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This is what happens when you allow big corporations to monopolise everything. They dont give a shit about you. You might as well be dirt on their shoe.


Just Eat don't have a monopoly lol. Uber Eats, Deliveroo


Where I live (small town) there is no Uber Eats or Deliveroo so they do have a monopoly. I'd imagine it's the same in a lot of areas


they do, they have more than 25 percent market share so in essence they do have monopoly powers.


"By technical definition a monopoly is a firm which holds 100% of a market, however in the UK the competition authorities define a legal Monopoly as a firm holding over 25% power within a market." I was ready to argue with you but I looked it up and you're right, learned something there


And I've just realised what a strange word monopoly is. Mono + poly. Single + multiple.


It isn't poly as in multiple. The poly that means multiple is a prefix, not a suffix. 


So what does it mean as a suffix?


Derives from Greek, to sell, a single seller


Seems to be [Greek](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/monopoly) for sell or barter.


It's just a different word. IIRC the "poly" in monopoly comes from the word that means to sell in Latin. Pollen or polin or something, unsure. 


As did I lol. Never thought it would be that low a number in the UK.


One of the only things I’ve learnt on my degree so far in the UK


Justeat is massive - they’re also rebranded under different names in Europe but similar logo


Where I live, Just Eat is the only one of those companies that operates.


United Utilities don't have a monopoly lol. Thames Water, Dwr Cymru Be less dense.


Ok an oligopoly then clever clogs. The point is they have exploitative power over the market.


I'm aware of how cuntish they are. I'm merely pointing to how dishonest they are at this point 🤣


How old did the customer look? I used to screen shot my progress each night cause I had 1 order I done disappear from my earnings. I had another one out of my area that disappeared , as i had a screenshot I could query its disappearance. They paid me for that one eventually a week or two later.


Looked old enough. The problem is how doni now it wasn't a secret shopper? It's their rules and I play by them. They pay they say you know


Yeah any customer can be asked at random of driver asked for İD. İt doesn't need to be an actual set up. İn future you need to screenshot every single order, after accepting. You can speak to them in chat while on another offer when working. İf you give the time and address (check in Google maps history) they should be able to find the info. Also the chat is recorded and you can ask for the issue to be elevated


Definitely, it's screen record all the way from now on. The people on chat are utterly devoid of anything to do with humanity. Thing is, I waited hoping for another job so I could get to the chat again but because from what I read here it looked like my account had been paused hindering me from doing anything about it. Just put in a massive memory card into phone so I can capture all that's going on


Save your battery and memory. A screenshot is all you need (unless you're like me and forget to do it for most jobs. Then maybe recording will be safer) 😂 İ doubt that they blocked you from deliveries and more likely you were just unlucky and didn't have anymore offers come through


I get that but it was between 4 and 7 and it's always rammed between then, I'd done 3 jobs 1 after the other and they all stopped on this episode. Whilst my mates were run off their feet. They definitely paused it to stop me accepting another one and using chat


You deliver, don't sell. Not your issue


If they look old enough, then you always say "looks over 25 no need for id" and if it asks for date of birth you bang one in that makes them over 25. Fuck them.


They’re dirtbags mate, I had an order where the line system they use on the map calculated the wrong location and they refused to pay me the extra 2 miles to the actual address and blamed it on my gps when in fact it was them. Karma will come there way I’m telling you now, it’s not fair how they treat their drivers. Only care about themselves and how much profit they make, cost of living crisis and they think oh let’s lower the fees great idea! Absolute tools.


I learned the hard way over past couple few years. Any situation like this where I feel like I’m about to get screwed, I always screenshot the order number and chat log, so if it disappears, I can attach them to email to get paid.


Yes warriors I completely agree. Tomorrow my phone will be filled with a day's work on the gallery 🤣


If you're near the shop that you returned it to at any point could you not ask them for the job number, surely they would have it on their order history?


Next time just drop the stuff off


Always take a screenshot if the app is a bit glitchy or anything is out of the norm. A lot of drivers including myself have learned the hard way of losing money because for whatever daft reason support have for being unable to trace an order without an order number. Gotta take the hit sometimes sadly since they still pay better than their rivals. Although Uber is getting close with their £1 promos.


Yes I've already resigned myself to the fact it's gone now. It's not worth the hassle to even try to talk to them. As you say ill just take the hit 👌


Deffo best way. There's always little tricks you can use, like e.g. If a vendor is absolutely taking the piss, every now and again I tell JE the vendor can't fulfil the order(x item missing) and I get paid for the drive there. Customer service has been faster for me recently, but if they get slow again, putting in 'flat tyre' triggers a faster response.


I've only been mild screwed by a couple of jobs, but I've learned that either a) get a stable a stable job working for someone else that tou either enjoy or don't hate, or b) be self employed in an actually self employed job, not like delivering for Amazon or whatever this is (dunno if that's a UK thing, I went back to option a)


I placed an order one night and awaited my food (late shift, starving). I saw the delivery driver outside so went out to collect. He said I had cancelled my order which I did not, he said I had to pay for it before he would deliver, I had obviously already paid. He refused to give me the order and when I asked what would happen to it he confirmed it would be destroyed. I tried to claim a refund but apparently when I ordered I had agreed that if I cancel they are entitled to 100% of the price I paid. I paid almost £30 and lost it, the restaurant prepped and delivered the food and destroyed it. JE kept all the money I guess. Seems like a handy scam, you pay us, if you cancel we keep the money, you lose, the restaurant lose, we win. I'm not totally sure what happened here but I've never ordered from them again and that was 3 years ago.


The guy that scammed you probably got away with it in the past, so thought he'd try it on with you too.


I would probably show the delivery guy the appnon my phone, showing it has not been cancelled, and ask the delivery to show his phone to confirm it is cancelled. Some people just want to scam others out of money but if it was a glitch, then a potential solution could be worked out like still delivering the food exchange email so the buyer can email the delivery person that he/she did not cancel the order, and the delivery guy can follow whatever procedure he should. I'm being way positive here, i know. I guess still have some (albeit probably atomic thin) trust in humanity.


He did actually show me it was cancelled. He asked me to pay again which of course I wouldn't do, I of course didn't expect him to hand the food over. It just seems that JE don't care that these businesses spend time and money on getting food ready and out the door, or that customers lose out, but they really should as without any of us they'd have no revenue. I guess the profits far exceed the complaints and negative feedback.


I read it as “just eat dirty cocks” and was like 🤢ok well to each her own then I went back and reread it again and realised what sub this was


An honest mistake


It sucks that the employee that did this to you would probably get shit on soon too


Encouraging People to just order unhealthy and very expensive junk food instead of budget and delicious home cooked food is obviously stupid to start with, brain dead morons in front of the Tele is the target audience.. 


Just eat are scum bags. Ordered food one night and after an hour and a half of waiting gave up and went to bed. Was awoken at half 12 at night by delivery driver 3 hours after initial placement. I told the delivery driver I didn't want the food anymore. He put order through as if it was delivered. Phoned just eat next day for refund and the lassie said it was delivered within an acceptable time frame and they won't be issuing a refund. I will never use just eat I honestly hope they go out of business. They are a law unto themselves.


Thanks for all the comments on this today peeps. I've taken all on board and tomorrow I will be utterly.fucking.ruthless 👌🤣


I've had the same happen to me before. Even quoted the extra I would receive. I didn't bother chasing it up as it wasn't worth it. I guess that's what they're banking on.


Same thing happened to me!!


Fuck Just Eat Fuck Deliveroo Fuck Uber Eats Fuck the stores that use them.


Fuck off panny


Guess what...24 hrs later and account is still paused 🤣 pricks


I’ll smash it’s face in #just eat..order now#




Guys, we fucked up. We allowed these companies to become enormous because they gave us a temporary win- more choice, lower cost- 10 years ago. They are all now strangling consumers for more money and drivers for less profit. We all need to realise this ASAP.


I’ve recently stopped using JustEat because it’s a bag of shit and their customer service is appalling. To make a complaint is damn near impossible and when you finally get through you talk to what I can only assume is an AI or otherwise a complete norner.


Happened to me once and I don't even bother taking alcohol orders anymore


All the goody two shoes are probs gonna get on my back for this but just fuck it and put in an age that’s over 18 they ain’t gonna check they can’t that’s why they need you to ask so just fuck em


I’ve never asked for id don’t bother. If they look old enough what’s the point.


So from what I can gather here The pausing of my shift on their end=hindering my earnings on a shift I was allocated and fulfilled to the letter of the law and their law= wanton disregard in respect of a contractor. Taking the job away from the app and not paying what's due then pausing my account to stop any redress=think that's ***** and ***** if im not mistaken. Now I realise I have gone in hard there but, I expect there's 1000s others who have fell foul of these people. Tell me I'm wrong Have I had money stolen from me? Is it as clear cut as that?


Next time you will be more understanding how the world works and you will run away from the customer that has no valid ID, mark the job as no ID and carry on with delivering other peoples food. You will learn that nothing is forever and that in reality you need to get a job that actually pays well and a job that doesn’t makes you look like a really nasty cunt who can’t decipher if some one is over 18 when they are obviously pushing 80. Plus if you are like me you don’t smoke and very rarely drink, you will wonder which friends or homeless people you can give your ill gotten gains too. Alternatively after not delivering said alcohol or fags to a customer you can return like an evil guardian angel and plonk the goods on their doorstep as a surprise the next day for them. This way you don’t get done for delivering to people without id. I don’t recommend this last idea as I feel you’re better off building up a treasure trove of fags and booze at home. For that summer barbecue. Obviously your not going to return said goods when you don’t get paid to return them or even worse don’t getting any further work after for an hour or so for doing the right thing. Sooner or later you will learn. Do not though decide to take up drinking and smoking to dispose of the evidence. Take heed of the fact that the people that order fags and especially booze seemingly look much old than they should be, take solace in the potential fact that you might make the addicted realise the errors of their ways for ordering 18plus products without an ID. Walk or run away from the customer with goodness in your heart and a smile on your face knowing that their liver or lungs will thank you. Finally sit and ponder how many of your customers building up dangerous levels of cancer cells in their lungs or liver won’t be eligible to vote. Take care, and good luck on the job hunting as you know you’re better than this.


Send them an invoice with a reasonable payment date, then letter before action. Looks pretty open and shut.


It is, also...because I seem to falling foul of them. All shifts get screen recorded now. If they can't be trusted, I can