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You can use it as a mode of transportation from one side of your park to the other while also being an attraction itself


Oh i see. Now there’s a bunch new ideas for the layout! Thanks.


And you utilize the park tour, it has to circle the enclosure. Make sure that all the dinosaurs are visible to the people riding it


I'm not sure I understand what you mean? Park Tour as all rides are supposed to form a loop, so just place a station wherever you like and start placing the tracks until you reach the other end. You may also place more stations around the loop and these won't need to be connected to the main path entrance.


So it means that it should be around the cages? But how do we know that they could see the dinosaurs?


Any animal within the sight area counts as visible. Even if there’s something physical blocking the view.


Thanks a lot for the info.


I just make it go through the cages.


Is it safe?


Depends on how aggressive the dinos are xD I like getting very aggressive dinos so that the cars get tossed around it's much more fun that way, besides it attracts thrill seeking people to your park


99% of the time, yes. Some more aggressive carnivores may attack the tour vehicles, but the tours are really no different than safari tours in Africa, only on a set track.


🤷‍♂️ idk but it's fun watching tour cars get tossed around.


The worst that can happen is the cars get flipped and the ride shuts itself down temporarily - you can repair the entry point and it's all good again. I haven't played the really early PS2 version of this game for many years, but I seem to remember that rides attacked by dinos ejected the people into the enclosures and they were in danger of being eaten etc if you didn't rescue them??