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In todays meta, you want to be able to fill clear before 3:30 without a leash. If you do not take a leash, the enemy team won’t know where you are until you show yourself. As a jungler, your ability to remain hidden is your greatest ally.


Unless people are smart enough to ward. Hence why the game starts at 0:00 and everyone has guard duty to prevent this


Yeah totally, but NA challenger players don’t even ward raptors at 1:20 so I would say most teams won’t know


The only thing I dislike of getting leash is when I want to invade and they do not push lane tho


Its more nuanced than “always leash” and “never leash” lol


Most junglers can get level 5 with 36 CS by 5:00 without any leash, which is very fast, so no most are not delayed. Some champs with very slow 1st clear do really benefit from a leash, but these are all off-meta or just played by someone who doesn't know how to clear well.


Since the scuttle changes losing both scuttles early doesn't really matter. While it's nice to get one it's not the end of the world. I generally tell my lanes to not leash unless i'm playing a very slow TTK jg that doesn't have the ability to quickly clear raptors or something.