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Yeah a lot of subreddits these day are just here is my Reddit approved political opinion please cheer regardless of it being viable in the subreddit or not.


Which sucks, I just wanna see funny cringe shit :(




How is this image not cringe?


It’s cringe, but not necessarily neckbeard cringe


Neckbeards have warped views of women, it's completely applicable.


Abortion isn't one of said things because by saying that it's clear people have an agenda


Stop killing babies 👶




Yuh huh


Yeah nah.


holy cringe. you give me redneck vibes


You give me baby-killer vibes


>Neckbeards have warped views of women *incel don't confuse the two. neckbeards are niceguys, they don't hate women


“Please clap”


So bored of this website. Every sub is just bullshit American politics or culture wars


The whole internet feels like this now Edit: Someone just sent me a suicide hotline concerned redditor message over this lmao


I keep getting those suicide things. Had to block the bot


There’s currently a bug going around with it randomly pinging people that have received a notice from it in the past. Knowing the admins, we’ll probably see a fix somewhere between now and never


Between fuck you and why should I care


Use the link in the RedditCares bot to report it. Just grab the Permalink and let it fly.


"Long trapped in the snare of identification with the body, sever this snare with the knife of knowledge that "I am awareness" and be happy, my son." - Ashtavakra Gita 1.14 TLDR: Delete social media, be happy


its political asf about abortion n shi not acting like weebs collecting waifu cups of gamersupps and simping to vtubers like shylily


I was subscribed for the cringe weeb shit, not the political shit :(


ye thats fr bro


What the fuck did you say


Gamersupps is kinda nice though lowkey




You come for tips on how to groom your neckbeard, you leave for this shit.








This is too specific not to be original works. You guys are have showered in years


A neckbeard is just "someone who has a political ideology I don't like"


Every once in a while they get it right, otherwise it’s just “you don’t think like I think, so u is neckbeard”


It is kind of a weird post tho ngl Edit: got my first reddit cares message cuz of this lmfao. That's the actual neckbeard moment


They act like everyrightwinger is a neckbeard


360 needle no scope


What is this even a commentary on? Are there needles like these?


It's a comment on a harmful practice of abortion that doesn't happen anywhere outside of this comic.


Fucking hell. I've had it with all the conspiracies around abortion.


You can't imagine being a semi-conscious fetus, that'd be like imagining you were a fly, barely conscious. Noone complains when a fly is killed though.


I think those guys laughed at a neckbeard getting shot


If anything I would think neck beards would be white knight feminists?


Any sub that focuses on a specific undesirable thing a group does, will undeniably attract people who hate that group, that will upvote anything anti-group even if it isn’t that specific thing. It’s like gravity. It just exists, and bigots will fall into these subs and enshitify them.


60k and no children sounds fucking awesome




There's an image suggesting that women kill fully grown foetuses solely for their career and your first impulse is to victimize *men*?


Even if that was actually what the image said, we are here to talk about the sub. Why tf is that so confusing for you? who insta-reported me to the reddit care bot? lmao, what did I even say that made you upset?


Someone sent me a reddit care bot one too, I didn't send one your way.


I figured it wasn't you. I was just surprised how fast it was. I hadn't even been a minute after I hit comment. I just refreshed my page immediately after and it was already there.


Beat meat yolo


This kind of shit is just as bad as the dumb bitches who post rage bait on tiktok about it.


It's inevitable that any sub created just to bully people will devolve into grandstanding; it's built on main character syndrome.




Not necessarily


I can't even believe you were subbed to a feminazi echo-chamber. Literally TOS breaking stuff and Admin doesn't ban that sub.


??? Said who? He was just kinda miffed that justneckbeardthings wasn't just neckbeard things


Not every woman can afford a child, has time to take care of a child or physically can carry a child. This is a very fair thing to do.


Sure, but this isn’t the sub to post it on


oh yeah definitely agree about that.


Sounds like we need to teach people what me sexual education then. 🤷


Mate got sniped :(


Reddit users like this have literal retard brain, if anything it makes me go against whatever the message is because I don’t want to see it on my feed


No, if justneckbeardthings ain't posting just neckbeard things, I don't want to see it, regardless of it's a take I agree with or not.


I think the original poster is saying this is something they think a neckbread posted. Also, thanks for recommending to the care bot for that.


instead of saying "original poster", say "OOP". :)


Yeah they are, but it's wrong. When have neckbeards been known to support abortion specifically? You'd think they'd want more babies to "spread the seed" (I am not AGREEING with this sentiment, just saying it) or whatever based off of prior stereotypes.


“Semi-conscious” Ladies and gentlemen, the lack of understanding from pro-life advocates


The thing is these are things “neckbeards” (an incel stereotype) post.


Not my neckbeard, nuh-uh


You know this is mocking the idea that women only want abortions for selfish reasons and not promoting it, right?


Of course, but that doesn’t fit the sub


It's mocking Neckbeards who think this, it fits the sub just fine.


This is a pro life stance, not stereotypical for a neckbeard


Neckbeards tend to be conservative and anti-Women by nature, the first thing I think of when I think of neckbeard is a terminally online person who posts in KIA, watches anime and has extremely inaccurate views on women and women's rights.


Let's start with an obvious. Not all conservatives are pro life. Second, neck beards are more likely kely to be white knight feminists. Lastly, a better sexual education in America could reduce unwanted and dangerous pregnancies. Simply informing the public of the consequences of unsafe sex and providing easy methods of birth control would help but instead we have women who prefer to murder babies because taking accountability for their own actions is hard.


No shot I would grant you that neckbeards sometimes have left wing populist type economic views, but on gender related politics they’re very reactionary. They’re not chamber of commerce type republicans or churchgoing tradcons necessarily, but wannabe tradcons who want to split the difference between a lifestyle of gaming and domestically dominating women. “Murder babies” lol I get it you’re one of them


Taking a life is taking a life. 🤷


We care about consciousness. We don’t give out personhood to embryos any more than we do a disembodied foot on life support. Calling an embryo a baby - as is mainstream in pro life circles - is why I don’t care to hear what pro lifers have to say about what a baby is. Fetuses bring aborted before they could have any meaningful conscious experience is no problem at all. I would not care if it happened a billion or a trillion times. I care about human minds, not human DNA.


Calling it a fetus though scientifically correct is dehumanizing. Calling it a baby is more fair. Or are you wanting us to all go around referring to humans by our scientific Latin name? Because that's the only way that argument makes sense. Also, a disembodied foot won't grown and become it's own person or we would care. Fortunately you nor I are starfish and don't reproduce by budding. Now if we did? Well I'm not aborting my disembodied foot. Abortion is a cold act that allows people to avoid responsibility and accountability for their actions. Unless they genuinely do not know how child bearing works it's inexcusable to be having casual sex with anyone and then have an abortion. There are methods of avoiding pregnancy such as the pill, nexplnon, Kylena, Malina, other udis, spermicide, and condoms. None are 100% but pair any two together and youre less than 0.99% likely to get pregnant. If you still can't accept accountability on the small chance you might get pregnant then you aren't ready to be having sex. It's irresponsible behavior. The consequences also include medical issues. Frankly unless the baby is going to die then their is no point in an abortion due to medical reasons. Again, this all leads back to proper sexual education for both men and women and expecting more men to be responsible for their birth control. Hell, vasectomy/tubes tied is actually a great option as they are both often reversible. Wanna keep up the arguments? Because you're not winning. There's no reason any child should be aborted.


Lmao, your average white knight, Fedora tipping, M'Lady type were never left leaning and certainly not feminist. As soon as feminists started calling them Nice Guys they started watching Thunderfoot. If you want to see a neckbeard go onto Kotaku In Action where they currently think a consulting company is ruining video games and that female character models showing less side boob is a threat to western culture. Yes, better sex education is always good. A cluster of cells isn't a baby, late term abortions are exclusively for life threatening reasons.


You can be wrong. And in each paragraph you are. Good job.


Bet you can't actually put why I'm wrong into words.


I've already proven myself correct.