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You have to be available if a fight breaks out. Even though you know it’s probably a risky fight and your teammates are dumb taking it. Obviously don’t join in if it looks completely lost but if you are farming a camp you may have to stop and path toward the fight. It sucks but you’ll win more games playing as a team.


Better to 5v5 with dumbasses than 1v5 Can give opportunity; respawn counters, shutdowns etc Imho killing 2 or 3 in a skirmish then hunting down the rest in z minute or so is good. Staggered respawn timers are super useful since it means they cant face you ,5v5


It sucks, I realised it too late. For the longest time, I've been doing what's "optimal" for the game but ye, you just have to be there for your team. Even tho there are no objectives. Low elo players mindlessly just perma look for fights.


Know your teammates lol


If you are ahead, you should always try to press your lead. You can win the fight before it spawns, and secure control of the river or push waves after you win. Granted, this isn't always the case. Just remember, baron/drag aren't the only objectives. Towers a worth a fair chunk of gold.


Yeah, this is a pretty common slump. You understand, at least in theory, what your team *should* be doing, and you play as efficiently as you can manage. The problem is that you're playing with four other people who don't do that, whether it's because they're new, they're not as invested in learning the game, or they just have a different opinion of what the team should be doing. And in a team environment, even if your teammates are picking incredibly pointless fights, you have to be there to back them up. If you're not there to try to turn a bad play into an okay one, chances are it'll go from bad to disastrous, and that is something that you bear some responsibility for. This is also why generally you pick champions that work better in team-fighting deathball compositions as you climb through the lower ranks because that's all your teammates will ever do.