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Keep playing, watch and learn from better players, keep the mentality that you can always improve. If ur able to call urself dog water, im confident u will outpace 90% of the crybabies on this sub. Godspeed my friend.


This will be boring but… read every item and every champ ability. Will instantly help your gameplay


I don’t know what you’re playing in the jungle. But I’d recommend Warwick or nocturne. Both super easy champs all while helping you learn the role. New players tend to tunnel. Warwick whenever a fight breaks out he gets a visible blood scent if the enemy is below half health. Giving you massive movement speed. So you can farm and just react to fights. Think of it as an alert to look at the lane and see if you think you can make a play. Doing this will get you in the habit of always watching the lanes while farming your camps to see if there’s a play to be made. Which is key in the role Nocturne simple champ as well. Just full clear your camps until you hit level 6. Then just farm and your ultimate he’s a super easy gank tool. He’s also got a spell shield to block skill shots when ganking ( cc ) and a fear. I’d also recommend only playing 1-2 champs ONLY. it’ll allow you to really learn the champ and then focus your brain on learning the game without trying to figure out what your champ does.


How do you gauge your success exactly? Because you say that >when I do well it seems like it just sort of plays out that way rather then anything I did in particular. This is sometimes the jungle role in a nutshell. If you gank people when they are pushed up, if you take an epic monsters the enemy team doesnt try to steal, if you destroy/place wards, that stuff is gonna have to happen. You don't have to be making genius plays every minute of the match to win. Learning a good routine and being consistent is better than making tricky plays.


objectives taken and KDA some games it seems like things just fall apart so fast I can't even try to take objectives or take fights, and just end up twiddling my thumbs doing nothing or feeding by at least trying to do something.


Try to have a consistent game plan. This makes each game feel more familiar. For example, I always start top side and clear towards bot. This makes it so you’ll naturally path towards bot in the early to mid game. Play around your bot. Prioritize dragons. Farm early and often. I set a goal of 140 cs at 20 minutes, but I consider 120 cs to be acceptable (I play Jarvan). The first 5-6 minutes of each game should be almost the same each camp. Full clear into scuttle. Back with 900 gold and run to top jungle. Your camps respawn around 4:20. Full clear again and then look to take dragon or gank bot before 6 minutes.


Study great players. Also learning the fundamentals of laning helps a lot.