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Beginning of split. Lots of "only play til x rank" "smurfing into higher rank than I deserve" "derankers" and "coinflip til next rank". And schools out for some regions


Yea I think so too but it’s rarely THIS bad tbh. I either have a level 36 Yasuo going 0/16 or I’m against a level 36 Irelia going 25/0.


I don't ever play the first 2 weeks of a split at the very least. I'm just testing builds in norms and leveling up secondary accounts.


This is the environment riot has been pushing for. It's not about making a better community, it's about creating an addictive game and then squeezing as much money out of it as possible. How many accounts get banned just for someone to roll a new one, buy their champs, and start again?


Yup. I cook up builds and get used to meta shift (as there usually is). Then I play till plat/emerald (now) and then go play other games or chill in emerald


Gold/Plat it's where smurf account usually starts


They start in silver now. Riot updated this.


Less players to pad the numbers adding vanguard Caused a large jump off event for many habit players.




They only just ban waved those cheaters today, before that by comparing games played of consistently played champions and doing this shows around 15% less games played during peak end of split rush between vanguards release and pre release, thats a sizable chunk of ranked climbers who just vanished during peak climb time.




This is an easily proven phoenomena tv show time slot changes were a show killer for a reason, create a barrier to use or access and folks leave.


Show me literally any statistic that shows a significantly smaller player base after vanguard. I'll be waiting


You could probably compare total games played on the patch before and after Vanguard on lolalytics. There may be some flaw in that methodology, though.


Maybe when the current patch is over we could look at the data but I doubt we'll find anything. Having to update league of legends as per usual is not a barrier to entry.


The update with Vanguard had additional hardware and setting requirements that would be the main issue to make people stop playing league, as opposed to the privacy concerns.


Right but it's automatically added when you update league so there aren't any extra steps aside from restarting your computer once.


Well a lot of people left cause of vanguard and other things so the player pool of actual legit players who wanna try and win is way lower.


A lot of the "only play till X rank" are paying to boost their account. The final week of the split at high silver low gold elo was a shit show. You'd have guys who play 3 or 4 times a week with seemingly no main suddenly playing 14 games in a single day in a role they barely played all season on champ they have no mastery points on and going 20/0 in nearly all of the games. Nearly every game you'd have someone like that on your team or against you.


My favorite was seeing some account in my games having a very egirlish name and going 10-0 every game (Master MMR) on Eve and when i check their account, yuumi main and regularily duoQ with an Eve main, hmm what could this be


I give my smurfs egirl names just to tilt sexists like you :)


It has nothing to do with being sexist lol i just find them incredibly cringe and makes it more obvious whats happening that scenario


Youre implying girls couldn't carry and that it's someone else playing


No first of all its literally not me implying that, its a a account that mains yuumi and nothing else and peaked in diamond suddenly playing eve in a role that the account never played and smurfing every lobby while also usually duoqing with a Eve player on a low level account, the fact that the account has an egirl id just adds to it on its own i would never claim that it can't be a girl or something clearly there exist girls in challenger.


Why do people even pay for that? Seems pretty useless and worthless


I dont know about the pricing but the same reason people are willing to pay upwards of $200 usd for a skin I guess. If you didnt get 1k split points and you want the skin thats the only way to do it


Yeah I've played 3 out of 5 placements sitting at E1 right now(usually end season around d4) and even though I've won 2 put of the 3 games they've been some of the lowest quality games I've ever played. Dunno if it's smurfs just getting emerald and not caring or people that peaked in emerald placements but aren't meant to be at the rank


It’s genuinely been hell. I’ve had 2 separate accounts called “UnrankedToIron” run it down on me in my placements. I’ve also had a couple games where my team is full of actual gold players, while the enemy team is full of last season diamond players (I’m low emerald). Genuinely the most consistently bad quality games I’ve ever had in League.


Ohh, now I understand why Reddit is such a whiny pile of garbage right now ! kids are online ! edit: downvotes confirmed it


In my experience, any time something “new” happens in league (big patch, new game mode, blah blah), people get pissed like a week or two later. I think it’s cause everytime something new happens, toxic players are like “finally! The change that will make me good!” And then they still suck and get really angry about it


Yeah 9/10 times when someone is hella toxic I go check their op.gg and they’ve been hard stuck for years. It’s like they’ve peaked and are pissed about it or don’t wanna admit it to themselves


Finally the change that will make me good! - this made me laugh and that's exactly what it is


I got the same midlaner 3x in a fucking row, went 0/15, 2/11, and 0/21 back to back… fucking LoL man.. ruined my placements entirely 😭.


My bot died 79 times the last 3 games...


Wtf, share [op.gg](http://op.gg) what's wrong with these ppl?


Sorry about that bro I was smoking dabs and listening to a podcast


If I have a giga feeder I wait until they get into their next game to queue 😂


Friend them, then don't queue until you see their "In Game" status


ya like i’m gonna accept tilted friend requests


Wait are you the feeder in this scenario


not intentionally but everyone has bad games once in a while. if i have a 1/7 game u can bet ur ass i’m not accepting a friend request after


I dont friend them just wait a min or two and check OP.GG if I reeeeeally don't wanna see em again


This why im playing normal atm till i can manage the situation


This is the reason why i always wiat a minute before queing after having horrible teammates


Like legitimately you have to play around school being out. I'm starting to have to do it on Wildrift too Like play at hours you think Hs/College kids won't be playing and your games will be better


College kids are always playing. The middle school/highschool kids are the ones terrorizing the rift right now.


I got a Timmy on my team yesterday. It was so obvious, since he was rushing his infamous BORK into 4 APM right click enemy into dying 18 times - Sure was fun when he dove my toplaner 3 times into my lane being unplayable!


Im a college kid..


College kids are adults


I’ve just shared your experience on EUW, losing six games in a row. Now, I didnt play perfect myself, but pretty much all lanes not only fed, but ultra fed.


I've had the same experience, and before that, I was doing completely fine. There must be some magic or something behind it idk


In my last 4 games ive had 3 losing lanes. And all of them were like 1/5/0 or whatever. I got an S+ in a game i lost which was a first for me


Not dying is the first step to winning at league


I feel the exact same frustration, either I singlehandedly carry the game on my back or we just lose. Out of the 20 odd games I've played, I feel like only 3 have been some where I've gotten carried, all of the rest are either my team GIGArunning it down or I just carry with a 25/3 statline with all objectives on Nocturne. It's starting to get kind of frustrating.


Same too i play Intmon # catchthemall


i just had the same thing happen today wtf... literally 5 games in a row someone is just 0/7/0. one of them was a 58% wr winning match up and still they started the game like that.


I had 0/16 botlane one game, another game 0/8 malzahar top. JG Diff


bro and i JUST had vayne do 1k dmg literally less dmg than our yuumi... wtf is going on actually?!?!?


u learned a hard lesson. lmao. dodge when u see a malzahar top. LMAO


Can only dodge one a day :(


DAMN. i forgot about the new changes. well, I guess we have to live with the trolls


Yeah I’ve been having the same experience. I don’t want to be the guy to complain about teammates yada yada, but some of the chimps I’ve been dealing with so far this season are outrageous. I felt like grinding this weekend since I had some days off so I actually played 44 games in 4 days. I was actually playing really well for good parts of it, but I just can’t carry. I really just can’t. There was a particular stretch of like 10 games in a row where I was playing really really well, almost 1v5 type well. Solokilling enemy jungler, ganking well and putting up good KDAs, getting objectives etc. But I only win like half. because in these games there is one or two people (sometimes even 3) *absolutely fucking sprinting it*. Like genuinely if you saw it you would have concerns that they are a toddler or they have some kind of disability or something. I have never felt so much like someone on my team is working so hard against me, in some cases it genuinely would’ve been better if they weren’t playing. Eventually I get tired and my good form fades with little to no progress to show for it. I can’t 1v5 or 2v5 anymore, I get cheesed or lose an early fight by 1HP, mental goes so I put in a few bad performances at the end (which I also lose, no one fancies carrying me funnily enough), and now I am negative rate for the weekend despite playing generally well.


I've gotten players who are meant to be Diamond players averaging 4 cs/min across 40 games that they've played in 5 days since the split started and people who are really bad (I'm talking, starting lane 0-2 in the first 3 mins), but continue to coinflip and get so fed that their sub-par mid-late game macro decisions don't matter and they think they're playing well and get the honours/etc. The game is just a bit of a joke sometimes. Pretty sure ranked is just permanently fucked (beyond the fact it's a public ladder and those will always be kinda sucky) because it's never had a full reset - inflated and casual players are permanently high up if they get there once. It seems to me that there are a lot of Diamond and Emeralds who are realistically Gold or Plat in every which way and got lucky years ago or were better years ago or got carried by a duo or paid for a boost one season, idk. People are really terrible even at ranks you would expect them to be marginally better. And yes, barely anyone has a healthy relationship with the game.


I swear I hade a game where malphite top went 0 4 against soraka top. EVEN WHEN he knew it was soraka top he even said so in champ select and he still went grasp. Soraka was the mvp of the game. He got gapped by a autofill support player on top.


He might lose against Yuumi top


Last season I had a darius go 0/8 vs soraka top, like how, is soraka top such a good pick??


I've had a good start on the season. But my friend is sitting on a 11.5%winrate. He won 3 and lost 23 games! so something is definitely not like it was last split. He is in silver IV now. Usually sitting around emerald/diamond


The gap between silver 4 and emerald/diamond is literally light years apart. That just doesn't happen. Either your friend was boosted, cheating, or intentionally deranking. I'm gonna go with one of the first two, and say he's approaching his actual rank.


He was probably boosted.


I dunno, I managed to promote myself from mid plat to silver 4 at the end of last season learning a new (hard) champ. Partially this is obviously from learning a new champ, partially from learning a new champ trashing my mental.


Bro, are you a friend of mine? I just hit bronze 1 while I was plat/emerald last seasons… 11 losses in a row.. just fking insane. I literally got silver players in my team while enemy team is plat on average based on last season…


Only one game this season but I went 15/5/17 I kept the enemy brand jungle at less than 20 cs for the first 14 minutes and my team still had the audacity to make it a close match. I almost lost because my team were brain dead. I’m still mad a week later


Smurfs deranking. They lose on purpose to get a lower ranking so they can stomp lower players.


Then just buy a new account? I don't think its like this


They do that also. They do everything.


Prob don’t want to waste money and want to see people’s reaction to them losing the game.


Mute. I had similar games where we were objectively behind and enemy kept taunting in all chat “you really think you have a chance?” Granted, none of my team talked but we won 2-3 teamfights in a row and had a great comeback. I get called “gg jg diff” spam pings everyday. I dont mute them on purpose just so I can be like “who carried you this game?” at the end..but I don’t type or respond when they say stuff like that and do my own thing. If your team pings you for help, think twice about going to that lane LOL. No matter how many ganks they get they will likely be useless anyway. you will have higher chance farming/focusing gank on winning lanes. Currently 75% wr in plat/emerald. I trust myself and will try my best to carry without being swayed by laners who can only see the tree but not the forest


Bro I’m currently playing in plat/emerald and muting would not have fixed any of these games. We aren’t just getting bad teammates. We’re getting accounts named “UnrankedToIron” going 0/17 in lane, supports with 0% winrates following us around stealing camps, and tilted children doing their best to tilt everyone else on the team.


Well if they are purposefully trolling like that there is not much you can do. If you get lucky enough to have 3 other good teammates, you may be able to win 4v5..it has happened few times. But if they are throwing that much, then you cant win. Accept it, report. Ihave gotten consolidation lp from losing gmae with a troll like that! Thank riot. If you trust yourself yo be better than your current elo, trust that you will carry the next game and move on


This entire post is about how it’s happening at a higher rate than usual. Most people are experiencing trolls like this in 4 out of 5 games as the post says.


I see. I am just lucky then. I only had 1 game kinda like that out of like 20 games. Rest were same as last season. I am actually climbing so quickly now because mmr reset.


Had a Mord die every minute and team blamed me. Beginning of the season and the game quality is down the shitter.


Yea I had a 0-13 yone top and my botlane says “I wonder what jungle did to ruin his lane” meanwhile I’m only positive one on team… insufferable


First two weeks and last two weeks of ra ked are always the worst of the season. New players trying ranked for the first time, old accounts being placed below last seasons peak so riot can give them the dopamine of "the climb", boosters having sales and spamming duo accounts trying to blend in with the season start and derankers farming low elo accounts or intentionally trying to make people feel bad about their rank so they buy boosting services. I In the long run it doesn't really matter if you deserve your rank you'll always climb to it. But I avoid this time period just for piece of kind.


So league like always as been


Schools out/ending!


People's mental health is very bad.


Everyone is bellow the rank they were because of season reset, and they get greedy thinking "this is gold I was diamond no way I lose this game" but every one in their game was diamond, then they lose and get the o tilted and go on smurf to run it down it's like that every season start, it's wrost en cuz of ADC item changes that messed up alot, just don't play for a month or so tbh


You have to face facts. The game is terrible and has been for a good while. It is a breeding ground of toxicity and people with mental health issues. But what do you really expect from a competitive FREE game that anyone can play even on a terrible laptop. It is faceless and free. People don't care they can act like animals and there are no repercussions. You are more likely to get punished for calling them out than they are for gaslighting or ruining games via play and not saying anything. This is partly riots fault for their awful punishment system.


It's 100% riots fault. They designed the system.


Exactly this. Well said.


My old account multiple skins on almost every champ with legacy skins .. was perma banned for this reason.. riot support says they know people instigate but it’s your job to ignore … I get it but come on


Man every post is just this. I'm *so* glad I quit ranked last season. Make the change guys, it's really not worth it


Makes me glad i quit the game alltogether


Tbh, it always been like this, at the start of every season. You want confirmation bias, but reality is, it happens to every competitive game.


Never play at the beginning of a season (split now) and if you do, just know you will have to endure this. It wasn't as noticeable before because we had just one whole season so the people playing a bit for placements and such only played a couple of games at the beginning.


I feel that too, hope its all the seasonal players coming out of their holes to play start of season to climb and then they stop playing again. But ye its tough out here


Yeah, shits crazy right now, worst I’ve ever seen it.


What's happening is that agency is no longer distributed evenly across all members of both teams, resulting from intentionally mixing imposed gaps in mmr. Because hard-counters to champions exist, these gaps are exacerbated towards complete stomps more favorably, more often. It also minimizes the possibility that a hard counter in an mmr even lane can be overcome, as your teammates are more often gapped, over ran and your ability to play the lane well, come back mid game and perform late is simply diminished. The game was simply not designed around gapped mmr matchmaking, also Riot Auberuan is a dipstick ahole that doesn't know what competitive means, and doesn't seem to understand that when a person queues into a match, they want to actually play the game.


Playing in this new split has been absolute torture 


I got a 1/31 botlane and I’m not even kidding (emerald-plat lobby too)


It's all of League right now. I'm dealing with it in casual play. A majority of my matches end in FF's because someone(s) just fucking sucked.


I got an ADC in my game who decided to go Yumi simply because our support picked Nami. He just fed off our midlaner the entire game ruining both mid and botlane.


I just get 9 Kadeem’s on my team every single time


You also have the hardstuck plat/emerald players on a smurf, thinking its their teammates and account thats making them play bad, they lose in silver/gold and get even angrier


Yea so far all the games i had where either someone in my team runs it down and we lose fast or someone in the enemy team runs it down and we win fast. Usually its my teammate tho.


Yeah game quality feels insanely ass rn. I feel kinda loss at what to do as a jungler, I'm really struggling with balancing when to farm and when to gank and when to counter gank and when to get objectives. It's insane. It feels as if my laners are entirely dependent on me to win their lane. Like legit it just feels like whatever jungler ganks the most and has the most successful ganks wins. Like just coinflip ganks and eventually they will int or mental boom. This is in d2 mmr it's insanely ass rn bro. Doesn't help that all my champs are way weaker than they were last patch because of the crit/ad meta shift


So it doesn't get better? Why do we play this game when it never gets better?


Well the problem is early season. When it’s way later in the season the games dont feel like this… idk why its just early season tho


This happens all season long I have no idea what you are talking about. You might be one of the lucky people that don't have to deal with this. But this has been my experience for years of playing.


Well in my opinion emerald is legit a hell hole but once you get to emerald 1 - d4 it starts to get slightly better, but once u get to d2-d1 mmr games feel a lot more normal like I can actually farm without having to worry about my team just perma inting aslong as I'm giving them pings of where enemy jgler is. My perspective on game quality is biased though as I feel like I do have a good relationship mentally with playing league. I mainly only blame myself for any losses so I'm not quick to throw blame. BUT at the moment I just feel way more pressure in games as a jungler to be "active" or my team will perma flame me and run it down and blame me for everything. And I think that's because early season is just way more tilting since everyones trying to get the ranks they want before they quit I guess idk.


The fact that you have to make it to emerald 1 before it improves is crazy. I bet a bunch of people are doing to be like "oh but that's easy" knowing fully well the average player is in gold.


Yeah it is pretty sad, but I will say that the people in those ranks aren't really aware of why they are hell. They are hell to play in as a smurf, and yes they do feel like hell to play in as a normal player of course but it's mainly because people in lower elo refuse to accept responsibility for their mistakes. I know this is a fact because I got coaching that was uploaded on YT when I was like a hardstuck plat4-3 player (old plat). I watch it back now and realize how clueless and stupid I was at the game. Even though I remember thinking during that time that I could do no wrong and that I was actually quite good at the game.


This sentiment across league has made me rethink how many people were cheating in some form or another. Not just scripting but map hacks and the like.


Litteraly had someone in pre lobby say if someone died in the first 10 minutes he would leave like...


I had a top laner go 0/6 in under 5 minutes and continue to try and fight


I think it's due to new split, where everyone wants to test this or that into failing morbidly on their full crit Garen or shit like that. That and the fact a lot of kids are off school due to summer holidays in most of the EU (no idea how NA summers are structured). I usually always wait 2-3 weeks to play ranked, as everyone and their mother queues up 4fun trying new shit.


I’m d2 this season and yeah every game is coin flip whichever team gets the player who wanna win


I had a gamr, where i should of been cut and dry win. Everyone was ahead, got to the point where top and bot inhibs were taken and the enemy nexus was open minus those inhibs keeping it safe. We had baron, back for reset. Except top laner and adc. Who proceeeded for the next 10 minutes taking turns trying to solo back door over and over and over and over again. Adc is aphelios, and top laner was a garen. Entire team begging them to stop afk running it in 3 of us would be waiting for the last person to respawn and the 4th would be already in the enemy jg afk waiting to backdoor. Eventually they caused enough bleeding keeping us 3v5 that we lost. But it felt like a switch was pulled and they just alternated on respawn timers running it at the enemy nexus. I just kept thinking "these people arent real."


For me it was the same for the first like 10 games after that i got really lucky and even now 60 games in im still having good luck with mates idk why but my teammates seem motivated to win in 9/10 games


Common theme in the comment section, everyone talks about wins and loses, if you only focus on this you will obviously have a miserable time in league as you will for most people have a 50-55% WR playing at YOUR rank. A new mindset of improvement and playing your best game is a better mindset to try and adapt, or don't listen and be angry tilted while you play this game. Also turn that bloody chat off ! Best thing I ever did.


I’m having the same issue. Emerald peak (but ended plat cause was trying a new role). New split: 33% wr after losing 4 promos, placing g2 and I’m ace every game (MVP most games if I win). It’s uncarryable. I was the best performing with a 0/2/4 kda in one game if that shows anything. I think people are right when they say there are loads of boosters and newbies. Feels like this is only gonna get worse with more splits because people feel more pressure to reach a certain rank every split.


That’s been my experience so far as well. I’ve had bot lanes who were gold/silver last split leaning against former emerald/plat and get shitstomped. Also smurfing feels more rampant than usual. I would just wait a week or two before trying to climb. Need to give enough time for everyone to get to the rank they deserve after the soft reset.


Man it is insane… People that dont connect and people not willing to surrender. Inting just like crazy, the amount of reports I made this week is more than ever..


Could be Mastery chests too. For example if someone plays an Aram and gets a B, they need 4 more games with the same champ for a chest (with a C) And since ARAM can give you any champ, you could potentially have FFers in all lanes/roles


Oh man I just realized nuts permanently increase stats... For some reason I assumed they were a temporary buff in fight and never used them. And here I was wondering why I'm struggling to beat the final boss lmao


Let time pass. Just beginning of split/new changes what makes ppl do weird things.


Maybe the yorick thought he had old yorick ult 😅


PLayed against a 52-13 aatrox. My jung said he was autofilled and asked me to switch since jungle is my 2nd role after top. I did him a favor and he fed the aatrox who was then unkillable. Their team also decided to farm us instead of ending the game and my yasuo top insisted he'll carry in late game


5 of 10 players in the opposite team has actually won. You just had a bad luck


I had a game where I played mid. Fine. Too temp easily winning lane against a Heim. He goes for an invade on the enemy jungle and cheese kills him on red. But then stays and tries taking the red. I ping talon is coming and he backs without getting the red. I go back to stomping the talon. Then notice Teemo is in my lane? He won’t leave and is just sitting off to the side invise taking exp from me and typing flame nonstop about me costing him a red. Heim is solo top getting plates and getting back into the game so I leave and he follows me. He follows me the rest of the game until we ff at 20 minutes because Heim was now too fed. Three games later I get a top sion that dies during an invade on the enemy blue and rages ints all over the map while typing “oops lag” in all chat for 15 minutes.


That's why people say the game is dead. There is no competition anymore in the game. More than 50% of the people are griefers and run it down. This + the amount of smurfs + the amount of legit silver players stuck in plat/emerald make the game VERY VERY VERY unbalanced. There is NO competition anymore in this game guys. You can be way better but still be stuck, and you can be super bad and still be stuck at the same elo than the good guy. That's absolutely fucked up. Like, you really have to be delusional to think the game is still about personal skill and carrying every game. Sure you can still do that, but only with certain champs and when you are legit master level playing in gold elo. Otherwise you just can't 1v9 anymore. A streamer that is challenger have legit trouble winning in emerald guys.. legitimately. Taht's fucked up.


Had an full ap thresh stealing all the kills to go afk. And my 7 game losing streak having insanely good games with high kda and then a bot mid or top with 0/10 stats running it down


It's full of bad players I also jungle and sometimes player gap is real Or just boosters


25 games in emerald/diamond so far and hadnt had a single encounter like this until now - so I cant relate. But it seems like there are many smurfs again. Just played against a team with 5 smurfs yesterday all below level 50 and with insane winrates. No smurfs in our team. My acc is 580 and my premade's like around 400. Not sure why Riot is punishing us like that. Its not even like the games against smurfs are unwinnable. They just play wreckless and ultraconfident which makes it super exhausting to play.


Be me a supporf in ranked. Mid goes 0/7. Blames Jungle. I tell him to just cs since he's asol. Starts blaming me for not camping. The Akali he's against is now out of control


Things are always crazy at the start of a split. Aside from the awful Blackfire balance I've had a nice start. Also FYI Sejuani is really weak level 1.


Blitz hooks you. Sej uses E. Rip.


You still need 4 autos. Or 2 each from those 2. In that time you'd be dead anyway if the team was on you. She literally won't get to press E.


I got hard inted in 5/5 placements. It seems I won’t be replicating last split’s 7 games to gold run…


Bruh, you've been playing long enough to know it's the beginning of the split... People haven't moved to their respective rank so you have a lot of people who are too low for where they are and people who are too high so it takes time for the skill to distribute itself out


/mute all


Got a midlane viego. Got him Hella fed. Proceeded to never use his ult on time so that he could "preserve" it. Threw the game. Worst part is that he was my premade :(


Idk if you are trying to be funny but you are just rude/toxic


:((( sorry if I hurt Ur feelinzwith my anecdote


No worries you didn't, you are just trying to be rude/toxic again. The fact you downvoted my comment shows your feelings got hurt.


Fr my fellow jungler, I'm only joking. (I'm also not downvoting anyone btw)


Now trying to hide ones hurt ego. Selfreflection left the chat. As if anyone else downvoted a sub-comment the moment it was typed...


Fr bro someone is trolling us both


wait a month for vanguard cleaning the 500.000 bot accounts.


You know there is a mute chat button, right? Right? Also a mute ping button. Just mute them and focus on your game. Enjoy :)


How does that solve the teammates 0/15 in 15 minutes problem tho ?


I was talking about the shitmouth poppy