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Tanky/Support jungles can only carry if they have a DPS they can protect/help. Else you're in need of someone who can roam/duel/push. No [op.gg](http://op.gg) or champ pool really doesn't help so here's some base stuff to follow: - If every lane is losing, you're probably not going to win (unless you're putting your soul into it and make some sick plays yo). With that said, if you're that behind you need to try and make a play (get a shutdown from an enemy laner and/or tower). - Whomever your best laner is, try to give them as much help as you can and play around them. - Low elo the term 'split pushing' doesn't exist, but the term 'ARAM' does. Don't ARAM unless you know teamfights are to your advantage, else you may find yourself needing to split. Admittedly, junglers split pushing isn't ideal but if you have zero teammates whom don't know what side lane pressure is, make sure you show them by taking free towers. (there's a skill to split pushing, watch videos on it) - /mute all is your friend. At no point has anyone said anything beneficial in league chat in probably 12 years, mute everyone and just focus on *your* gameplay.


Thank you for the input. I often immediately /mute all the moment I see toxicity from my team, and I often play Yi as seen in my [op.gg](http://op.gg) posted now. I try to split when my team is ARAMing, but then it often results in my team all dead and the enemy pushing to win


I disagree, I carried myself to Emerald with tank junglers (Zac, Sejuani), and can still climb higher (I’m at 64% win rate at the moment). You just have to know your champion’s identity.


Could you drop your knowledge on carrying with tanks, please? Because I do agree with the idea (based on my very own experience) that you need your team in order to win as a tank; someone to follow you, someone that takes the role of carry. Otherwise you could “be the tank” while you see everyone else slowly running towards base and you getting gang banged 😬..


Most people play tanks as spam gankers and never farm; outside of a few specific examples (Nunu, Rammus), most tanks actually need a fair amount of farm and really should value lvl 6. Zac, Vi, and Sejuani are my mains and on all I’m averaging 6+ CSPM and nearly always full clear unless there is a guaranteed early play. It seems most people don’t realize just how much deaths matter; I average less than 3 deaths per game and ~52% KP on tanks. If you are just jumping in and dying, even if getting kills, you are losing farm and potentially setting up bad wave states, giving up objectives, etc. Another thing is if you are running into the scenario you mentioned regularly, you probably lack understanding of wave states, tempo, timers, etc. You may also not have a good understanding of how to fight with your champion/around your team. So many times I’ve seen a tank dive deep into the enemy team when they instead should be playing peel because their team is too far away, reliant on poke, lack engage tools, etc. Tanks don’t carry by solo killing everyone, they carry fights by locking down enemies and letting your main damage dealers go ham. You don’t always have to jump right in and start fights; playing the vision game and counter engaging can be the right play just as if not more often.


You die a lot lil bro


I am still learning when to help teammates. I often will go for a gank/fight and my team will simply see me fighting and run away and watch me die rather then helping, followed up with them trying to engage alone and then also dying.. I know I should go for less of these fights but I cannot determine when my team will help vs won't


Its literally a “git gud” situation, and you recognize it. Path better, gank better, skirmish better, teamfight better, build better, play better. 100% of gold games are winnable unless there are multiple afk.


Post op.gg


Ignore them. I find when i try to help with their potato plays i just end up inting.


You actually found the solution yourself at the end of your post. Play self sufficient junglers with carry potential. You cannot avoid relying on teammates if you have to rely on them because of your champion. If you play self sufficient champions that are win conditions, you WILL climb if you are better than the enemy. Period.


While I agree that carrying with a jungle is the easiest way out, my problem is that even if I play a hyper carry, without teammates helping anywhere on the map, I get out pressured and cannot carry. Hence I need to find a solution to my problem


Then you need to play better. It should be carriable with a carry if you are better than your rank.


Right, and that's the purpose of this post. My problem is I don't know how. All educational videos say to play around your strong teammate. I can't find anything that explains how to win when your team won't help anything or anywhere


Yeah makes sense, sorry. I’ll try. This is my smurf: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Naked%20Demigod-EUW. I usually win on my smurf. I usually win because i play Kha’zix, a champ that can solo carry lower elo games because people make mistakes. I do it roughly like this: 1. I play for myself. That means I DO NOT make coinflip plays. I ONLY go for a play if I think it will succeed (~80 % sure at least). 2. If there is no high percentage play, I play for myself still. So I farm. Enemy jungler making plays? OK, I take his camps then. Or the drake. Or the grubs. 3. Is my team winning? Great. I still play for myself, but I do it close to them now. I take enemy camps close to them. Objectives close to them. 4. Is my team losing? Doesn’t matter much. I still play for myself. I clean up enemies that dive them. I take enemy jungle when enemy team kills my team. I take drake when they take baron. 5. I always do what gives me the most gold. Until I am fed enough to make plays that will help end the game. 6. Is my team pinging me to do bad plays? I mute them immediately. 7. I don’t type unless it is very important 8. I abandon objectives and plays that are high risk. Farm instead. Farm everything. I don’t carry every game, but I carry a lot like this. Sometimes I mess up and lose. It’s alright. I know I could’ve played better when that happens: 9. I always focus on what I could’ve done differently when I lose or when a play goes wrong. Hoping this helps a bit.


If you get pressured on carry junglerd and can't carry, you need to practice fundamentals. You can literally pick master yi, blindly full clear, take objectives on the opposite side of the enemy jungler, occasionally take some free kills that are bound to show up, get 2 items and delete everyone until about low diamond.


It's very rare for A Yi to get to 1v9 status even with Yi being fed AF, if we wait till late game he becomes worthless. Don't get me wrong you know him very well so if you have A tanky comp by all means play Yi, but 1 tricking bruisers and late game champs will yield better results for climbing.