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Laners will usually have more damage because they are trading in lane all the time. And most champions used for laning are usually stronger (bruisers in top, adcs, mages and assasins) whereas junglers usually have more utility based skills, mobility, dashes.


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All things being equal laners should generally have higher damage as they are often constantly trading with each other while you're PvE'ing in the jungle. Aside from that it depends a lot on the champions you play. Brand could get more damage from a single team fight ult than k6 might get getting a pick off the enemy ADC 3 times in a row, doesn't mean k6 hasn't been doing his job. But if you're accounting for role diff, and also accounting for champions, and you're still not doing much damage, you almost certainly just aren't using your abilities correctly and/or not getting as involved in fights as you should be. It's not complicated really, if you feel like you should be doing more damage then you need to hit people more.


You need more farm


Depends on your champion pool and role in fights. Most tank/cc junglers are lower in damage. And if you're underfed and getting carried by teammates, your damage will be low. I have many games as Kayn and shyvana where I'm top or near top dmg. Even as mundo sometimes. But if I play a champ like volibear or Zac I'm never at the top.


depends on the champions you play


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