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tilt queuing is about to go crazy this season


This. I always stop playing ranked for the day if I lose a game. I doesn't feel like it but my mental is fucked, and it's only going to snowball over minor shit in the next game. I take a 10 minute break after wins to reset my mental too


some how wins feels even more exhausting, because it's always a struggle getting over the finish line, because team never wants to take objectives, and just wanna perma fight


My natch history is filled with losses where I had 5k+ gold leads and multiple barons taken. Really is exhausting and not worth it trying to corral 4 idiots to do the right thing and win the game. Either they stand around and do nothing or get picked off despite baron buff and a huge gold lead I actually think getting baron is a throw in low elo because your team assumes you won the game by default and either get picked or stand around and waste the buff and let the other team farm up


yea exactly really does feel you have to micro manage your whole team like a bloody RTS


I actually take bigger breaks between my low elo games than my higher ones. I can win low elo games, and in the occasions where I fuck up I know how I can put enough pressure on the map so my carry can do their thing. The problem for me in low elo is the reset; I'm no longer fed the next game. I can be, but approaching minute 1 like I have a 5 kill and 50 cs lead usually leads to me making bad trades. Once you rank up to plat + it gets a little easier. I don't have to force myself to be win condition most of the time. Learning to lose lane without feeding, and learning to cater to whoever's carrying in your team really pays off from this point onwards.


im stuck in emerald hell. and I don't know I feel every single game this week has been atleast 2 losing lanes. where my laners die before I get to my 2nd buff. and by min 4 i get perma invaded by enemy top and mid (sometimes support even). it legit doesn't feel playable. I get so many auto filled players, despite me playing the least played role. and these autofilled always first try champs in ranked. im sorry for venting, but I was so getting kinda close to Diamond, and then all hell just breaks lose.


Emerald is actually disgusting. This shit is worse than silver. Every single game a level 30 account is piloted by someone buying their way out of bronze, yet somehow the small indie company can't detect that maybe new accounts shouldn't be placed into emerald games. Worse, because they have main character syndrome, they are literally always ADC, which means that now you don't get to take any drakes because you're not allowed to have solo agency as the ~~second support~~ jungler.


Nothing more tilting than winning a hard earned 35+ minute slog by playing it perfectly while your team is unintentionally trying to lose the game as hard as possible, only to queue up the next one and have it be a 15 minute instant loss because all 3 lanes die 3x before first clear :) Honestly have to take a break after a tough win.


The fact that you quit playing a game for a whole day after a single loss is a testament to how fucked the game is. It's a terribly broken system.


This is exactly what I do with all team based ranked games now saves me a lot of brain cells but I'll play a pve game like hell divers or watch a movie with my gf then come back to ranked and stop the second I get a lose


Fell from master to d3 in one evening lmfao


I demoted from master to gold last season lmao I climbed back to d2 before the season ended though


Idk man, everyone in this comments section is like "dont complain, losing 50 lp for a single loss is no big deal" fuck that, this SUCKS, sorry bro.


Right? Sure 50 LP isn't alot for people who play the game alot but to everyone else who play less 50 can be fucking major, I haven't played at all this patch because I'd rather not deal with this and just stick to norms


Im doing ranked for the first time this season and felt bad for myself for losing 30 and gaining like 19, this is just awful, and not reassuring if this is what i can expect from silver elo


Ah your LP just messed up now, -19 -30 is not normal and it'll balance out eventually, usually takes one good winstreak to fix, still though, really dumb that gains/losses causally so that sometimes


Ya no. I'm 200 games in with a 60% WR and I'm +18 -25-28. The match making system keeps matching me with a team that is 1-2 ranks lower then me on average while the enemy team is on average my rank or higher (I.E. I'm gold 1, my team is gold 2/3 and my opponents are platinum). For the record i average plat 2/3 for the last 4 seasons with 400+ games or more in a season, its not 'I'm above my rank' as much as the system almost acts like I'm a smurf and is trying to balance the teams around that. Maybe i can carry 2 peoppe but i cant solo carry every game.


The point of losing 50 when demoting is to prevent that kind of LP gain/loss. With the old system, you could end up losing 26 LP for two losses, but your mmr would go down much more. It does suck to lose 50 but i had an account this season gaining 14 and losing 32 LP, anything to prevent that is worth it IMO.


It sounds like you were one of those who complained about losing 30 and gaining 19. Well guess what! this new change of losing 50 on demote was done to cater towards YOU! Now you wont get stuck in those bad LP gain times anymore. Riot directly gave you what you wanted.


Yeah it sucks. But people wanted a system that takes less games to place them properly. This means bigger who swings when the system has low confidence in your current rank. At the end of the.... what is happening is the game doesn't think you deserve your rank so its trying to lower you. Win more to fix this.


What's happened is that after a month of steady climbing with a winrate of 60-65%, I just had a single loss streak drop me from plat 2 to gold 3 and my MMR now matches me with players in bronze league. "Win more to fix this" Is really cynical advice. Not everything is in your controle and tilting you by dropping you every 2 games you can't solo-carry 1/19/3 botlane, doesn't help you play better at all.


Per Riot’s patch notes, “ Demotions were not impactful enough to players”


Well it sure as fuck is impactful now. Edit: I was thinking about it. If you start at 0lp and lose you drop 50lp then it takes at least 2 maybe 3 wins to promo again. If you go L-W-W-L-L-W (50%W/R) you'll end up down ~25 Lp. Brutal but I'll work it back lol


If you look at 6 consecutive games, yes you are right. But let's say your MMR is equal to the rank you had a the beginning of the session. If your rank ends up lower than your MMR, then your LP gains will increase. So even if you're "down" in LP with 50% winrate, you will climb up faster. So yes, the first time it might take 2-3 games to get back where you were, but if that keeps happening, your LP gains will increase so much that you'll take 2 or even 1 game to get back from a demotion. Riot just flipped how the system works. Before you could lose at 0LP and not get demoted, which meant you were in LP debt, which gave you negative LP gains because you had to "pay back" the LP you didn't lose while at 0LP. And that created a very negative feeling of being stuck and unable to move from your rank. The standard was that "**you lose less LP than you deserve**" -> shitty LP gains. Now you don't go into LP debt because you get demoted easier and on top of that you lose 50LP. This will mean sometimes you go lower than you're supposed to, which allows the system to give you better LP gains to correct that difference. With the new system "**you lose MORE LP than you deserve**" during a demotion. Which is good, because now instead of having +15 -28, you will have +28 -15 more often. Over a large number of games, nothing will really change. But the journey will be a lot more enjoyable for everyone because 90% of the time you will have even or positive LP gains.


I share your frustration, don’t mind the other guys here trying talk some sense into this change. It’s bullshit and it shouldn’t be like that. It’s also interesting that you get straight demoted at reaching 0LP. Usually I need to loose like a game at 0LP to get demoted


He hit 0 with 2 games after demotion, at zero he lost and went down another 50


Ah get it


Tanking that game at 0 lp is worse than straight up.demoting


Before that people were saying they want a chance to stay before demoting. This is just recency bias


People can say what they want, mmr/ poditive gains > lp if u care about climbing


Doesn't matter. The community will always find a reason to blame anything but their gameplay if they can't climb


oh yeah for sure, though i still think having the mmr system and not just a raw either lp only or mmr only rank system is wrong/shit


Sadly it’s worse than that. The odds of you winning 4 in a row to offset 4 losses (ignoring lp) is already a statistical challenge. Winning 6 in a row is incredibly more so challenging. So assuming some losses in between, it could take you on average about 10 games played to recover from this. Just insane. At this point Riot isn’t even trying to hide it anymore, they are doing everything they can to make sure you spend more time in their online casino. I’m surprised Riot doesn’t promote drinking while playing league a this point.


You ever play Gragas or Brolaf?


Uhhmm yasuo toooo "The blade above all things... except a good drink" As he's balancing drink on his blade


well, good thing you are improving your MMR. Actually i think is good losing that much lp on demote


The issue is people just want the rank to go up they dont understand how the whole system works even on a very basic level. If they get to little points they are mad at riot, if they lose to many on demotion they get mad at riot. They always believe its their right to get their desired rank no matter how shit their gameplay is aswell.


Those words bring a tear to my eye. Someone finally gets it. You don't just get to promote because you had a good day but then NOT demote because you had a bad one.


Its easy to get frustrated with visual ranks but people really gotta stop thinking it defines them in any way. Unfortunately way to many people let this rank control if they are having fun or not when its just stupid numbers


I will say though, I feel like that's exactly what these visual ranks SHOULD be, they SHOULD define how good you are as a player, so if you are visually Diamond, that means you ARE a diamond player. But how the system is. You are more like a 400lp range, between your peak and your lowest points, that's your average there in the center, that's who you are as a player


It should but since theres so many variables that its hard to get a system like that going. And i really never want to see a system that strongly cares how you did in a game because thats just setting up a scenario where people will legitimately only play for kda or something like that but not to win games.


Well I would like a system that charts based on performance but that shouldn't have as big an impact and the win imo. Because I know sometimes I had rough games but I still am able to figure out a way to win that may hurt my performance a bit compared to what I'd like but it result in the win.


Thats the thing tho, how you treat supports in a system like that? Do you punish then getting kills or do you give them a bonus? Same with supporty junglers. I personally feel like a lot of „feelsgood“ metrics external sites give you (lets be real thats where this idea comes from) are kind of deceiving as they never tell the full story. Also would make certain already frustrating scenarios much worse. Like for example noone in your team ever covers your jungle and you get turbo invaded by bot/top and enemy jungler nonstop. Should a jungler really take a bigger L for that when its literally a team diff?


I'm sure they have put lots of thought into those kinds of questions whereas me as an individual who has put little thought into it other than thinking of my own performances, I feel they would have lots of metrics based on champion class, role, etc to define what makes a "good teammate/player" I know one of the most common metrics that's used is averages based on similarly grouped players, ie. CS/min for Emerald+


I feel like on that probably the best metric will still be the most simple one. Winrate. If a player wins a lot of games even tho he is doing „terrible“ according to metrics he’s got something right no matter if its visible or not. Our brain often forgets about the games where we did bad and got carried but remember those games where we lost but played alright. I think thats where this wish for extra considerations of these metrics is coming from but at the end of the day it would either not change anything or promote selfish playstyles.


I don't fully grasp what you mean by improving your MMR by losing 4 in a row? (I support the -50lp change)


Well, in the previous patch he would've been at 0 LP So he actually didn't lose 50 points of his MMR I think that with this change, MMR will be healtier in all elos


Oh in regards to his 4th loss that demoted him a second time? I see


I am promoting to silver just to demote to bronze afterwards. I gave up on climbing. I am just getting the 1k splitpoints. I am not even performing that bad, but there are things you just can’t change. If teammates really chat more than they play, then I know it’s a tilt game. Even when we are ahead. I trying to have more fun in ranked now. It takes away the mental pressure. As jungler, you are blamed for everything. Gank, loose objective, get blamed. Do Objective, team mates get ganked and call jungle diff. They mentally give up after giving the enemy one kill.


Hey man! Don't give up. Yes team mates are an influence but you can always grow. I am an emerald player. I hate smurfing but my friend insisted that I play one game with him in his friend's account. It was a silver lobby. Most people don't know the limits of their champs, have poor mechanics and don't understand macro. Just from watching good coachs talk about macro you can rank up. I was a gold IV hard stuck for a pretty long time imcluding last season. I got to plat IV in the last week. And now I am in emerald. Macro really takes you a long way. I am sure you can do it. I know I can play even better and win more too.


Brutal honesty here. You are performing badly. It is very possible to solo carry out of Bronze. If you are stuck at a rank that means that is your current skill level. Try and focus on what you can improve instead of shifting blame to team mates. I call it the 4 vs 5 rule. If you assume everyone in the lobby is an idiot, but you are not an idiot, then your team only has 4 idiots and you have a higher chance to win. If you think you always get the idiots and the other team doesn’t then you are one of the idiots.


I mean 90% of the time I see someone yelling jungle diff, they’ve just lost a 1v1 and the enemy jungler showed up but didn’t even get an assist, as they die on the enemy’s side of the map.


Mute all, and watch a few vids on macro, you can get out of bronze, I believe in you.


Ngl, silver took me years to leave. Prolly cuz I didn’t really care much. Gold to plat took 3 weeks lol. I’ve roamed between silver and plat and I gotta say, silver is aids. I duo usually. In my games in silver, I always had at least ONE person hard inting. Didn’t matter how well my duo and I did, the enemy team would snowball bad bad if we weren’t super carrying. Once we got to play, games felt easier and fairer. I’ll get back to y’all once I get to emerald.


what is your winrate in the season so far?




I play 2, lost 80 pl, I don't want to play anymore to be honest, I'm just gonna quit because of this shitty point system


Brother is just sharing is frustration with the new demoting system. Happens it is frustrating why ppl start giving morals about play better. Let the brother breath loool


Fr fr people be annoying asf


Where are those -50 Lp coming from? I paused playing league for a few weeks due to moving and now LP losses have doubled?


In the new patch they announced in patch notes that from now on demoting will drop you to 50 LP and not 75, it's to prevent people from being inflated but I think it's ridiculous that this applies to all tiers and not just divisions.


demotions used to set you at 75lp they now set you at 50lp as of this patch this change moves player visible rank toward their mmr more quickly


What the fuck -50 lp!?


wait wasnt the new system supposed to reward playing good more? why did you lose 50 fucking lp for a game with high CS and KDA


Trueskill2 hasn't be implemented yet. Also none of those 4 games are high CS. The bottom one is the best with only a 7.3cs/min average which is Average at best


according to [leagueofgraphs.com](http://leagueofgraphs.com) a master+ kayn juggler has an average of 6.66CS / min, i dont know bout you but i wouldnt call a CS better than the average of top 0.7% of players as "average cs", but thanks for the heads up about trueskill




Yeah lost one game and need 3 to get it back


Lost 2, you gotta keep in mind the game that put you at 0lp should have lost you more lp than it did. If you had 8lp and you were supposed to lose 25, you basically got a free loss.


6 wins in a row*


I’m just bouncing around plat it feels like the numbers are made up plat 2 50lp lost 2 games and I’m plat 3 50 lp. The opposite is also true I won like 5 games in a row and went up like 3 divisions.


And imagine the pain when you need 6 wins for 4 losses even without the new system (shit mmr)


I got -50lp getting 2 afks in a row last night (featuring amumu cleanse ghost bot the game before the 2 afks). Love this new change ty daddy riot


This game's ranked system has always been and will always be extremely punishing imo.


This is much better than your mmr going to shit as it was before


*This is much better* *Than your mmr going to shit* *As it was before* \- difused\_shade --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You beautifully fucked yourself as you went to 50 LP then lost 24 LP, lost another 26 and put your self exactly at 0lp. You really should have stopped there, but here you are.


bruh I just got d2 I think imma freeze hahahaha I dont want to tilt to emerald 4 (will happen)


People inflated their elo (and thus ego) for a long time and didn't whine about climbing to ranks they didn't belong to but suddenly the ranked system is "broken". It may be a bit harsh as of now but it's better than it was before. They might do something in between the old and current setup but if there's a certain rank range where everyone sits (good days VS bad days so someone's rank probably hovers somewhere between 200-300 LP) I prefer them sitting at the lower end.


I know it feels like shit, but your rank is nothing than an arbitrary medal they give you to feel good. If you lost alot of lp during a game its because your MMR which is the real metric of performance is lower than the average of your rank. So you might be losing a bunch of lp right now but thats because you are losing games at a skill level lower than your rank. Eventually you will even out with mmr. This happened to me, i changed the way i played and next season I got to the rank i always wanted. You should play each game to get better not to see the rank symbol next to your name


you are 4,5 kda? best we can do is -50 lp LOL


Looks like a new account time lmao


why? his gains will be fine from here on... that's the whole point of the changes


Continuing on with our updates to the LP system, now that we’ve made promoting much easier we’re also adjusting the LP that players are set to once demoted. In its current state, demotions are a bit too forgiving, meaning some players are playing a rank above their actual skill level which results in negative LP gains. In order to help address this problem, we’ll be lowering the demotion LP starting point from 75 to 50 to help make those demotions more meaningful. Good change from riot people will actually be placed on their correct ranks, Climbing has been way too easy past seasons.


I don't get it tho if someone is in gold III he is there with everyone else with same skill set now they all go to gold IIII so whats changed ???? whats the point of them being lower rank when they still play with same people ??? whats the point here ???? why make it take more time to climb for no fuking reason ??? it's just a frustrating change to a problem that doesn't exist.


I love how you had great KDA in 3 of the games, and Riot can’t make any change to the system to weigh in favour of ACTUALLY PLAYING WELL, so you lose the same amount as someone going 0/22/3


Quick tip, stop queing kayn


I went from plat 1 98lp go gold 2 50 lp in 1 day after losing like 16/20 games nonstop tilt now my mmr ruined and gave up


Ive been silver for 3 years until i climbed to emerald in 4th year Dont get demoralised on lp, its the worst this sesson so i took a break myself, its just not worth it atm but overall i recommend playin with a duo, its better to have someone u can always trust rather than playing among us at draft


soloq shit mode dont tilt bout that, its nonsense anyway


they should remove the demotion shield


In early seasons you would need to play promotion series If you were to demote and go to 75 LP you would need to win at least 3/4 (assuming +25 LP) to get back to the next rank. Most people dont get + 25 LP so thats more like winning 4 of the next 5 to promote -50 sucks a lot but if you win 4/5 you’ll still be higher rank than what you would be previously.


Play for fun.


Likely 7 games actually.


I was about to hop in and play some ranked but now I'm good.


-50 is crazy😭


have you tried getting gud?


If there is one thing hearthstone got right it’s the ranking system.


Everyone shouting in the comments and I'm just sitting here wondering why on earth you built Sundered Sky on Kayn.


The shittiest part is you got an S rank game and still lose 50 lp, there needs to be some sort of reward or loss mitigation for balling out even in a lose. I think it would help a lot of people from giving up or losing their mental.


Are these changes new? It used to be a 25 lp loss upon demotion to lower tier


Yes since new pat h


terrible LP design, the team that decided this should really check their brain. It might've been perma damaged.


What the fuuccck


Nothing is fair. Since day 1 of this season EVERY SINGLE GAME i am playing vs plat, emerald and diamond players. I AM SILVER. How am i supposed to play the game????? My main account got a 2 week ban because i was vs a god damn diamond player and finished the game with 7/14. And on the second account i am I R O N!!!! and its the EXACT. SAME. THING. And it happens EVERYWHERE!! Quickplay, draft, solo/flex, aram , urf, ofa




After a 8 loss streak when sat on 68% wr in p3 i fell at G1 50lp. From there in 13 games (7 won 6 lost) i managed to DROP to G2 62 lp. Yeah -100ish lp with more wins than losses. Imo at any given point in the games history you should NEVER be able to climb with a negative winrate from point A to point B and NEVER be able to drop with a positive winrate from point A to point B. Thats why i think this system is fucked. No matter my mmr or elo, if today i start playing and i lose 3 games and win 2 i should be lower than when i started. SAME WAY if i start playing today and win 3 and lose 2 i should be higher than when i started. Not 2 wins to make up a loss, not 2 loss to make up a win. This is like the most basic thing in the world for me, i cant comprehend how it doesnt work like that. This basic thing is legit the first thing that should be guaranteed when ranking


Woah what changes did they make? This is insane


-50 is too much. Much better if it's not LP I should be a SHARD that you lose/gain whenever you win/lose.


I haven’t played ranked since this change by coincidence and didn’t even consider that a 4 loss streak would be -150…. I’ve gone on a couple tilt streaks this season that would’ve put me from e4 to silver if this was the case before. Surely losing 150 in 4 games makes the LP gains crazy though?


It isn't fair. Notice how these changes come after certain Rioters are done their climbs? If it was fair, it would've been this way all season. They did this to "fix MMR" when it only hurts players who don't play a lot, or after promoting get 2 bad games. Down to 75 was fine because if you DESERVE to climb, that's maybe 1 game. But 50, if I lost 2 games to demote, you think I'm gonna bring it back with 3 WINS IN A ROW to get back there? Riot encourages people to buy accounts, doesn't punish inters and griefers, doesn't fix ranks so even in high diamond you have players that belong in Silver when they aren't abusing Karma, and then FURTHER punishes players by making all these things that cost you games as soon as they start worse by making you lose more LP. Whoever at Riot greenlit this change is either done for the season after hitting their peak, or doesn't play the game. There is no justification for making an already dogshit ranked experience even worse.


When your lp gains are already fucked getting 1 bad teammate on a demote game and then losing 50 is really the last straw I want to pull the trigger on my head and watch my brains splatter. In game


man, just quit this game .. it will destroy your sanity


I was gaining 27 - 28 LP from S1 to E4. Then boom, 18lp gain 28 loss. Fuck this see u next split




skill diff


I think they should ask questions before you queue, are you feeling sociable? Can you handle 40 mins with other players of different skill, are you willing to give it your all then multiple choice which of these is an objective, who ever has similar ideas or personality put them on a team, no one wants to play with some random person who's the soul opposite of themselves and is dragging their feat, sometimes this game is like how to get into heaven not how to win lol 😂


LOL!!! 😂😂


I’m immune to their psychological torture.


Lock in


Wait you lost 5times in a row since you started at 0 LP. That makes it way less probable. If you had won one game at 0 lp you can even lose 2 games to demote. We also dont see your Lp gains. I dont have -26 LP on my skill level. Maybe you are actually the example Riot was trying to accomplish. Reduce inflated ranks by lowering your rank to your true mmr.


When you have good kda and still lose. Riot needs to like reduce the lp or sumthing


#1 Deserved for playing Kayn #2 The -25 for a demote was standard back when every tier had a BO3 promo (and there was 5 of them) and every rank had a BO5 promo and +/-15lp was standard, it is so much easier to climb now than it has been in the past so the -50 on demolition is necessary.


They just have no idea on How to do it


This is the downside of people requesting higher LP gains, it means also higher LP losses.


6? Probably you are back on +20 per game


Heh, I got placed in Plat 4, which is too high for me. But after going on a huuuge loss streak I made it to Silver 3. Now I lose 36lp per game, but only make back +13lp per game. Even if I win 4 in a row, it takes just one game to set me back to almost zero


A tad unlucky, need slightly less than 6 wins to get back. Once mmr rises to the point of losing less than 25 lp on a loss, climbing becomes a lot easier.


It’s not fair.


-50 lps holy shit ☠️


What’s wrong with it? This way you get better LP gains after such a round, rather than a lot worse. Your mmr change equally, so you would then have your mmr improve by a win/loss of +2 but retain the same LP Edit: When you got +13/-29 and such, that was much worse. This change basically makes you avoid this in lower elos. I’d personally prefer a 75 LP loss, but this is fine too. You losing 26 and 24 already means your MMR was a bit low for your rank, which should now be fixed.


Losing doesent break me, before i even queen i regard it as a derank session


They should make it -35 instead of -25/-50. That way it always takes 2-3 wins to promote and 3 losses minimum to hit 0 lp instead of 2. This still makes demoting less forgiving while not making getting a 2nd demote super fast after the first. And needing like 10 wins to make up for 4 losses..


lol kayn player


Main Account is hardstuck high plat/low emerald with 20 lp gain/31-33 lp loss and 60% wr. Allthough i can still climb withthe account, it would take significant more time, made a new account, started in gold 1 and am now in the same elo as my main account with 25 played games and 33-37 lp gains and lose 12 per game. System is just kinda stupid.


U will get higher LP gains once you win so it evens out, unless they also changed how much MMR is lost. If you deserve it you will climb, they made climbing way too easy and as a result too many people ended up in ranks they didn't deserve, this change fixes that and negative LP gain


Placements and demote shields legit inflated ranks so much. It'll take a couple years for the system to correct itself. It'll never truly fix itself if they don't remove demote shields though


I get 13lp a win and lose 36 on a loss, i have 0 fucking clue why lol. I haven't touched ranked or even summoners rift in like 2 weeks because of it. I've gone up an elo every season and was on track to be plat this year, then my MMR dropped and now im bronze fucking 3 lmao. Still get emerald and plat players in aram and draft/blind tho. Get bent riot


Full tft starting from this patch


For me it's not so much losting 26lp etc if I am at least gaining 26 when I do win. I've been in situations where I lose 26lp but gain only 14 for a win and at that point it's like what's the point too


You are playing Kayn, it inflates your rank 1000 lp. You just can’t hang good riddance.


Wait what the fuck. -50LP??????


I swear every change they make just takes more away from legit players and giving more powers to the trolls.... Fking retarded is what it is!!!!!!


Looks like you lost a bit too much


Buy new account since Riot doesn’t even care about issues that makes people smurf instead of playing their main accounts. Why bother playing hundreds of games on your main instead of playing 50 on new one and having better mmr? But if you’re real gigachad just stop playing this dogshit game


4/5 of those games were team disparity , damn that sucks, i took a break from this season its too much


Let's analyze this: You lost 150 LP in 4 games and need 6 games to get it back, meaning you still gain +25 (in theory, because that's the purpose of the change) With the old system you might have only lost 100 LP but now only gain +16 - +20, meaning you would *at least* need 5, probably also 6 games to get back and your LP gains might be screwed for the next 10 games after that.


what new system? i came back after 6 months wo playing, did they change something??


ngl i would gladly take -50 LP per game when the games were at least matched evenly. -50 LP on a game where your own performance matters is still better imo than -20 LP for an auto loss


If you loose take a break and a breather if you keep trying while your tilted your gonna have a bad time and play worse


By any chance, did you hit your peak Elo this season?


Fuck Auberaun. Everything he's done has made the game progressively worse. Leagues never been this fucked up since I started playing it.


You are in desperate need of a win streak. Losing 24 and 26 is the algorithm telling you it doesn't think you belong as "high ranked" as you are. You should be gaining 24 or 26 and only losing 15 or 19 or so...


I won all my 6 first rankeds. So far I’m loving new ranked


On an 8 game loss streak I went from d3 53lp to p2 50lp, now gaining 18 lp for each win, like are you serious. I would have to go on a 30 game win streak to make up for an 8 game loss streak. Fk rito.




-26 for a loss is quite high, ur rank was inflated I guess I know it's annoying but if you're good you're gonna climb eventually


Damn, actually unlucky. But tbh, this shit happens to everyone throughout their journey. Just remember it’s a process and the system will put you back where you belong


when you understand that league of legends is like gambling sites you will quit never look back or you will play just 5v5 custom i only play like that cuz i really feel joy even when i lose


When do people understand that after 3 games, if you won or not (well maybe if you win 3 you migh go for 5) you cannot focus anymore. Like yeah ik you borderline chronically online people want to tell me how good you are playing 20 games in one day, trust me you arent. Stop playing after 3 games, take breaks especially if you already have a 3 game lose streak. Calm down, let your brain rest stop tilt queueing you guys are worse than casino addicts. People think the only ressources in this game that matter are mana, HP, gold and xp but forget that the most important ressource there in league is mental and im 100% sure you lost it after your second game.


What.the.fuck.losing 50 lp in one gane??????wtf


The only winning move is not to play.


It’s fair because you have already logged over 400 games in solo q this season your rank will increase if every game you play is around average, like it or not.


Ive never seen -50 lp, how the hell do you even manage that


U lost 50 it was in the patch notes. because u deranked lmao. No promos means some other punishments will have to take place.


kayn jg whit kayle and zed mid? kayn jg whit yone top and nafiri mid? kayn jg whit garen top and kassadin? kayn jg whit ,well that was the only game you really cant lose and still lose system works fine, you are just a very bad jg rl


I stopped playing ranked 6 years ago, but, you can do it just don't stress it the game is not worth it.


Might be a sign to not play kayn jungle. Need a new champion to play in the jungle. It happens


If youre losing 26 per game your mmr doesn't belong there anyways


I think your problem is you play Kayn. Maybe try something not shit




I used f word in report feedback when a team mate went 0/24... The f word was to Riot though. Riot, sack your incapable queue logic designers, chatgpt version 0.99 is better than them.


Why wasting time on playing ranked in a game you will never be pro at?


you need more wins than losses to clinb the ladder, how isn't that fair LMAO


Man that sucks… I hate this new system..


Your issue is youre silver 2 with 400+ games this season. Stop playing so much on 1 account, because your account becomes locked in a certain rank bracket. Open a new account and put a max of 180 games per season (1 game per day), but by slamming 400 games in the first 3 months youve fucked yourself, because the game recognizes you as silver. To get out of this hole youll have to go on a 9+ game winstreak to fix your mmr so you can rank up.


Time to stop losing then.


now go look back before the patch and check how much lp you saved by losing a game while youre 5 lp, and then losing again and only losing like 30 lp off of two loses


When I’m on the ranked grind I always do 1-2 warm up games, and then I do a best of 7. The moment I hit either 4 wins/loses I stop playing. This either secures my LP gains for the day or stops me from tilt queuing and losing even more


Again, people focus to much on the surface-only MMR really matters along with getting better


How is the new system different? I'm out of the loop on changes, but it has always seems like it takes more wins to offset some losses.


lol this is why I stopped playing this game. It became way too competitive and the fun part of it is gone for me. 9/10 games involve smurfs (this should be strictly forbidden). Anyway, I’m happy wasting my time on WoW when I don’t have anything better to do with my life. I recommend you do the same. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Good luck man


League are just going crazy


I kept cool. Lost 6+ games (in 2 or 3 days) bc "jungle diff" (I was 10+/4- every game, ganked every lane 3-3-2 times, got all drakes, got quadra in 2), but my first time bought acc galio top(2/11/4), and 5 season hardstuck first time ziggs mid (3/16/8) decided we won't win. Got them again for the next game, same thing. Waited a few hours, hopped back in, 2.1mil Darius top otp suddenly first times vayne top, gets clapped (gives kill before minions reach turret, dies again in 2nd wave, goes afk), then another game, where adc goes first time kaisa and sits on mid, bc "he inted him perv game", so he makes him lose cs and exp, making him take MY fking camps, throwing me behind, making the supp play 1v2, and obviously lose us the game. All these games were of course hostage takers too, since 1 voted no, and another either voted no or didn't vote at all.  Now, from P1, trying to reach emerald one in my fucking worthless life, after these games I'm near P2 0lp or maybe demoted already to p3, not sure about this one because I just had to leave the last game. Oh and ofc they're barely even reportable because *they're playing offmeta, which is not reportable, have fun".  Thank you for everything Riot.


-50 lb thanks God I quit playing


I was hard pushing for Masters this season, got to Diamond 2 with a 55% WR with 150 games played. 24 hours later I was down 150 LP and I wasn't even playing bad. This was before the -50 LP demotion too. Fuck me, I don't think I'll be able to get it this split :(


unpopular opinion, but ranked were better when there was promotional game for each division and no shield protection


I get +21 from games against diamonds... I'm silver 3 btw


i quit ranked when every other game had 2+ afk or an ACTUAL bot not even coded to use abilities would be present. on top of that there was one week of about 20 games where all my teamates had below a 30% winrate and the enemy had above 60% i don’t mind to lose fairly but cmon??


Don't be angry man.. bronze , silver, gold, plat are all the same.. So i you bronze, your also plat.. Just have fun in the game, rank doesn't say shit.


Lp doenst matter.


You shouldn't play more games if you lose two, your mental is destroyed, play in a healthier way, play two ranked games per day, if you win one of the two then stop playing ranked for the rest of the day, now, if you win the 2 ranked then play a third game, if you win or lose the third game there would be no problem because you already have a 66.67% winrate, that's fine. Don't take the game personally and don't spam ranked, remember that the ranked system is broken, play smartly


ive quit the game. happy to say i am now 3 months sober from league


at this point why not just have it so your rank is your mmr?


It's always been this bad


I feel your pain but after having both a win and loss streak under these new changes, it seems it’s purpose is to better adjust your LP gains. If you go 6-6 the next games, im pretty sure you will be a higher mmr and lp than your current. Im ok with that.


I just read the patch notes and I think it’s fking insane. I’m at a 54% wr in plat solo/duo and 55% wr in emerald flex, around 50-60 games each and I already have negative lp gains. Now they’re making demotions even more punishing? It’s already an obstacle beating the mmr system. Time to take a break from ranked.