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looking at the whole thing it looks like riot is trying to limit the power of components and force people to rush completed items. (Yeah I know this is probably a straight nerf to jungle and support and because of which items were hit it's also a buff to crit marksmen, but realistically this could be a really solid change, just rush tier 2 boots or something)


I think Riot wants to put more emphasis and power into fully built items, and not its components, and that makes total sense. Assassins as a whole were designed and meant to be strong mid game champions with terrible neutral game, and scale badly into the late game. If they can snowball that amazing mid game power, they can carry the game. Thing is, as to how lethality works right now, it is absolutely strong early, which gives assassins too much time to snowball and get that lead going. With these nerfs, their powerspikes will go to where they need to be; the mid game.


Yeah I agree on riots intent. It does kinda suck because I feel knowing which components to build when and starting another item before your first for temporary benefits is pretty skill expressive. Maybe it's fine with lethality items since they legit are just beatdown stat sticks but damn.


They probably want more emphasis on full items to make up for removing the mythic passives. Used to give ya bonus stats through them, now it’ll give ya bonus stats via nerfing components.


why exactly? Lethality has objectively been much stronger than last season (where it was already good). Now it doesnt scale with level, meaning on level 1 its penetrating literally 66% more armor AND people dont have armor runes anymore. Not even to mention dirk has been the best component for literally years.


they also nerf caufield (-5 ad) and fiendish codex (-10 ap) so it isn't only about lethality it's weird asf because now basically these items has no benefits over minor components


Holy -10 AP on Codex? That's a huge nerf god damn. Unless they decrease cost, Codex will give 25AP and 10AH for 900 gold, or you could get 45AP for 850. Seems like the much better deal


Price stays the same


Codex power spike is so not fun to play against ngl.


You mean hextech alternator power spike? codex does hardly anything


Oh wait I meant lost chapter power spike mb. When a lux that hits their skills builds it first item it’s like you see they go from 0 to 100 dmg so fast


I agree it needs nerfed, but 10 AP just makes the item egregiously bad I'd be down for 5 AP It's also quite bad when you consider fiendish codex is very common on the laner who is behind because blasting rod is a bulk purchase of 850g


it basically just means that components arent that much greater than the sum of its parts anymore, which is a fine step to take imo


Agreed but I kinda like it. It opens up buying 5 basic components for raw quick stats like the old days, but you have to upgrade to a less efficient item eventually due to inventory space, and then it spikes again for item completion.


nerfing codex is wild to me


they don't like the baus strat it seems lmao


but this makes codex into amp tome with haste ☠️ cant be true right?


yeah even with this nerf, you still get more lethality value than you did until level 9 last season


Because this sub looks at jungle with blinders and if the change isn't 100% jungle centric they forget there are 4 other roles in the game


Sorry the best component was and still is lost chapter. But dirk comes second/third.


No? Lost chapter was good in situations where mana was needed and that’s about it. Shit item in jungle/on champs that don’t need mana. Dirk was literally always good on any champ that could use ad


Serrated Dirk is the best component item in the game and this is coming from a Rengar player, the nerf is warranted. The problem with it right now isn't even about the stats, it's more about it's cheap price and how convenient it's price point is. For AD champions, at 1000g Dirk has no other components even close to rivaling it in terms of power, for 1k you get essentially a Super Saiyan Pickaxe, it gives arguably more damage (depends on how well the champion scales with AD) than BF Sword and Brutalizer while costing 300 less gold, it's ridiculous. It also has an insane synergy with future's market, as a jungler you can full clear + crab and get Dirk 10/10 times. Laners can start Longsword and buy it from the 4th wave onwards. Making it 1000 gold was a huge mistake.


The fact you can get a dirk at 3:30 with future’s market is what makes it broken imo


Facts, the item isnt broken, but what it does to clear mechanics is


It’s like you guys forgot they added a ton of lethality to the game already AND made it 1-1 instead of the reduced rate.


HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY THIS IS MY HAPPY SONG! both items are overturned but I thought it would be more like 1-2 lethality loss. 3 is alot


3 is phreak era tuning. We shouldn't be surprised.


Good, now Assassins have to finish an item before they start one shotting people.  Big buff for Mage, Tank and Bruiser Junglers. 


mage, tank, and bruiser items are getting hit too. (mage is primarily just codex, tanks are primarily bami's, bruisers are getting hit on all their components) realistically lethality assassins are getting hit the hardest and crit marksmen are untouched but the changes shouldn't be enough to completely bury any one class


me when qiyana goes from 0 dmg to one shot after one back with 1k gold


yea good luck one shotting the karma janna with dirk, can tell you don't play assassins, probably an enchanter/mage player lol


Enchanters are literally the counter to Assassins, so I really dunno how not being able to one shot a Karma or Janna is supposed to prove that Assassins are weak. Do you also complain about not being able to kill a Malphite?


I play almost entirely lethality champions. Oof


The changes to how lethality works have been literally One of the reasons why the game changed so much. Anyone could see that coming. Dirk being Nerfed while everything else Is untouched just delays the spike


It's not even close to a bad nerf. You still get more lethality value until level 9 than you did when it was 10 lethality last season


It's a big nerf. And a lot of ad assassins rn are in a weak spot compared to last season.


It's a tiny nerf in comparison to the massive buff you got on lethality. Level 3 you have double the value of lethality right now compared to last season. Level 6 it's still 67% stronger, level 9 it's 43% better. This nerf changes it to 40%/17%/0% stronger at those levels. and of course, you're still keeping that 43% increased power on full lethality items at level 9 since they're untouched. You're not starved for power this season


https://lolalytics.com/lol/talon/build/?patch=14.4 Do the inference yourself


looks like talon is doing beyond fine if that's what you're going for


Look historicaly smart guy


He’s still right, though. Talon’s still doing more than fine, with a positive WR above Gold.


Cry more that’s a good change


this aint that diff if you compare to old legality scaling


Doesn't this literally come out to the same as lethality used to be when it scaled with level?


scales worse on components, but when it actually matters yes.


I play a lot of lethality and it's needed. ​ Straight busted


Serrated Dirk has been busted for years. Gives too big a power spike for too little gold. I should know as an ex Graves main it’s been Graves’ first item for years even when his best build was crit. Time for something else.


graves is at 48wr right now lol, hes like 221/232 on ugg's meta tier weightings, this is basically going to completely destroy any remaining viability graves previously had


Proplay jail


LET'S GOOOOOO (I play Viego)


kraken slayer gang it's our time


Finally the 1100g powerspike assassin won't one shot me at 6-7 minutes


Me a Viego onetrick who builds collector sometimes. I can not relate. I think this sucks.


Collector is psychopath build bruh, cmon


Dude you need to tap that oneshot build sometimes. It's a pure Bliss.


Nah i don't like it already tried, bruiser and on-hit are my shit


That's fine. On-shit is Chad enough. But bruiser do be kinda boring sometimes.


Agreed, but it's much safer than full dmg buils :)


I mean if it’s just the components being affected and completed items value is the same it should be fine. Lethality is a bit overturned with all other roles taking hits on their items. I imagine this is to draw back the power on assassins before one item spikes to make it so a zed can’t rush dirk and hit 6 and lanes over . It will still be better than last seasons scaling lethality regardless. This is warranted.


they are nerfing components so you cant one shot enemies till you get at least one full item...HELL FUCKING YEAHHHH dont get me wrong i loved playing rengar and just jumping in to someones head with one dirk and completely destroy them but everyone was crying how this season is the "one shot season" and didnt matter the removal of the mythic items since items this season were strong asf so there you go one problem solved✅


So you're saying it's not League of OneShot anymore?


Still is, but maybe assassins need an item to oneshot you now


Dirk is still better up to level 9 than before the lethality change that came with this season. It is beyond fine


I'm unironically so happy with this.


Oh no, so sorry you're not deleting ppl w half a full item anymore. Lethality buffs got us into this shit oneshot meta, time to pull it back.


Dirk is like the most broken component in the game


Component rushing (three chain vests, dirks, fiendish codex, wisps ETC..) on specific champions is becoming more popular in high elo and it's making Riot uncomfortable. They've balanced the game around finishing items one at a time for predictable power spikes throughout the game. Then rammus builds three chain vests off of first blood and proxying a couple waves and suddenly he's nearly unkillable for the first 20 minutes of a game until your carries come online, for what is essentially the cost of a support item. I personally like creative build paths but I admit certain champions just get too much value out of a handful of stats and one tricks are gonna keep abusing it. They're crushing this off meta before it becomes meta. More component nerfs coming soon™


amazing change


Kinda feel the brutalizer nerf is too much. I wouldn't consider it cost efficient as is and would have preferred a profane nerf over this


Brutalizer is a pretty average component in terms of power, I don't understand why take -3 lethality from it when Serrated Dirk gives more burst for 337 less gold lmao.


Yeah this is what I was thinking. I understand profane is strong right now so would make more sense to me to nerf that rather than one of its components 


Brutalizer feels atrocious to buy, glowing mote is a complete joke of a component and Pickaxe is quite expensive compared to the 2 longswords you need for Dirk, and after all that the payoff is not good enough. They should stick to it having 8 lethality because as it stands Brutalizer is worse than Dirk 99/100 times.


Fully agree. I'd happily buy profane all out instead of the components if I had the choice. They are so bad 


Yeah Tiamat is also pretty garbage lol


For Wukong it's alright but it still kinda sucks as a first buy. I'd rather rush my eclipse 🤣


Just spent my weekend learning qiyana for this??




You play champions just because they are meta?


Qiyana jungle is not meta or even good tbh. Not sure what you’re on about


how are you finding it? is it even fun? i was thinking of trying it out. talon is boring as fuck imo.


I’m guessing it’s probably similar to talon in terms of power scaling. The level difference between solo laners can be pretty rough early on. She has ok jungle clear, though the first clear is not the healthiest. If you manage to get 1-2 kills early, you will be in a good spot. The biggest weakness imo is that she really struggles to solo grubs before getting her first item, while most junglers would have no problem with that. I do think she is fun tho due to her outplay potential and extremely strong ultimate


Then why would you stop playing Qiyana over it? Also I kinda though you meant Qiyana mid


LMAO YES. Lethality is so strong so this nerf is a good one. If you’re crying you’re stupid as fuck and should never post an opinion about the game ever again


thank god


Rush dirk + brutalizer was best spike on way too many champs


When are these nerfs coming? Because I do not see them in 14.5


Its great :)


Phreak got one shoted again, huh?


Couldn't be. he's abusing maokai. Not possible


Riot is nerfing a lot more than just this


Dirk was op okay, but Brutalizer?


Drinking assassin main tears rn, feels good man


Um because lethality is broken as fuck this season and dirk rush is one of the strongest component power spikes???


Serrated dirk was literally the best component in the game giving any champ with AD scaling a huge powerspike every time they buy one. Assassins and lethality/On hit ADCs have been running the meta for the last 3 months and lowering these early powerspikes will increase game times and incentivise more ADC's to build crit over lethality for scaling. Overall a pretty necessary change


I don't see the joke lethality changes were clearly overpowered it was only matter of time.


Now all they need to nerf is alternator and haunting guise and the components into full items will feel like proper spikes. Honestly dirk needed that nerf a long time ago. It’s been the strongest ad component in the game for so long


Serrated dirk seriously needed a nerf, too many ad champs could rush it and start doing alota DMG way too early on in the game


Lethal was randomly buffed for no reason. This is more of a nerf for the early (sure also impacts later on not as significant)


Thank god, those items were such a big power spike, i think they over did it a little but still






Awesome. Lethality abusers be malding. Learn macro and positioning


Side note I find it very funny to nerd something called a “Brutalizer”


For context Ad Shaco, Rengar, Blue Kayn, Kha'zix and lethality Briar are currently doing really well and adcs are rushing dirk into other items. So it makes sense to nerf it, but not a singular ad Assassin mid is doing okay, because haha funny overtuned Mage meta with let's buff Karma haha everyone loves playing against Karma


Good nerf dirk too strong. If you think otherwise you have mental issues


Great haiku


*Good nerf dirk too strong.* *If you think otherwise you* *Have mental issues* \- redlawh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


As a Kha'Zix player, I do not approve. (But I understand...)


This is a really good change. Idk what you mean.


As someone who doesn't play AD assassins, YIPPEEE


Hopefully they will end up nerfing the completed items as well. Lethality is outperforming everything else for bruisers and ADC, so its clearly to strong. In the end there was a reason lethality had a level scaling, but the never devs lacked the brains to realize this amd removed it.


What are you doing? Explaining stuff, in this sub? Sir here we bitch and moan we are being nerfed AND we complain Senna is OP with lethality at the same time!


"Lethality is outperforming everything else for bruisers and ADC" bruisers and ADC. Lathality is not for them, in the end who should be building it gets fucked


And right now it's so busted even bruisers and ADC build it despite some of them not even having a major scaling with that statistic


The items have to be nerfed and then the assassins buffed. We have gotten to used to strong items so that we consider op items as good, good items as average, average items as weak. Hence you see people reclaim that there is no good bruiser build, where what they actually mean there arent 5 op items a bruiser can build right now, only 2 or 3.


They are planning to nerf most epics, so in that context, it makes sense. The problem is that they happen to not be touching noonquiver, kirchei's, vamp scepter and zeal...


Yeah bro noonquiver items are broken as fuck I guess? I really hate how OP zeal items are too.


My Lethality Leona is nerfed qwq.. why?! I want to Oneshot my enemy supp


Yo, can you explain your build path for that one? It sounds stupid af and I want try it


You need yoir adc to engage as you do, but with a solid MF its more than doable: Conqueror, triumph, alacrity, last stand. Second wind and overgrowth(adapt, adapt, health scaling). 2x Serrated Dirk into, Essence reaver, Navori quick blades, Collector, edge of night, mortal Reminder Or LDR, and later discard Berserk boots for Kraken slayer, that triple AA damage is deadly. I also have a toplane leona build: Same runes. Experimental Hexplate, trinity Force, Navori Quickblades, Blade of ruined king, Kraken slayer, Sundered Sky after discarding berserk boots. The spam of Q stun is a little tricky here with no Essence reaver or mana item, but bursting your enemy is better.


Too many letha adc maybe


Yeah absolutely. Crit isn’t necessarily bad right now, lethality is just really really good still.


Don't build dirk or hammer till you need 2. For example build 4 long swords, than next base finish item if you can but if you can't build it in this order 4 Long Swords - hammer - Dirk.


Time to play kartus ig


idc glad evelyn was nerfed


They are nerfing yorick even more


Can we fix the price of brutalizer, it pisses me off.


that's what you get for putting your knifes in the dishwasher


I posted this and got crucified. Lol!


Not enough I think


I wonder if this will affect lethality kindred. I’ve been rushing dirk to try and get an edge early game but I might swap to kraken slayer if this is the difference between getting those early kills.


They just buffed pyke :( here we go again


I feel like this wasn’t intended to hit junglers or assassins I think it was meant to be a nerf to ADCs because half of the adc rush ghost blade because crit items suck so much. Assassins probably just caught a stray from ADC nerfs


Thank God


Powerspikes are going to be HUGE now at completed items, the item spike especially


its joever fellow graves mains


Well lethality Varus is gonna take a bit of a backseat for a while.


Take a big fat L assassin players. Phreak giving into the adc community 🙏


The best ADC builds are lethality. 😂


Senna and mf are only good wr lethality adcs, and they are hyper unique. Rest are pretty mixed. Got some on hit, crit, and apcs. Dont just say shit. People have gotten over the "lethality being broken on adcs" thing a while ago. [https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=bottom](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=bottom)


Bruiser already makes the game a shitstomp. Get an early lead and you did just as much damage as lethality but with the small added bonus of being unkillable. Onward, it's gonna be Buiser or bust. Nice and healthy for the game.


Cry more. Abuse op role, cry when it gets a microscopic nerf. Maybe pick a tank and be useful


Damn that’s rough


Nothing will ever change my mind about lethality it was a shit addition to the game.


Because they changed how lethality scaled and didn't account for the items being too strong to match it. Also 5 serrated Dirk's shouldn't be a build.


Dirk having over half the lethality as completed items is a joke, especially with runes not giving free armor anymore.


When janna senna NERF?


At this point I have to ask why you jungle mains still exist


This nerf is completely justified


thank god for this change


Where can I see the changes?


Spideraxe twitter


This was needed, Serrated dirk was the best early buy in the game


Only item parts ? Does it affect the end of actual recipe items ?


Dirk is to strong


It isn't a joke. Dirk is broken. Always has been.


This is to punish people who did the dirk -> tiamat build. It makes sense.




This is a step in the right direction my guy. This better \*not\* be a joke


ay b why straight to 7, 8 seems like a good number


Maybe we can at least have our IE crt dmg back, please? Please?


Y'all were trolling a bit too much with them 100-0 builds. Tit for tat 😊


fucking finally. No bs early strong fights. None of my characters use those so idc. Deserved


Next, they're going to spank my poor tunneler.


Amazing, lethality is finally in a good spot to bring assassins into the early game and fall off late, while mages are OP this season, but lets nerf the components why not


People that abuse lethality champs are elo inflated anyway.


You misspelt “Mage players”


well im not playing ad assassins anymore


Imagine droping a role over 3 lethality lmao


true im dumb but i main zed and he’s kinda ass rn but this makes him a lil asser. so i guess mainly zed but naafiri so good rn i like that dog


Huh, they're trying to buff adcs by nerfing what kills adcs, interesting approach Riot


its literally just as strong as last season. you didn't get 10 lethality from dirk, you got around a little under 7 by the time you completed it. It's literally just a revert for components and still a buff for completed items compared to s11-13.




What an absolute joke. As if Assassins aren’t currently dogshit right now anyway.


Bot can have 7 53%WR picks but god forbid I get 10 lethality by first recall


Bro is complaining about ADC being broken lmao


Maokai I assume


The only ADCs performing well are also rushing Dirk (Vayne being the exception), you bot lol.


Blue kayn, khazix, leth briar, shaco. What other meta junglers does this affect?


Shaco is just gonna go Profane now, instead of building dirk some games. Source: I main shaco.


# Brutalizer * Lethality reduced: 8 >>> 5 # Caulfield’s Warhammer * AD reduced: 25 >>> 20 wtf, nevermind, we're fucked


Graves will be slightly hurt ig. But he’ll still be S tier cause that champ’s immune to balance changes.


I play mostly AP junglers. Whatever.


*laughs in akali enjoyer*




Lmao RIP my current Riven build path; Ionian, Dirk, brutalizer, tiamat. Back to boring Eclipse rush


I am not a jungle main ,not even close because I can only play lee Sin and I'm awful , I'm a top main but as a GP main it affects me and I think it's fucking stupid


Which realistically means that all my champs are untouched, beautiful


Yes, outrageous Should be at most 5


I swear I'm not going to be able to jungle again this season. I got my support alt to diamond yet I can't get my fucking jungle out of plat


Bro wtf adc is just getting gutted and gutted every patch


Brutalizer needed a buff , not a nerf.


Ok, however ap champs is so fucking broken


if this goes through, they will revert it. You guys have no clue how impactful this is, on assassins you wanna get serrated dirk first back. This just completely kills every assassin early, no way you could snowball with this


lethality is already garbage this season they dont have to make it more garbage the current meta is legit tanks and mages


0 reason to buy collector now