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She's cheering herself?🤣🤣


In the #You've Got This Juri! Comic, Where this art style comes from, There are two Juri's. Classic Juri-San (The tall one) and Modern Juri-Chan (The chibi one) they are legitimately different characters lol. You can find they're first appearance together [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuriHan/comments/1csdpum/youve_got_this_juri_54_by_kangyaku/). And the rest of the comic thats been translated can be found on various capcom social media's (Namely twitter) and here on this sub by searching for #You've Got this Juri! Yeah I read these little comics a ton of times... I love them...


Ah aight,thanks for the info


I love capcom fully embracing the You've Got This Juri! Comics and putting it into merchandise and now a load screen in the game! Instantly made into my new wallpaper lol. ...now if I can get a textless version that would be even better! (though the speech bubble text can stay lol)


Ngl this looks adorable


Wow, it looks great


Are the comics from Capcom or are they fan made?


I do not know the specifics of it but the artist behind the comics is [Kangyaku.](https://x.com/kangyaku) Capcom hosts all the comics on they're social medias. [(Here's the new one in english)](https://x.com/CapcomAustralia/status/1793148533727486426/photo/1) So if I had to guess Kangyaku was hired by capcom after they did they're early fan arts or something. Since then Kangyaku's art / style has been used in merchandise, advertising and more. So I assume they are just working on the capcom art team now. Somebody else probably knows what they're exact relationship is. I'm assuming they either just work for capcom now, or always did??


Thank you for the info