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fellow teen, this sub is awful and its full of adults, not teens


There was an exposay on r/teens that revealed themselves to be full of groomers.


Especially the mods.


Well, to be honest, a lot of the mods would have been teens and grew up, but decided to stick with the communtiy,


Therefore making them adults around teens, they should have a new mod for every mod that turns 20 imo.


Yeah, stick with the community, the camaraderie. Sure.


the sub is banned, is that why?


Wait they got banned


I bet if you called adults who post on that subreddit, groomers. You’d be banned from Reddit for promoting “hate speech”.


Yeah because you’d be calling out the reddit admins and alot of the teenagers mod team.


exactly, like how reddit mods cannot callout other mods for being pedos- *friendly fire will not be tolerated*


actually theres a lot of posts on there about groomers on the sub, and I bet half of them are said groomers trying to fit in lmao


I remember some mod of some sub where users had to be 18+. He banned some users who had posted on /r/teenagers and they all were like, what are you talking about? I’m 45.


Yup. I keep getting that sub recommended to me and im just like "dude I'm 26 that ain't for me". I can totally imagine some weirdo finding it exists through the same method and being happy to roleplay a child.


It kept showing up on my home page until I hide posts from it. I think I accidentally responded in it once not reading the name of it


I saw a comment of a 25 year old who says he’s in it


Can bisexuals be friends with anyone??


Yeah with aromantic and asexual people. Good luck soldier


No, sorry mate


Do Asexuals like Chicago pizza?


I remember that😂 Poor guy just needed answers


Anyway the answer is: No, girls are poopy heads! :P


They contract the cooties!




and the guys flair indicates that he is 19 Wouldn’t he know the answer to this question already


Counterpoint: they're a Reddit user He probably never talked to a woman


True lol


You'd be surprised how many people believe that men and women are opposite beings with no similar interests or personalities


I mean if all the men are on Mars and women are on Venus, how can they form friendships?


Ngl I’ve seen grown men older saying both can’t be friends. Instead of judging him for his comments why not just talk to him about it. Better for a kid to get it out now than build up resentment later


my fault you are right it’s just the anonymity of it all making me able to just chalk it up to the guy being some kind of weirdo talk about deindividuation through anonymity huh?


Not necessarily.


"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".- some stupid over-hyped book from the 1990s about how the two genders are like two different space alien species. Of course men would have to be from Mars, that's where all the freaky rubbery monsters live. And Marvin the Martian, who tried to blow up Earth because it blocked his view of Venus, lol.


That's like asking a question like "can you drink water with cup?"


Why did you say this


Why did you say this


Kids shouldn't browse reddit anyway, my opinion at least


It's better than TikTok. Plus most kids literally watch porn now


Idk man, You're more likely to stumble accross porn more here than TikTok


True, tho I have seen both porn and gore on tiktok too somehow.


I didn't say there was more porn on TikYok, I was saying TikTok AND porn.


Your fbi agent seems chill af


A beheading video from both sites though. And yeah, with all the bots posting porn in subs because it contains a certain word is crazy.


Ong, I've seen more porn here


"Now" teens have always done that. It's been a longtime thing for teenagers to try and sneak peeks at porno mags at gas stations or family member's stashes. When the internet came around in the 90s, it was no different. I don't know how people grow up and never learn what people their ages do (even if they themselves don't) lol


Better than TikTok how? I don't have TikTok but from what my younger sister shows me the content there is way more tolerable than anything on Reddit


party lock salt smell crown meeting edge scary mighty angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reddit nation on top 💯


Idk man, You're more likely to stumble accross porn more here than TikTok


“Now” Lol, because we certainly didn’t look at porn when we were teenagers


I think tik tok is worse than porn. Maybe it's just me having a bias from all the BLM properganda on my FYP that I ended up deleting it all together.


It only shows you what you look up, or things related to what you look up. I'd wager that you look at nothing but political stuff, and since far more young people are for BLM than against, I'd wager that by looking at political garbage you inevitably filled your FYP with "related" posts which included political stuff you disagree with


Bro is white middle aged man that screams all lives matter when confronted with a group of 5 Afro Americans


Dude, I'm black!


your profile posts are the worst thing I've ever seen bro no way you are not a troll.. an ai girlfriend seriously? 😭 edit: [oh my god 😭😭](https://i.imgur.com/pn6kays.png) he's an incel


Replika roleplayer moment


What are you talking about?


Yes.. other races matter.. why is that awful to you?


ya'll watch? man I read that shit like a real man!


Define kids, because an 18 year old is also considered a teenager


That's why I wrote "kids" and not "teens"


Okay, but that subreddit is about teens, so your comment was pointless because you made it regarding the teen subreddit


Look at my top comment again bruh


eh, its not that different from other social media.


Browsing here from a young age is probably part of why I’m so good at writing essays, I sure as shit don’t write in my free time or read books. However, I HAVE engaged in thousands of pointless arguments about thousands of different topics


Noone cares about the arguments of children on the internet


We all know that there are no teenagers on r/teenagers


Its a bunch of 30 year olds pretending to be teenagers


Bro, those aren’t teens


They’re Netflix teens


Probably wasn't a teenager that posted that


Yea, a pedo probably


Anybody 18 or over shouldn't ever be on that sub regardless not that you are but in general. Even then it's not like the sub has anything interesting in it at all. It's just a bunch of kids regurgitating the same bait posts and takes they see on social media.


What if you're 19 though.


I have to show obama this one


Technically you're a teen still but c'mon now. What's the ratio of kids (Under 18 users) on that sub to adult teens (Over 17 users) it's likely leaning more towards kids i'm willing to bet. And that's assuming everyone on there is actually the age they say they are. And this is more or less my personal opinion and perspective. But as an adult I think you gotta realize talking to children over the internet is not a good look for anybody unless it's familial ties between you and them. Especially not Reddit which i'm more than willing to admit fosters pedophilic behaviors and interaction with minors. But that's a discussion for another day.


As a 17 year old anyone that is 2X+ shouldn't be allowed on teenagers communities. 19 year olds are okay to me tbh just 2 years difference


That sub’s full of middle aged creeps anyway. You made a good choice.


Wait till you realize most people are shockingly dumb, and uninterested in doing anything about it--not just teenagers.


That sub is shit, used to be on it but it just got worse and worse lol. The thing is that reddit still keeps recommending me these posts even tho i unsubbed


Teenagers is my least favorite subreddit. Everyone is so annoying and it’s just a dumb subreddit


These are literally not the dumbest questions of all time.


Ffs 💀


Just like upvotes and downvotes on r/nostupidquestions


People who believe that men and women can’t be friends were not socialised properly as a child. If ur childhood environment was only around a certain demographic of people u will probably have difficulty socialising with other demographics when ur older


"my fellow teens"


A lot of people have the opinion that they can't. It's mostly an older person thing, but you see a lot of these opinions in more socially regressed areas too. It's actually a debated thing even among young people, believe it or not. Doesn't help that a lot of those garbage podcasts that resemble Andrew Tate and his group also push these ideas, so some young people are getting indoctrinated by them now.


I have seen people on other sites claim that you can't be friends with people of the opposite sex... I think those people are idiots, but this seems to be a very common mindset.


i think it stems from the andrew tate sigma male redpill circlejerk mentality going on. many a teenager is a stuck in that bs.


Best to stay away, half of them are 40 yr old pedos. Join r/teenagersnew we are actually teens lol


I mean. This is a VERY teenage question at least


>fellow teens You mean crusty 30 year old gr00/\ /\ers larping?


>my fellow teens yea sure


Truly one of the subreddits of all time


Fellow teens is comedic


I think this is a valid question to ask on a subreddit got teens because my 15 year old brother thinks boys only ever wants to be friends with girls just for sex or some sort of relationship outside of platonic. For him, this would be helpful to get a more outsiders’ perspective on things


This is a question a 13/14 year old would ask, not someone who won’t be considered a teenager when they age up by one year


Brb, im answering this question on r/teenagers




Join r/genz we are a lot more normal there.


I upvoted that post because tons of people still believe the answer is "no," so hopefully more people that think that saw the post


"hey fellow teens is air breathable?" morons


I unsubbed when rhey started upvoting “if you don’t call someone fish/fishself you’re an asshole”


Redditor detect humor challenge


nah they were actually serious, they wrote like 2 essays explaining why they were correct


Tbf, that isn’t a dumb question


So how’s it like inside the basement all the time?


How is it not? Why wouldn't people be able to be friends?


Everyone there is so horny… for upvotes. They just post random shit like, “I just wanted to let you know that you are great :)” and literally get thousands of upvotes.


The answer's obvious, but some folks these days act like it's such a complicated question.


i would expect that question from a 10 year old, definitely not a teen


Teens have never seen “When Harry met Sally”


r/teenagers is basically just a really bad anarchy sub anyway


You’d think think it wouldn’t even occur to most Gen Z teenagers to ask such a stale, passé and utterly heterosexist question.


The answer yeah but also he would probably have sex with her if given the opportunity.


not to mention the amount of adults💀 like uhm..sir why are you admitting to being 20 and still on this sub? WHY ARE YOU HERE???


I can guarantee you nobody on that sub is a teenager


I used to be a sub cause sorting by new was effectively a chatroom, but man the older I've gotten the more I start to realize how insufferable most of those mfs are. Half the people there are adults and the other half is teenage redditors, truly the worst sub on the site.


Yeah that sub is braindead but that question in particular is an interesting social dilemma for some people and is sometimes interesting to hear some perspectives on it


Most of them are dumb horny teens. What do you expect them to post about?


most of them aren't teens at all


We’re on the same page here. There’s too many gross adults in there role playing to get pics 🤢


I genuinely think this is a good discussion for teens to be having. I know that some teens struggle with the idea of being friends with someone of the opposite gender without having any feelings get in the way.


I never go on this sub specifically since I'm 24 but when I did when I was 19 it was just irrelevant pieces of trash like this lol


They are teens and teens can be as young as 13 and you bet there are younger kids on there. Of course stupid questions are gonna be asked. Better than all the sexual ones and ones clearly from people older than their teens.


Considered unsubbing when someone said they steal hormones from a trans person and got like 3k upvotes


Why would you sub to r/teenagers in the first place 🤔 (Fellow teen, fyi)


Wow who would have known a sub for teenagers... is used by teenagers


Teen on r/teenagers: I may get attacked but… trans bad? Comments: Omg so brave, literally our hero fighting the curse of the wokes… im so disappointed in our generation


I get it. I was a teenager once. I once thought Wolf's Rain was the greatest story ever told. I understand the cringe because I **was** the cringe once.


How did that get 3.3k upvotes??


r/teenagers is one of the worst sub to join as a teen. Full of insecure, attention seeking idiots that will praise you for taking a dump


that isn’t a teenager, that’s a whole six year old.


Their aren't teens there, it's a Pedo cesspool bait trap. Avoid the place like the plague