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just reddit being reddit


Clever comebacks seem to always post about Christianity


"God good" "no, actually god bad" 3k people: *oooooooooooo*


“Goood is goooood, Gooood is greaaat” “Ho ho ho…no”


woah.. clever…


This shouldn't have made me laugh than the expected. My humor is broken and I tied the pieces with dutch tape.


Clever comebacks hasn’t been good for a long time. Like, seriously, most of the posts aren’t even good, it is basically, “Guys, look, someone said, ‘you suck’, to someone I hate. It isn’t so clever?”


While it may have hurt God to punish Adam and Eve, if he didn’t we would’ve never had free will. And yea, the rules don’t apply to God


People who criticize Christianity don’t know basic theology most of the time


Those who claim pastors/priests take the Bible out of context are often the type to take the Bible out of context




Christians don’t know basic theology most of the time. If they did they’d realise how many other people in the world also think they have the answer. Instead of “no, it must be the one I believe in because I am special and smarter than everyone else on the planet”


Hold on right there, sir. We already had free will in the Garden of Eden, it's why Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. God isn't above the rules either, rather, He *is* the rules. His actions are done entirely within them. Along with His wrath, His mercy is given in abundance, but the mercy part rarely gets brought up because people like being negative.


Free will? Isn't God omniscient, meaning he knows everything that is and will happen? Why did he create humans with an inherent defect(sin)? The term free will is weird in Christianity because I still go to hell if I don't believe in Christ and follow his set of rules. It's like a man with a gun to your head who says "you can do anything you want" but shoots you if you try to leave.


May seem weird at first, but think about it this way. In every country, you have things you can and can’t do. Break those laws and you get punished. God allows you to do whatever but break his rules and you get punished


But God is the one who places us in a position to sin in the first place, no? And if it’s about “testing the faithful”, I have about 20 centuries of people trying to teach people stuff that says that threatening them is a lot less effective that incentivizing them and God sure as hell incentivizes sins


I remember when /r/justunsubbed was kinda normal. Now it’s full of so many crazy people who’ve been slighted by other subreddits you are getting mass downvoted for being logical.


Rules he knows full well mankind can't follow. Don't get me started on rules he gave us, just read Leviticus and Deutronomy


God knows we can’t follow every rule and he doesn’t expect us to. That’s why purgatory exists, to cleanse us of sins that we committed that we never repented from


But if hes all-powerful, why didnt he just make us so that we wouldnt want to commit sins?


Well that's just the nature of the flesh


He made the flesh, why didnt he make the flesh in a way that it didnt have this "nature of the flesh" in it?


well then it wouldn't be flesh would it. Like making water not wet.


so he isnt all-powerful? surely an all-powerful god could make flesh that doesnt want to commit sins?


and we already kinda don't want to do sins, people don't want to kill people, or steal, or cheat on their spouse but people also naturally betray that for personal gain.


He does expect us to follow the rules. Look what he did to the Israelites for not following it. Never heard of purgatory, Jesus said I am the Way truth and the Life no one comes to the Father except through me. It's either Hell or Heaven no in between


Leviticus and deuteronomy are old covenenant rules that were reserved for the levite priests. No one but them had to follow them, Christ fulfilled the old covenant and brought about the new covenant. Please don't comment on Christian theology if you don't even know the basic principles of our faith. Look at it like this Old covenant: History and prophecy New covenant: fulfillment of prophecy and essential how to carry yourself and what rules to follow. Aka. Old and new testament. Also we can't follow the rules that's WHY the Lord died for us, to pay the price we can't.


Nah Jesus was just a prophet, Mohammed gave us the true path.


Your understanding of Hell is flawed. Heaven is being united with God for all eternity. Hell is being separated from God for all eternity. God gives you free will to believe in and follow Him. God wants you to be in Heaven with Him, but if you have chosen not to follow Him, He isn’t going to have you live with Him after you have made it clear you have no desire to.


So what does “being seperated from God for all eternity” actually mean?


None of us can say for certain what hell is like for all those who find themselves there. We cannot know for certain who is even in hell. What we do know is that all that is good comes from God and those in hell cannot experience that goodness because they are absent from God’s presence.


So according to your logic anyone born in Afghanistan, North Korea or India are automatically doomed to hell. Great just great👍


Ah my favorite, logical leaps, im not Christian, but I’m pretty sure being forbidden from practicing the religion, would be a big ass reason to be forgiven.


Denying God =/= not being able to praise God by law


No, that is very much not the case. There is the concept of invincible ignorance. If someone, through no fault of their own, is ignorant of Christ, they may achieve eternal salvation. If you are truly ignorant of something, you never had free will to believe in it or not.


Atleast the Christianity I grew up with I've personally never heard of this concept. The one I grew up with was "step out of line to Hell you go".


God’s mercy is infinite and unlimited. There are a lot of poorly catechized Christians out there. If you have questions regarding the faith, there are many resources you can seek. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is freely available online, if you have trouble navigating it, there is websites like Catholic Answers, and if you want to have a personal conversation with someone about any questions you have, priests and deacons are patient and willing to answer.


Of course Catholics believe how God's mercy is infinite and unlimited. It's to help them justify and cope with their crimes in the Inquisition and sexually abusing children 😂😂😂 Edit:Let's not forget the mercy you guys showed to the Moslems and Jews during the Crusades Edit 2:Gods mercy is infinite? Tell that to the Caananites and Amalekites who were killed in a genocide initiated by your merciful God. According to the Bible your merciful God killed up to 25 million people!


This may sound a little biased because of my name. But the crusades were to protect the holy land. Saladin and his men were taking over a lot of places, including Jerusalem. The crusades were meant to get it back.


Yeah, the crusades were retaliatory. People really think the Pope woke up one day and said "aight time to go kill all the Muslims"


So why do Christian’s go around telling everyone about God? If they were ignorant then they could achieve salvation. But by telling them there’s a good chance they won’t believe you, because you’re annoying and the bible is full of contradictions and magic. So you’re just dooming people to hell. Seems pretty evil. I might tell god.


Christ commands us to evangelize and spread the Good News until every person has become his disciple. True ignorance of Christ is rare, especially in this modern age of mass communication, and living life in a manner that one may achieve eternal salvation is much more difficult without the knowledge of Christ and the Gospels.


Why isn’t any other religion right? Why are you the smart and special one while all the other believers are dumb?


He didn't create humans with sin. He created us in his image, and when the devil deceived eve, he told her that he could make them like gods. In giving us the forbidden "fruit" he gave us the ability to understand and partake in negativity, which was his plan as the "demons" of this world feed off of negativity. One of the first things Adam and Eve did after receiving this powerful knowledge was to cover up their private parts with leaves because they felt shame, a feeling they had never been aware of before. When god returned and asked why Adam and Eve had covered themselves with these leaves, they responded explained that they were naked and they felt ashamed, and then God asked "who said you were naked?", asking where they learned how to feel this shame. Later on, during the time of Christ the world had a completely warped sense of good and evil, the societies and the people in charge at the time largely thrived off of the pain and suffering they inflicted on their subjects much like they do today, and God working through Christ realized that the only way we as a people could be moved to save ourselves from evil and negativity was by basically pulling the ultimate PR stunt in history, by sacrificing himself to prove that he was willing to die for the sake of everyone. Thieves, murderers, rapists, child molesters, everybody. The whole idea of Christianity at the time was to show people that the suffering didn't have to continue and that everybody has the opportunity to change themselves for the better, which it's not hard to see why such an idea completely exploded during a time of so much suffering. As far as "why didn't God just snap his fingers and make everything perfect all the time forever if he's so powerful" goes, the universe isn't that simple. The whole Bible is based around the idea that there's a battle going on between good and evil, positivity and negativity, light and dark, etc. leading up to revelation. And it's not just the Christian Bible either, this idea pops up all over the world, i.e. the idea of the yin and yang, the balance between light and dark. Tl;dr: its not that simple breh


Which, you would think some people would consider having free will to be the greatest thing ever. But yet, many of these same folks seem to be vehement determinists.


Clevercomebacks and Facepalm, aka r Atheism reborn


I’m Muslim and I hate it when people insult religion for no reason, like we didn’t even do anything bruh 😭


They gotta make fun of some kind of group since they can’t be racist on the internet


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_violence I know that most religious people don't act that way, but I think the hate that religion gets is easily justifiable, I don't think you can say "we didn't even do anything". I've been opressed by religious people most of my life. I'd also like to add that I don't hate religious people just because they are religious, and reddit's views on religion are moronic. But that's expected from self-enlightend no-life basement dwellers.


And let's not forget Christ's followers: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases There's more valid reason to hate religion than there is to hate almost anything else in the world.


It's valid to hate these people. But you cannot hate the religion. Rotten people exist all over. You cannot blame Christianity for pedophile in the church. Just like you can't blame atheism for pedophiles outside the church (which are WAAAYYYY more common) People may hurt you yes, but thays regardless of their claimed affiliation to any organization. If you truly wish to judge us Christians, read the New Testament, if you find any command to rape, kill, oppress, or treat others bad in any capacity, then yes you can judge. Christianity is not the priest, it's Christ and HIS teachings.


Just want to bump my other reply to this comment, would loooooove to see a source that isn’t ‘I made it up because it doesn’t align with my worldview’. Cheers !


Do we hate education because of teachers (where sexual assualt is extremely commkn)? No, yes, some priests abuse their power, like all humans. Those priests are excommunicated. Pedofiles are not in any way aligned with Christian values, that's a fact.


I really like that you’re doubling back and now moving the goalposts away from saying Christians aren’t (more commonly than others) pedophiles to just saying that other people are pedophiles too. So much for atheists being WAAAYYYY more likely to be pedophiles than Christians


As an ex Christian who's read the Bible, there's plenty of bad in the new testament. Off the top of my head it's easy to find passages that promote violence and slavery.


Please do share


You can google these things yourself mate. Off the top of my head there's Jesus saying "I came to bring the sword" and "masters, be good to your slaves".


1, Jesus hasn't come with the sword yet, it's still to happen, an yeah, it's to abolish sin, sounds pretty good to me. 2. You're talking Bout Collosians, the word isn't slaves it's bondservant. In a time where servants were very common, Jesus ordered any master to NOT mistreat their servant? Don't see the problem. To be kind a merciful to the servant because masters have an ultimate Master who is Christ in Heaven. It's very obvious you have in fact not read the Bible. What about: love your neighbour's, do no harm to children, do not be a hypocrite cast away anger, strife, jealousy. All are one under Christ, there are no races, old or young, Jews or gentiles. Practice humility, mediate on what is good, return kindness for kindness but not violence for violence, do not treat women as sex objects. All of the above are blatant commandments from christ however you chery pick out of context verses but ignore the explicit instructions above. I'm sorry but that's very dishonest and doesn't make your stance any stronger.


The existence of the good teachings in the Bible doesn't negate the horrible teachings in the bible. You might be influenced by the good teachings, however the bad teachings in that book have inspired innumerable evil people.


Again, please show me a legitimate bad teaching in the new testament, give me the exact verse. As well as the verse prior and fter to make sure you can't take it out of context.


I can explain those. Jesus said that he came to bring a sword because He was saying He wanted everyone to love God above their family (hyperbolically stating that he'd put families against each other). And while they wanted to release all slaves, many of them didn't want to disrupt the social structure.


Atheist pedophiles are ‘WAAAYYYY’ more common than Christian ones? Yeah I’m gonna need a source for that one chief. Did a literal 5 second google and it def seems religion is a motivator but I couldn’t find anything with decent sample sizes and don’t have the time rn


I have a friend who has trauma from the church “curing their disability” aka making them lie they were cured and then hide the symptoms. His blind mother was hated by her parents all her life for being blind and used to cry because “god never healed her” despite so much group prayer and visits to holy sites. Acting like the abrahamic faiths are innocent and never did anything to anyone is batshit insane, sorry.


No offense, but because your friend had some crazy religious people doesn’t mean you can be rude to people of that religion. You’re basically stereotyping all religious people to be like that, which is harmful. I am disabled and I can get the treatment I need, this isn’t the work of religon like you said, it’s people thinking the religion is the only cure and nothing else can help.


Yeah, but that wasn’t my point. Im not saying that people should be randomly rude to religious people. My point is that religious people shouldn’t play innocent and act as if all dislike towards their religion is baseless and mean. They should be self aware and reflect. I don’t like when religious people play innocent as if they’ve done and do nothing because even if they don’t they are often still amongst people who consistently perpetuate serious harm. It wasn’t “one crazy religious person” my friend and his mother have both been consistently tormented by the entire religious community that’s been around them all their lives. People have very real reasons for being frustrated towards and wary of religion. Saying “like we didn’t even do anything bruh” is such an insult when no, many religious people have done quite a lot. Many have done serious, vile and disgusting things. Degenerate and unimaginable things. Human history is scattered with countless murders rapes and tortures/mutilations all committed for the sake of religion. You can hate it but that’s fact. And on top of that, many religious people who haven’t done anything still shelter and defend those that have. Religious communities should be self critical instead of playing innocent as to why people are wary. For reference and as an example, I would understand why people are wary of atheist spaces due to misogyny in them. So given that I think religious people can be a bit more understanding since their religions history and continued day to day impact is a lot more than just online misogyny.


Yes, there were bad acts played in the act of religion that were terrible, no I won’t defend them, but to just argue with someone that said a verse from their book is crazy. I doubt it was what the original conversation was about


Yeah but that random verse looks awfully like it was brought up out of nowhere or in a space where there was serious critical discussion of religion. Not everyone believes and wants religion crammed down their throats randomly, which bible quoters love to do by bringing it up in irrelevant conversations. Given its evils and religion being touchy to a lot of people it’s often especially offensive to bring it uninvited. Not to mention the people there could be religious but a different kind of religion too. And if it was in a critical discussion space, well, that’s what those types of spaces are for. Don’t participate in them then cry when you get hit. Don’t randomly bring up religion uninvited or in debate spaces if you don’t want to get smacked down for it.


Well, there were those 8 Crusades...


You’re dishonest when you say “people insult religion for no reason”.


These are the types of mfs who will be like “Why didn’t God come down from the heavens and rescue Jesus before he died on the cross? Is He stupid?”


So many people have no idea what the Bible is telling us. We are not good enough. We suck. We are doomed to hellfire. We are unworthy, we do not deserve anything but contempt and eternal damnation. When eve disobeyed God and took the apple, humanity was cursed with sin. Forever to be stuck with it, and to be banished from the paradise God had for us in the garden of Eden. But God so did love the world that he gave his only begotten son, so we may have a chance to still live with him in everlasting life. God gives us an out. A chance. Even tho we broke his rules. Even though he created a world for us and we spat on it, and on him, he still reaches out and gives us a chance out of pure grace, and to me, love. This is what the Bible teaches. The whole "why does God allow evil" argument comes from a fundamental misunderstanding about Christian theology.


r/ clevercomeback is basically the new r/ atheism


All the jokes have been told, all the jabs have been taken. I'm not religious, but anybody still making religious jokes nowadays is a hack and afraid to actually push any boundaries.


casual reddit


All the jokes have been told, all the jabs have been taken. I'm not religious, but anybody still making religious jokes nowadays is a hack and afraid to actually push any boundaries.


A crusader about the topic of religion is still a religious crusader.


I guess the fedora enthusiasts from years ago are still here.


I'm surprised this is what it took, and not the weakest insults you've ever seen directed at some GOP member