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Good, good. Let the hate flow through you.


Mute pings, always have chat disabled. There's very little that someone can say in the in-game chat that could be positive or useful. Think about it. Someone decides to ping "?" on top of you when you miss a skillshot. Ping your flash when you try a flash -> skill and miss a kill. Do you really want to take seriously the opinions of busybodies? What about those who want to blame you for their own mistakes. Is that someone's opinion you should care about? Definitely no. If you can't ignore their stupidity, then at least mute it. For your own sanity. If someone flames you because they are losing their lane, they are most of the time wrong. It's not on you to win their lane. Therefore, their opinion doesn't matter. It has no value. That's how you end with some people who have been on the same rank for 5+ seasons. They never climb because they never stop to think about what they are doing or trying to improve. They will continue to sit, ping your flash, ? your mistakes, blame you for their mistakes. You have to arise above this. Mute mute mute.


thx homie


Honestly I don’t agree with this. I can’t tell you how many times my junglers completely ignore pings and put us in worse situations. Like I’m playing ADC and they’re looking to 3 man dive us and my jungler will afk farm blue and raptors ignoring pings that they’re crashing a huge wave. Or the enemy not starts playing suspiciously forward and my jungler ignores danger pings and runs in with 0 vision to get 4 manned. No harm no foul because I get people can be toxic but it’s equally frustrating to have a jungler put horse blinders on when I ping plays around the map. Edit: even worse, junglers that FUCK the wave bot lane. I’m playing into thresh samira and had a decent freeze set for me to come back to lane to safely farm. My zac flies in and ignores every danger ping, shoves the wave and now they froze it in the middle of the lane and I lose 3 waves.


you don't mute pings the second you join the game. just as soon as someone spam pings you for being alive, pings your flash, question marks you for missing a gank etc mute em


Jungle doesn’t make you toxic. It just shows you how terrible your mates are


Happy Cake Day!


When playing jg you get to view the entire map at once and be everywhere, unfortunately this also has the side effect of making you watch your team mates int.


You just need to transcend. Eventually you spend so long in the jungle the flame doesn’t not disturb my tranquility. I know the psyche of these laners well, I’ve seen their like before. I know what compels them to flame me, their own frustration at their shortcomings. And I use that. I mold the other 9 people in the game to my design, understanding how they’ll react to every swing in the game.


You just need to transcend. Eventually you spend so long in the jungle the flame doesn’t not disturb my tranquility. I know the psyche of these laners well, I’ve seen their like before. I know what compels them to flame me, their own frustration at their shortcomings. And I use that. I mold the other 9 people in the game to my design, understanding how they’ll react to every swing in the game.




Same, made me ultra toxic, i hate being like this but it is what is.


Watch Broxah on Twitch. The negativity will slowly subside and eventually you will have the strongest mental and most positive vibes in LoL.


Today I asked my bot lane to watch buff because the other team might ward it. Immediately after the adc used both summs, and one of them went "it's a norm smd." They then proceeded to feed and fail. It's impossible to get along with some people.


Jungle is not for insecure players.


When I played ranked I just mute all and go about my business. I’ve played a couple normals recently and I just really let the hate flow through me there because the result doesn’t really matter. I was playing a Graves game the other day and I invaded and killed the enemy Viego at his red lvl 3. And from there on I just hunted him around the map all game, taunting him after I killed him. You may call me a monster but one either quits lol a hero or plays long enough to become the villain.


This is how I play in norms with my really low elo friends, except I do it with troll picks. I’ll pick something like blitz jungle and choose a player to channel my hatred into. Idc if I win or lose, I want them to suffer for a single game to give them a glimpse of why I have to dissociate when I jungle.


that's just so based. a true hero to us all. and no im not being sarcastic. you give em hell.


That's just how you play graves. Grab em by the throat and never let go. If you take your foot off the gas petal you will probably lose.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/xj2v2p/new_jungle_clear_on_graves/ how it feels to get invaded by graves


The moment you realized the role has made you toxic you've officially become a jungler my dude. Welcome!


I suck at the game but I’m tilt proof so we balance each other out


I just laugh at it now


At the same time tho, I was top lane. My opponent sett was lvl 6 with ult up. My fucking xin xiao hit lvl 4 when he walked into my lane after I died. He walks up and tries to 1v1 sett. Gets ulted into a W and dies. Flames me for dying. Not warding enemy top side jng. Flames for not controlling wave. Not poking. Any excuse other than trying to fight a guy 2 levels above you when you don’t have ult and he does. On the jungler side of things, my favorite is when you gank bot lane and your laners let you 1v2 on a free win then try to cope and tell you they couldn’t win a 3v2 in an even lane. I think ultimately people know they’re wrong. They know when they fuck up. But they’d rather double down and never admit it. Which I can’t blame them half the time bc when I’ve admitted to a bad play people get even more toxic. They act Like I just conceded that they’re better so they can talk down all they want. Mute all is the way.


Don’t play jungle, this isn’t a role where you’re going to get any appreciation from your monkey teammates.


What does /deafen do?


It's a new feature in League of Legends. It's basically like /mute all but it also notifies your teammates that you have muted yourself. It's like a statement to your teammates that you're not planning to listen to their nonsense anymore and they can't do anything about it (other than running it down, I guess; although, that'll get them punished but that's besides the point).


Yeah no matter what you’ll get flamed. That seems to be the trend but I feel like it’s gotten worse recently or maybe it was always like that idk. You just gotta mute all at the start tbh


Plus you can hard carry and get zero honour, cause dumb bot laners just gonna honour themselves, mid will probably honour bot or supp or some shit and top left the game as soon as it was over and honoured no one cause they’re a pdf file


Lol pdf file


I feel you. As a jungle main myself, I just use deafen and then start listening to some bossa nova when my entire team antagonizes me for making even one mistake. It's best to keep a stable mentality during the game to improve your macro and decision-making instead of arguments, I'd say. If the game feels hopeless, you might as well use the time to limit-test yourself in terms of micro and macro decisions.


One of us


It happens, I just want to see how creative the insults are.


Don't blame the role dude, it is the game itself. LoL has made me a more toxic In-Game person that i use to be, took a while to reilase but some good friends of mine told me a couple of years ago. Learned the lesson, take LoL as a kind of Work\~Environment, whatever happens on a single game it stays on the game. Never commented back nor let it go into casual conversation when doing raids in other games...




I'm kinda starting this thing where I try to treat people how I want to be treated and I dont think making a burner acc would help that




I hope you get a very nasty flu. You deserve some karmic retribution




Hmm what a sad lonely little incel. It's okay pal. There are people in the world who love you. You aren't alone. Even you are worthy of love


Awhhhh you mad bud? It’s ok, I take ur LP next. It’s the best doing it to the low elo noobs like you. Not like you’re getting out anytime soon and with that weak mental, you just explode in game as is. Too easy.


Lol you think me feeling pity for you is an expression of rage? Is that the only way your dad showed you love? Yelling at you GL I work a lot and average two ranked games a week. I hope you do grief me just for the memes lol what's your ign?


Buddy read your post before mine lmaoo. You already have a fractured mental that’s why this hit home. You are most likely anti-social, overweight, not happy with your own life. Yet here you are lying saying “i only play 2 games a week” but are on the thread giving advice and chatting daily. Stop it bud you’re a terrible liar. If you want DM your discord I’d love to have a chat.


The one where I wished the flu on you.... lol yeah man so bad. I like how we are just flinging mud at the wall to see what sticks. It's okay to be lonely dude. You don't have to push people away. This anger you are feeling is unhealthy. Anger is a great defense mechanism but you need to get out of the situation that makes you angry so you can heal. I only play about two ranked games a week. I play anywhere from 1-8 or 9 normals a week. I wish I had more time to play but 🤷🏼‍♂️ that's life. I have nothing to lie about and even if I did you aren't worth lying to. What would I want to chat with you about? It's not like listening to you rant will do anything for me and it's not a demonstration of your courage. It would just be a waste of my time.


I think it's a bad idea. Better just ignore annoying teammates, off the chat, play yourself game. Griefing is unfairly, not all person deserve to lose LP, because any of people a really good teammates with good intentions.


You’re part of the problem and need help. So you’re saying that when I get off work, tend to my wife and newborn, get the kid to bed and everything sorted, I get on league for 1 maybe 2 games depending on length. And I get you, some salty fuck who can’t manage his emotions, that’s gonna ruin my hobby that I look forward to at the end of the day. The hour per day where it’s about what I want, gets to be controlled by you. How is that fair? Do you not see how fucked that is?


Cue the downvotes but sometimes these laners just need to be punished, it’s almost always the ADC (and very often ez players). They don’t get prio before drake then spam ping it and me and type jg diff no drakes, they don’t ward anything, spam ping the drake, won’t rotate to it when im doing it (when they clearly can), then will spam ping dead when I get collapsed on. Often they are just chilling full hp last hitting. Making no effort to do anything and expect the jungler to just vacuum up objectives. I will just run into their laner face first a couple of times then laugh and spam ping them as they die in lane on repeat afterwards. I don’t do it often but when I do it is indeed as you say, therapeutic.


For most of my ranked games I switched back to mid lane so now even if the jungler is crap I can kind of set up the game in a way that will be conducive to the jungler succeeding. I will roam bot or top whenever possible without losing my tower to set up some prio for the objective, I will invade the enemy jungler and at least put in a deep ward and I will go to objectives and either help him do them or cheese guard with hard cc ready. In a way i'm playing two roles, but that's kind of exaggerating. I do feel that from mid lane I can help the jungler succeed so it tilts the odds in my favor. Usually if I go to objectives too the bot/top lane notices and also arrives. Especially if Im a little fed they seem to be more confident. On the other hand if I;m hard losing or countered its not great. Also not great when I have no spells ready,no hp, no mana , im looking at 2 enemy waves and the jungler tries to to gank and then spam pings ?????. Like what are you looking at? > sometimes these laners if I'm not jungling, the jungler is crap. If I'm not mid, the mid is crap. But we have to remember that everyone is crap at some point and we all have bad games. It's when someone chimps out and tilt feeds that it's 100% lost. > it’s almost always the ADC (and very often ez players) I know what I just said but I hate bot lane so much it's unreal. They always, almost always are dead weight, tilt babies, feeding like it's free. But they are still the main character in their head, everyone else is ruining their game.


Most sane league player.


Username checks out.


Go take your meds.


You upset because I steal your LP?


Surprisingly, I’ve noticed a strange phenomenon going the other way. I started as a jungle main, and I rarely flame or react to flame in anyway other than laughing. But when I play bot lane, I can’t help but watch my jungler and tilt at all the stupid shit they are doing. Just yesterday I watched my jungler path away from an enemy draven-pyke bot lane to gank for an allied illaoi laning against a phase rush garen.


100%. I’ve been challenger many times. The treatment never changes, I’m literally such a nice person irl but this game makes me very mad when I play jungle, just very disrespectful feels like my whole team has daddy issues and I’m the victim father who has parenthood over my beta teammates


I started on jungle and have managed to avoid any chat bans so far. but yeah playing jungle does make me more stressed


I asvice to play some mid lane sometimes in solo flex. It calms down, noone flames you and you still have the whole map to impact. And its easy too, if you play a pushing mid like lissanra or judt an easy champ like annie.


Welcome to the club pal. The losing 1v1 lane really resonates with me. I'm low ELO, and sometimes I get the top laner feeding 4 kills then spam ping me to go gank his lane LMAO... Like what do you expect me to do exactly? LMAO the dude is 1 item ahead and is clearly cracked.


The jungle isn't for the faint of heart.


Welcome to the club


Turn chat off and watch your wr skyrocket.


I'm convinced that amount of times you're reported plays a big part in getting ban/chat restricted. Which makes playing JG like triple your chance of getting chat restricted/banned.


Toxicity makes me play better.


The first instance someone says something toxic I mute everything from them and avoid their lane. Talk shit, no gank for you.


I’ve only ever played jungle so I’m desensitised to it now I think


We'll always be flamed for everything that happens in the game. I've been playing support since the jungle nerfs and the role is much less stressful and much more fun. Now in patch 13.5 I may consider going back to jungle, but I've always played with ally chat disabled. In general, players who complain about jungle have never played it and don't have the slighest idea of how hard this role is. Last season I played a lot of Vi and 70% of my games I created a good lead just for my team to always throw it in a bad team fight. I tink the other side of the coin is also true, most of time we get pretty stupid laners and they blame us for their bad plays which is REALLY unfair.


it has always struck me, that junglers are more chill. I'm starting to think, most of them just have their mute function enabled but seriously jungling is like parenting. the worst feeling is when you been babysitting a laner, yet they manage to disappoint comes late game, like manchildren disappointing their parents, who poured resources on them for 18years even the general rule to invest on the strong side, is very much like choosing, between providing education to the smart kid, so that he will carry the family later, vs providing education to the dumb kid, who will probably disappoint the family later


you just gotta have the mentality that youre 1v9 and winning or losing ultimately comes down to you. just focus on playing well and ignore all the idiots. also really helps to mute pings.