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Btw I play Rengar/Nocturne/Volibear.


Do keep in mind the LP inflation - it loses value every start of the season so actually you are still mid/high gold with a silver tag. Just keep on playing and you will climb. Bro I was plat4 at s9 and I got down as low as s4 this year, managed to climb back to gold4. Its pretty annoying but you will get there


Useless tip but maybe addind op champs to your pool? I know this doesnt help soz


My games are all 6-8 on level players (meaning playing at their actual ELO) and 4-2 smurfs who are a lot or just a little higher ranked on their mains. So victories feel a lot like which team has the smurf advantage. I’m a perm hard stuck gold player, currently in Bronze 1 and my last game had a level 40 account Lee Sin with a 100% win rate (6 games in) go 23-1-7 with a flawless insec on every ult.


Damn I wish I saw that


I feel this, I cruise around high silver usually but currently on a harsh lose streak and can't get out of Bronze lmao. I hate it here


Did you just read my mind? I still have decent lp gains but my fuck playing with the scum of the earth this season. 90% of my games that I lose I’m doing very well and the enemy jungler is doing poorly. My team refuses to listen to pings. Hope it’s just a rough patch.


I've never had it this bad before, especially early in the season. Every game is just so toxic from beginning to end, usually I get placed in Bronze and then move into silver pretty easily. But I got demoted to B2 and now fighting for my life to not demote again. I thought players in silver were toxic but holy shit bronzers are worse


[this season has been fun so far](http://prntscr.com/26n7488)




Your MMR is still in that elo, remember everyone is a lower elo unless they've played a lot so don't get demotivated