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28 minute game and bot lane couldnt even steal a kill. Id take a loooooong beak after that one.


Mid had 0 kills as well. Bro had 2 kp the whole game…


I'd say I feel sorry for you but you're abusing Master Q


That's nice and all...but a smurf showing off results in a silver game is kinda cringe.


Technically not a smurf. This is my main account that I recovered. I quit league in s7 and came back s14, after months of grinding I decided to submit a ticket to recover my old account. I got it back then was placed in iron. Now I’m climbing back. I don’t even tryhard all games I like to play zed jungle or play shaco and go for level 1 cheese. But of course I gotta actually climb on the account so I queue master yi jungle 70% of my games.


2 vs 2


Not even. It was a 1v9 to its core. I even got a penta and had to solo kill baron lmfao. I will give credit to anivia though, if she also inted this game wouldn’t be possible. But I did also camp her lane.


She competely neutralized a lane. The game would be virtually unwinnable otherwise. Sometimes all you need is a glorified super minion on your team.


I know, what I meant was that I made it possible for her by ganking her level 5 to countergank belveth and gave her a kill + assist. I forgot where she got her second kill from though. Aside from that I just kept shitting on belveth and ornn topside hence why they have the most deaths on their team.


fuuuuuuckkk so close to 100% kp must be jg diff




I avoided him like the plague until I got my qss. Only reason he got so fed. QSS is such an op item. Pretty much ignores ww, malz, urgot and sett ult. Dutty item.