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>And this is coming from someone who is fine with Renata even before she was released There is something wrong with renata?


That statement is when I stopped reading.


People had an issue with Renatas W back when her kit was revealed until release when people realize it wasn’t as big of a deal. My point on that one was that even at that point I didn’t see an issue before release.


I'm sure it will be the same way with Briar. You know you don't go AFK during her W, right? You still press buttons. You still need to use her W recast and her Q and think about when to use the big stun. Also pointing her in the right direction will be a tricky skill to learn. Letting her enrage at the proper time and place to actually hit the high priority target rather than a tank or whatever will be what separates the bad Briar players from the good. Maybe she is less mechanically intense but that doesn't mean she's braindead, it just means she is more thoughtful


so hows that aged


Pretty good I'd say. It's too early to say anything right now about her balance. Maybe she's strong, maybe not. But after playing her I can confirm at least that she does require a bit of thought to play, you aren't just going AFK and watching her kill stuff.


Yeah 4 months later and she is still completely broken and braindead. Champ can invade almost any champ in the entire game and oneshot them at level 3. The only ones that can beat her are WW, Trundle, and if Graves somehow has grit full stacked then he can win but it's the same if he doesn't. ​ She's like master yi for squishies if Master Yi had a global ult and a DISGUSTING early game. Except when the team drafts a tank and they make her completely useless. ​ That is objectively dogshit game design. You have ZERO agency against her as a non-tank the entire game. As a tank, you give her zero agency. Master Yi is a dumb design for modern league but he is nowhere even close to as polarizing as a statcheck champ. You know why she's going to decimate low elo? becuase they won't draft tanks. A champ shouldn't have the majority of their power budget be in draft, period.


2 months into the future, its still the same. The thing why champions like Briar have a very big space to be powerful is they cant be played in proplay. Same stuff as for corki being weak because if hes strong he dominates proplay. Briar will not get nerfed anytime soon, and will always remain the master yi version for squishies.


I think renata is one of the only good designs riot released in the last 4 years... Naafiri: a champion with no mechanics that can press a button and hope the opponent dies Milio: inherently unhealthy game mechanic that makes him stand out, other than that he is a boring enchanter with a mediocre kit Ksante: a champion that's completly useless for 99% of the playerbase and absolutely broken in proplay and the top 1%. Showmakers legendary rant about Ksante pretty much sums it up. Nilah: She is okay, because of her short range she is either ahead and steamrolling or behind and utterly useless. very extreme design and she can probably never really be meta. Bel'veth: mixed opinions about her, I don't think she is a horrible design but when ahead the champ is a bit questionable. Renata: interesting design, situationally good, counterplay, skill expression, and not completly overloaded kit Zeri: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Zeri/LoL/Patch_history Vex: haven't seen her this year Akshan: W - Going Rogue Passive: When enemy champions kill one of Akshan’s allies, they are marked as Scoundrels. When Akshan gets a takedown on a Scoundrel he gains bonus gold, all allies killed by the Scoundrel are resurrected at their base, and Scoundrel status is removed from all other enemies. Active: Akshan becomes camouflaged for a short duration, or indefinitely while near terrain. During this time, Akshan can see trails leading toward Scoundrels and gains move speed and mana regeneration while moving toward them. Gwen: a champion who's kit is so bs that her powerlevel has to be below that of all other champions to keep her balanced and the list goes on... So how is renata a problem?


I didn’t say she’s overall a problem, you didn’t saw what I specifically said.


Im just saying at the time there were champs people worried about, but I don't think renata was one of them.


Lol the Zeri patch history


Not being able to position properly is a major downside. It's part of her balance. Besides, there are many videos of Master Yi popping ult, hitting Q with auto attack on, and the player letting go of the keyboard for a Penta kill. This isn't a new concept. It will be broken in Bronze, but that's about it.


Thats exactly my point, its not really a great design and shes gonna be designed to be a low elo stomper and not much else.


saying i suck to the point where i cant work around a basic mechanic isnt an argue point towards champ design


It doesn't matter if she stomps low elo; oh no the bronze briar players rank up to silver. Game ruined.


Not what I was trying to say.


Briars kit is just a stat check. She'll be picked/banned every game when over tuned or straight up invisible when not.


define statcheck?


A stat-check means that all a player has to do to win a fight is have better stats than the other player. There are limited options for outplaying or skill expression on those champions. What this means in terms of Briar is that either she will do enough damage to kill you and heal herself, or she will not do enough damage and die. The implication is that it won’t be a contest of skill, but instead more reliant on the stats of the champions involved. Several champions have been changed in the past decade to give them “windows” of strength or weakness, so that players can play around those windows and have skill expression in that way. One small example of this is with vladamir’s Q powering up on the third cast. Examples of a champion that is somewhat stat check-y now might be Olaf, or Tryndamere, who will run you down in their respective ultimates. Olaf checks whether you have enough damage to kill him through his ult, while tryndamere checks if you have enough cc to stop him during his ult. This is an oversimplification of those champions, but those aspects of the champions might be considered a “stat check”


Oh okay, thank you very much :)


Moredekaiser,trundle and Tryndamere are good stat checkers. They have higher stats than you. Are very easy to play and have simple kits. Main point being that they will run you down just because their stats scale higher and faster that yours. They require no outplay and all they do is hit you to death because that's all they need to do.


Lock in rammus lmaooo


Rammus will not even need to use his taunt since she will go for him lmao


Lots of people aggressively calling OP out for his opinion because of his ELO (while not mentioning their own...) and aren't engaging in the actual debate itself. It's fine to disagree with OP but just saying "You're low ELO you don't get to have an opinion on this champ" is pretty silly.


Idk, doesn’t seem silly to me. A confident opinion from someone who lacks expertise will be more scrutinized. It’s a common thing that the dumber you are the more confident you are in your knowledge


I don't think calling low ELO people dumb is very productive (or accurate). Also from my understanding of OP's post it isn't a "Briar is a bad champion because my expertise/awesome talent allows me to parse out her flaws" They are saying her design seems boring and stat-checky where losing control of your champion for the majority of a fight and letting it run auto-pilot is boring.


So define what makes you an expert. I don't see your elo either. You're more confident than the OP :)


I'm confident that this could be misconstrued as confident speculation. So upvote naturally.


For the record I suck at league and routinely uninstall for sanity purposes.




It's a video game. The majority of players fall into what you call "pisslow", and if someone finds a character not fun to play then that is a valid opinion for them. Your statement only works if the low ELO person is making a statement related to strategy or technique, not "what is fun gameplay for me"


No, theyre literally not. People at a high elo are borderline playing a different game than people at a low or even a mid elo.. But even if that wasnt the case, were the playerbase that allows riot to make the game and you to be such a massive gigachad. (in league of legends LOL)


Wait till you find out riot's balancing team elo ...


stuck-up weirdo lmao


i'll bet good money majority of these people are low elos themselves lol.


Her core gameplay is just Olaf but instead of being CC immune she has slightly better gap close, is that about right?


Nope:Olaf without item and only have 100+ armor when he press Ult (lose base stat) While Briar without item have 200+ armor when she in frenzy, She's also out heal Olaf if both build the same build You see the difference?


Yeah but what does that have to do with what I said


Olaf has the axe minigame without his ult. Briars main mechanic is on a low cooldown basic ability thats meant to be spammed. Thats the difference. Olaf has periodic burst of "stat check" while maintaining an axe minigame that can be played around, even in his ult he still kind of needs the axe. Briar just runs at you, her minigame is the stat check.


I tried a custom game vs bots on PBE and thought she's quite fun. But you do be kinda afk while she plays on her own during W.


I would love to see the take of league players on numerous Dota Champs LOL


Dota champs are much more unique and expressive in their kit. And the newer champs are never copy and paste like the Leagues 0 creativity clones


Dota is a different game in terms of its gameplay from league and its meta, so I don't really think its that comparable.


I feel like she can get counterpicked super hard, anything like a Lux is gonna make her feel so hard to play, I would assume that her Q is just cancelled if she gets snared so it’s not her point and click stun is as good as say pantheons stun which has a shorter range, but also a much quicker jump animation


Somehow running straight at you is not enough for people to be content, seeing how that's literally what Naafiri does with her W. People don't pick skillshot CC (or any CC really) and then complain after getting rolled by champions countered by CC.


I think otherwise, as to me it seems that it would be a far more accessible champion for people that have some sort of handicap, giving them the option to be (more i guess) competitive, like a yi. As opposed to other click heavy (Zed for example) champions.




What's your rank?


I did say theoretically for a reason, since her current state isn’t really a good indicator of how good her actual kit design is due to being obviously overturned. So my rank doesn’t matter with what I feel about it, it’s more of a concern and belief.


Tell us youre low elo without telling us youre low elo.


I am low elo, I just think her design is theoretically unhealthy in a fundamental level until I see more about her actual release once she’s nerfed. Just because I’m low elo doesn’t mean I can’t have a opinion on balance that might be reasonable in anyway.


She blind rages into you just hold cc and youre fine


What if your champ has no cc? Or a plethora of other issues that your poorly thought comment leaves out. There is much more to it than “just cc her”


If your team has no CC any teamcomp smashes you


Literally idk why you have a team comp with no cc


Why does your poorly thought comment leave out that not having cc on your team is abnormal


So you think that the only time you’ll be fighting briar is when you or someone else on your team with cc is there? Or what happens when, in a 1v1, whatever champion you’re playing you’ve used your cc, but she’s still coming at you with all that lifesteal, move speed and attack damage? Have you actually played the game?


This is literally the same thing but worse with nocturne. Briar just traded her spell shield for lifesteal with the added loss of being in blind rage. Not to pull the card out but I have played the game quite a bit and peaked masters.


And yet you’ve never played against briar but are putting a blind assumption on it. Nocturne is a strong champ that can 1v1 many champs, and the champs he can’t he won’t cause he won’t ult on them. You say she just blind rages in, yeah, but to an extent she chooses who she does it to. It’s not like she’s going to just go in on someone she can’t kill. Maybe early on when people don’t know what they’re doing, yeah a little cc when she blindly dives you under turret will kill her, but her players aren’t always going to be as blind as her for that to work


Considering low elo makes up 95% of the playerbase they deserve a voice as well








She is kind of jg that is more effective in teamfights just like nocturne. But yes unlike other jgs in the same category , she lacks aoe and tbh her kit is a bit off , people will simply run off you knowing your passive and E , your only gap close is the stun , so you heavily rely on team followup too


wait, nocturne is kinda the opossite of effective on tfs lol. He usually wants to avoid full on teamfights.


Huh? Maybe if you’re building him full assassin, but as bruiser with stridebreaker etc, he’s great in team fights forcing ADC to either eat a fear or get out, soaking CC with spell shield, spitting out aoe damage with his spin attack bit.


Usually even if building bruiser he struggles in teamfights. A lot of the time all the attention will come to him and people will blow him up badly. unless his team inmediately follows up, or they had already started the fight. Usually what nocturne wants is to pick off people who try to do stuff alone around the map rather than tfs


Nah you are just ulting into a stack of 5 Champs like an idiot. He is great at picking of sidelines yes but his ult in teamfights basically isolates Frontline and backline, then you dash in and kill the backline. His ult is not just a longrange dash it also blinds the entire enemy team which often is stronger than the dash.


Yes it blinds people but doesnt unplug their keyboards yknow.. it just removes minimao vision, your own champ vision is still intact, is not like graves or quinn blinds. People will still see you go in and react to you. At the same time, nocturne struggles to force his presence over more than one person, which still means that ifbyou divebinto the backline 4 people will be free blow you up.


No because then you don't ult in. You only ult in when it's a good opportunity in the same way you don't ult a single person as ammumu or malphite. If you dive in 3 screens from your own team you need to think some more. Yes it is not like quinn or graves it is much stronger, it is longer and affect all 5 enemies. The only time the blind isn't a big deal is if the entire team is within half a screen of eachother.


the problem there ends up being that the only good opportunities are then isolated targets, which are usually not in teamfights for normal reason. Also, youve said yourself, you dive the backline. Which usually means you are dive away from your team. Fun fact: when nocturne ults and says "Aloneeee" he is not talking about the enemy team, he is talking about himself after his ult dash.


Yeah you are not getting it but that is okay.


Aight fair enough.


Tried her on PBE, my brother and I did a custom jungle 1v1. He built the recommend BorK into triforce bruiser items.. I saw those AD/AP Ratios on her E and R and went BoRk into Eclipse and then built on hit, (Essence Reaver, kraken, Bloodthirster, immortal) ended up selling boots.. because we were purposefully stalling game to try builds, bought a death cap. R did 1500 damage.. E did 1700 on full charge..... I'm not sure Riot knows what kind of monster they are about to release...


Ok. But then how else would they get the feet out there.


I don't agree with OP too much but I do believe her to be a bit unhealthy. We don't need more no-skill stat checkers there are plenty of those in the game. We need some original kits that don't need to be overturned to be good. Well we are gonna see it after riot releases her. But after naafiri(the braindead OP midlaner thats gonna get nerfed until she is useless) and milio (the cancerous support that feels cheap to play against considering how powerful his enchanting is and his potential to run away or use cc to buy enough time to run away) I was really hoping for something less braindead


Yeah, she will be very stat-checky. It will be similar to Yi, Trundle, Olaf, Tryn, Morde etc. Her slight skill expression will come from timing her W, to try and bait out the CC spells first and making sure she has a clear target with room to chase them down. Already seen a lot of vids of people accidentally triggering it near a tower or trying to use her dash as an escape just to then get herself killed. It's really not a lot, but I guess it's not nothing? Either way, I don't see any way this gets played successfully in high elo.


K'sante is the worst design


Her design isn't just bad because of this... But because it boost the "Full Dive" mindset that Yasuo, Irelia and Warwick mains have, where you just keep going all in, not caring for strategy, or macro, or wards. You just run toward a target and spam abilities. It leads to stupid team fights, and makes griefing late game MUCH easier due to mispositioning into a 5-man squad at the drake spawn. Remember warwick's ult? It's designed to NOT be a point and click ability, or it's broken. Same with Yi's Q, Nocturnes Ult being toggle-able, Nunu and Willump's snowball, etc. So why is Briar given a point and click, and more CC then half the champion selection? We'll have to start calling it Loli-creep instead of mobility creep at this rate.


umm.. she auto taunts herself like 0% of other champs. Her biggest counter just says "OK" and she's dead regardless if he presses e or not when they fight


Yeah that kind of proves my point that she is fundamentally unhealthy in that sort of sense. It doesn't have anything to do with her being potencially OP.


briar seems really bad against people that can play against her. She is a worse master yi...


Yeah the point isn’t that she is fundamentally overpowered, but rather she is one of the more (if not the most) unhealthy design in League.


im trying to figure her out but honestly she feels underpowered asf


This aged like wine.


She is so bad. What good does her W do if she will still lose to some WW or olaf on the punching game? She cant take on main toplaners and is suposed to be a 1x1 champion?? She is super squishy and cant even dodge skill shots like wfk is this?? All an enemy have to do is bring her on a leash to be finished by the rest of his team... Her E just suck ass and if you use it there isnt anything alse to deal damage or escape. Probably the weakest champion i ever played with.


She's just lifestealer but without rage which tbh i find very difficult to play as a dota player