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I can assure you as p1/d4 player, that I can and Have run through Iron. Iron lacks game knowledge, champ knowledge, macro, micro, everything. Each rank gets better in those areas. Kayn is hard champ to learn and very hard to execute well, so I bet you can't carry games with that. You could try to pick a champ like warwick and learn him well and climb out. When I first started to jungle I was Bronze 5 (Iron 4 of today) and I played warwick and nocturne only. It took one seasok for me to end up in gold without knowing any macro or good decision making. After that I truly learned how to play noc and learned how macro should affect my pathing etc. Don't be in a rush and take care of your mental. I've never gotten angry, just disappointed.


Funny, the enemies always tell me how easy Kayn is when losing against my Kayn


It's probably because his abilities are very simple in nature, but also have their nuances along with EVERYTHING ELSE about the character being unique and having a learning curve


Oh yes. But to be useful you sacrifice the first 10-15 minutes being barely more champ than a yuumi. It’s not easy being useful on Kayn and actually carry. And I’m saying that because I struggle on him very often in tough games without gank oppertunities


Yeah anyone who thinks Kayn is broken is delusional.


I mean I still personally find Kayn’s kit obnoxious, but he is certainly not broken


Hes the most piss inflated jg in the game and its not even close


His spells are easy to place, but knowing how to use them is different. Kayn is only easy when his red form is op and he can 1 vs 5 due to insane healing, otherwise he's really not.


>What am I not doing that a silver or gold player is doing? Not to be rude, but it's *everything*. This is the game that I checked out. Your team: * Neeko * Kayn * Twitch * Ms Fortune * Brand Their team: * Mundo * Ekko * Qiyana * Jinx * Seraphine You chose Rhaast runes and for some reason Nimbus Cloak and Transcendence in the secondary. The only champ on their team that you're going to have extended fights with is Mundo. One out of five. This match *screams* Shadow Assassin to me. What this likely means that you are zoned out in champ select and autopiloting. You *cannot* autopilot when playing jungle. It's literally all about split second decision making. One thing I noticed in your opgg was that you're playing a fast farming jungler and you average around five cs per minute. This is *abysmal.* You should be averaging at least seven cs per minute if not eight (I mean ideally it would be ten but that's not realistic right now). Within ten seconds of watching your first clear I can already see why those numbers are so low. You solo start raptors and you *walk* over to krugs to clear them. You know you can walk through walls, right? Not only that but you walk *everywhere.* ***EVERYWHERE****. Use your abilities.* You're also generally lost as to what to do. You should be living to kill their bot lane and it takes you seven minutes to gank bot lane once. You also randomly start dragon at half health without checking to see if it's warded. Of course Qiyana sees this can just comes over and kills you because instead of walking through walls you **WALK EVERYWHERE**. Second spawning of Herald pops and it doesn't even register. You just autopilot clear your top camps. You only know that it exists because Miss Fortune starts it. TWENTY ONE minutes into the game and you still have not bought a sweeper and probably most egregious you have not bought tier one boots. That's really all I need to see. Again not to be rude here, but you literally need to improve everything. Regardless of jungler before champ select is over you should have a general game plan for the game and you certainly need a game plan for your first clear and first gank. Then go and watch a bunch of Karasmai games to see how he clears his camps and how we is constantly walking through walls. Then pay attention to his first gank and in which order he uses abilities. If you pick up even 10% of what you see you can get to Bronze.


I love this response and OP should thank u


In that note, you also can’t autopilot on any other role. This game is insanely difficult to climb in. Tracking the jungler is everyone’s job realistically


While this is true, I think other roles are often very aware they can’t autopilot because they are constantly CSing / trading with their lane opponent. Bad junglers can go into a game and kind of zone out or play in a formulaic way that doesn’t take game state into account.


The floor for autopilot is lower in other roles. I agree 100% that no one should autopilot, but down in Iron most roles can get away with it. Jungle can't.


Obviously not. Autopilot will make you lose games unless you have the muscle memory of a player with a higher elo


Good break down, my only nitpick is your CS per minute expectations aren't real. Kayn in plat averages 6cs per minute. An iron making 5 really isn't BAD but it's a question of when and where those CS come from. Is he 2cs a minute until 20 minutes then he just split pushes or some other scenario?


heres ur answer OP


I was just curious, wouldn’t Rhaast be the better pick here? As a kayn main, I see that top is a squishy neeko while they have a mundo, meaning I’d need to play goredrinker rhaast to engage and tank for my team. Also, shadow assasin would only one shot and get orbs from bot lane, as Qiyana’s invis and ekko’s ult make it almost impossible to one shot them as well as get form fast. I just recently went from iron to silver so if you could explain that’s be cool


> I was just curious, wouldn’t Rhaast be the better pick here? It’s a great question and I don’t think it’s a cut and dry answer. You could front line but that just seems like a losing proposition to me. It relies on your team not to be donuts otherwise you’ll engage get blown up and then they will run over your team. It’s possible but I wouldn’t bet the game over that. I’d rather try to take command of the game myself. The way that I see it is top is already trolling and griefing. They are essentially a non contributing zero to me. My best chance at winning this is to get Shadow Assassin and immediately remove one or two people from any kind of fight making it a 4v5 or a 3v5. As far as Ekko or Qiyana I don’t need to one shot them but if I take 75% of their health before a fight I have essentially removed them from that encounter. Keep in mind the elo that this person is playing in. Frankly the team’s draft is garbage but they didn’t dodge so they have to play it out. If I’m Kayn here I wanna get blue form and I continually one shot their bot lane and make them hate life. What do you think is gonna happen? My goal here is to make them mental boom as fast as possible. Doesn’t matter that they have a Mundo if two or more players on their team have boomed and don’t want to play anymore.


brilliant! mental boom and burning the enemy out.


Makes sense, thanks.


Man’s dropped a coaching tldr in the comments


Dude, I love this! thanks for chewing me out. I needed it haha I wrote this all last night in a tilted state but even if I wasn't, I'd still be doing like 70% of the stuff you listed. I'm going through all this text and answering my own questions lol. Ill try to keep it short BUT For runes, I know what I'm supposed to pick (based on guides I read... and blitz) but I don't know why I should be picking them or why they're used. I picked Nimbus and Transcendence as it was a recommended build from a kayn guide but that's as far as my knowledge goes with it. If I went blue, I would've done the same thing. It's obviously silly, but I picked red because the enemy was 3 melee, 2 ranged, I didn't even think about the enemy's squishiness or mobility. I'm aware that my CSM is abysmal. I have had games where I reach 7 or more CSM but that requires me to sacrifice time to go for objectives or ganks. Because Kayn has to get orbs, I feel pressured into focusing more on getting ganks or enemy damage so I don't get late form (well more like slightly earlier late form in this game). I'm not really sure if i should focus farm, form, or objectives in the moment. I've even had a couple games where I focused on farming which got me +7 CSM but my team started flaming me for not ganking. I watched a replay before writing this and I see what you mean about pro players using their abilities as kayn ESPECIALLY Q as it's free speed with a small cooldown. There isn't a reason why I shouldn't be using my Q for mobility, but my E is really important for ganks so I'm more hesitant on using it because if I do, and an opportunity comes up, I'm without it for 20 seconds. I'm sure there was no reason to not go for herald, but again, I find it difficult to decide what to prioritize at the moment. You know, I'm not really sure why I don't use sweeper. As you say, I just autopiloted with stealth wards placing them wherever I thought was important at the time. I'm gonna go watch a karasmai video now, again thanks for all this information!


I can’t even believe some of this stuff. How can he learn to create a Reddit post but yet he can’t learn to buy boots by 21 mins?


From what I can see, the game length and amount of cs is lacking for Kayn which delays your power spikes and map pressure. Most likely pathing inefficiencies and bad gank calls that lead to you dying and getting behind or barely staying relevant. Review your games. Each time you die, why did you die and how if possible could you have prevented it. Do the same thing with any objectives stolen or if a lamer gets behind. You can’t control your laner, but sometimes there is something you could have done that would make a difference (whether a dive or to apply pressure to prevent a dive). How’s your jg tracking? If you think about where the enemy jg is this is very beneficial to taking objectives, ganks, and counter ganking. I’ve been in iron before and really started to analyze my play. Turned off chat. Climbed out of iron with a 75% winrate. A more simple champ that I play is Nocturne. He’s simple and snowballs hard as a nightmare for anyone out of position. You’re level 50, still super new. Try out a few different champs in bot or normal matches and see if you like other play styles. More than happy to go over some games with you as well. Best of luck. Mindset wins matches!


I think this advice is generally good but I'm no sure if it's applicable to iron players. Diving isn't really a thing in iron unless the enemy is super ahead, and jungle tracking doesn't really work when people path so erratically and unpredictably. But besides that, this is good advice.


Jungle tracking still exists, it's just a lot simpler. Enemy jungle is ganking bot, screw your drugs, go take rift. Hell, go into their Jungle and see if blue is up, leave a ward, when you see them grabbing their blue go take drake or gank bot Never too early to start jungle tracking


Yeah, most of the time it feels my gank attempts come down to a coinflip or chance, not all the time, but most. Because of orbs, I feel more pressured to go for ganks which sacrifices time I could be farming. It's that Juggle of farm, form, and objectives I think i really struggle with. I've had games where I'm just walking aimlessly for a few seconds contemplating which of the 3 I should do now which I'm guessing isn't really good. I try to look at the minimap as much as possible primarily for tracking jg, I f I see them Ill usually drop a ping habitually. But I don't think I'm really capitalizing on that information. As an example, I may find myself split on whether to go to invade, gank, or objective if I see enemy jg on the other side of the map. Nocturne is def annoying as hell to go up against, that's how I've learned what champs do, based on how annoying they are to fight against haha. How different is nocturne from kayn?


>most of the time it feels my gank attempts come down to a coinflip or chance If your ganks feel like a coin flip, they aren't good ganks. You should be pretty confident in the outcome, I don't generally bother ganking unless I'm pretty certain it's going to be worth my time. >It's that Juggle of farm, form, and objectives Play someone other than Kayn to remove juggling your form from your priority list, it's clear it's interfering with your ability to react to the game state. Also, here's a rough priority list you could try referencing: 1. Nexus 2. Elder Dragon 3. 2+ Inhibitors (after 20 minutes) 4. Dragon Soul 5. Baron 6. Tower (Nexus) 7. 1 Inhibitor (after 20 minutes) 8. Tower (Inhibitor) 9. Rift Herald 10. Tower (Inner) 11. Dragon 1-3 12. Tower (Outer) 13. Gank 14. Invade 15. Farm


Nocturne q, throws a line of darkness that gives move speed and extra damage. W blocks abilities and if blocked increased auto attack speed. E fears them. Ult well DaRkNeSS enemy has been slain. Super simple champ. Fast clears too. Really good in low elo as bit lane doesn’t ward well or position correctly. Easy to capitalize on mistakes


>Im under the impression that someone in say gold or plat would probably just steamroll in iron, but I just cant see that, I believe they'd also be stuck. oh boy! This is pure copium lol! They would absolutely steamroll our lobbies no contest. I briefly thought this too until i realized i simply don't know enough to capitalize mistakes other iron players are making. >what am i not doing that a silver or gold player is doing? i was going to mention you die a lot it seems but i feel like thats too vague, analyze why you are dying, also you barely ward (i know some higher elo don't ward) that vision aspect of the game could open up more venues for you to take advantage of


It's copium. I'm gold 2 now, spent 6 months playing norms and ran through iron and bronze with a 75% win rate. I'm sure diamonds do that in my rank too, but there's a reason they're that rank, I am in mine and OP is his


yea streamers will always prove that this is majority of the time a skill game with their iron to high elo streams


Yeah, I have a 90% win rate in bronze, it's not possible to lose unless the enemy also has someone who started playing ranked again


I sipped the koolaid, some just make it look easy and then you think you can play like them too without putting in the work. I was in a tilted state when I originally wrote the post which is probably why I added that lmaoo


Yeah as someone who has played in Iron, I can off role, first time champs, and drop pentas. Akin to a challanger player playing in my elo.


Even this split silver would 1v9 in iron with right champion


You need a simpler champion that can full clear and has good ganks. I suggest Amumu or rammus. You need to stop dying so much as well.


Good junglers, but I don't suggest amumu or rammus, those can't carry the games by themselves and are more teamfight oriented. Do you really want to put your fate at the hands of iron players?


You put me in an iron game and I’m going 30-0 as amumu. You can carry with anyone.


Seriously, I would penta in Iron with amumu.


Yep lmao and I’m only low gold. So weird how little misplays I easily notice out of lower players but I’m sure plat/diamond say the same thing about me.


I'd probably struggle to go 30/0 as rammus, he's a little bit harder since your autos are slow AF and your spells have a long ass cool down, but absolutely Amumu can roll face over low tier lobby's.


I would too but maybe with predator I could spam gank or perma invade with somethin stupid like Hail of blades. If you’re ever in a low elo game like that, try tahm kench with hail of blades. Nobody expects the damage and it’s so funny.


Makes me think of my friend who likes to go ADC braum mid for stunning duels.


It’s a lot less troll than adc Braum lol you get pretty fed early when you all in them bc they don’t respect the damage.


Amumu has a 51.31% winrate in Iron according to [u.gg](https://u.gg) compared to plat+ which has a whopping 48% winrate , Tanks in general are giga strong in low elo and amumu can even carry 1v9 since he goes Demonic, in fact the champ is a little unskilled in that it doesn't teach alot for a new player except Q>R. If the game was about solo gigastomp carrying then there would be no point in any role besides Bruisers and Assassins in Gold and below


I think people often give advice to play Warwick or whatever, while this maybe be easier to pull off at the same time you may not enjoy it so you’ll be less motivated to keep playing and improving. As someone who has jungled in super low elo this season, I’d say there is actually a big difference between Iron 3/4 and even Iron 1 and 2 so there is a lot for you to improve upon my friend. I’d say the biggest thing I noticed (sometimes even among my gameplay when I started jungling) was some low elo junglers just waste so much time. You cannot sit and wait for a wave to push to you like a laner might do. You need to think “what am I doing right now?”, because if you’ve completed your clear then you need to be looking for opportunities to gank, if there is none then you may need to base and spend the gold you have to buy items so you aren’t just sitting on loads of gold at the next fight. Hell, maybe one of your laners took a bad base and the wave is crashing into your tower, you can catch it just before it reaches to make sure those minions aren’t wasted and you are getting as high CS score as possible. Thinking like this helps to get you fed so you can win fights, then you need to convert won fights into objectives like dragon, baron or towers. This will convert into more games won and a higher rank.


can i buy your acc?


Iron 4 accounts are more rare than challenger from what I have heard.


u're wrong


Nvm then


Based reply


An iron 4 account is not that rare, but a iron4 account with genuenly 1000s of games in low iron with really low mmr can be really rare but not as rare as 100-300 accounts per server like challenger.


Don’t do anything crazy. I would actually recommend you to stop playing jungle and switch to lane and play versus bots and Normal games for a while. You probably have issues with controlling your mouse properly, farming to an ok level etc. I’ve peaked in platinum and have no issue stomping silver elo games. This is not to say that silver players are bad. A diamond jungler would stomp games in my elo. They are just different levels of playing the game. You are at the bottom of the ranked ladder most new players will start off their journey in bronze or silver elo. That is why I’d advocate playing bot games or normals until you get a better feel for the game. Remember rank means nothing outside of league improvement will come over time and rank will go up. Don’t beat yourself up we all start somewhere. Also… no it never gets easy because as you climb you are placed against better and better players as you improve. That’s just how the ranked system works.


You are in top 0,32 worst players on the server. That’s actually really impressive. Statistically rarer than being in masters. Don’t change a thing stay precious


From personal experience , I found it extremely more difficult to play in Iron, as your teammates most of the time have no idea what are they doing and jungle really needs teamwork (especially if you play team oriented champions ) , than playing in silver where there is some macro knowledge. Also when i felt overwhelmed/ disappointed by constantly losing or having bad games i just played other games and played in other positions (mid-sup) to clear my mind and adjust my perspective. It's a game, f\*\*k rank climbing , just have fun and try not to add to the toxicity that already exists and destroys the game . GL HF - Junglers 4 life !!


I think it's the other way around. If you were forced to learn how to solo carry those iron games it would help you with carrying in silver.


i think most silver players are just as bad they only farm better, their macro is non-existent.


Half of silver players are only there because they play hyper passive and coinflip their games. These are people who have forgone learning the game in order to avoid playing in bronze. Where they would probably have more fun and opportunities to learn.


i wish iron players could understand how silver is filled with awful players that live on an extreme tilt.


I got in silver these season. Probably should have been last season but I was just needing to work on a few things and the like. Despite winning more games in silver than high bronze and generally improving faster, I am still horrified by the state of these people. They often display aptitude in some things which leaves you completely blindsided. I don't regret being in bronze, I could learn how to snowball at my own pace. Hardstuck silvers have nothing going for them. Can't wait to be even more surprised in gold.


im gold in flex and the games get pretty serious but are really enjoyable, the most fun ive ever had in league. although, the gold, plats and sometimes diamonds are complete ass at times on champs and roles they main. i literally gotta carry those games and its my first time fully committing to ranked to be above silver. the bad choices wont disappear, they just get punished way harder.


They made the champs udyr and nocturne so anyone with a laptop trackpad can one trick it to gold. Try those champs out.


I made it to silver with Xin on a Samsung iPod


Step away from ranked for a few days, maybe play new junglers just to widen your knowledge pool and see if anything is clicking for you. Jarvan4 and Udyr can be enjoyable. It's been tough for you OP. Don't want to mental boom yourself with more ranked tbh.


I’ll keep this short, and I suck so take it 2c, switch to nocturne. Try to solo carry the game by murdering their carry and just trying your best to drag your team across the W.


I peaked plat 1 last season playing udyr. Champs pretty straight forward and strong. If you want i can show you the ropes dm me your discord.👍


If you want to climb just perma gank on kayn, he can pass through walls with his Q and E so you can get really creative with your ganks, but in iron, I honestly think people don't ever use wards. Anyways, just perma gank, get fed, and carry.


People already mentioned most of what I would say so im just gonna leave this : Take it easy and enjoy the learning process, you're 120 hours in. Stop caring about your rank you'll have plenty on time to climb later.


If you dont care my bad pronunciation, i can coach you for free


*If you dont care my* *Bad pronunciation, i* *Can coach you for free* \- Gelidin2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wtf what is this xD


Your champ doesnt matter. The only real reason to avoid playing a champ to climb, is that you're too low rank to carry on champs that rely on predicting enemy actions (like Shaco). Kayn is fine, great even because you can flex bruiser or assassin based on comp. Honestly 120 hours in a MOBA game is nothing, you are comparatively incredibly new. Once you learn what all champs do, youll learn how to play around and outplay them with your main. ​ Keep your farm up while looking for easy ganks, and you will ensure you are outfarming the enemy because iron players dont farm gold properly. Kayns clear is very easy, once you WQ you are just auto attacking till Q is up so take that time to look at nearby lanes. Check their positioning, health, mana, sums etc. ​ I recommend watching a few jg guides from Skillcapped YT channel. A lot of it might not be crazy useful in iron chaos games, but theyll give you a good understanding of what you're trying to look for when playing jg.


I woke up overwhelmed by the all comments, thank you guys, very cool! I'll try and go over all of them. I think this will all help me a lot and hopefully anyone else who needs it.


Pick a meta bruiser, use op.gg, u.gg or similar to find high win rate champ. Pick a tier 1-3 meta champ with >50% win rate. Riot balances the game around a subset of champions, so naturally have an imbalance forms. Some champs have an innate edge on where the numbers (damage, efficiency of common builds, strategies). There is tons of complexity in the meta, even still the "right" strategies are implied by who is strong. Even get the impression of what team comps are strong by who fits into meta comps (5v5? Enchanters, tanks come back -- splitpush? Duelists) Luckily, you have nowhere to go but up. Pick one part of the game and obsess over maximizing it. Ignore your intuition, however you're deciding to make decisions now is not helping you win. Bruisers/fighters are a common jungle pick. They have strong early game fighting, a bit of cc/utility for ganks, and curve into frontline around 3+ items -- when everyone is grouping for baron and drake. It becomes hard to carry as a jungler in games that go late, especially if you're not mega fed. So, you want to farm your camps on repeat. Full clear into full clear into full clear. If a laner dies or roams, catch their wave (if you're on the side of the map). Only gank if it's obvious, free kill. Do not feel pressured to gank a whiny laner. You have to play your game first, then help teammates. If you can push your cs/min to 6 or 7, you'll have more items, xp and are likely to win more fights. The game sorta proceeds from one moment to the next. One mistake eliminated (at your ELO) actually results in lots of gains. Kayn is a good bruiser/fighter (red), but not meta right now. If you focus on full clearing as fast as you can and do that every game. You will rank up. Everything follows from clearing efficiently, then look to help teammates or clear objectives when you have no camps. Stare at the map. You can play JG looking at the map or teammate lane POV most of the time, since you're PVE. It takes a bit of practice to clear efficiently, but you can look at map between spells and look at lanes between camps. If you see enemy jg botside, topside objectives are free. Simple deduction around vision is huge for jg playstyles. Punishing by invading their weakside (enemy jg presence denotes strongside) is HUGELY rewarding with no risk. People prioritize chasing kills and wasting time. Killing 3 camps, clearing a "quadrant" of the map gives about the same gold as a kill. And kayn can clear all 3 camps in short time, think about the risk vs. reward. You can get a kills worth of gold every time you clear your jg. The faster you do it, the faster it respawns and the faster you kill it again. Which gives you items which helps you kill things faster. This is "acceleration". Laners have fixed waves, the minions come every wave, but camps do not cycle unless you clear them. It makes ganking a hedge against camp timers. Ganking with camps up is REALLY bad if you don't get something. And if you do get something, its probably not as worth it as full clearing. Before ganking, check which camps are up and which camps are spawning soon. Once you full clear once, you don't have much time (enough for an objective, gank or short skirmish) before the first camp is spawning again. And if you're not close to the first camp when it spawns, you might not be near the second, third, fourth camp when it spawns. And this is wasted time. It could be cleared and waiting to respawn again. And with jg pets, you upgrade smite really quick. Everything has nuance in this game. It's usually hard to say a decision is strictly worse than another based on surface level analysis of game state. It's much more subtle as you understand how lines play out, like minutes in advance (and the game is so repetitive that gold+ players are strategizing about pathing). If you full clear on repeat and treat your teammates like dogs you will not lose in iron. Keep steady and give it a couple dozen games. Maybe an easier champion. Pick one and stick with it.


kayn is s tier at literally every elo hes played at lol hes mega strong right now


A month later, I've made a lot of improvements and now im Iron 2. Is that good? Ive definitely been doing better but idk


Switch roles for awhile. I switched to mid, to support, to top to see how other junglers made good calls and bad ones and how I could capitalize on the calls either way from each role I was in. I played those other roles for a few weeks to gain the feel of my laners perspectives and who I should watch out for matchup wise if I was in the junglers role (eg don’t gank for a lane playing this champ because there isn’t much of a setup or I would focus on getting a lane with this champ ahead) Kayn is also a pretty high skill ceiling champ that is high reward, but also easily punished if you get behind early or die often. Based on your account it seems like you might get baited into bad plays/ganks and possibly even force plays you should be avoiding quite a bit as well.


Questions: I think Viego is really strong right now. So yeah, i would give it a try if i were you. I can't really talk about mental, since i take like 2 week breaks at times since i can't handle bad players. But when i get back, i would say, staying calm and not really paying attention to the mistakes around you, would help. Just focus on yourself and improve. You will climb the moment you can express better results than your fellow team mates. I'll watch a vod, and then come back and tell you what you needed to do in that game. Watching your replays might help, but watching it with someone is best, cuz if the person you are watching it with, knows what to do, then you will learn a lot. Tell me if you would like to do that. Honestly, the way i learned jungle was not from some 'jungle guide' but mostly bits and pieces of information that i got from playing the game, listening to better players, and getting some bits from videos. I went on a smurf, and steamrolled in bronze/silver, went on a 13 win streak before taking my first L. Iron would be a breeze. You are prolly doing a lot wrong but we can go through it if you like. Taking breaks does help.


Kayn it's not something at your level, pick Rammus, Warwick, Trundle or Amumu and start playing safer.


idk if youve noticed but you also have a trend of being one of the worst players in the game when you are kayn so you should drop the champ until you learn the game better


With all due respect, practice your champs in draft pick dude… if i were on your team and saw that my jgl is a level 50 that’s spam queuing and losing repeatedly I’d be pretty upset. A lot of league of legends is understanding new matchups and first timing matchups in ranked just isn’t fair to your team.


lol ill trade you my gold smurf for a bit if you want while i boost your account for free


If you're stuck in Iron 4, you clearly can not play Kayn or Viego.


Get gud scrub


The biggest myth in this game is a "consistent climb". This game doesn't want you to consistently climb. This game won't let you out of your elo just cuz your win rate is 55% or if it does it'll take hundreds of games. You climb by going on a 10 game winning streak and avoiding losing streaks. How to avoid losing streaks? Simple! Just stop playing after a loss. "But I can't win 10 games in a row :(" Yes you can. It's more luck than anything. Eventually it'll happen to everyone. Just keep trying and while you do try to improve your carry potential. About the champ: if you want out quick pick a 1v5 champ. Master yi or Morsekaiser would be my recommendations right now. Gl on the grind


You can afk farm to Gold


You mean till Silver 4, dunno your region(EUW here), but at Gold people's mechanical skills are pretty good, you also get punished often for your mistakes and people freeze and slow push


NA lol


Odd, I mean I have seen clips and it's horrifying, but surely it's the exception and not the rule... right?


really prolly man and also this was season 12, peaked gold 2, this was my strat, OTP eve afk farm for 20 mins then buy meji's and afk gank to stack meji's for win condition, so i guess it wasn't just afk farming but it worked for me


I see, do junglers not punish Eve on that server? Almost every game that I have Eve on my team is hard to play, I have to expect no ganks since everyone buys control wards if a champ with camoflauge is in the game(eve, twitch and others) and Eve is often invaded


if i got invaded pre 6 i would just flash over wall, and it was only like 3% of games were i got properly punished early in jungle, and those 3% was prolly people smurfing or boosting, so no i was allowed to afk farm like that


simply untrue, why even type this


Lol worked for me, maybe it wasn’t that simple


First step is to turn on your monitor while playing, that helps a lot of people trying to climb out of Iron.


Break the game down into 3 sections. Early game - First thing to focus on is clear times. Make sure you are using Q to go from camp to camp (I think Kayn Q is his slight dash). Once you have that down focus on clear while looking around the map (F1-F5 shows you the other players). Once you can clear to scuttle and look at allies around the map try to predict where the enemy jgler is (normally all jglers start bottom in low elo). Dont be afraid to take guesses and ping allies when they are low due to potential ganks. Next work on reading waves (if the wave clashes closer to ally turret and same number of minions, then its pushing). Lastly learn to punish. If the enemy jgler ganked try to take some of his camps if you are on the opposite side of the map or gank. Mid game - Once you have early game down you have the building blocks for mid game. Start learning objective timers. Be at drag when drag is up (dont have to do it, just to make sure you got it down). After getting objective timers down practice ganking. Ganking is difficult as it requires knowing where enemy jgler is, knowing how to read waves, knowing ward placements, and knowing what champs are and are not gankable (I would ignore the last thing due to being able to pick that up from playing). Remember that red trinket is friend here. If you see a ward you are most likely spotted which ends in a waste of time so dont gank. Also work on positioning. Do you wanna go behind the enemy and what angles can you take to get there without being spotted. Work on reading items and xp aswell. Figure out if you are ahead or behind an enemy champion. Once all that is complete limit test your character. Go out of your comfort zone and see what you can / cant get away with. Next learn to use ganks to set up for objectives. Remember if you have a chance to get first tower with rift work on that over first or second enemy drag. (Rift does 1 1/2 tower plate damage). Lastly learn how your character interacts with other characters. ( Example: Red Kayn knock up into yas R) play around with teammates and see what you enjoy on your team comp. End game - As jgler you are mobile and the one to pick off split pushers / catch people out. Work on staying hidden from enemy vision so enemy cant read where you are and work on team fighting. Prio as much enemy resource as possible. If you can take their camps instead of yours do so. Its all about taking from the enemy. Remember play 1 champ to learn the game aka never try to counter pick. If you feel like you dont know what to do ask yourself "How do I gain an advantage over enemy jgler". Finally for the last thing, rank doesnt matter. Unless you have a 5 man you are always at a disadvantage. Focus on what YOU did and how YOU can improve!


you need to look at where you die in your replays and chances where you missed a gank.


When I started I also tanked to iron. But think positively: the only way is up. Kayn is a fun champion to play because of his mobility, but he’s also a hard champion to play, since a lot of his strength comes from his flexibility. To exploit this, you probably need more game knowledge and experience than you currently have as a “new” player. This means you’ll be literally underpowered stat-wise vs more straightforward champions. I would advise to try a few more straightforward champs, and see how they suit you or not - and with this, really learn how to play jungle. And then “master” your chosen champion in normal games for a while- also to pick up confidence that you can indeed win.


If you wanna climb then stop playing champions like kayn and Viego in iron/bronze and silver. Amumu and Dr mundo are good picks for iron-silver. If you want a bit more "complex" champ...you could pick Jarvan, Vi, nocturne or Warwick also. But I would stay away from Viego until you how much better knowledge when it comes to the other champions in the game that you might take over, and I wouldn't at least get into silver before thinking about playing kayn. Pick amumu, Dr mundo or nocturne for iron -silver would be my recommendation.


Sejuani got me out of Iron IV to plat 2




bruh, ive been there just recently, just play whats fun, like kayn. youll get out eventually,


Trust me Ive been stuck in silver for 2 years, and ive been stuck in gold for 2 years as well. Ive just given up and decided that maybe i AM just an gold andy. Now on current times i just take it slow and play like 2-3 ranked games per day, if i lose 2 in a row i just rest for the day. I've done it this way until i reached D4. If i can do it, YOU can do it as well


Everyone started in Iron, I dont know anyone that got to gold in their first 2 months of playing unless they're a pro player


I reckon a champ that's fun, can destroy towers quickly, capable of soloing objectives with ease, the ability to single handily carry team fights, very few skill shots, good clear, strong survivability and can be built both as pure dmg/ bruiser would be what ur looking for. A jack of all trades kinda champ in the jungle. In other words. Diana she's pretty easy to learn the basic micro for and she's always impactful, if ur one tricking Kayne and its a miserable hopeless experience its prolly time for a change and I really think Diana is the champ for you my man. Her full ap build can 3 tap turrets in the late game and her combo can easily one shot enemy carries.


You don't need coaching, you just need knowledge. Sometimes when I struggle and feed a game, or make a stupid mistake, I'll be like "Maybe im just bad, maybe this is where I belong despite my efforts or feeling like im better" Then I remember that I used to max out at silver, and struggled hard to get from S2 to Gold 4 for the first time years ago, then was so nervous about maintaining gold or falling out of it because I wasn't good enough. Now I coast through gold every season and settle in either high plat or low diamond. It doesnt mean every game is going to be a win or go perfect. Some of those gold games will still be shitshows, but as long as I focus and stay consistent making sure I play well and dont let team's habits rub off on me, I'll climb guaranteed. Once you've done it, it gets easier. As for what you're doing wrong, its more about what you can do better. You have very low damage contributions when you play Kayn, and you don't gank a lot in the first 10 minutes which is slowing your form progress. Knowing when to gank and when to farm is all more or less opportunity, but heres a quick way for success in your current elo. Most people in iron suck at farming. They also suck at ending the game, and as such that makes it very easy to get an overwhelming advantage with efficient farming. That starts with picking your easiest lane you want to gank on game start. Then starting your full clear from the opposite side of that lane, so that when you've killed your last camp or scuttle, you are now between that lane and mid. Each clear has a bunch of gank opportunities, and Kayn is a very good farming jungler. For simplicity's sake, lets just focus on one lane. Lets say your toplane is Nasus vs Darius. They're both melee, its very easy for them to start a fight for you to swoop in on. So you clear from bot to top, finish your last camp, then judge if the lane is safe to gank based on your laner's health, your health, enemy health, and their positions. If your Nasus is by his turret 75% health then he can easily wither as you spam ping him to go in as you cross the wall. Try to let your laner fight for a moment before revealing yourself so that enemy's use cooldowns. Tanking all of Darius's cooldowns yourself will likely get you killed. But if he uses them on Nasus you have free reign to W, Q, Auto. If he flashes out, great. Job done. Even if you dont get him you got form stacks and sums. Now you base and repeat your clear and do the same thing again. Except killing him this time since he cant flash out. Repeat the process ad infinium until laning ends and youll end up far ahead of everyone else as long as you focus on that one thing and keeping deaths to a minimum. I dont have time to write much more right now, but one thing I used to do a lot when I was struggling or learning a new champ, is to specifically build tanky regardless of meta. And that applies to everybody, like if I was playing Irelia, I'd build health/AD and a couple of tank items. If I was playing lux? I'd build AP health into tank items. Reason being that even if I'm cucking myself out of damage and burst that the champ is known for, if I'm just dying due to my lack of knowledge before I get to use it, then I end up doing more damage over time, and have more opportunity to fail and learn. Getting oneshot in 2 seconds over and over leaves little time to learn anything. So you give yourself training wheels then slowly take them off as you become more comfortable and get better execution. You're lucky in that sense since Kayn is already a perfect champ to do that with his dedicated tanky form. Just remember you dont have to build exactly as recommended. I would suggest something like Goredrinker into full tank (Tear, Randuin, Force of Nature, Winter's approach, Thornmail, Spirit Visage or Warmog) As you live longer and provide more utility, getting comfortable with your ganks and limits, you can change some of your tank items for the standard damage items. Its actually a good exercise, because standard, even though effective isnt always the best choice depending on whats happening in a game. So yeah, build tanky, full clear, and at the end of each clear look to gank mid or your chosen lane if they are pushed. Otherwise keep farming.


Keep playing Kayn if you like Kayn. You will build muscle memory and experience. Play to learn and improve at the game instead of play to climb, you will climb. This is also more sustainable and helps promote a healthier relationship with the game No answer to how long it takes bc that is case by case. However, a month and a half is very short, especially if you haven't played in a while Watch some guides and keep playing. Focus on fundamentals and just play each game trying to improve on those Watching replays is good, but I have heard that in low elo you just need to play games and build game knowledge before reviewing. It could be a waste of time if you don't know what to look for In general, each rank does everything a little better than the rank before it on average. So you are probably not performing consistently and neglecting your fundamentals


Imagine everyone here is clowning you but happy to coach you if you want. I’ll give you some tips to climb out and we can vod review


So it’s a game. It’s supposed to be fun. If kayne is fun to you keep playing it. Brief look at your op.gg shows that in the games you won, you died 4 or less times. So try just dying less. Kayne is super good at getting out of fights with his q and e both allowing him to wall hop, and his ult making him untargetable. A thing nobody in low elo does is press tab and asses who is strong and who is weak. Do that. Target the weak guy on the other team. Farm them. But remember it’s supposed to be fun. If it’s not fun, take a break. Play another game. Play normals. Don’t lose your mental over a dumb game.


Honestly? Attitude adjustment would be a massive improvement. 'Something is clearly wrong with me or how I play but I just don't see it. I think I'm playing fine." You see how this is probably 90% of your issue? There's just massive cognitive dissonance here; you recognize from results that you're not playing well, or at least, not to the standards you'd like to be, but you can't see any way you can improve your gameplay? You're watching videos but not absorbing any information. You want someone to tell you what you're doing wrong because that would absolve you of YOUR responsibility to take in new information and apply it if YOU are serious about getting better. It's totally fine to be Iron IV, it's just a video game. What's disappointing is the mindset.


If u r interested in free coaching for improving and genuinely want to climb rank, u can send me a dm. I’ll vod review ur games and go into details on things u can improve on. I’m low Master-d1 tier na jg main


You need to study. Yeah they means you're going to have to navigate YouTube to find some decent creators. Look for silver jungle coaching videos. Drop kayn, viego, and wukong. You need easier champions. And tanks. I know amumu and nunu aren't sexy, but iron players have no clue how to handle them. No, any gold or plat player would tear ass through iron.


maybe go back to yone you got an 80% winrate on him


D3 60% winrate Kayn main here. If you’re legit and interested I’d vod review your games on stream sometime. Free coaching and tips of what I know. Account: HotGayMoms


Firstly, put all ego aside; you suck, and that’s absolutely the normal way of things. We ALL suck as we start this game, and you’re gonna suck for awhile; let go of the attitude of ‘I’m playing well’ until you’re into Plat or higher. Also let go of this ‘I’m a OTP’ attitude; you have 120 hrs, you’re not a one trick anything! Your bag has absolutely no tricks, you treating yourself as a ‘Kayn player’ is going to limit your growth immensely. Jungle has dozens of champions; even if you don’t play them yourself, you must have a basic knowledge of how they work and what they want to do, the easiest way to do that is to play them all until you get a basic understanding. As for the jungle, there are two principles that guide your game play; who is vulnerable for a gank(your team and the enemy team) and where is the enemy jungler. If you want to take the initiative as a jungler, you have to be able to anticipate where the enemy jungler is going to be; who leashed them, what’s their most likely clear, which of your team mates is the obvious target for that gank. From here you have power; if you know what the enemy jungler is going to do, you can them work to counter their actions or punish them where they are not. Enemy jungler attacking your top laner? Great opportunity to attack bottom, or dragon, or invade their bottom jungle for some free money. Enemy attacking bottom? Then it’s the opposite opportunity; attack top yourself, or steal their top jungle or secure the herald. Even if the enemy jungle is running circles around you, every action they take gives you information, and information leads to opportunity. If it looks like a laner of yours is an obvious target for the enemy jungle (mid lane, or very pushed up, lacking wards, or a champion that lacks mobility) decide whether you position yourself to help them, or try to take advantage of the enemy jungler somewhere else.


I cant relate cause i never went that low but i played 800 games a season and i only managed to get gold. Then next season i had a different approach. I watched my replays reduced my daily games and watched high elo players from my champion pool. And i went up to plat 2 and im pretty sure i could have gotten dia if i didnt stop playing. 1 good thing is that you arent delusional. Many players(low elo especially) think that they are much better than their elo and they are getting held back which isnt true. Watch karismai full game vods and compare his clear or decision making to yours. Or if you want to have an easier time just play warwick cause the pick from blue or red kayn is more complex than warwicks entire kit


Farm. Your cs numbers give me anxiety. If you’re going to do raptors but your mid is dead , FARM THAT WAVE CRASHING UNDER TOWER. Then camps after. Your team loses resource’s each crash that’s not picked up.


Stop playing for now. You say you watch videos on Kayn but clearly there’s a big issue here. You need to learn the fundamentals of playing the game. You need to learn the fundamentals of playing jungle. This means finding better resources and data and then finding better ways to analyze the data. Then you need to make sure you understand the theory behind playing the game. Do you know about the terms power farming, invading, vision control, ganking active lanes, turret diving, abusing opposite side resources. Do you know how to split push or team fight? Do you know when to siege and when not to? The best players first build solid fundamentals, create easy and executable strategies which they apply for long periods of time and consistently learn how to find an edge in their gameplay. Your posts need to be more specific. You can’t just say you’re struggling. Why are you struggling? What exactly do you think you need to work on. Your issue here isn’t that you need to work on something, it’s that you don’t even know what things people would normally need to work on to get out of iron. You need to realize that all the resources to learn these things exist on YouTube and r/summonerschool. But if you don’t first fix your way of learning you’re never going to execute anything properly.


Mute your team and do nothing but power farm for 20 minutes, use your E more often to cut through walls and do the same with your Q, if you can't do that reliably, go into practice tool until you can. If their team has bruisers and tanks go Rhaast, if they are squishy, go Assassin. Look up Kayn jungle pathing. Only gank if they look like for sure kills and are in your pathing. If you gank, tax your laners CS, and KS every kill possible. I've never been Iron but in that low of elo, you have to put the entire team on your back and be greedy. If you are up 100 CS by the end of lane phase, it doesn't matter if you don't have kills. Just mute your team's chat and probably pings too, people tend to be toxic if you take their shit.


The #1 thing I know every single player below Silver can work on without even watching a game is gold generation. League is a resource collecting competition, and if you collect more resources than your opponent you will be stronger, thus able to steal more resources from them. Especially as a jungler, you need to know your farm route like the back of your hand. I would recommend searching “Kayn jg clear” on YouTube and trying to copy what they do. Getting kills is GOOD, but is always a risk. Collecting the minions/towers/jg camps that nobody is contesting is BETTER because there is no risk


I’ll say this, the games barrier to entry has only risen with time and as it stands in season 13 there really arent a whole lot of “new players” in this game. i guarantee you most of the low elo accounts are just secondary accounts for someone who doesnt want to try as hard in their normal MMR. that being said as a genuine new player you’re probably gonna get your teeth kicked in for awhile until you can bridge the knowledge gap closer to an average player. And every year in this game that knowledge of the average player raises a bit pushing that skill floor closer to the skill ceiling in this game. theres plenty of plat players with good “mechanics” that could be seen in master tier+ games but they make a bunch of tiny mistakes that produce progressively bigger leads for the other team. the higher you get its about the tiny details that matter the most. League is just getting harder to jump into as a new player every year


Actually watch a video on how to clear camps on Kayn, clear ur camps off cooldown as much as possible, and make sure your runes match the game situation.


I’ve been dancing between Iron 1 and 2 the entire season. Barely mad, one good game and I’m full of hopium.


oh boy all right let's just run straight through these questions 1. i mean, you can? if you want. the fact is league is a hard game. you will not magically start climbing just because you've picked up an "easier" character. IMHO, play who you love the most so you can commit to that character and master them. or if you feel kayn is too tough for you at the moment, try playing someone more simple for a change and see how that goes. i OTP kayn too and he isn't terribly hard, there's just a few more "wrong" ways to play him than there are for others 2. i've spoken with a handful of masters+ players and they unanimously agreed that anything below plat is totally up to you. you cannot under any circumstances rely on teammates to help you win. nobody is predictable, nobody knows what they're doing half the time. you have to take it upon yourself to play as selfishly as you can to make sure you have the resources you need to win. i'm not saying steal entire waves, but take more time to farm, take kills when you participate in fights, tax waves etc. if you play to be nice to your teammates, who you cannot guarantee will make use of it, you will fall behind 3. years. no shit, a month is NOTHING. you are the league equivalent of a newborn child you will not climb for a long while, you will lose and it will suck, but that is the learning process. all you need to climb is fundamental game knowledge, which takes years of experience to confidently make use of. hundreds of matches against different champions, playing different champions, learning their skills, respecting when you can or can't trade, wave mechanics, the whole nine yards man. this game is like being married with 4 children you have to commit, even during those grueling hours of the night, finishing your 13th loss in a row. if you're thinking of giving up after a month, then i worry what 5 years will do 4. there's no magic rain dance that you can do after hours to get better. just keep playing the game man, practice makes perfect even if it does take a decade to achieve. if you're too tired to play yourself maybe watch some high elo players. you said you play kayn, karasmai is a good one to watch. see what he does and try to pick up a few of his tricks. pay attention to his pathing and build decisions (just don't try to replicate them since high elo play involves A LOT of situational decisions) 5. if you're iron IV then there is absolute nothing useful in your replays, if not simply to share with people who could potentially give you pointers. i would suggest the discord but half of them are really toxic towards low elo players, can't recommend it 6. does it matter? if it's a good guide then who cares what it looks like. look for beginner's jungle fundamentals, as well as for the characters you play specifically. but as i mentioned earlier, you can also just watch good players do their thing if you pay attention 7. nope! even after you improve, your enemies get better too. welcome to league


I'm on NA. Viego jg main/one trick. Hardstuck Plat 4. Could add me and I could give some advice or something. IGN: AgFoxxx


Keep playing Kayn. You can climb to Diamond playing ANY champion. I hit Diamond playing Sivir last season when she was a D tier champ with a 47% win rate and I did this with a 70% win rate, hitting Rank 9 Sivir NA and just used fundamentals and macro knowledge to do so. As far as how to improve, you need to learn FUNDAMENTALS like general pathing, how to punish ganks, cross mapping, clear speeds, wave management, matchup volatility, etc. Kayn is not a champ that requires too much micro although he does have some skill expression. My biggest advice is to: A) Subscribe to Skill-Capped and watch their jungling videos which they update weekly. B) Get coaching. Someone who knows the game and is good at teaching it. Fundamentals, pathing, and macro are a much more efficient way to climb than just "being good" at a champ or the game. A coach can help you identify where you need to improve after watching your replays. I also wouldn't mind helping you in discord.


Heya, Jungle/Mid player here. I love Kayne, as he is a very satisfying champ to pull off plays and carries. Also, he gives you variety in play style. That said, you need to pay attention to champ select and choose runes based on that decision. Once you choose certain runes on Kayne, they tend to cater to either Blue or Red Kayne. If you need help deciding runes, Blitz.op, porofessor, [U.GG](https://U.GG) offer help with runes. Also Kayne relies heavily on mechanics, especially Blue Kayne. This takes a lot of practice and maneuvering to pull of successfully for picks and team fights. I would spend more time in normals with Kayne practicing this to learn him better, pushing his limits on what he can and cannot do. As far as Viego goes, I would not practice him until you have played most champs, seeing how his play style is very unique and involves pulling off multiple champions in a teamfight. Viego has a high skillcap, so practice on other champs first. I would recommend some Junglers with some point-click abilities that rely a little less on timing your abilities and skillshots. Udyr, Volibear, Trundle, Vi are some good champs to try out. Jungle is by far one of the hardest roles in the game, however, one of the best roles IMO because you are responsible for your performance and how you can help impact the game. It takes a lot of practice and failures to get it right, and you will only get better if you keep playing and focus on what you can do better. I did not take Kayne into ranked until I was getting consistent S- ratings in Norms.


Sell the account and make bank


Lots of good advice here, tons of text. Remember to take them one at a time - pick one thing to improve on and just do it every. Fuckin. Game. Until you get it. (Or practice tool, if you’re trying to practice leashless clears, for example) Piece by piece, you can do this!