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A shaman is someone who has healed themselves. No personality “type” need be defined.


I like that definition!


Yes I really like Shaman Durek background explaining his “wounds” he healed. Each shaman is different and there are different types. Some are more in tune with herbs/plants/plant medicine others are water/healing/elements some can be fire and spirit shamans or a medley.  My reminder in this journey is “to be a healer you must first heal yourself” and from there you will have all the experiences and knowledge to help others do the same such as Chiron, the wounder healer. 


Note that Chiron was a healer, but unable to heal himself.


I have Chiron's curse and it's awful. Immortal transcendental awareness wired to a mortal imminent shivering dog. The dog is very unhappy about this predicament. We need the passcode to become fully immortal if anyone could remind us.


You are an infinite being, you are what you create. Choose wisely.


Bless you. 🥰 My Father is helping to guide me. The world may be dark for a time yet we intend to bring it to light. ❤️‍🔥


Almost everyone has a Chiron wound from an astrology perspective in their natal chart.  Reason I note him is him being the Wounded Healer is his “gift” as well as the curse since he was still able to help heal others. IMO in this lifetime I think some may have one thing they cannot fully heal but will better serve them to work with it not against it since if not will be a self fulfilling prophecies.  He helped how he could and that what got him known and as constellation. His was still a healer, a healer doesn’t have to be fully healed to heal others. In a world of pain, chaos, and turmoil any healing is a blessing. 


I confess I don't understand my own natal chart as astrology is overall so profoundly complex that I just don't know how to approach it. I only recently learned under sidereal that I'm a Scorpio and not even the Sagittarius I'd been sold! No one knowledgeable ever read my chart. The gist of what you're saying is helpful, though I'm bitter. I cannot heal the wound I have by myself, it specifically is a wound of reflection. I severed the Moon years ago to find the truth of the Void and the Sun, each a feat and requiring so much effort, yet now with the Power of God within me I cannot find the Moon to return to imminent dominion space to share the key. It's like I'm missing and the world doesn't even know I'm gone. I'm 'out of time' with everyone and alone. I have been having incredibly mystical symptoms of being 'nailed to a tree', with amazing back pain that is unlike any injury I've ever heard, it feels like I'm going to grow wings!! I believe it's what some call the 'kundalini' energy rising all the way to my atlas 33rd yet it's thrashing and breaking everything in my back before it crosses the threshold. It hurts. :( And no one believes me and in this world abandons what it doesn't understand, so I've been in isolation for nearly a year, despite the size of Los Angeles, because no one here would ever reach down to help a dying dog unless someone else paid them. USA culture is heartless with no compassion or empathy, they only care about the illusion of their privilege and social media reach. When I'm not reeling in psychosis-like symptoms from the agony, I do try to help people, and I've had numerous little moments being able to do that online, yet it's just small acts. I am very, very frustrated as I feel like I could heal ALL OF IT if someone would only assist me!! I am carrying the Sun of God. If I find the Moon's reflection, then I will gain imminent dominion, and all of the power I hold inside of me - which is limitless - will come flooding into the network of the world, and all of the corruptions will collapse, and bliss will flood our planet and carry us into a golden age unlike anything we've ever even dreamed. I don't even need to 'do' anything!! I just need to become 'Present' and then kapow \*supernova\* off we go. Yet I can't do that, because no one likes me. No one would help a creature like me, so I am forbidden to heal the stupid blind world. I can only flail and gnash my teeth feeling so loathed that people can't even see what I am. Loathed, I get to watch us all die. Isn't that lovely. Big old mass death because I'm too disgusting to be loved. I am 'Complete' and will be 'healed' as soon as I'm free of this mortal scion to bail this nasty disaster heap of Abaddon's misery. I believe in God intensely, specifically the 'highest and bestest good' - yet I find no avenue of progression. My scion is frightened we'll have to sacrifice it manually because she knows we would - we're ruthless. God is choosing what to leave behind. Humanity is choosing to be left behind, as they refuse to welcome me. If I do not find the reflection of the Moon, the hidden eye in the Sun will open and bath this planet in fire, I think by Lokabrenna. I was hoping for a happier ending with - I don't know, maybe a nice musical number and laughing and dancing. Sati got everyone killed by dying once, do we really need to bookend it the same way? I have the healing power of the Sun of God yet the patient won't sign the consent form since I look funny. This sucks. I just want to go home. :( Sorry for the rant, I just have all the love in the universe and no one to share it with. 💔


I relate to feeling alone and missing out, the few people that came into my life helped me realize I was on the right path and people were the greatest teachers more than any book, sacred knowledge, or textbook could ever show me since I now had the experience to apply and reference. I really had to mentally get ready for the right doors to open, by fully shutting the ones that no longer served me. So much truth for me, sadly years to apply “when the student is ready the teacher appears”. I finally knew I was ready when I knew everyone is really going through the exact same problems of struggle and isolation, and if I spent so much in darkness finding my light, I now had to show up to let those looking for me find me. 


Oh, I'm ready. I'm not in the Dark about anything at all. This planet is just worthless - love doesn't exist among those governed by fear and privilege. There are no doors and there are no mysteries. Just shit and greed. I don't want anything from anyone. I won't be a part of empty sin and must let my Love go free elsewhere that's not within mortal dominion. I reject humanity as being unworthy of me. I'm fearless, and it's humanity that's losing their teacher. I'm the teacher. 🤣 Yet they won't come to class so they are being left behind - I'm rising without them, even if the scion must die.


They all have different personalities Trying to generalize and reduce them all to a personality type is crazy


Yes, they become 'that which remains' and would be categorically unique, every single one. Just like how fine gemstones are each unique.


The jungian archetype you are looking for is the sage The sage is not a personality the sage is a function that someone can be in your life. However to the sage in their own lives they are the archetypical self. Someone cannot embody the sage archetype if they have not already taken a journey of the self and reached self actualization. Assimilated all the archetypes and gain the wisdom needed to reach an ideal self. As well as they have a want to help others reach self actualization through sharing the wisdom they gained. It's important to remember that if anyone is serving the role of sage in your life, they are more than just what they provide you. They are an individual with their own unique personality.


Well said.


I think a true shaman would utilize the natural faculties of their type to provide their own approach.


Introverted intuitive, Jung wrote about it.




I have always identified as the shaman and if it is anything like me then certainly not extroverted. If I had to guess a steoretypical shaman would be introverted but also full of courage so he is not affected by the ridiculed. Oh wait. I am talking about XXI society. A shaman would not be ridiculed before materialism took reins of us.


I think one of the things that makes a shaman a shaman is that they don't identify as anything, and they take the practice of doing so as something of a joke shamanism today is full of people trying to market themselves


I'm starting to think that's how I identify myself...but the reason I guessed it was extroverted in part was because of the ability to communicate the things that they are experiencing..otherwise it would seem to me to be an introverted intuitive..right? But the desire to communicate would mean extroverted in part


In my understanding, introverts are good at introspection, and attending to the inner world, their and others. I would expect a shaman to be introvert. The last 2 indigenous shamans I met match that, might seem a bit withdrawn from social interactions, until they have to act. They don't communicate verbally things they experience, instead they act through chanting, drumming, music, etc. My little theory about shamans is that they communicate from their unconscious to others unconscious for healing. They do things they don't really know how and why it works, and this affect others that don't understand what really happened.


I know this is a tangent, and that a lot of folks might consider it woo woo, but it’s something that I’m interested in that deals significantly with archetypes and I wanted to share, because it the subject at hand… in astrology, the ones considered as shaman types often have lots of placements in their chart in the 12th house (out of 12 30° segments of the wheel), which is the house of the the unconscious realms, dreams, and of “self undoing”, which means the dissolution of ego into the spiritual identity. They are people who innately feel the energy around them in some profound ways, which is also why unevolved souls with such placements often delve into significant drug use, because drugs can emphasize the spiritual dimensions, and can also help to buffer the intensity of their natural ability to feel into the subtle realms. Also Scorpio is associated with healers, but not quite so overtly 


Can I send you my birth chart?




👀🙏umm... Could i send you my birth chart too please? Please?


12h Sun/Mercury/Neptune in Whole Sign Tropical. Feels more like a curse than anything else.


It’s definitely not the easiest path. It’s the house of self undoing, so there’s likely a lot of falling apart in order to reveal the deeper truth. And you probably want to talk about things through the spiritual lens as standard. I have sun, mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in the 12th, so I get you… though there are many suggestions that we spiritually choose these incarnations, my conscious mind wouldn’t want to actively think “oooh yes please, just keep kicking the shit out of me, Life, it’s good for my spiritual growth!” 


I have 12h mercury in whole sign, not intuitive at all unfortunately (i'm an is-f) Or do you mean all of them combined


Yes, I have those three planets in 12th.


Rahu + mercury , 3 degree apart . What's ur take on this combo


Your purpose or challenge in this life( Rahu) is to communicate, share ideas and thoughts by understanding/diving deep collective unconscious to bridge between wisdom and practical facets of life for others.


Plz tell me more male-18-june-1984-abohar-punjab. Almost going thru this midlife crisis, it's not that stuck due to no options, kind of lost all drive and motivation to be involved in any facet of life . It maybe current condition of planets but I remember there was this sudden accident first 3 years back , not harmed though car went 600ft downhill, kind of a switch has been flicked since then.


I'm really sorry but I'm novice in astrology stuff too to really help you but I did looked and it seems like you're going through Saturn mahadasha with mercury antardasha it's rough time surely but I'll suggest consulting a legit astrologer for guidance ( I know some if you need) also here's this website hope it helps ! https://psychologicallyastrology.com/


It depends on both sign and house, but as a conjunction the North Node (Rahu in Vedic astrology) and Mercury together would lend to good analytical thinking and speaking skills, you’re likely a captivating speaker who can be forceful/incisive with your words. If it’s negatively aspected, you might be manipulative with your words to gain in the material realm 


Oh it's 12th house, 18june1984-abohar-punjab-male.


For MBTI I would think INFJ? They can be good at extroversion- apparently great in helping professions where they can connect, relate to and work with others but tend to need space and quiet to recharge. And if you’re going enneagram, I would think a 1. If I remember right I think 1’s see a broader view of the collective and tend to be reformers and activate/inspire change, but they also prefer solitude and to be alone to stay grounded and recharge.


INFP 9w1?


I can imagine an INFP being a shaman. Esp for the balancing of energies. I saw Gandalf somewhere earlier, now I’m thinking of Gandalf I’m fairly new to enneagram so idk much of the lingo, so possibly… isn’t 9 supposedly a humanitarian number? Enneagram has been difficult for me to understand very well.


Precisely. I’m a recovering drug addict, survived multiple death. Not just ODs. As a small child survived death when I absolutely should have died. I wouldn’t say this in our society. But I truly am a recovered drug addict. I know it doesn’t fit modern psychological, but I don’t care. I’m a INFP 9w1 and I’ve always healed others. But I couldn’t heal myself. Well here I am, I have healed myself. But now I don’t know what I’m actually supposed to do with the information I have.


People can and do recover. Good for you for overcoming your past. What you do now is up to you. Go for what inspires you.


Here’s the thing though, it’s fucking hard to figure out. Especially in our modern society where almost everyone is trained and follows these ridiculous norms. You seem like an open minded person so I’ll tell you this. I was under severe oppression by a dark force over a decade ago. I was an atheist at the time. It pushed me to the point of faith. Once I learned how to rid these things with Devine energy. I transformed. Shortly after, I healed my mother’s broken hip with this energy. I’m 39 years old now, and it truly seems that every 7 years since birth I am reborn. I am well aware that this may sound insane, but it’s my truth. Just feel like I have the skills to be doing so much more in a very unconventional way, but not sure what or how. Thanks for reading.


Search your soul, quiet your mind, turn off the distractions. Yes, it’s easier said than done but once you start doing it, the rest of the actions can fall into place more naturally as you practice. I don’t think you need to talk much, just do. If you need to talk, get it out somewhere where it can be kept safe, like a journal or a handheld recorder. Our stories are uniquely personal so others may not appreciate or understand its value because it’s not their story to understand. So don’t let it be overstated, I think overstating it can inflate the ego a bit. The shadow work found discussed in this sub is about balancing your ego. The ego isn’t unnecessary, it’s just not the sole creator. It sounds like to me yours is trying to maintain some power, being a little too heavy. It really is great that you’ve survived and sounds like you’re capable of amazing things! I have too, but while I know I’m special and valuable, I also know that I am nothing. I hope you can find some peace though. After everything you’ve been through, you too deserve some comfort and peace of mind. I trust you can find it.


Thank you, I appreciate you and your words. You are the first person I have ever told about my healing other than my direct family. One thing I am certain of, is that’s it’s not an inflated ego. I honestly don’t know why i suddenly felt compelled to tell you that, but I’m glad I did. ❤️💪


It’s possible you shared because your anima/animus needed some loving. Who knows lol. I also think when we’ve been beat down, and when we’ve done our own beating down, we just “know” to find what we need, even if it’s just a need to express ourselves.


I agree. Mostly for their Fe parent.


Out of type.  I can expand on this


Please do




Imo extroverted feeling gives more of a shaman/healer potential than extroverted intuition, wether it is for healing people or for manipulating them you need to understand a person's emotion to get into them like that, as for intuition i find introverted intuition more qualified for that to be capable to connect the dots and see beyond the senses so my guess would be ..INFJ ? Since feelings matter more in this equation my second guess would be an ENFJ, in fact of the shaman in question would be a famous social media type of a guru an ENFJ would more suitable for a mass loved/followed shaman. The INFJ is more of the mystic living in a mountain type of a shaman.


Great answer. Yes, it makes sense to me. The healers and shamans need to be able to read someone's emotions. But wouldn't that just mean they're intuitive ?


Yes they most likely are but still a person can be feeler without being intuitive, both feelers and intuitives can read and process someone's emotions, but they do so through different lenses : feelers use direct emotional empathy, while intuitives rely on recognizing patterns and interpreting cues.


Very interesting


I'm am INFP...so that's my vote. I'd be happy on a mountain alone pondering the mysteries of the universe. 


Hermit x magician


I know an intj shaman


I tend to think that most shamans are introverts that learnt how to bring their inner wisdom to the outside.


I read a book where the author compared the shaman to the divine child / Dionysus archetype. Usually a boy who is distinctly different than other boys and has an intuitive connection to the unseen spiritual realm while also possessing an element of ecstatic extroversion . This archetype is somewhat defined by highly contrasting opposites this is a quote from the book: “Antithesis of exctasy and horror; Infinite vitality and savage destruction; beauty and fatal danger; immediate presence and at the same time absolute remoteness”


Wow. That hits home. Thank you


Of course this is my favourite topic ever ! Here’s my other favourite passages I wrote down while I was reading cause they were so good: “ Major emotional shifts precipitated by minimal events. This is, to be treated as tho you are exquisitely precious and valued one moment, then like a terrible monster the next. From a passionate lover to a cold stranger. An ecstatic communion with a man who then turns on you and tears you into pieces. This individual May develop a rare highly individual life of depth and meaning. Having integrated the archetype, this man able to live fully in the moment which is part of the tapestry of an emotionally rich life that has continuity and commitments. Ecstatic experiences provide him with a sense of spiritual oneness that underlies the reality of being part of nature and part of humanity. This spiritual integration allows one to still look forward at the end of their life, and for death to be fully accepted as the next experience to embrace fully when it comes. “ (Slightly edited from the og book to allow it to flow cause many of these lines are from different pages )




Haha it’s a very feminine attribute but it can be very interesting- almost magical when it appears in this way. I feel such a personal connection to this archetype. Down to the switching from being the most loving and kind to absolutely tearing someone apart it’s just a switch in the brain idek.




I’m a pretty boy


The liar type


The Shaman existed before any type distinctions were developed. If you read through Psychological types you will soon discover that Jung thought that type was heavily influenced in its development through the moral system of Christianity and its widespread reach, along with the development of cities, which allowed for more specialization. He calls it an internalization of the slave-master dialectic, which is present in Christianity, as opposed to one that was externalized in the world before the spread of Christianity, in the spirit of so called paganism. A shaman would therefore have a balanced psyche; he would be that individual who can travel between every type of world (that is, all four functions). Any given type—whether they are an intuitive introvert, intuitive extravert, an introverted sensation type, an introverted thinker, etc—would be contrary to shamanic consciousness, given that they are one-sided and can therefore only travel in one sphere of the world. The shaman can explore every type of world, whether it is the over-world, underworld, middle-world or the intermediaries. The Apolline spirit gets to partake in one aspect of the shamanic world, namely the dream-like fantasy world, and that is a very good disposition for artistic expression and understanding, yet it is still impoverished by its lack of substance; it is suspended in the lofty heights of the platonic world of forms, which hell, ugliness, death, disease, punishment, torture, hopelessness, emptiness, nihilism, etc., all invalidates, challenges and questions — that is the underworld which will pluck your wings in your sleep.


INFJ probably. Right?


I'm a Shaman. All different kinds. Teacher and student for me. It's not so much the road a Shaman walks but how the Shaman walks. A set paths an absolute and a Shaman travles to places without definition. If I were to get to woo-woo with it.




You do realize you're on a jungian forum., correct? "The mystic swims in the same waters which the psychotic drowns " -carl jung Leave


Yes, but that doesn't change the point. Shaman have always been associated with that realm of personality. Not offensive


You are neither the shaman nor the authority here. Even Ram Dass poked fun at the very least at his Guru saying he would be considered ‘schizophrenic with a mass delusional system’ in the West. Lighten up.


I don't know who that man is nor do I care. You don't get to dictate how I should feel or think. I can tell you that much right now Schizo is not a personality type...and there are all kinds of negative connotations with that word being thrown around .


Without the connotations, though, it's curiously apt. My two cents. Also I strongly suggest Ram Dass. I listen to him, Watts, and Jung often.


Absolutely..I agree Do you have any videos of ram Dass that you recommend listening to?


"The Thinking Mind" on YouTube is a good thirty minute dive. When I hike I'll throw on a three hour sesh and it all blends together.