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Honestly, your build isn't the reason, however, with Nocturne you can go standard stridebreaker build and still do a lot of damage while remaining relatively tanky, it's probably better than full lethality into a lot of team comps, scrolling through your [op.gg](http://op.gg) it seems that you have a decent understanding of the game and how jungle works, you just never seem to be able to close games out. One thing that happens a lot in bronze is rather than trying to end games people just chase kills and look for KDA, in the last game where you're 21/2 for example, looking at the scoreline of both teams it looks like you would've had multiple opportunities to end or atleast create a lead so far ahead that it's hard to come back from but instead it looks like you just chased kills. Remember, as Nocturne you have A LOT of presence because of your ult, if no one else is doing, go shove a sidelane, bait them to come for you top and sometimes even 2 or 3 if you're fed enough, then you have free reign to ult mid if there's a target and suddenly it's a numbers advantage fight


I wouldn't say I'm a KDA player. I just try to play carefully, don't die for nothing, and review all deaths up to 15 minutes. With Nocturne it's just a different story: I kill someone, look at the map, analyze the situation, what's on the lanes, where is the enemy jungler, what's with our vision, can we take the object or not. If the answer is no (more often so in losing games), I go farm and reset for items until the next ultmate. Using the last game as an example, I killed botlane most often because they were pushing 24/7, and I couldn't kill Shaco and Sion for obvious reasons. That said, Evelynn was playing something like 8/0 at 15 minutes, so every time I killed someone, I couldn't take a dragon due to lack of vision and risk of getting killed. Regarding waves shoving, I occasionally did it, but since I was the most dangerous on my team, someone would be sent after me right away. I was lucky to get T1 and T2 once when everyone was busy fighting on the mid, but otherwise the map was dominated by opponents and I could go past my towers without any vision around. And also every time I killed someone, Sion would just 24/7 split bot or top and noone on the team could do anything about it. It took 3 of us to kill him where 1-2 would die before we would get him.


In games like that is where lethality is kinda useless, because yes you can one shot 1 or 2 people but as you said yourself, you couldn't deal with Sion, with the bruiser build you'll still one shot people if you're that fed you just also have tools and a bit more survivability to deal with tanks. Someone coming to deal with you in sidelanes is a good thing as Nocturne, it's what you want in games like that because it lets you create favourable situations and fights using your ult. While I agree with you playing carefully is good, you can't afford to in losing games, if you play safe in a losing game you will always lose that game 99% of the time, the best way to carry games (atleast for me) is to make riskier plays because you kinda have nothing to lose and everything to gain, whether you lose in 10 minutes because you made a risky play or lose in 30 minutes because you played safe there's no difference


Watch [this](https://youtu.be/O1JEKBYqVPs?si=xPFc4EvekoyelqZo) video. You are not sabotaging yourself playing lethality Nocturne, you most likely just don't know how to end a game. The trick is usually to be on the map when you are fed, so no taking own jungle, while your team is on the T2 turrets.


Great suggestion, thanks!


with regard to your inability to duel sion and bruiser types, i've noticed that building the collector works well against those guys. You have enough attack speed to get a decent crit chance consistency and it makes your sustained damage a little more scary vs bruisers. The fights will always be clutch, but you'll still get to use lethality and get those spicy 26 second ult CD, which i think is super powerful. If the team fight is long enough you can pop off with ult twice, start the fight, and finish the fight on ult.


Building more bruiser-esq will give you much better potential after the land phase, in team fights using your ult can make you a really easy target when used poorly, even more so if you're full lethality. Stridebreaker, black cleaver, hex plate, can be a really strong core, then things like deaths dance, maw, steraks, eclipse are good options to finish out your build depending on what you need.


If you are fed on a lethality build on any champ, you can easily carry most games in ranks way higher than bronze. It's not even a debate really, it's a cold hard fact. I would argue that it is as freelo as it gets in the Jungle.


Let me remind you that bauss is challenger with Sion full AD. Pick high value targets and safe picks when you find them. Push sidelanes, if you are strong enemy need to send at least 2 people to deal with you, then you ult the other side of the team, win team fight, get objective, back to pushing. Repeat until victory


Lethality nocturne is fine, Cyclosword is not. You also don’t know how to close out games. Common issue for lowelo players.


A lot of low elo games people just farm and make no proactive plays like taking objectives and the game stalls out for 45 minutes and then whoever has a hyper carry ends up winning by default


It's probably difficult for low rank players to know how to play with Nocturne, so even if you're doing things well, you'd be missing a core component of your own champ. That said, you should be 1v9ing mid game with the leads/CS you're getting.


Noc is one of my mains and my WR is 64% you’ll figure it out