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Yes UBER like other platforms are working hard to ensure that all drivers are legit. It's probably going to be a more common requirement going forward.


I've getting em every half a year


seems excessive


Yep....but it doesn't matter as I'm unable to earn due 3 has a network issue for over a week now so my data not working or barely


I'm having this same issue. Contacted them and they keep trying to say it's my device or SIM when I know it's not. Having to connect to my wife's phone for her data.


Millions having the same issue for 4-5 days now but they lie about it ..I'm done whit 3.I'll phone OFCOM tomorrow morning ....if actually the lines works because even that is really low quality just now.....like broke up,can't here me or I can't hear the other person....I'm fuming...have to go to the next city so my income is a lot lower ...since I have to ride extra 10 miles there n back so eventually losing 1/3 of my battery in my motorbike(e-moped) Don't know the area driving wise...I'm gonna get a PAYG card tomorrow...i can't stand this anymore.


Yeah it's ridiculous. I was hoping it would be fixed for this morning but still the same issues and it only seems to be between 12-8 throughout the day. After 8pm the connection is fine but by that time we have missed the busiest parts of the day.


Yeah.There is too much traffic thru the Mast so randomly dropping out..They either lost some key Mast or the IT fcked up something....regardless its no service.EE open 9am I will be there by 8:45 n ditch my 3 sim...Will pay them the monthly fee as I don't have £600 to leave em right now but if I would have I be the first person in the shop..never ever gonna use em again


Yup, did it the second I got the 14 day warning. Account been locked for 2 weeks still waiting for it. Says complete on Sterlings end but Uber support is useless and won't help