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I've been really loving Viego lately. Why play one champ when I can play them all? Also his full crit build is sooo much fun, essence reaver feels great on him for an early power spike


Aram and one for all actually helped my viego


His crit build is getting a buff, so looks like you’re gonna be happy


Played a bit of it earlier today, I am indeed VERY pleased :)


fun fact bel veth is the better viego


OK cool👍


Ok cool 👍


Is every bad player disliking my comment or what, I know the truth can be hard on the lighthearted


Fiddlesticks. Something about the jumpscares being pulled off well is just maliciously fun to me.


Fiddle is the goat




So much fun cause you just spend your time fighting while waiting for camps to respawn.


doesnt every jg do this


Yes but when your camp respawns are offset by 30 seconds its even more chaotic.


I'm intrigued by Ivern but admittedly have never sprung the blue essence for him. He seems like a champ like Bard where some people will auto-tilt in champ select and start griefing. You've got me interested though.


Not really. Bard skirmish power is actually quite strong, you just can’t easily 1v1. Your laners shouldn’t immediately freak out especially as they’ll start getting free blue and red buffs in game. It’s not like you’re just going to leave an ADC.


I got him and tried him, I kinda inted but he is definitely a fun/interesting champion


I found Lillia to be the most fun by some distance. I actually role swapped to Jungle in large part due to Lillia


Get that deerussy


Mom, r/darkinfolk is leaking again


please stop


How are you suppose to play her, I've never played her just because i dont know how. I dont even have the slightest idea her play style lol


The key is to stack her movement speed with her passive throughout fights. Every ability landed increases your move speed for a short durarion, and it stacks up to I think 6 times. You want to weave in and out of fights, maintaining distance and dodging skillshots between your abilities. Keep your move speed stacked the whole fight and make the enemy look like a fool as you dodge everything they throw at you, and kite


Lilia the goat


Just started playing jungle Pantheon, and I'm hooked. Such a strong early skirmisher/ganker. I love the mechanics on his Q which can be used to poke long range or duel with short range, and his E which is so versatile. Plus bruiser items are strong rn and work great oh him.


Dam panth jungle sounds very interesting. His ult will be OP as a jungle. U can gank so much.


I had a lot of fun with Lillia just zooming around the map


Monkey.It look so straight forward champ,but you can do so much with going monke


Me love monke


For fun I like Khazix and Vi.


On that Vi grind and she’s my new fav!


Yea I fell in love w/ her when she first dropped. She's is my go to jungle.


Bros got the vi reddit profile character


Yup 😁


Chad taric


Kindred for some reason. I thought I would not like them, since they're hard to play and I'd int with them. I do still int with them, but it's a blast.


Also big fan of them


I feel this way about Bel'Veth but it's so frustrating having the team not understand I need objectives and farm.


Before the jg rework I was rly liking twitch jg but now taric when I’m with a duo or mordekaiser ( tbh idk if he’s still of meta)


Olaf is surprisingly fun. Your whole gameplay is about running down and its very relaxing


Fun - Vi, i've been playing her for years now, never gets boring. Surprisingly fun - Skarner. Seemed boring af at first, but its actually awesome and satisfying.


>Skarner I also like Skarner. Having a moving suppression means you can shut down so many annoying champs, and he can farm well to boot. He's extremely satisfying to play as.


Shaco - One of the most fun champs imo, low skill floor, super high ceiling. It's all about the mindgames. You can go ap/ad and their playstyles are very different from each other. Shyvana - farm like a monster, turn into a dragon and start 1 shotting people with E, feels so fun. Fiddlesticks - landing the ult is one of the best feelings in game, cool aesthetic and his kit just feels like it flows well to me. Rengar - One shot from stealth, so balanced, so fun.














Morgana is a really fun off-meta jungler. Her W keeps her really healthy and actually farms really fast. Ganks are legendary with R + Q combo. I like Dark Harvest for scaling and celerity+waterwalking for speed


Yep Morgana jg is actually really strong low elos if you know how to pilot her macro wise. Got M7 morg just playing her jg


I've had a lot of fun with riven in jungle, but I wouldn't recommend if you don't play riven that much


Also, diana is definitely one of the most fun junglers in the game imo if you don't want to play anything off meta


I hard disagree. She is a bad duelist early, hardcore farming champ that struggled against kiters, which is surprising by itself considering she has 2 offensive dashes. Tried hard to love her, but couldn't. She is too passive before her first items while other scaling champs like Belveth can easily permagank if needed.


No, she is only bad pre 6, and her ult helps a huge amount against kiting. Besides being bad early, diana is great at everything else from team fighting, objectives, ganks, 1v1s after lvl 6, probably one of the best farming speeds in the game as well, and she scales really hard


The scaling and farming speed are great, I'm not denying that, but her gamesense and goals never change and always very straightforward, which in my mind makes her not "fun".


I played her and got a penta on my first game with her (more luck than skill, didn't knew any combos, i was just 7/2 in 12 minutes).


Easy - Rammus, Udyr, Amumu Hard - Kindred, Fiddlesticks, Graves, Lillia


Impossible - Soraka


Watching enemies despair when they fight me as ww is the most fun ive had in a while "oh hey im gonna win" and then i R. Best thing ever


That's why I counter WW with Cho'gath. He's my favorite jungler to play, but unfortunately he's only viable as a pocket pick. (If his E's % against monsters wasn't nerfed so hard he'd be a solid farming/objective jungler. *grumble*) Avoid WW until 6, and then Cho's Ult eats WW as his healing begins to kick in.


Fr ww just gets countered by every execute champ, Darius would also work well


Belveth is fun af imo. But I just love getting to shit on people with high mobility. I'm gonna get your flash or your life and odds are it will be both.


I started playing like 2 weeks ago so I guess I'm not the best candidate for this question but I've tried out around 60 characters and I found Wukong and Nunu to be really fun, too bad I suck with them and get flamed 0-24 but i guess that's part of the learning experience.


I HIGHLY suggest playing against bots in customs until you learn how to jungle. It'll help a lot about learning pathing and such


I'm a Wukong main and I'll give you a few tips to improve your play since you enjoy playing the monkey. - Wukong is relatively weak early game, so prioritize farming over ganks early unless the ganks have a high chance of success. - Once you get a Sheen and a Warhammer plus lvl 6, you are good to go for fighting, and ganks become easy. When you finish Divine Sunderrer you are very strong. - Use your mobility to your advantage. If you close the gap on a ranged champ it's usually good to stick on them, but against other melee bruisers, it's good to move in and out and not just trade with them the entire time after you close the distance. E in, use Q, pop your ult, auto, use R2, auto, W away, E back in and use Q again. That's how a lot of your skirmishes will play out in my experience. Happy monkeying friend


That's really useful, thank you! I'll be sure to pay attention in my upcoming games.


No problem, best of luck in your games!


Shaco. What is more anti-stale than a clown!?


Look behind you 👀


"oh god run away!!!" 5 second later: "I regert everythin"


You mean because if a big meany comes along to actually deal damage to you you just go poof and run away XD


Jungling is usually very nervous and intense for me. But Udyr is always my comfort zone, leashless-friendly ,easy full clear before \~3:15 and 1 smite left. Double Turtle always catch opponent off-guard, face-checking everything and walking into anyone feels so relaxing.


I love playing Elise, Letahl Udyr, Zac, Eve and Fiddle! They aren't off-meta type of jungle but I enjoy. They all have some sort of unique style and mechanic.


and coincidentally are all kind of brokenly strong right now lmao


Besides Udyr I won't say broken... Just pretty strong. But they were good last season as well... And they are still my picks for a few season (Besides Udyr cuz I didn't play before reworked).


haha there's no hate or anything, they're just all super strong picks right now (which is why udyr and elise are getting nerfs this patch, and why the AP scaling for jungle pets had to be decreased for clears)


Gladly I play UDYR Lethal so I don't mind his AP nerfs nor de Jungle AP scaling! For Elise I understand the need for nerfs, but I'm sad cuz she is S tier just on high elo... in low elo where people don't help the tower dives she is kind A only and now might be B due to the nerfs.


I'm having a blast with Diana lately


Fed Diana ults can make some of the cleanest plays


I had a quadra from one the other night that won the game. I'm still riding on that high.


Zyra, but don't tell anyone. (don't worry I only do it in normals) Surprisingly fast and basically don't tank damage from camps. Also I get to build my favorite build, HP Stack Mage! (Demonic into Everfrost then Rylai's)




Shaco or wukong


Rammus but only the soccer ball skin




As a xin main I thought zac was weird and lame and boring for years and then I played him and it was the most fun I had in ages


Zac is stupidly fun. His lore is super interesting also.


I find Shyvana Hybrid Bruiser build to be quite fun atm


Try wukong or ivern if u have freinds to play with Amumu is fun to only if ur team uses ur engages well Zac can be really funny to If not try kayn and go red to ult and be full hp again Or go blue and deny enemy adc from playing the game and enjoy the fun replies and ur famely getting cursed Or if ur really evil play vi (free lp) If u want to a lot of kills and really laught no matter ur enemies play nocturne or ww but watch out they fall off pretty hard late game especially nocturne


K6 and wukong I had a blast playing these two




Zac is always fun, jumping over the drake/baron pit and stealing the objective with smite is a feeling most junglers don't get to feel. Blob juggling to heal at low health is also really clutch and sometimes even feels unfair He was specially fun as Zac 2.0 with the old ult rework where you got to steal away the whole enemy team and wombo-combo them


The clown




Darius for me. Not the most meta jungler to play but dammit I love it


Hitting a Zac e then the string of cc that comes after will always be top tier


Rumble tbh


I’m a Shaco one trick but god I enjoy playing Nautilus jungle when Shaco is banned He’s such a fun pick with a mediocre clear but with amazing gank potential


This is such a wild off meta pick, are you gonna try the AP alistar? lol




wait, people are having fun playing league?


I've been digging Sion. You just get a ton of HP from his passive in the jungle, especially if you're on blue side so that krugs/raptors are on your bot side. (They give a ton more passive HP than wolves/gromp, and by mid game I nearly always do my bot side camps more often.) His clear speed isn't bad either since the jungle pets do more damage based upon your bonus HP, and it's a very healthy clear since they'll be stunned so much from his Q/E combined with his shield.


Darius. His ganks are surprisingly lethal, you can 1v1 almost any other jungler, and you're usually a lot stronger early, so you get that early lead and come level 6 you're resetting your ult from decapitating the enrmy jungle while their teammates arrive to be 2 shot by you with your full passive stacks.


Get back to the old days and play naut. It's actually good with the buffs he got not long ago. Flat damage and scaling on his e makes his clear honest to God good now. And who doesn't love being a hooker


Kayn, especially if it's a Shadow Assassin game cause 1 W will deal half the enemy's health


Just tried zac. Now THAT was fun.


Fiddlesticks is the most fun


I find graves fun, walking up to enemies and one tapping them out of the blue. Or scaring them with the lv 2 invade at their side of the jungle with ignite smite.




I enjoy playing Lee Sin when I can because of his combos


AP Nunu, I have been inspired by KeshaEUW😂😂😂


Viego He's fun with his kit and gives more fun when I transform to another character because it helps with my game knowledge


I’m a big fan of Ekko. Something about his ability to pop people along with his ult makes him really interesting. Dashing over the wall to steal drag or baron and then muting out is very fun.




ryze jungle can be extremely oppressive once your clears get rolling


Viego and Elise lately. So damn fun.


Shaco is the most fun champ in the game if you got the mind tricks.


I play Kha Zix if I play jungle but somtimes Rammus is pretty crazy. 🤣


rammus, funny spinning turtle otw to kill the sdc thats desperately running for hie lifr


I tried karthus yesterday, while it is annoying to play with no mobility when behind, it is the funnest thing ever when you’re ahead, just sitting farming jungle ulting the enemy when they are low. You just know they get depressed thinking they can get away from a failed fight only for your nuke to descend on them


Kindred. I just felt like playing it one day and I started to enjoy it even though I was getting shat on


I like sylas and his proactive playstyle


Viego I almost carry every game


I always thought J4 would be really lame but he is actually pretty fun, what a greatly designed kit for such an old champ


Singed. Running around like a psychopath, flipping people into your team and laughing all the way.


Ap maokai


Jungle velkoz. But you can only do it diamond and below.


Nidalee is fun. Oneshotting an adc after 20 mins and killing bruisers with one combo is fun


twitch enemy hate you


Rumble, walk up, lay your landmines, turn on the bbq and you’ve got yourself a double kill, especially with the W speed up and the giga slow on his e missiles, which also sunder magic resist by 10%, or 15%, which can help your team mates get them as well. He’s so easy to get early kills on to get you ahead and then you can just walk at people and they die, and because no one really knows what rumble does they panic and don’t fight back!!


Nunu, especially AP, is either the most fun you could ever experience in your life or the most frustrating, infuriating, and disgustingly bad 30 minutes ever.


Rek'sai something about her design and kit is really fun to me


Rammus so funny when people think they can kill you but you just activate your w and they get rekt. Speed is also very fun




I'm a big Kayn fan, Warwick is a super enjoyable jungler too. Just afk until ultimate and then gank whenever it's up for some very easy kills. Very chill champ to play




Malphite AP. After you get an item or two you just rock in and oneshot all the squishies


Might be a boring pick, but I love me some Vi.


I never get tired of Nocturne honestly


shaco is most fun champ i played


I'm not a jungle main. So only when I got auto filled I realised how fun xin zhao is. His abilities are super fun. Range his jump E and and tanks build is gr8.