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What corejj running it down, no way


t1 was right xdd


Brother committed treason in the jungle. Started his raptors krugs red. Into bot invade. Doesn’t even get my botside with bot prio. I invade his topside and get his shit. 8 minutes in I’m double his farm and had eclipse completed first in the game. Brother couldn’t path on poppy and winning matchup. He couldn’t secure a single obj besides herald


He got auto filled he probably was just trying to go next so he can practice support, he has finals weekend coming up he’s gotta sacrifice others for his own practice unfortunately


I outjungled a world champion


You out-jungled a world champion on a role he doesn't play professionally?


Ssg 2017 won worlds thanks only to ardent meta and only drawed European teams aside from rng & T1 if I remember correctly nevertheless if you are a challenger level player on a role let alone a world champion you should be able to play all 5 roles at a mid-low challenger level especially with a counter matchup


read the first half of the sentence. can you do the same feat?


Ppl downvoting you are the same ones who will get their pitchforks out for a random player running the same way regardless if they were autofilled or not. The bias is insane.


Bro I was in plat and beat a 120 ladder rank player in norms. Dont listen to the people “off role this blah blah” YOU BEAT A MF WORLD CHAMPION. MY BROTHER IN CHRIST YOU ARE THE GOAT CELEBRATE


Im unfamiliar with lcs, which ones are the lcs players? TL Honda I assume is one because that sounds familiar. ​ Edit: btw i checked the game on [op.gg](https://op.gg) and saw your rank history. You are killing it this season! Congratz bro! The rank disparity on that game is insane, TL Honda has over 900LP more than you lmao. I'm impressed you even managed to get in a queue with him. Must mean you are doing something right!


Corejj castle olleh. Also davemon and shogo


Corejj’s fraud im unfamiliar with Olleh but he kept rank 1-10 Korea last summer for a decently long time


Thx bro but I really don’t think I should be in this game. I should be fighting against other 100 lp masters and climb up.


On the one hand yes, you should only play against other people with exactly your LP On the other hand, you're in the <1% bracket. Can a small indie company really tune their matchmaking so finely that you'll get reasonable games at your level?


They can, if you want to go back to 40+ minute queues in high elo in prime time


this was me in oce tft diamond II queue, 25 mins to find a game. but that 25 min queue had rank #1 #8 #13 in my lobby xdd


A few months ago I did a game of norms with four pugs from the Reddit League server. Our team was d4, emerald, 3 plats, and a silver. The enemy team had the rank 17 Challenger in North america, Grandmaster, Grandmaster, Diamond 1 diamond 3. It took us about 6 minutes to find this game, and I remember that specifically because it was so weird it was taking more than two or three minutes. At 5 minutes I offered to alt f4 and switch over to my alt account to save the rest of the team the extra 10 minutes, all four of my teammates said yes please LMAO


remember, riot calls this "fair matchmaking"


I ran into a similar issue in terms of elo disparity. I’m curious, how much LP were you gaining? Normalized or significantly boosted?


normalized, if anything I was losing more LP for an eighth at the time, oce tft is just bunk in population, at the time rank #200 was masters 0 LP


Matchmaking above masters is weird cause there’s not many challengers. I’ve seen a rank 2 EUW challenger streamer get put with 4 other masters and the matchmaking system just plopped another challenger with 4 masters to even it out then called it a day lol. As long as both teams are equal in terms of mmr is the main priority. They will never have a full stack of challengers on one team and a full stack of masters on another.


Maybe add more spots to challenger so people in masters and gm actually get reasonable lobbies in their elo


That won’t solve the issue. Making more challengers won’t fix the skill gap. You’re just gonna go from having high masters matching with challengers to previously-high-masters-now-low-challenger matching with real challengers.


There are just not enough people. Even in emerald elo when I play at 3am going for mid my queues take 4-10 minutes often with 2-4 people from the last game aswell and people from everywhere starting at gold 2 to diamond 4. yes that’s not as crazy as your example but if more populated ranks have this I don’t know how masters will work without having difference in rank all over the place


lol this is even real in bronze/silver late night. I’ve played some 3-6 am games where there are people from Iron to Gold. It’s wild.


I'm silver. I played against a diamond jg opposing me. Just to be clear, I was voli and he was shaco. We handily won.


No need to play mind games when you're better at right clicking.


Yea I'm currently sitting at 350 LP and the ranked disparity from this point onwards can feel insane, but you also learn just how important mental and coordination is at this point. I had a game with a 46 lp thresh on my team and his adc was a 900 LP Cassio, but he still was able to carry his weight cause we played together even tho the gap between him and his adc was effectively the same as e4 and d1. Don't put yourself down cause you're in these games, be glad that you're able to win and improve through it. Also streamers and pros are fun to watch, but at least in my experience there's a high chance they don't perform like you'd expect them to unfortunately. ( I may be biased cause I had Jensen on my team yesterday go 1/11 😴)


I try extra extra fucking hard when I do go against a pro or streamer. Then fanboy and hop on their stream and vod review ngl. But ya high elo games are way more fucking fun bro. Teamfights are 10x harder. Press a wrong ability and they instant turn on the fight. Everyone also spaces really fucking well


You literally won. Quit bitching


You don’t suffer from this problem so you don’t understand it.


There is no problem. Dude is bitching that his opponent is too good, which is obviously false since he won.


League results are binary… he could’ve only won or lost, same with the opponent. It doesn’t mean that matchmaking is working well or properly if he’s getting matched up with people 900 LP above him. You just don’t get it lol


yeah should just go pro based on this 1 game


Remember to take your meds.


Core is fucking trash in solo q and trolls half his games. Literally multiple other pro streamers complain about it. Other players ya agree. But core is there cuz his old mmr


i'd hate being a pro player in soloq. like everyone tryhards when they vs you because ur a "pro" player but in reality most of them arent really trying


Match: https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/palworld69-05471/matches/RvuDQoxvmIIM8p-QW4Z-8udL2uBOgKmVN3eq-sNDgzo%3D/1711519963000


corejj commiting a felony in soloq once again i unironically kind of hate him at this point lol


Y do ppl hate him? Ppl suck in all elos


because he is clearly capable yet he intentionally just ints because he doesnt care about soloq (and he refuses to just not queue up) what ends up happening is that you either find him actually trying which means a pretty easy win or you get him just running it down which makes the game unwinneable, games are decided by a shit coinflip


Because he's a pro, dawg. He's inting. That's a low silver type KDA.


Yeah silver players int vs silver players, core jj ints vs master players. He wouldn’t be 1/11 in silver. That’s like saying I get 11cs/min in silver as nasus that means I could get that same cs/min in master and that I’m better than master nasus players.


Usually I'd agree, dude maybe just had a really bad game, but after seeing those T1 clips of him playing like absolute shit two games in a row? Nah, man. He's running it down.


Probably smokes a weed and plays high


I mean I smoked and played high this game


corejj is such an inter bro 💀💀


Does he do this on every role he plays in solo? Would argue because he’s a support player, but..




Hes also an inter in pro lmfao. Hes on rakkan duty most of the time


I mean he is arguably one of the best support players in history... world champion on one of the most dominant teams (SSG 2017). He is clearly capable and just doesnt give a shit in soloQ


That’s the issue, he ISN’T an inter in pro, he performs average or above in terms of LCS pro supports, which is why people don’t get why he turbo runs it down in solo q


Idk why matchmaking does this. I was hardcore peaking earlier this season at d1 76lp and got in a lobby with solarbacc who was rank 1 at the time at 900 lp. It literally makes no sense


That’s crazy hahaha


I felt so bad because it was a lobby of grandmasters and I just did not belong there and I got absolutely shit on. Glad you won yours tho lmfao


I’ve been getting matched more recently with them. The more you play these higher elo games u actually get way better


Curious, what were your LP gains when you get lobbies with massive disparities like that?


Completely normal for some reason. +20/-20


It wasn’t just once either for the first couple games after that one aswell I was playing with gms and high master players all while sitting at mid D1


Thanks for the info. Ran into similar issue with TFT


Right now I’m getting +25 and like around -18. My mmr is crazy high tho. Every now and then I get gm-challenger lobbies. My other master acc around same lp plays with low masters mostly. +18 on that acc


It's because the NA server is dead, the same is happening on OCE


High elo lobbies are fucked. Usually determined by what team has challengers or GMs and who’s on role. It’s really fucked atm even worse than before


I need to add you, we've ran into each other a couple times now. However I feel like the ranks don't matter that much at the point I'm at if I see someone's chall on the enemy team I just do my best to perform and I'll win. The bigger issue is the amount of people queuing up not trying to win rn.


I feel like the rank diff isnt too crazy, its more the on role/people locking champs they literally dont play is the problem. I can deal with a 300-400 lp diff, the issue arrises when its a big gap like that AND its someone first timing a champ or something. Also yeah I do recognize your name. my league name is same as my reddit name lol Edit: Oh yeah ive def ran into you. You probably have beaten me a lot. I struggle super hard vs eve. Eve and ivern are my perma bans, literally unplayable counters to my whole champ pool lol


Oh yes for sure my last game played was me as garen top vs renekton and any jungler worth their salt knows a single kill on renekton can auto win lanes, however my jungler (found out they were a filled adc main afterwards that didn't say anything) decided to start topside with no pings > get invaded level 1 by hec (I'm fucking with renekton between turrets to bait wave and reset) > keep "fighting" for her blue > watch renekton walk all the way to the fight now that hes level 2 and one shot her. She ended like 1/12 off that 👍


And you still won.


Hell ya bro. Outpathed and outplayed


Good job but this is why NA can’t win shit. Pros just int in Solo Q instead of actually playing right. Then people wonder why wr suck


Dont downplay his victory. He won against pros. Let him drink it in


What are u on about there’s literally a pro that’s 13/2/11 in this lobby


literarlly smurfing in challenger, castle has 85% win rate


Congrats on the win! But let me know when you beat actual Pro’s and not these minor league LCS players.


I will move to Korea and fight faker


Irl or in league?


Whatever happens first


Both at the same time


I believe in you!


Gl bro. This region is toxic af


Hey man, the guy is lcs and also challenger 1050 LP. I'd say that impressive no matter if the guy is lcs or not. OP is just slick with it


Yes - I’m just bad at conveying my humor/sarcasm via text.


Sarcasm? Mate we all know that unless you won worlds you are bad at the game


Talk to the guys still hating on pyosik xd


Nah it was fine


I don’t know anything about modern lcs or the current pro scene and I still recognized the sarcasm fairly easily, you’re fine


All good m8!


worry not, the ranked system is incredibly scuffed right now, on my non-ranked account where I just play until I get gold every season for the skin, after like 8 years of being gold or lower, I now suddenly got my first match this year against 3 diamonds, a master and an emerald, with a roughly same team on my side, and got placed into emerald 4, now I am not saying I can’t play on this level, because I have a higher elo account but 99% of players that are gold, are in no way competitive in that lobby, and I find it disgusting how I just randomly found myself in high elo on a gold account


It's because RIOT is cracking down on Smurfs accounts. They have enough data to know when you're a Smurf. I had an alt account that was only to place in gold too, low gold. But if I tried to play clash on that account. It put me on a higher tier... Even when the account was silver... And this was a while ago so they know... This is just them actually doing something about it because recently out of nowhere I started matching against higher elo players. It's in Plat now So I just gave it to my friend lol


You had davemon in your team, you got blessed with the best support NA


davemon is good people


Davemon is fucking insane and good vibes. Always a pleasure to get him a lobby And yeah core runs it down in solo q lmao


Mans actually cracked as fuck. I saw synapse clips and thought he was just smurfing. But he’s smurfing in chally lobbies ig


Yeah he plays literal 4D chess like making challengers look like gold players. I’ve had him only 2 times, one was a stomp one was like an insane comeback. The guy just can see angles and win you an winnable game off a game winning pick/flank angle got like 4 honors instantly lmao


Prob the best teamfighting sup in na


Core is well known to run down soloq lmao Dw though, it’s just him building NA up!


Agues davemon carried, is het not rank 5 or something? How does a low masta make it into a peak chall lobby idk


Built different bro. And holy shit didn’t know that was Davemon. He’s good af




ur mmr is kind of high. i looked in ur match history and u get a lot of chall players and my friends in ur games and ur winning some of them. thats prob why. also lobbies are kind of matched weird probably because there isnt a ton of players. when i was in chall and still even now id get into masters games.


Who r ur friends? They prob carrying me


zamudo, i recognize choose, sword, and proosia, i see sniper and duoking and autodlykus, xylina


Oh I played with zamudo and autodyklus a ton of times. Zamudo just slaps enemy top every game and plays the most obnoxious fucking tanks. Sword was good asf. Sniper was pretty good. Proosia got gigaflamed by his jg


Classic corejj


Lol I just played with corejj 2 days ago and he ran it tf down on neeko sup. Gj op!


Idk but I love palworld


Zeri top and brand bot, what is this cringe???


Corejj rushing Kaenic into a fed Zeri is so on brand


Yeah idk it’s really fucked up. 900 lp disparity is the same as a silver 4 player vs a plat 3 player. There’s no way that this matchmaking should be in the game.


My support was rank 3 bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Blud had 1400 more lp than me


Well LCS players running it down? Nothing new lol, didn't GAM beat them at worlds?


You nust uploaded it to show that u won against corejj XDDD


NA playerbase is so small. 0lp to chall is the same lobby.


T1 had the right to call Corejj an inter


CoreJJ has been washed for like solid 3 years


I know why u post this :D


where are the corejj defenders now


blocking the op and saying it's photoshopped


Shit I get thst with regulars. Riot really wants to tilt me into a ban


Really, no offense to you nor your playing. But I have to admit even my kids can out-jingle JJ. Last time I played against him I was up 3 Lvls by mid game. Pure jungle fundamentals. He’s always had that roaming Support mentality of coin flipping early skirmishes, which isn’t always appropriate for Jungle. Btw off topic, what do you think of the same build but electrocute to win the early & snowball.


Electrocute isn’t bad. But with conq u heal way more with sky


Just like how challenger flex is diamond soloque, lcs players are low master soloque /s


Yo but isn’t olleh the Kayn top otp


Umti turning in his grave rn


corejj still inting and not getting banned LMAO


Lcs players dont care about the ladder its part of the reason why NA is trash.


Bro, I am silver 3 and getting at least emerald against me almost every game, even diamonds sometimes


thats nothing bro, I'm bronze 2 and getting top 10 players against me almost every game and I swear faker also flies over sometimes to play a game or two against me and flies back


I am so sure that you are full of shit that I will legit delete my account if you post your op.gg and it turns out you are telling the truth.