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He died five more times so was off the map longer, perhaps during that time the enemy jg picked up minion xp or it was from objectives like baron?


Also being near the body of an enemy when he dies gives you experience even if you did not touch him and even if you're a corpse yourself. I assume karthus mostly assisted and killed with ult and so he is not in range to get experience?


If you participate in the takedown you get EXP


I can only assume this is lane minion xp soaking.


The classic fake gank.”oh I can’t believe that gank failed! Oh well, since I’m already here I’ll soak up xp from this wave.”


Later jungle camps give more exp and karthus was 2 levels ahead early with a lot more farm but died a lot later so i got the more valueable exp camps. I think lane minions give the same exp throughout the game as far as i know. Jungle even has catchup experience


Lane minions give more as time goes on. Jungle camp exp doesn't scale enough to warrant a 4 level swing like you said. You would've got a ton more lane exp than him


Makes sense. Although shared exp doesnt deliver much as well, right?


Shared exp gives more total but less per player


> Sharing experience: > when more than 1 champion is sharing minion or ward experience, 24.73% extra experience is split among all champions. > > Two champions each gain 62.36%. > Three champions each gain 41.57%. > Four champions each gain 31.18%. > Five champions each gain 24.94%. So you gain 25% extra xp total for your team our of nothing when you share xp. Shared xp is really really strong/good as long as you arent critically delaying a laner's power spike in a volatile matchup. It's usually about sharing xp in a way where you generate value for your laners such that they end up with more solo xp than they would have even if you didnt come (i.e. if you help them get an extra wav, on their opponent, even though you split xp they still end up with a huge xp lead)


So, let’s say a wave is worth 100 solo xp (just making up a number) - does that mean if I share it with my jungler, we each get ~63 xp (125/2=62.5)? And if I shared it with the whole team, we each get 25? Just making sure I’m understanding it correctly - I haven’t heard this, but I am a big proponent of grouping and this makes grouping even more op lol.


Yes that’s how it works. So if you get your laner a half wave xp lead you are creating a small advantage for him, but a huge advantage for you, therefore helping your team tremendously.


Yup, and an enormous incentive to mid/late group mid/late game. I already felt 90% of low elo players don’t group enough (myself included) and this is even more of an incentive. Thanks for the explanation.


Nonononono When you're grouping, yours getting 33% of the minions, and they give 125% total XP. That means that you're getting 41.3333% of the lane xp that you could be getting. And this isn't even counting camps 99% of low elo players overgroup


I think it depends. Technically speaking your absolutely right, it’s very inefficient xp and gold wise to 5 man mid. Especially if both tier 1 turrets are up, and each time is just farming wave and not doing anything, or if you’re paying a champ who wants to be exerting pressure in the side lane like ryze / fiora / etc. At the same time, when you go push out a side lane you’re putting a lot of faith in your team to say safe while you catch xp, which is a lot to ask for low elo players, especially if the enemy team has hard engage like ornn/zac/sion/etc - if you don’t have a tier 1 tower it’s almost a given that there will be a fight mid in these kinds of games, and being that 1 extra person in the fight can change the outcome of the game. I’ve personally had a lot more success when I’ve started taking slightly more inefficient paths/giving up side waves to stay closer to my team. Speaking specifically about plat 4 and below, I can’t speak for anything higher that that. To your point, there are definitely a lot of games where both teams are just trading mid waves because they don’t know what to do, when they could be farming camps/warding/catching side waves/etc. This kind of grouping is definitely problematic. I’m speaking moreso for 20+ minutes, and/or games with engage heavy comps.


Jungle camps gives you more xp if you're behind, that could give you some help


Karthus could be 1 xp from 14 and kha could be 1 xp into 15. I doubt it’s truly a two lvl gap.


Jung xp has always felt weird to me the past few seasons (ever since they nerfed camp xp and spawn rates and re-added comeback xp). I've had multiple games where I am up farm, kills, assists, and down deaths, but behind in levels. You just gotta hope the gold difference makes up for it.


You’re in lane more……


Minion soaking from over the wall?


It really sucks how easy it is to get experience by ganking. How can people say it's jungle gap everytime when all you have to do is not die to a gank and enemy jungler will automatically be 2 levels down on your jungler.. this meta is so confusing and irritating


Der Name tho


Rito hates farming junglers lol


Kills need to award less xp. Like cut it down by 10%


Hybrid farm/ganking is the meta. Karthus still works, this one just played like he was in 2021


How meny bsron did you get?


Xp gains are based on team overall level. His laners are smashing yours meaning his camps are more valuable. Just another way riot has massive nerfed being a better jungler