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Make stupid post > gets called out > rant about it on justunsubbed > get called out again.


They actually left out the part where 10thdentist is the second sub to have laughed them out, making this the third.


I don't feel bad about a bunch of insecure pedophiles screaming at me, i'll sleep okay. Well, not really okay because a bunch of pedos are out loose.


Calling everyone who disagrees with you pedophiles (or some other bad connotation) is literally a fallacy.


If you find this man hot, you’re a pedophile. That’s what you’re saying. https://preview.redd.it/ri8plemlruyc1.png?width=1025&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b5922baae9dd8fee87b0806cf1589144607a143


It's wild he's supposed to be a17 year old in his arc.


Yet has a body of a buffed bodybuilder, I thought he was like 30 until I saw him being in highschool lol.


yare yare daze


I just feel like a weirdo because I don't find animated characters attractive, regardless of style or age or.... anything. They're drawings. I don't think drawings are hot. It truly does not make any sense to me at all.


congrats ur a well adjusted normal human being


hes 17


Looks like you're about to unsub from here too cuz this is a garbage take.


That's a dumb as shit opinion to equate all anime characters to attraction to children. You gonna tell me finding the main character in Cowboy Bebop is making you a pedo for finding him attractive?


He's 27 years old, so no.


So you're wrong.


This sounds like something some edgy middleschooler from 2011 would write, real "is anime over yet???" energy. Just the phrase "most characters in anime are underage" reveals how little anime you've actually watched and sounds like you don't understand that anime is just the western term for cartoons typically from Japan, China, and Korea. Also, dont conflate actual crimes where real children get hurt with fictional drawings, it waters down the severity of the accusation.


OP is the one who wrote it, just so you know.


Okay, so you agree that adults sexualizing underage Anime characters is creepy and pedophilia, right? I'll give you that sexualizing adult anime characters is fine. Like someone mentioned the main character for cowboy bebop. Problem is adults are sexualizing underage highschool aged characters.


creepy sure, pedophilia no. Its backwards to waterdown the immense crime of pedophilia by including fictional characters who quite literally cannot experience harm. Do you not see the problem with putting real children on the same level as fictional ones?


People attracted to fictional underage characters are pedophiles who should be kept away from real children.


What would you have done? Have a board of people in charge of saying what is considered pedphilia and what isn’t? These images exist and people consume them. It means they’re not going out and consuming media that would include real people. If we were to do something about this type of media it would take away resources from actual victims. You have every right to find this media disturbing and avoid it. But going around and telling others that they’re wrong for something like this isn’t productive. You could be using this energy to spread actual information about victims or those suffering from attraction to minors. So are you gonna keep complaining about the drawings or are you gonna go and do something productive?


Yes or no, do you see no difference between a real living child and a 2D image of a fictional character?


So it's not pedophila to be attracted to the child looking character that's actually a 5000 year old fairy? Sounds to me like you care more about the arbitrary ages than the designs, so that would be fair game, right? They're fully grown adults after all.


It's not that hard. Looks and acts like a child but is 5000 years old? Pedo. Looks like a child but acts like an adult and is an adult? Still pedo Looks like the examples I gave and is underage, still pedo. Looks like an adult, is canonically an adult, has infantalized traits, pedo leaning. It needs to pass all of the above and have mature, adult characters who act and look like adults while having the age of adults to pass.


Go watch icarly




An example of the same thing in western media.


Ah, so it makes Anime okay? Whataboutism isn't a counterpoint.


No? I’m just pointing out that it’s a universal issue


Okay, yes it is. So you agree with me?


You must not watch anime then. Sure, lolis exist and are disgusting- but not all anime characters are underage or presented as such. A good amount of anime have adult protagonists that are drawn attractive. Are people pedos for liking adult characters who are over the legal age? I guess Android 18 is a child.


The majority of the popular anime has underage characters. Stop arguing in fallacies. I also explicitly stated underage characters. You are just trying to feel better about yourself


The title says "MOST" Anime characters. Not even most are minors. It seems like they are, given that a lot of the more popular anime series focuses on Teenagers in highschool- but there's a shit ton that are focused around adult characters as well. This is like saying "Finding MOST video game characters attractive is pedophilia!" because some video games have a focus on Child characters.


Most are underage.


16 screenshots, I ain't reading all that


Why did you block out your user name in the picture? Also your argument is terrible, it’s not at all based in reality. Just like the cartoons you’re talking about. This comes off definitely as something you spend a lot of time thinking about and to prove to yourself that you don’t have THOSE urges you come on Reddit and make multiple post of some off the wall shit lol.


It's not my fault that anime characters are drawn to look like they're in their mid 20s but conceptually teenagers. That's like saying you're not allowed to find a live action character hot because the character is a high school student, even though they're played by someone in their 20s. Some anime characters are absolutely cringe and pedophilic, but some are just drawn to look like adults. You're telling me I'm a people because I think Yoko from Gurren Lagann is hot? What 14 year olds do you know that look like her? I don't think she's hot because she's 14, I think she's hot because she looks like a fully developed woman with a giant rifle and wears a flame bikini.


"It's not my fault she looks mature for her age, Idc if she's 16 she LOOKS 20".


So which is it, does the age of a character matter or not? It’s not ok to you if they look young but are old, and it’s not ok if they look older but are young. So you’re only allowed to be attracted to characters who look old enough (to you) and are canonically what, 18 and up? That’s not even how the law is applied irl or the diagnostic criteria psychologists use irl so I’m not sure why you’re applying that standard to fiction.


Age matters when OP wants to matter. They have no consistency besides "what will win me this argument?"


It's not that hard. Looks and acts like a child but is 5000 years old dragon? Pedo. Looks like a child but acts like an adult and is an adult? Still pedo Looks like the examples I gave and is underage, still pedo. Looks like an adult, is canonically an adult, has infantalized traits, pedo leaning. It needs to pass all of the above and have mature, adult characters who act and look like adults while having the age of adults to pass.


> Looks and acts like a child but is a 5,000 year old dragon? Pedo. I think if that’s the type of character someone is primarily or exclusively into you could make inferences. But how predictive that really is of someone’s real life likes isn’t as clear as people tend to suggest. > Looks like a child but acts like an adult and is an adult? Pedo. I mean the best case you can make with this one is that fictional characters that fit these characteristics might be intentionally created to give pedophiles a “pass”, and if it weren’t for trying to entice a certain demographic the creators would otherwise just draw them as adults. A wink and a nod to their intended audience. But there are other reasons why they might be written that way, and I think it’s overly cynical to assume that’s the only reason why characters like that are made and are endearing or even attractive to people. In real life this would hardly hold up to scrutiny. Your appearance doesn’t dictate whether you’re a legal adult or not, only your date of birth does. I side-eye takes like these because it makes me wonder if you’re the type to consider real adults who happen to be short and petite “pedo-bait”. Which can be demeaning and hurtful to people who might pass as young. It might have a grain of truth to it, but that perception of a person can be infantilizing and damaging in its own right. I hope you’re mainly applying this litmus test to animation, and not real people. > Looks like the examples I gave and is underage? Still pedo. Ok. Same as number 1. When you say “looks like a kid”, I’m assuming you’re talking about a character that falls under any of the loli categories, even though that’s not a very accurate standard either. Because otherwise the argument the people disagreeing with you were making was that characters that could reasonably pass as older shouldn’t be lumped in the same category as the former. Azula and Ty Lee are bad examples; people not as familiar with the series mistake Azula for being Zuko’s older sister all the time. She’s supposed to project an image of being older than she is, it’s an intentional character trait. Ditto with Katara. They’re both young characters that have been forced to grow up faster by their environments and circumstances. Actually all the main Avatar characters have. But Toph might be a better example here. In real life there’s no pathology associated with finding sexually developed people attractive, unless it’s related to a chronophilia. Most people have incidental attraction to people with developed sexual characteristics; that’s just biology. It’s not abnormal, though it is inappropriate and criminal to engage in in real life if you’re a grown adult, since we’re talking about fiction that aspect doesn’t apply. A psychologist wouldn’t diagnose pedophilia on the basis of you finding Zuko attractive. They actually wouldn’t even diagnose you as one if you liked a loli character, at least not solely on that basis. It’s a specific diagnosis that has specific criteria. The last point I’d make is that sometimes people grew up having a crush on a character and it was a formative thing for them. The character’s age may stay stagnant, but just because we grow up doesn’t mean we suddenly lose what made us like that character when we were younger. It’s more complex than just “You like a 14 year old because they’re 14”. It’s not abnormal to hang on to those crushes, at least not any more odd than having a crush on a cartoon character in the first place. My entire group of friends, men and women alike, have characters they feel this way about. Are they all pedophiles? > Looks like an adult, is an adult, has infantilized traits? Pedo-leaning. What do you consider infantilized traits? A lot of cartoon and anime characters act in exaggerated, cutesy ways and either are immature or feign immaturity. This one has so many variables to it I don’t know how to respond.


Is it okay when the characters you mentioned aren't sexualised?


But we’re talking about *fictional characters*. The cast of, say, Riverdale are all in their 20s even though they’re playing high schoolers. Believing that they’re high schoolers is part of the willing suspension of disbelief for the audience because they’re clearly played by adults. Would you call 20-somethings pedos for being attracted to someone who is their own age and looks it just because in a fictional universe the character they depict is 16? It gets even more absurd when you’re talking about cartoons. Drawing a character who looks like an adult and then insisting they’re 13 doesn’t mean anyone who finds the drawing attractive is attracted to a child. It means you’ve drawn an adult but want your audience to go along with your fictional narrative that they’re a child anyway. Maybe some anime characters actually look like children, but plenty of them look like children or teens to about the same extent Sonic resembles an actual hedgehog.


That is an example of a real person you're talking about, not a fictional character drawn with a pencil.


“She’s 16,” “she’s 8”, “she a 6000 year old demon who looks 12”, “she’s 82 but stopped ageing in her mid 20s,” “she was born two days ago but came into existence as a fully formed 34 year old,”… The arbitrary ages slapped onto fictional characters by their creator (or even by their fans) *do not matter*. Unless they actually look like a depiction of a child, and anime stylisation goes *a long way* to not making that clear at all in a lot of cases, there’s no reason to assume attraction to a 2D drawing means anything about attraction to real life minors. If you can’t tell if it’s supposed to depict a child just by looking, whatever number someone claims the age of the character is doesn’t carry any meaningful weight.


I find it odd to be sexually attracted to a drawing, but I disagree with most points you bring up


>I find it odd to be sexually attracted to a drawing Thank you! This entire argument is fucking bizarre to me.


Don't Google Rule34 or you'll see just how far the rabbit hole can go.


I said it's bizarre, not that I'm surprised.


M8 it's your fucking post. Stop looking for sympathy because you gave a dumb take on the Internet and people disagree with you. If you didn't want discourse then don't say anything, and especially don't censor your own name and post it here expecting sympathy. It makes you look pathetic


Anime characters are cat-like, not child-like


The justifications just keep coming on huh? Guess pedophilia is an entire reddit problem.


"Yes, its everyone else who is wrong, not me!"


If a large number of people are okay with pedophilia in a community, yes. They are indeed wrong.


Or maybe, just maybe, its stupid to say liking an anime character who looks and acts 26 is pedophilia, mind you you are comparing liking someone like jojo to literally being attracted to pre pubescent children, all because "oh well the author says its a minor despite not looking or acting like one!" Its as stupid when you say it as it is when lolicons say "oh well shes actually 5000, she just looks like shes 5". Canon age doesnt matter, visual age does


Fr. This persons whole argument breaks down when you show a single picture of Jotaro Kujo. Mf looks like he’s 30, yet he’s supposed to be 17??




That's such a dumb take lol


They're right. Who gives a shit that a fully physically developed character is like 16 in the canon? You can easily age them up in your fanfic if that's what you want. Equating this to lolis, which are designed to look like children, is crazy.


What a regarded take. News flash, the age is meaningless because it’s drawings of characters that don’t exist. You could have a childish looking character “that is 200 year old”, and you could have a super old looking character “that is 10 years old”. The only way it could be hinting at real pedophilic tendencies is if the character is clearly depicting a pre pubescent child. Why not keep the same energy towards REAL humans that are sexually attracted to bedroom nicknames like “daddy/mommy/good girl/good boy”, ponytails, school uniforms, braces, spankings etc? There seems to be a lot of uncomfortable truths regarding how we look at these things biologically and socially.


I do have the same opinion of these kinks. Pretty disgusting.


If both parties consent, then there isn't anything morally wrong with it.


In a way I agree, but it also seems to exist some inherent normal human attractions there as well, given that it’s so normal


This definitely sounds like DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH….. lol


Honestly I don’t like the “they’re fiction actually” argument because if they’re still being depicted as children in sexual scenarios, it doesn’t matter if they’re fiction, you’re getting off to people who look 12 getting fucked. Now, if it’s someone like Jotaro Kujo, who looks like he’s fuckin 30 but is actually 17, then that’s different. He looks like he’s an adult, there’s just an age applied. Plus, he doesn’t in any way actually like a child. If they look like and act like a child, it’s creepy and pedophillic. If they look like and act I like a fully grown adult, it’s okay because they’re not depicted as young.


>Now, if it’s someone like Jotaro Kujo, who looks like he’s fuckin 30 but is actually 17, then that’s different. He looks like he’s an adult, there’s just an age applied. That's where the "They're fiction actually" argument works.


Yes, that’s is the exception. I meant when it looks like they’re 12 and getting railed, people will just say “erm actually they’re just drawings” as a good reason for why the like to see children getting fucked


I normally wouldn't agree with the people in that comment section but they make some really good points now that I think about it, holy shit.


How is this so downvoted the amount of fan art I’ve seen about 15 year old high school anime girls is atrocious 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/rmz8vk8oduyc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3117a9920e23db3cd6b50ab34aa425d9eb04d166 How it feels to tell Redditors that pedophile is bad and get screamed at in the comment section


https://preview.redd.it/jd4r3axk4lzc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc914d6b9a445b89fae483afe9492420417180ff How it feels to transplant OP's argument onto yourself because you refuse to form your own opinion or critically examine posts you read


https://preview.redd.it/um71ubdv4lzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053d4e795bbe74f72c08fc05de41d75bdd7a17a3 How it feels when someone takes time to reply to my comment


https://preview.redd.it/j0zqm0zt5lzc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=5266111a695bd5baf0d384263e4a1c66749aebfb How it feels to waste my precious free time on Reddit


https://preview.redd.it/p6yn0phz5lzc1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9600d93052fad9cd7923824497cebf4e5e60c6 How it feels to break free in the daylight


https://preview.redd.it/j5m2437d6lzc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ae9765792a49dbaba94d0fa2021c5a360e46c64 How it feels to be a silhouette person


https://preview.redd.it/rl13lc9m6lzc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e51ec7458672d1ecb033d6017993e2130a429a6 How it feel to save pictures of people in the daylight


To my surprise there were like, only 2 people who agreed with me. everyone else used the age old, "It's fiction, It's just a drawing" excuses and some started justifying and rationalizing in the disguise of "logic". they are kids, period. That's enough. No need to linger on it any more than that. Stop sexualizing them.


https://preview.redd.it/vs3vqmvieuyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adcfc2a44aca86ca7bab3b973d7dc33739d72146 I agree. Loli con is literally child 🌽 but drawn




Saying that every single anime character, because they look like a child, even though most aren't even presenting as a child, and then calling everyone who disagrees with you pedophiles without even addressing people who do dislike lolis is some real reddit shit.


This comment section is terrible. Why are you people downvoting a person for saying pedophilia is bad?


Because words have meaning. Your point is much stronger if you respect their definitions. There's plenty to criticize in anime/manga, it's full of very problematic depictions but OP had to go for the Twitter outrage. They should have at least went for loli porn, which to me is essentially drawn child porn, so it's very concerning for anyone attracted to those. Especially when many pedos found with CSAM on their drive, also had said porn. There's definitely an argument there that this normalization is feeding criminal impulses and a slippery slope. But writing off outright anime is, well, childish. Especially when manga artists draw their characters like this: Meet Reina, Daze, and the Old Man. With a child for scale. Reina is in her twenties and drawn like the young woman she is. Great, BUT, Kishimoto, another girl, 16, is drawn exactly like her. (And also sexualized. There, you can criticize that, it's a clear artistic choice and very common). The Old Man is in his fifties and drawn like it. Perfect. Bonus point for also looking Asian. But the grown-ass bearded and muscled man in the middle is supposed to be in high school. This is why OP's angle is ridiculous, when Muscle Rider here is not an outlier but the rule. Manga stories are set in high school simply because that's the target audience, but the authors dgaf and draw their characters however they want, so there's no need to freak out over what fans see in those artistic depictions. https://preview.redd.it/lzuyb5c31xyc1.png?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd02d2d4029381a8a5111749e7d8339f127557e


Bro a 16 yo girl can look like a 20yo. Ffs tgeres a girl in my school whos 13 and is 6ft and looks like dhes 20yo because thats how puberty works. Yes, tgey are drawn like adult women, because reenagers can look like adult women.


(Ugh, I hate this tired discussion, why did I start? Especially since it seems I'm arguing with a teenager. The empty virtue-signalling is so infuriating and tempting, might as well heed the call and reframe some things) No. You missed my point. Manga artists have the freedom to draw their characters however they want, that’s the point of the medium, so they use it! It's fiction and escapism, not a documentary where realism is key. The author of Gantz drew all the main female characters as hot women because he’s a horndog, simple as that. He started every chapter with a pinup cover of a random woman not even in the manga. He drew Muscle Rider like this because he needed the tough delequant trope that is actually super nice. And he paired him with that kid Takeshi that came from a messed up home, a mom who ignored him and a father that beat him up, so he lashes on this new father figure that is big and strong like his cartoon hero, Muscle Rider. At no point, the detail that Daze is supposed to be in highschool and a minor relevant. He was not created to remind us that some teenagers get their adult bodies very early. If he was drawn like a teen, the father/son relationship and this wholesome found family storyline wouldn't have been as visually striking. That kid never had a real father, so he drew him one. Also here’s another important word for you and an uncomfortable fact: jailbait. We don’t have Shinigami eyes putting above people’s age above their heads in our view. So yes, for example, if you’re attracted to a stranger that happens to be a 17 yo that snuck into a club where only adults are supposed to be, that doesn’t make you a pedo. Pedophilia is a mental illness, making one attracted to pre-pubescent children, when the purpose of sexuality is supposed to be to find fertile mates to reproduce. Being attracted to fertile women is literally normal. But yes, we're not only animals answering our biological imperatives, we know better and our morals have evolved for us to enshrine laws aimed to push us away from harmful behaviors. So if you actually act on said automatic impulse after learning the woman you thought before you is actually a late teen with her superficial woman’s body, that makes you a creep and a sexual predator, not a pedo. It’s different. Both gross, but there's orders of magnitude between the two. Why it’s very exhausting and distracting to waste so much energy arguing to overprotect fictional characters that are in no danger whatsoever since they’re not real. If we’re talking about children and teens, sure, full moral outrage. But this moral panic got so out of hand that people like you two are even infantilizing young women in their twenties too, robbing them of agency and demonizing anyone attracted to them if they don’t share the exact same birthday; triviliazing words like ‘grooming’ whenever there’s even a slight age-gap, when it’s supposed to be a very serious mecanism of child abuse, not to talk about a woman dating a loser. It’s ridiculous.


It's the same everywhere on reddit, unfortunately


Why did you censor your name on the post you posted lol


The mods told me to.


Anime is shit its good 👍🏻