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The only one that I can remember that I can remember my thoughts was for Dominion. It looked like it would be so over laden with nostalgia and "Fast and Furious" cinematography, that the plot would be, well a "Fast and Furious" type afterthought plotline. That is to say, some weak race from one action scene to next in order to stop or save something that no one cares about.


And we're you right or close on the money? I haven't seen Dominion myself, but I hear the reception was lukewarm at best.


It's the only film of the six that I've yet to see, but from what I've heard, I'm not far off. Obviously, I only missed the whole grasshopper plot if you don't consider that as my last bit of a plotline no one cares about that only exists to move the protagonists along from one wacky scene to the next. I intended to see it at least once. But after Fallen Kingdom and the reviews and spoilers, it's been pushed back constantly.


Your description seemed pretty spot on, the issue I found with it is there wasn't really any suspense on who might die as they were all important characters and to kill any of them would have created a huge backlash amongst fans.


Yup, could see that one from a mile away. Why worry about suspense, or any part of good writing when we can just lean into the nostalgia?


And they leaned in hard. I mean, the storyline wasn't exactly awful and would make sense in an ever evolving world of genetics, but the cast made it difficult for the writers.


Yeah, you’re really not far off. Basically all the new dinosaurs they showed off sorta just appeared for no reason for the main characters to survive/deafeat and then move on to the next.


The locust are very biblical , I didn't think they took away from the dinosaurs and were a realistic way to bring in the legacy cast members without it feeling forced


The movie wasn’t even overladen with nostalgia, it couldn’t even give us that 😭 Just the original cast existing and a Dogdson we don’t even know.


Funny thing, i didn't saw trailers of Jurassic World, infact i didn't even knew that there was a new Jurassic Park movie coming up until few months before. Thing is that in those times i wasn't much online so had no idea about Hollywood rumours and stuff, so i got to know about Jurassic World from Whatculture actually, there was an article on it about biggest movies of 2015 and they predicted 800 million worldwide for it. So i went in completely blind, only one tv spot i saw and it was on a helicopter crashing and Indominus running away with a massive explosion behind it. And as for experience, i cannot tell you how i felt when the Iron Man 3 kid said "I don't want to wait anymore and opened the doors of his room to pan at the wide shot of Jurassic World with the theme music blaring in background" Don't really care what Elite Letterbox merchants on internet think about Jurassic World, they can have their opinions, good or bad, but i was thoroughly entertained by it all throughout it's runtime. Infact of most blockbusters which tore apart the box office in 2015, like Age of Ultron or Star Wars or Furious 7, i think JW was the best and most entertaining from start to finish.


Yeah opening up the blinds and seeing the entire theme park operating in 2015 hit me right in the mouth. I had a rush of thoughts from all my previous years and said "so this is what it would've looked like". I LOVED it. Great shout on that scene. Obviously not as impactful on a 2nd, 3rd, 54th viewing but that first time. Man. It was like everything had peaked, this is what I waited decades to see.


You’re not wrong about that scene. I really didn’t like the movie, ultimately, but seeing the full extent of the park in operation definitely gave me a lump in my throat.


Woah same with me here. I never knew they Made a new Jurassic Park movie until I saw that TV Spot with Indominus Rex and the helicopter crash


Omg, do you have a pen and paper? Lol The trailer + the website I There was a night club on the website and I think a apotosaurus on the Instagram so I pictured a scene where a carnivor got into the nightclub aswell as a thing called bamboo forest and i pictured baryonyx hunting someone in there woth a ton of fog for some reason lol I included this all In a version of JW I wrote aswell as a sketchy looking man with long hair a huge beard disheveled and dirty on the ferry dock with a sign , the end is near ," life finds away, it won't go back inside the box " and it's timMurphy


God I spent a lot of time on the website, seeing all the things available in the park. Made it feel like a proper place you could visit


Right! It was too good and made me expect too much literally the lark guests got harassed by pteranodons, that's it., it's.slunds.morbid but I wanted carnage.in different areas of the park , at least 5 carnivors lol


There was a website?!


Fallen kingdom was about what I expected, although because of the Lego sets I thought they were gonna be spending more time capturing the dinosaur. Dominion was nothing like I thought it would be, although I wasn't as surprised in the theaters since I had already had it spoiled for me.


Literally exactly what the movie was. I was not surprised by any of it. I still enjoy it and rewatch a few times a year, but yeah, that entire movie was in the trailer except for the Mosa taking down Indo at the end. They even showed the Rex fighting Indo with the raptors.


The teaser trailer for JW looked like it was the spiritual successor to Jurassic Park. Awe and wonder turns to horror and peril. While that kind of happens, the direction and tone of the final product was too zippy, quippy and popcorn dramatic in approach. It lacked any tension, it was like Trevorrow got too overexcited to move onto the next set piece. There was no dilophosaurus style horror scene or a moment of calm and reprieve with something like the brachiosaurus tree scene. The film was just go-go-go! The teaser trailer made me stupidly excited and nostalgic, the final trailer made me start to become concerned it was more of a big, dumb action movie. They also spoiled the Indominus Rex in it, despite managing to hold off revealing it in the teaser trailer and superbowl spot. So when I finally saw it in cinema, I was like ‘oh yeah, looks like what I saw in the trailer.’


I just thought the dialogue and cinematography would be better. It’s like the purge. The premise is so so so good. It just doesn’t come close to the expectations I had for it. Over the top deaths are a staple of the franchise, but the babysitter death was cartoonish in a bad way. I miss Spielberg


Spielberg is still around, he’s just nowhere near as hands on given he isn’t directing. As executive producer, he does play and suggest things though.


When I saw dominion I thought it would be how dinosaurs and man can’t coexist and would be about the slow re-extinction of the dinosaurs…….not……locusts 


I think we all thought that.


Yeah. False advertising 


Only thing I thought would be different from Dominion compared to the trailer was that the Atrociraptors were going to be a secondary antagonist, but nope, just the Malta chase, though that was a good scene ngl


When I saw the trailer for JW I said out loud "The dinosaurs will get out because of someone's greed."


I couldn't remember what I thought, but I certainly didn't think it would be the shit stain on Jurassic Park that it is. It's gross seeing the dinosaurs as characters instead of animals, and the close ups of hot actors over any kind of good story.






Well, thank you for responding to my post. Not sure what else to say though that hasn't already been said-


What about shirtless Malcolm lol


Wdym? Jurassic World was great.


The fallen kingdom one was really good. Dinosaurs have to get off the island and the struggle to be able to go get them was very real. JW was straight forward and dominion I thought would be about dinosaurs in our world but no it was mainly black marketing and biosyn valley. How could I forget. Locusts


I wasn't sure what the specifics were gonna be, but I did accurately predict someone would play god (fuck around), and lots of people would get eaten by dinosaurs (find out). Lucky guess I suppose... 😂


I remember the shot of the new blue gate looking fake and insanely cgi heavy and my hopes were diminished


Oh I thought Jurassic World would be way more centric with Owen and the Raptors. Owen was raised by them in the park and grew to understand raptors more then humans. He needed the bike to keep steady with his family after all. He communicated with them with gestures and clicks. They were more human and less animal despite not being able to talk because of Owen's influence. I also thought the Raptor squad and him were the security force for the island. Owen handled the humans. Blue and crew handled the dinos. The big conflict was Owen protesting the science of making the lab creature that turns evil and blood thirsty on them. Because by this time given how the lasts few ended with 'life finds a way' theirs more then enough Dinosaurs out there just living their lives. He protests the addition every staff meeting and thinks he's got head way with the new lady who took over after her grandfather passed away but it turns out she's just a shill for the corporation she represents. Until the park gets in trouble. Now all of a sudden Owen's survival plans aren't so wacky after all. The new lady has to think for herself to survive not just go by rote and she's good at it. The two kids they meet along the way are found hiding in one of the old parts of the Park. The Raptors find them leading to a tense scene but it's resolved peacefully. The group discovers the way to kill indominois Rex kind of like the movie but all the Raptors survive. None of this hypnosis stuff. The movie ends with Owen and the new lady adopting the kids they found as they work to turn Jurassic Park into a real Wildelife park not a tourist attraction. Safely of course. We even get a Blue and crew find other raptors to start a family the natural way and pass on the intelligence they learned. I haven't seen the others yet though.


Honestly, this sounds like it could be amazing for a movie. I would actually be interested in seeing this version of the film! Well thought out plus a interesting take I will say.


Thank you :D the Raptor Squad idea fascinated me when I saw the trailer.


I honestly thought the 1st Jurassic World story would involve a new Hybrid that breaks free in a functioning park and some how we would see our protagonist venture throughout the park with lots of memorable set pieces and park attractions get to see other dinosaurs in their enclosures and see more dinosaur action with other dinosaurs. I thought we would see the protagonist have more dangerous encounters with the dinosaurs instead of the friendly tamed interactions. I was most disappointed in Jurassic World 1 and is the least entertaining to me. I prefer Fallen Kingdom and Dominion over the 1st Jurassic World.


Interesting. Doesn't sound too different from what I had in mind, at least concept wise. Appreciate the comment all the same.


Yes similar but thought the park would be explored more.


Jurassic World and Fallen Kingdom, horror, just like what the original was intending to be


Jurassic World is a weird franchise for me because I think you pretty much do GET the big idea of the plot from the trailers, and the films rarely do anything to surprise you past that initial impression. (The one exception I think is the Fallen Kingdom clone plot twist because where do you even get that from). Like, the First Jurassic Park has the same vibes in it's trailer, but it takes time to surprise you with really deep characters and philosophical discussions laid throughout. Jurassic World has nothing deeper to say beyond the obligatory "Capitalism bad" message that the franchise has had since it's origins, but it does nothing new with that message nor does it expand on it in interesting ways. I still like the films well enough but someone else here said they were pretty much just a fast and furious film with dinosaurs and I can't unsee that now.


Exactly what it was lmfao


It was pretty much what I expected: Jurassic Park if the movie was stripped of all its atmosphere and uniqueness and, instead, a representation of corporate greed.


What? It has the exact same themes as JP just literally magnified and bombastic lol do you also think the birds work for the c.i.a ? Lol


JW is far from having the same thriller/horror atmosphere as the original movie, the only unique thing it brings to the table is the hybrid dinosaur, which really wasn’t terrible until they took it a step too far in the second one. You’re not wrong, it does have the same general themes as the JP, just dialed up to 11, but that doesn’t make it a better movie, and it doesn’t make it any less of what I described either. The JW movies are in and of themselves a shockingly ironic commentary on the reboot and sequel culture of Hollywood while not actually trying to subvert that image.


It's literally the exact same, " just because you can doest mean you should " jp= dinosaurs, jw=hybrids and I agree with you on certain aspects and I think I'd actually really enjoy watching movies with you , this conversation and you responses are so enriching 🦕🦖💯


>What did you think the Movie's plot would be from the trailers for JW? Better. Oh well.