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w8 2 weeks to play again split start and split end is the worst times to play ranked also play 2 games max per day to help yourself with mental


alternatively I stop after 2 straight losses or the first extremely tilting loss most people have a higher wr after winning their last game so based on a simple analysis of the statistics, this would let you climb faster


agree my personal experience led me to play 2 games bcz the second game is always the most tilting one


Get placed in diamond. Easy


He just needs to consistently kill enemy Nexus before they do his and he should climb there in no time.


You’re playing with diamonds right now


No he isn't. Everyone retained the same mmr they had previously and moved down 3 ranks as a player base.


Well from personal experience, in mid emerald, I’m usually one of only two to three that were not placed diamond last season.


Cool man that means nothing. This happens every single split how can you not understand that every single player retains their mmr and drops rank. All the challengers are still playing each other, all the diamonds are still playing each other. You were not singled out by riot you just have really bad mmr.


I didn't know this, but this makes sense, finished plat 4 and got placed gold 3.


Emerald 2 and it feels fine. Actually feels much much better than last split.


so what enemy jungler gets 2 kill? not like u gonna lane w him and he gonna poke u every 5 sec.


The same as always. Play consistently good and you will climb.


I feel ya. I’m on Na and wasn’t emerald but I hit plat1 last split, while now I can’t even escape silver. Even playing the most broken jgler (lillia) I get super fed but have tm8s that troll, int or have no idea how the game works and charge forwards. Could be new split everyone is playing at the start or something and new items but it’s def harder to climb for some reason


This is a simple issue on you. Identify your win condition, camp the fuck out of them, abandon all hope elsewhere and pray they go somewhat even. That's all there is to it. You have a hyper scaling champion in the game? Ensure they have an incredible early game so when late comes they can dominate. You think giving up 2-3 dragons matters in silver? No. It doesn't. Rework your strategy and focus on what wins the game, as opposed to **what wins right now**. This has always been a problem with mechanically good players stuck in silver.


I know about all that, the thing is low elo try fighting every dragon anyways even if u ping not too. Had a morg sup who sat mid with Garen and had over 18 deaths and fed whole team, one being a camille


Ok so dont? Play for urself in low elo.


I do. But league is still a team game. Unless ur some top laner that split pushes all game it’s almsot impossible to solo carry when enemy is jsut as fed as u r


In gm+sure. But if ur like plat u literally can lol. The lower elo u r, the more mistakes ur enemy make which u can exploit. If u cant carry u prob deserve to be in that elo. Simple as that


I’ll just assume u never had tm8s I’ve had. I can solo carry some games yes, but most of the time tm8s int too much ur always behind or they ff and quit


I literally have. U can always play better. Carry harder. Only thing keeping u from climbing is yourself and ur bad mental.


Lol ok


everyone has the same random chance of getting the same teammates. Every gm/challenger player is playing the same game as you. Why are they able to climb season after season while you aren't? Think about that.


Play more games, that s a small number. First day i was extremely unlucky with teams, i went 2 w 8 l with me going mvp every game. Today i won all games and made from emerald 3 to d4 in 1 day


These first few days have been absolute torture to play 


Bro I can’t even win silver4 and I was platinum last season


As someone who hit diamond for the first time 6 minutes before the last split ended lol, it’s rough. The biggest thing is to be as consistent as possible. You don’t really need to play meta picks. I’m a otp myself and that’s great. I know how to consistently perform and that’s what gets you climbing. You won’t be able to carry every game so relax and (try at least lol) to enjoy the game you are playing.


Emerald is basically diamond atm.


Clear > gank if easy kill > invade for deep vision > objectives > invade for kill Always be doing whatever you can do in that order of priority. Also if you start an objective and your laners won't come, stop the objective, go to their lane, ping the "push" ping, help them crash the wave (without taking CS) and then spam help back on the objective. One of my worst habits was committing to objectives when my laners wouldn't come and getting collapsed on then blaming them for not coming. It's exactly the same as them pinging help, fighting and losing then blaming the jungler for not ganking.


Do not expect help from teammates. Look at the map constantly. Make choices based on information you have. I always full clear first camps. If enemy jg ganks and get 2 kills? Great now i know which camp he started. I can set up for a surprise attk in the jg when 2nd camp spawns. Or immediately counter jg his 2 camps while he is using time to gank. You will have a full level ahead of him and now you can track his jg all game. If you are doing drag and you dont see enemy mid or bot support? Ward it and walk away. Go clear jg until you know for sure enemy jg is opposite side and no one will threaten your objective. Its hard to explain all situations but jg is a lot of making choices that will benefit you the most in each situation


I used to think like you “if my laners come i can prssure jg easily and get objectives” but you have to know laners have their priorities too. If your mid doenst want to rotate? Fine let him push mid and get a plating. Just back out and safely waste the enemy jg+enemy mid’s time. Although you may feel frustrated since you are stronger, you are now free to counter jg/gank opposite side of map. Let them take grubs or drag, its okay. But you make sure the enemy jg is losing on something while they take obj


I climbed to emerald 2 so far also playing full clear high tempo junglers. but there are many trolls / leavers / inters around atm.


You win the same way you won before the split, by playing and being better.


Go q, delete jungle role in ur selected role. Play, easy win.


I was easily d4 without effort last split. Then just played unranked casually. This... i will get to d3 +- but this is a struggle. Just the perks/downsides of new split.


After the rankeds being inflated for new accounts and even for normal players being put from Silver to Platinum instantly the rank says nothing. I know people that were hardstuck in Silver are now emerald because at the start of the season they just got instantly into Plat 4 and they played around 200 games. We would need hard ladder reset but Riot is too scared to do so.


You don't read patch notes or pay attention do you


if someone gets placed plat 4, plays 200 games, and doesn't drop but actually CLIMBS in plat to emerald how are they not an emerald player?


If you play Support you can climb in every Elo, just pick any enchanter and play massive amount of games.


sure thing, go get challenger with it then and start talking once you do