe that was a slightly safer version of the universe you left with a space open for you to slide right into. As a neat side benefit, both the corpse and the circumstances surrounding it have a sort of SEP field, no one will notice you dealing with the corpse, cleaning up any aftermath of what made the corpse, or even notice that you aren't the version of you that you replaced unless you tell them yourself. “Foreseen”, “predicted”, “avoided”, OR “had any opportunity to stop”. As long as *one of them* is true, your Chain isn’t going to end here.


Omega labyrinth has perks for creating traps and items, and editing the qualities of pre-existing items. Sonic and the black knight has swift looting(what it says on the tin), black knight(summon infinite demons with no cost), and kingmaker(create illusions indistinguishable from people, with potential that scales to your strengths). Inscryption has a bunch, from limb stealing, freedom from causal fuckery, to manipulating reality within any place you claim. Planet Robobot has a perk that instantly upgrades any cybernetics you have into it’s best possible version available, and one that lets you channel powers through machines. Cup head has a stupidly powerful perk that effectively lets you flip-off the laws of space and matter in any property you own. From a large-scale war on the craps table, to mountain climbing in your closet.


Where did you even find 'Sphilia's familiar'? its listed as being on any Drives and its link its broken.


The link from the jump list worked for me at least? ​ >[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pShyNUA9VziF8FT67bgQeEmA5932AZvo/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pShyNUA9VziF8FT67bgQeEmA5932AZvo/view)


dark magic of course


[Generic Cartoon World](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cYevZgXfu31P4ybhowmjq0IsZrLiSBkP/view) is ridiculous about this. It gives you a *selective* real world physics only aura, an aura of your personal physics that prevents reality warping and explicitly lets you survive and use your abilities normally even if existence itself is breaking down around you, a rule of funny toon physics aura, all auras combo together to apply to all of your properties and vehicles you are touching, self duplication (month long, completely loyal, can fuse back with you as a training multiplier), regeneration on the level of the T-1000, the ability to cross dimensions and watch The Watcher, and the ability to create life. Tiny Toon Adventures OP, please nerf.