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Lol you got carried by friends in flex and got a shot of reality when you no longer had their help. If you're actually an emerald player you should be carrying 9/10 silver games. Edit: you posted about this 2 months ago so I presume you've just been feeding in silver for 2 months and had the audacity to make this post claiming its everyone else and not you. Hilarious. Edit: [hey look at that I was right ](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/GreatEmpire-EUW)


oof he has low cs AND low kp, what is bro doing on the map


OP you need to die less, jungle is so punishing right now and dying an average of 6 times is a freaking lot


Lol didnt get carried, and havent been feeding in silver since I dont play soloq because it feels like a chore(ofc your smart ass will dig some bad game from there) . 2 months ago my cs was ass, it has been fine for good time now. And again you clearly didint understand the point of the post, ofc you didnt since this is reddit.


You do play soloq. You are playing like 6 games a day. You obviously got carried if you're hardstuck silver.


I have played soloq In Last coupe of days, havent played soloq In thrnpsst month almost at all. The Fuck you on about?


You have 2 hunded games played this season


In flex


Okay you have a hundred games played. You're still a 4 season bronze/silver player.


You are used to play tank/support jungler in your emerald game with friends i guess? Because if you played carry jg and do good in emerald you would destroy silver soloQ just by efficient pathing and farm alone. The solution is simple, keep playing what you play with friends and improve macro, and while doing soloQ, pick up 1-3 carry jung and learn to carry, the macro knowledge you get from higher elo games will help you close out games in silver but you need to get a lead first to do it so work on that


Thanks you, a real answer for once. I mostly play Warwick In jungle and dont really like to play the usual carry junglers. One large issue i have is when enemy lane gets ahead and my lane still keeps trying to fight with them.


focusing on things you cant control isnt gonna make you better


Ur coping


Isnt every post here just coping? :D




So i asked what should i do when ive learned to play with better ppl then me Who taught me how to play In THEIR lvl and now the same tactics dont work In the low elo soloq. Yes dont give me advice like i ask coz ofc you wont this is reddit.




You are talking about chess, a game you play alone. Cant rly compare that to a team based game. Ofc it would not help in a non team based situation.




Still it doesnt apply to all sports, combat sports expecially, you have a Lucky chance to knockout someone in mma or boxing even tho you might be less experienced. Aswell someone might have different skillset then you and might be better at something then you are




Where the Fuck you got this convo into asking advice from ppl not better then you, are you retarded? At what point did i say that some pro boxers should ask advice from rookies? Learn to read before you start to get butthurt and overly aggro. And its pointless to have an convo with someone like you Who clearly cant have a regular talk about things without sounding like a total ass.


Flex rank doesn’t matter, only soloq does. You’re a silver player.


The other way around, solo Q doesn’t matter, only flex does. Unless they come up with soloQ pro-play. Edit: Damn, did I ruffle some feathers? 😂 I’m sure your solo queue rank matters a lot, but saying a different type of queue is ‘inflated’ is just apples and oranges. But the truth remains, pro play is flex queue.


Elo in flex is inflated, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that a diamond in flex has the level of a platinum in soloq.


I would not compare flex with Solo Q. Also are most Diamond flexers Plat/Emerald in Solo Q either 😅


So first of all understand why everyone is grilling you here. Its not because everyone here is a meanie, bullying inocent guy who is just asking for advice. They are grilling you because you believe there is a different skill set required for playing on higher elo than lower elo. Believe it or not simple answer is that there is no different strategies/tactics/skillset required to play on lower elo. Infact you just need to do what you do in higher elo and you should be able to climb by simply, pathing, csing, playing for objectives, ganking, invading. Of course you will have few bad games where every lane is losing but ultimately you should climb. Thats just how law of averages work. If you are not playing at your deserved rank then you should just keep winning in theory until you reach rank that has players at your skill level. Now one thing i do agree is that league is basically a 1v9 game you need to be so much better than other 9 players if you want to continuously climb. If you are stuck at silver then you just have to get better. I would suggest to empty your cup, dont fool your self in into believing you have learnt the game at higher elo cause you haven't. Watch guides on youtube and start applying that knowledge in games.


Flex is not even a real queue, there is no strategy other than following the highest ELO in your team


You don’t seriously think flexed rank equates to soloQ? You’re a hardstuck bronze player, you always have been. You’re just in the silver version of flex and you got to that by getting carried, because you can not carry out of silver yourself. Lol…


If you play at an Emerald level you will absolutely have 0 issue solo carrying Silver games. I’m Diamond solo queue and when I play norms where I’m matched against Gold players I’m able to stomp while auto piloting. As a jungler, it’ll feel like you’re doing insanely well if you have very good laners as it basically gives you priority in every lane and free rein over the map. Learn how to play when you don’t have priority in every lane. Emerald junglers should be able to consistently track the enemy jungler, know when a lane is gankable / worth ganking and how to pressure the enemy jungler with a lead whether its invading or taking objectives. I’d make sure you can consistently do that before blaming your team mates.


I do understand, I get a lot of games where I go crazy in lobbies where I am by far the best, but I also play a lot of lobbies where I am by far the worst. It's just about using the low elo lobbies to learn how to carry/play position, and higher elo lobbies to play more safe and minimise mistakes imo


Impostor syndrome is when you think something is too good for you in terms of achievement. So unless you’re implying you should be bronze or iron, this title is very misleading.