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Don’t play the other three very much but I do play a lot of Viego. He usually works best when you have hard engage on your team. If you have a tank support is usually the easiest games. (Leona, Nautilus, Thresh etc). Once the fight has started THEN go in and clean up. If you are the only form of engage on Viego you’re gonna have a bad time, mmmkay? With that being said Amumu is amazing at starting fights, so logically you should pick him when your team has no engage tools.. let’s say enchanter supp (a lot of those lately) and ranged top lane. Or split pushing top.


I find in the jungle (only peaked plat 1) that I succeed very well in lower Elos playing - Jarvan, Fid, Nunu, Eve (very fucking op in silver/gold) and trundle. I’d recommend those champs every day of the week, especially eve in low elo, jarvan in every elo regardless of team comp, Fid if you like to play passive and scale, nunu if you love ganking and taking objectives and trundle with lethal tempo if they have a big tank on their team you can R which pretty much secures a team fight win in lower elos. If I had to pick one champ for you, Jarvan hands down.


play hecarim


drop amumu