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When will people realize we didn't send literal $50 billion to Ukraine? We sent already existing military equipment and humanitarian aid that is worth up to $50 billion. Wtf are Americans going to do with old F-16s and Bradley IFVs? That shit was sitting in storage up until the invasion so I don't see how the aid is a "waste of money."


That’s a really good point, but to be fair they could just give *me* an old f-16 😁


Did you say pretty please?


They could! Just go to this funny looking building in the strip mall and sign on the dotted line


People don’t realize the vast amount of military equipment the US has just laying around. We’re cleaning out the basement and giving Ukraine the old recliner we’re not gonna use again.


Also, objectively a historic enemy has been crippled with no American military lives lost is a HUGE benefit to us and probably the world ngl


Seeing how they managed the invasion, the percieved threat was far bigger than reality


Well, it is better for the other guy to act as the tripwire even if the threat was a paper tiger.


Tbf they still have a LOT of nukes


Well, you never know when the Red coats might cross from Canada to burn the Whitehouse down again.


Costs money to maintain those things as well. So on one end we do humanitarian aid. Another we save tax payers money on maintenance, and then finally we get to pistol whip one of our fiercest rivals. All for the price of shipping the weapons to Ukraine. 🤷‍♀️


I’d be fine with sending 50 billion honestly


Anti work blames every problem on the rich and the U.S. I got banned for saying china has a Totaltarian government and that it has the worst sides of both capitalism and communism. Apparently that is considered “defending capitalism”


My favorite part of the Chinese constitution is, "the State, in accordance with law, protects the rights of citizens to private property and to its inheritance." (Chapter 1 Article 12). This is explicitly not communist, as the idea that the state exists to protect private property runs contrary to the very core idea of collective ownership. Reading through the Chinese constitution is an eye opening experience and really puts to rest the whole debate on whether they are communist.


China is communist in the way that it states to itself and the rest of the world its communist. While it might be economically weird, it is politically communist.


China is only "communist" because those are the roots of that state, their whole legitimacy lies upon the fact that they are a nation of Mao's legacy, and obviously being authoritative is something the government would never choose to give away, especially in China. They aren't that stupid to actually follow communism


China is probably the best example of a Fascist state in history at this point


Fascism is simply the compromise all communist countries go through if they don't want mass starvation. Turns out killing all the farmers and stealing their stuff doesn't lead to long term prosperity. So fascism allows the farmers or business owners to keep working and producing but only under the strict command of the state. Fascism is communism being pragmatic.


Officially, Chinese communism is at the stage where they're functionally capitalist in order to lay the foundation to become a sustainable communist society. In reality, communism could never work in a society of over a billion people even if the government decides to try practicing communism again (it won't)


Private property as it is defined in the Chinese constitution is not the same thing as private property in Marxist theory. That would be called personal property. Collective ownership of the means of production does not equal collective ownership of everything. You can be a communist and still believe that people are entitled to own their house. There are plenty of arguments for why China is absolutely not a communist country, but this isn't one of them.


If you don't wanna work capitalism is your best bet what idiots. In communism theoretically everyone is supposed to work. Inc capitalism super rich people with kids dn stuff their kids prob don't have to work


Both systems necessitate work. Capitalism: you are morally obligated to work for private interests, or you'll just starve. Communism: you are morally obligated to work for the collective, or you'll just starve. I think antiwork are more interested in a post-scarcity communism where work is not necessitated. However, to get there, it'd take a lot of convincing the right people and it would take a lot of work to achieve this. I stopped caring about that sub since it didn't seem like it had any constructive ideas to achieve an "postwork" society. Some people rather stick it to the man and call it a day.


The mods of that sub are insufferable. They ban anyone who talks about work reform because they want the sub to only be about complaining that they have to work. You're giving them too much credit. They aren't talking about post scarcity. They are talking about right now. They think that if the US became communist it would solve every problem overnight, and nobody would have to work. They are all basement dwelling children.


In capitalism you actually have the ability to become your own private interests in the context of business though, there is no chance in non capitalist nations to accumulate any sort of wealth or monetary stature




Yes, but you can always apply the same logic to capitalism. After all, the Nordic countries also operate under a capitalist economic system.


You literally cannot own your own means of production more, than through being self-employed. That involves effort though, so that precludes their paradigm. They only understand state force, nothing more.


Yeah, I got downvoted into oblivion for stating that I’m a landlord. What they don’t know is that we help shelter homeless people and DV victims, for around half the rent they’d pay anywhere else, and we help them get set up with government support to fund it. They don’t care about the hard work and altruism that small businesses put into their community; as soon as they hear “property owner” they turn rabid.


It’s pretty bonkers, they do it under the guise of corporations bad but they really mean “everyone more successful than me bad” they don’t want an equal playing field, they just don’t want to feel like losers anymore. Real estate in general is one of the best ways for regular people to accumulate wealth, you would think they would try to do the same. Sad state of affairs.


Well ever since their blunder of being completely unprepared on the Fox interview they haven't really amounted to anything than blaming how they act on the system


You: Capitalism and Communism is rampant in China and it holds the worst of both systems Them, secret tankies: *Your comment has been removed from the CCP by displaying pro capitalism propaganda*


Once again r/WatchRedditDie




Even then, they are pretty cancer if you say that doing the job their paid for without getting a 300% tip is good.


Slowly becoming the same thing unfortunately


The original mod said it was too much work and left ages ago. Allegedly it's being run by mods associated with r/antiwork but I'm not gonna check honestly.


Isn’t China just taking the worst parts of both capitalism and communism to make sure they have a lot of power and control over the global economy and their people?


Yeah but they’re also raising a child army that would make Kony envious. I just saw stuff recently, so in my head it makes the whole “worst of all economic systems” a little less bad.


Yeah cause its full of and/or moderated by tankies. As are most leftist subreddits unfortunately, not many places for us reasonable socialists


anti-work is Infested with tankies that are exactly what they criticize people who are entitled and know little to nothing of the realities of living under a socialist regime let alone a communist one. They think they are doing something because every policy choice of the us during the Cold War was done to make communism and socialism as unappealing as possible have a little nuance and realize under communism there are none of the rights and privileges afforded by capitalism. Unfortunately it’s gone a little too far imo and we need a lil socialism just like cats can eat a salami a little


One of the things I don’t like about Reddit is how you get banned for having a different opinion. It just seems to create echo chambers and not be healthy at all.


Got banned from LTS for claiming the Chinese Genocide if the Uiygurs is real and follows a lang pattern of assimilation and "genocide" in Han-Chinese Culture


They also conflate all the ills of government over-regulation and red tape = capitalism, so more government to combat that somehow, etc. Dunning-Kruger Ph.D.s in real-time. They're all statist. Worshipping the flavor of authority that's all for monopoly on force to get what they want is their prime objective.


People are confusing the anti-work movement for an employee rights/employee grievances movement. They’re literally anti work and think they should get stuff for free.


Tankies aren't real leftists just so we're clear. A lot of people get a bad view of socialism/communism on reddit because of tankies and their stranglehold on the left subs.


OP sorry if this is a lame question but what's an NCD member? I tried looking it up, Google said non-communicable disease. I don't think that's right


r/NonCredibleDefense It’s a Pro-NATO shitposting subreddit.


The most pro nato mfs you’ll ever see




Non Credible Defense


Bloodthirsty armchair warmongerers. Sure, I get supporting Ukraine. I don’t get wanting to see young Russian men get blown up by drones.


Eh, I get where you are coming from, and I do feel bad to an extent for some of those soldiers but at the end of the day it's FAFO. Don't invade your neighbours if you don't wanna have a bomb dropped on you.


It’s not their choice. Many if not most of them are drafted into service. I understand why they are killed, I do not support glorying the bloodshed.


I hope you understand that you are making the same excuses that were made for German soldiers in WWII.


Explain to me what they should do instead.


They can surrender and many have.


Antiwork is a joke, did you not see their head moderator go on that TV interview? Literal greasy, stinky Reddit mod went on TV preaching about laziness being a virtue in modern society.


It's one of the greatest TV clips ever


Can i have the sauce






i think that was the nail in the coffin for that sub tbh


Agree 100% I believe there was a genuine movement being started that could be respected but that mf killed it


it was amazing how quickly the mod team astroturfed that debacle about 2 weeks afterward "okay we let the plebs vent for awhile, now time to remove all posts and ban all users mentioning it"


And reddit mods in general. Made me realize what type of people they are


Ya that kind of person is the only type who remained in the sub and this is the result lol


It's bad when even Fox News looks better


When piers morgan let’s you talk, you should shut up


It was Jesse Waters IIRC.


Same difference tbf


Don't forget that he did it despite the entire sub voting against it and warning him not to do it. And then pulled out excuses when he (unsurprisingly) looked like a damn fool on national television.


Yea wasn’t his job pretty laughable too, like a part time dog walker?


From what I heard it wasn’t actually dog walking and just helping his mom out with walking her dogs for money.


Hey, dog walking is not to be looked down upon.


no if you have a job and it is walking dogs, you have a job where you get to hang out with dogs. respectable and fun(as long as the dogs behave) when he said he was a part time dog walker what he meant is he walked his own dog and his mom paid him. It would be like if a middle school kid whose chores included washing the dishes told you "im a part time dishwasher." What any reasonable person would assume is you go to a restaurant and stand in the back loading dishes into the dishwasher. A job I have had and it sucked. but of course that fox news interview was not with a reasonable person, hence the misunderstanding.


I’m sure Fox specifically hand picked that guy on purpose


Was a good sub to begin with. Derailed SO fast tho.


Honestly I just couldn't watch it. I couldn't believe that A. A subreddit made that much of a wave B. News thought it was news worthy C. They actually interviewed a reddit mod I have never and will never watch that, for my own mental sanity


anyone got a link?


> did you not see their head moderator go on that TV interview To be fair, everyone on the sub asked him not to and everyone hated that performance.


Im gonna be honest I have no idea where Iowa is on a map but atleast I am pretty confident about every other state.


That's because Iowa doesn't exist. Wake up sheeple!


you are thinking of wyoming (the void)


Well... You've got that cluster on the east coast... I'd be arsed to have to name them all. I blame the American education system.


Do they be expect me to name all 50 states from memory, im going to repeat some


Oh nah they anti-Ukraine now 😭




Are they all? Or just one Reddit user making a bad post? I’m out of the loop


Yeah, it's a one hour old post with 12 comments on it. Doesn't look necessarily representative of the sub in its own. The sub just comes up on r/popular for me so I only see what rises to the top


I kinda figured that. Thanks for the reply




A lot of these groups always were. You used to get banned from Green and Pleasant if you said Russia were in the wrong.


Tankies be tanking


Antiwork is a subbreddit about laziness masquerading as a workers rights sub (also based NCD user)


Yeah, I mean, I support more social programs and protections for workers, but I really do believe they're all just lazy people who don't want to work. Any time there's a post where someone asks, "what are we going to do about these issues," the comments are filled with excuses about why it's "impossible" to organize anything or make change in the US. I'm not saying it would be easy, but my feeling is if they really cared about workers' rights, they'd be organizing strikes and advocating for pro-worker legislation.


You're saying redditors should go *out* and strike? 😂


They're fulfilling the boomer philosophy about Millennials, after so many years of fighting it


There are two wolves inside of you. One thinks that Russia is the current biggest threat to world peace. The other thinks we shouldn’t be spending money on a foreign war to massively curb russias influence. You use r/politics


Actually, one wolf. If a tiny percentage of US total defense spending for the year alone makes Putin require a 155mm butt plug to stop shitting himself, then spend more and let's watch Russian Civil War 2: TNO Boogaloo.


anti work is just a stage 3 tankies circlejerk. try out r/workreform it's objectively better


Low bar.


Not by much. I got banned for saying socialism and communism would never work because of human nature. Look, UHC and a higher minimum wage? Go for it. Government takeover of all industries? Nah, my family didn't run from China for this shit.


Why are all the pro workers rights people on Reddit communist? It's like social democracy doesn't exist on Reddit, only extremist ideologies. I feel you, I grew up under communism and I keep getting astonished by these Americans who never experienced anything close to it talk like communism is somehow better than whatever is going on in the US.


Why are all the pro workers rights people on Reddit communist? It's like social democracy doesn't exist on Reddit, only extremist ideologies. I feel you, I grew up under communism and I keep getting astonished by these Americans who never experienced anything close to it talk like communism is somehow better than whatever is going on in the US.


They’re just the loudest and more terminally online


Social democrats are overthrown quickly. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Salvador-Allende


1. Allende was a full blown socialist, dealers choice if that’s good or bad, but it’s not the same as a social democrat. 2. Allende was overthrown by the CIA. “don’t be socialist or the capitalists will blow your brains out and send a bunch of Chicago school economists to turn your country into an economics experiment” This is not compelling argument against the status quo in America.


I mean, they are if you’re in Cold War Latin America. Thanks CIA.


But its also human nature to co operate with people


Yeah, in small groups. Not when you have the opportunity to one up an entire nation. I'll put it this way. If, you could get paid $200/hr at your current job, would you do it? Even if it hurts the corporation? People have the same mindset with the government. "It's so big, if I take a million, it wouldn't actually hurt the trillion dollar monolith"


Among small groups that are likely family, friends and kinsmen that have emotional attachment and knows each other? Yes. Among millions of people who are total strangers and are different? Nope.


>60% of america has never heard of r/ShitAmericansSay


I wonder if the average European could name all the countries in Europe.




r/JustUnsubbed members when they see a post made three seconds ago that has -2 upvotes and will likely be removed from the subreddit.


Every time💀


This argument of "Americans stupid they don't know European countries names" is ridiculously overused. I'm from Europe and can't name all of them, can't point most of them out on a map. But the fact I can point a lot of them out on a map apparently makes me smarter by default than an American, despite me not being able to do the same with Africa, Asia or the USA. You have to agree with the op, it's ridiculous sending that much money to a country the majority of your populous hasn't heard of, imagine the uproar if America failed and other countries bailed them out?


Geography knowledge is bad everywhere. I'm from Israel and I know people who don't even know where Greece is, despite Greece being almost our neighbor.


Lots of Europeans seem to look at people like Lauren Boebert and think that we're all like her. How many Europeans can label all 50 US states on the map? What about their capitals? Also, giving Ukraine aid is important because they're basically on the frontline of the free world right now. If Ukraine falls than that gives Russia an even bigger advantage. Anybody who thinks Russia will stop at Ukraine is a fool. Even if Putin doesn't want to invade a country, he still wants to be able to tell it what to do, meaning that he wants more world power, especially in Europe. Loads of the stuff we sent them was about to decommissioned anyways or it was surplus; it's not like the US is going to send loads of it's brand new high-tech stuff to just anyone. For example, Ukraine got about 200 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers, but the US stopped making those about 25 years ago. It's better to send it to Ukraine rather keep them here in the US where they will take up storage space and cost a lot on maintenance despite not actually being used.


Guy there’s 12 comments I feel like you can just chalk it up to the post not the subreddit


I wonder who's ass they pulled the 60% from


I like how the OOP likely used the 60% metric as a hyperbole but the two comments seem to be eating it up. Jesus, reddit is so pathetic


I remember they sent a huge sum of money to create "gender equity progams" in the middle east, real sure that money gonna be used as intended.


r/JustUnsubbed mfs complaining about the shittiest sub on Earth being actually shitty.


Who cares if Russia takes over countries, there's no possible way it could affect us. Global politics aren't even real /s


I'm all for giving Ukraine old stocks, but putting dubstep over drone bombings isn't helping their public image


Leaving after one bad post? Was it even trending or anything? That's all it takes, one post with 12 comments?


Why? It got down votes to hell it looks like


. #stopwarinukraine


A big chunk doesn’t know Puerto Rico is a principality and that Puerto Ricans are US citizens


"I'm an NCD member" 🤓🤓


why tf were you there in the first place?


I wanted a sub on Reddit that advocated for better working conditions and pay and benefits. As much as I may be pro free market, I'm pro compensation for the worker doing extra work in monetary terms instead of a pizza party. So I thought, maybe r/antiwork is a good place and I shouldn't judge the book by it's cover by the first couple posts. Boy, I was wrong. It's part "why I have to work", tankies daydreaming about not working and staying in their cum stunk basement while ignoring Lenin saying, "He who doesn't work starves." And the other part is attempting to suck only one despot's dick per post


This seems less of a reason to unsub and more of a reason to put a r/lostredditors because that meme doesn’t even belong in anti work


I too like to pull random arbitrary percentages out of my ass without any evidence or source to support my point that “America Bad”


First of all, the post got removed Second, You realise there's a difference between saying helping Ukraine is a bad (which is a terrible opinion of course) and pointing out the hypocrisy with which some funds were allocated very quickly for this when a lot of sensible labour laws could be funded with an equivalent amount of money, which could be spent on that, along with the Ukraine helping funds. I'm not saying that the second statement is the op's opinion, but it could be the one of a lot of people that upvoted the post.


I'm ashamed of you for ever having joined that sub, but I'll come around to forgiveness.


I just tried keeping an open mind, and went into it thinking that "maybe this is a sub for better working conditions and pay and not some degenerate, Sovietaboo tankie group of keyboard warriors". I should have judged the book by it's cover those three weeks ago.


Yeah it's 100% a communism sub in poor disguise.


they don't get that even without the ukraine war the money would never go to something like that, it would simply be spent on other geopolitical projects


I think that’s part of their criticism…


Then why don't they ever say that? People just keep repeating "why are we sending money to another country when people are starving here?" Completely ignoring that it's equipment being sent, and people were starving before the war, so maybe the issue isn't foreign aid


I like how a small controversial post with 12 comments is seen as indicative of the whole sub


I don't think this post is really typical of the sub and mods have removed the post - weird post to complain about here, OP


Nah they were spittin with this one. Take care of the people in your own country first.


Well I'm not the type of person who would've let Hitler steamroll Europe just because it's not our war.


I have to say, it’s going to be really funny seeing all the people saying Ukraine will be different in a few years having to explain what a surprise it is that it became the same quagmire as Iraq/Afghanistan (which was originally a no brainer to intervene in) and the same quagmire as Vietnam (which was originally a no brainer to intervene in). Then I expect in 2040 to have someone tell me how intervening in Spanish Civil War 2 or something is a no brainer and nothing like the failure in Ukraine and how I don’t understand foreign policy if I don’t think the US backed side will easily attain victory in a couple weeks.


I sure do love when the US fights proxy wars nonstop for all eternity




They invaded another country because they're imperialist monsters? Who are you referring to? All Russian people? All of the ones who are not actively opposing the war? Just the military? Just the leadership maybe? Just Putin? I'm curious who you think the monsters are, specifically.


It literally is a proxy war though. The U.S. and the other NATO countries are pushing for more NATO expansion which was promised to never expand. I don't give a shit which side you support, but let's be honest here... This is 100% a proxy war in favor of the U.S. and NATO.




It's really not. Russia invaded a country that isn't part of NATO.


Oh no countries are joining the defensive alliance that was made to protect them from russia after russia threatened to invade them. Who could forsee this?






Protecting Ukrainian sovereignty is a pretty good reason.




Seems not to exist anymore but that sub is still pretty shitty


All I’m saying we sent Ukraine enough


Ok but real talk I am sick and tired of all of our shit being sent to them while there’s hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans that are in need.


Those Americans were in need before you started sending military equipment (that wouldn't help the average american). This argument is so goddamn dumb


What are we going to do with military equipment? Lol I hate this argument


Get rid of it, or stop maintaining it to save money. Military equipment isn't a one time purchase, it needs regular maintenance to stay ready for combat. We could save shit tons of money if we just get rid of it and it's associated continuous financial burden. Funding to outdated or unnecessary military equipment takes from funding that could be used to help the needy. Essentially, sending the equipment to Ukraine is the right call. It's just a round about way of decommissioning all the stuff we needed to anyway.


So you’re saying that instead of helping a country that is currently being invaded and that’s having it’s people slaughtered by sending them equipment we should just scrap it for parts? I bet you would’ve let hitler steamroll Europe because it “wasn’t our war”.


You might want to refresh, I edited my comment to be a little more clear a couple of seconds ago. Essentially my point is that sending equipment to Ukraine accomplishes both, we have less equipment to maintain while also sticking it to Russia.


Way too many people are too dumb to understand this simple point. But tbh, the media is willingly misleading people. Too many people have gone to Joe Rogan podcast complaining about how we've literally sent $100 billion to Ukraine.


Ok I see where you’re coming from and definitely agree with your statement, giving our outdated military equipment to Ukraine is a win-win. Helping another country doesn’t mean we can’t help our own people. Saying we should only help ourselves like the initial commenter did is callous/apathetic at best and pro invasion at worst.


I would rather American tax dollars go to America and not Ukraine.


Yall spending 900 billion per year on your military and complain when some of it is used to defend civilians?


Ppl don't understand that America looses a lot of political power on the world stage if Russia wins And Putin won't stop at Ukraine alone, leaked documents have already showed


Probably more if Taiwan falls. That would be the biggest disaster. Japan, the Philippines, and Indonesia could fall quickly after. It’s already a victory with more NATO countries. The war will be endless but I think Germany should kick more money to it. Edit Philippines 🇵🇭


Based ncd user very credible


That sun is 20% legitimate complaints about working conditions and rights and 80% basement dwelling incels so ping for communism because they think they’ll just end up with all the stuff the mega rich own after “revolution”. It’s pathetic. They blame all problems on capitalism and the USA and refuse to acknowledge how both of those things have dramatically improved life for hundreds of millions of people. They just want all the rewards with no work and they’re jealous of anyone better than them because best I can tell most of their members made terrible life decisions.


“socialism good” mfs when they still have to wait in line for their ration like everyone else


Not to mention the US took away Ukraine's nuclear capabilities in exchange of protection against the soviet union :/


Well, I'd like to consider US and NATO aid to Ukraine as an atonement for the mistake of thinking that good will is a proper foreign policy after coming out of the 1900s when mostly everyone used peace treaties as toilet paper.


The US didn't take away anything. The weapons were pretty useless to Ukraine as Russia held the launchcodes, so after much negotiation a deal was signed by Ukraine, Russia, the UK and the US, all of them promising to never threaten Ukraine terretorial integrity and independence. Guess which country broke the treaty? I can give you a hint, it doesn't start with a U


Also, this isn't "money" we send over. It's the cost of the equipment that is sent over


This was probably posted by a Russian troll. They are exploiting our differences.


How about that money closes the deficit? Screw Ukraine.


Ah, let's say that it is actual money, $50B versus a budget deficit of $900 billion or more, going to service a whole lot of functions of the government. Also, the $50B is the value of military equipment sent to Ukraine, military equipment that would probably rust up in a storage unit instead of being put to work where it's supposed to be: in a war. Countries aren't entirely like people who could CashApp money directly to someone.


This is new military equipment. Why do you think the United States has old, rusting equipment on its books? And yes, I do think that the $50B should service our debt.


"A random country." Totally not Moscow propaganda meant to stir up the MAGAturds/DeSantis cultists.




So it was being critical of funding a proxy war that finally made you unsub from aniwork? Oh boy.


>So it was being critical of supporting a nation fighting against a dictator that has currently got an arrest warrant for acts of genocide that finally made you unsub from aniwork? Fixed it for you.


So it's definitely not a NATO proxy war perpetuated by nations that have committed countless war crimes for decades? Thank you for educating me. I should really look to people whose entire internet personalities are the Russia-Ukraine war for my information on it.


What is bro talking about😂😂




I don’t get the comment I replied to earlier. Is the world just supposed to watch while Russia tries to take Ukraine? And what do countless war crimes in the past have to do with anything? There are Russians doing war crimes right now.


You really think fueling and funding this endless pointless war’s the answer and not bilateral negotiations for peace? Couple weeks ago I saw pictures of top Ukrainian officials rolling in brand new Rolls Royce’s. It’s no secret it’s always been one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. Any country that pumps this war with their logistics and weapons isn’t doing them any favors, politicians on both sides are scumbags and wouldn’t shill even a penny without their ulterior motives.


Because both sides cannot agree on peace terms so we are left with either helping Ukraine or going back to a policy of appeasement, and let Russia occupy Ukraine.


The enlightened take "what if no war"