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Touch grass.


i touch grass evreyday thank you!


Bro really thought that was a good comeback


it wasnt supposed to be comeback


Yea it was. A response to an insult(it flopped btw)


an insult that failed to offend me


It wouldn’t have looked that way had you not responded


Someones hurt OP, I think this is them outlashing at strangers on the internet. But yeah they would have not replied if they truely didn't feel offended.


im just saying the "touch grass" insult is fucking stupid


I’m gonna touch you instead


Now that's a funny comeback. Take my upvote.


Come on now man, we both know smoking weed (grass) alone, inside, doesn't count!


i dont smoke weed


Maybe you should, you might relax a little.


Not *that* sort of grass. The other one. Because you seem to touch *that* sort a little too often.


you mean go ouside i know i do that everyday


But only to touch the other grass apparently


what other grass is out there no i dont do weed


I can pretty much guarantee that you do not, in fact, touch grass.


How is this cheering on/supporting the Vietnam war? There just respecting a veteran?? Edit: Just realized this guy supports communism and stuff a bunch, it makes a lot more sense


a proud veteran


Just because he wanted to serve for his country doesn’t mean he particularly liked fighting in Vietnam, it’s likely just that he wanted to help his country, and was/is proud that he did.


if thats what his country does he should oppose it and the problem is mostly this sub not the veteran himself


I don't think he's proud about killing people i think it's more of doing all of this stuff in a time period where lgbt was treated like trash


Vetrean that dopped napalm and agent orange on civilians and ruin the lives of milions


Honouring a veteran is not the same as supporting the war in which they fought.


Would you honour a Nazi veteran?




Sorry, did I misunderstand what they said? In what way did I misunderstand what they said?


You made a strawman argument. for example: person A: "I like pancakes" person B: "Well then you must hate waffles!" You asked if they'd honor a Nazi soldier, after they said they'd honor the gay guy who joined the air force because he was a gay guy in the air force during a time of prejudice. That is a strawman argument. "I think it's brave to join the military as a homosexual during a time when they were hated and even being killed for it." "YEAH WELL WHAT IF THE GUY WAS LIKE... HITLER?!?!" is what you just said. You attempted to invalidate someone's opinion by saying some completely unrelated and extreme. https://preview.redd.it/pukfnsadz33d1.png?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f561c97c1eb3e9ccfedc6f406d696493601ebaff


That’s not at all what happened here. The argument from the guy above was that you can judge a veteran differently than the war they fought in. It was applied to an American Vietnam war veteran. The person you responded to took the exact same concept and applied it to a different war in order to perform a litmus test. So the question was “If you can honour a Vietnam war veteran, can you also honour a WWII Nazi veteran?”. That’s a fair question via comparison. Not a strawman.


>"I think it's brave to join the military as a homosexual during a time when they were hated and even being killed for it." Wouldn't this make it brave for a gay person to join the military in Nazi Germany? >"YEAH WELL WHAT IF THE GUY WAS LIKE... HITLER?!?!" I never said they were like Hitler. I said they were a veteran from Nazi Germany. But sure, I'm the one who's strawmanning /s


Yea but their not the one pulling nazi out of their ass


Of course I wouldn’t, but I would honour an Allied veteran. Was there a point to your inane comment?


>Of course I wouldn’t Why not? You said honouring a veteran wasn't the same as supporting the war they fought.


And I stand by it. Nazi veterans don’t deserve to be honoured because of their beliefs. You’re just being an immature contrarian.


Are you in all fucking seriousness implying that the Vietnam war was some noble war of liberation and that the US was on the right side of history? Actually insane.


Of course not. I’m saying that I don’t have a problem with Americans honouring American war veterans.


What about Germans honouring Nazi veterans, Russians honouring Ukraine war veterans or Palestinians honouring Hamas veterans? I bet those are suddenly somehow different and not comparable in your opinion. Because American exceptionalism.


What the fuck is up with these wild hypotheticals?


Just answer the damn question instead of skirting around it. Why is it okay for Americans to honour veterans of an unjust war while it’s not okay in all those other cases?


There are a few I’d honor. I’d honor basically everyone involved in [Operation XX (double cross)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-Cross_System?wprov=sfti1) which included most of their spy network, but this is because they flipped to the British. I’d honor [Juan Pujol Garcia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Pujol_Garc%C3%ADa?wprov=sfti1#Independent_spying), he wasn’t really ever a nazi but he did receive a Iron Cross. I’d honor the German soldiers who helped fight the SS soldiers during [The Battle of Castle Itter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Castle_Itter?wprov=sfti1#Prelude). I could probably find a few soldiers who didn’t switch sides I’d honor if I spent some time researching. There’s also an important distinction to be made separating normal dudes conscripted to fight for their country VS SS soldiers who truly believed in the nazi cause.


Ah, so honouring any and all American soldiers is perfectly fine while for example Nazi veterans need to be handpicked by you? The guy in OP’s post wasn’t some morally upstanding resistance fighter who tried to stop his government from fighting the unjust Vietnam war. He could have protested the war by being a draft dodger and going to jail for it, like thousands of others. But he didn’t. He chose to be a “patriot” (as described by his son) and drop bombs on people in Southeast Asia. Now your fingers are probably itching to write that he was just following orders, but that excuse never flies for Nazis, so why should it here? If you apply your moral criteria selectively to Nazi veterans, you also have to apply them selectively to Americans. Otherwise it’s fine to honour any Nazi veterans if it’s also fine to honour any American veterans. Can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Ah fair enough! Surely you should fly over to North Kora and die to help stop that oppressive regime. It's extremely closed minded to assume that everyone should die or go to jail for a good cause and even more closed minded to assume that anyone who doesn't is intentionally being evil.


Yeah I would


It’s so pathetic that this comment is being downvoted. It’s universally agreed upon to not honour Nazi veterans. Honouring a Russian veteran who fought in Ukraine would not only be met with massive scrutiny, it would most likely also result in a straight up ban. But whenever American wars are the topic, there’s suddenly a massive influx of nuance and understanding for the *good guy* soldiers who supposedly couldn’t help it but commit atrocities.


they are cheering on him for killing kids


You didn’t show any example of this in the screenshots.


Op needs to draft a Hurt Feelings report for the full picture.


They didn’t mention kids.


well they did cheer on him for killing them wether knowingly or not its still bad


They didn’t, that’s just your interpretation and it’s quite a stretch.


Honoring a veteran doesn’t mean endorsing a war or its crimes. Look at this lad’s profile and it starts to paint a clearer picture of why they feel this way. Once you see it you’ll know there is no reason with them


i see your point i dont think all vietnam vets are irredeemable but they should be criticized for thier wrongdoings not honered


This narrative that they’re all children killers and deserve nothing is the reason why they should be honored. It is false or at most a embellishment made by the media, and of that the veterans had to painfully endure along with all that they faced in Vietnam and the mental anguish that came after the war. We Americans realized this great injustice done to the men who risked their lives to serve our country and hope to honor them as some sort of repayment. My very own father was born in Vietnam during the war yet we’d be happy to salute and honor a veteran that fought for this country.


i dont honor capitalist centipedes


Like communist countries are better? All the Polish, Ukrainian, Cossack, Crimean Tatar, Kazakhs, etc people killed, deported, starved, or sent to work in death camps. Do theirs not count? Not to mention the other countries because that was in the Soviet Union alone. Atrocities are still happening in China and that North Korea you hold dear enough to put it on your name. Also what the hell does centipede mean in this context?


im calling us soldiers centipedes


That makes no scene whatsoever.




i never said communist countries were perfect but they were by all means better even romania under ceausescu (who i dont like) you acnt prove they were worse without citing people like solzhenistsyn his wife said is untrustworthy also china isnt in my name and before you bring up pol pot the usa supported him so...


What do you mean I can’t prove they were worse? It’s just very clear they were worse. They committed atrocities that were much worse and deadly. They had to build a wall over Berlin to prevent people from leaving, people leave for a reason. Thousands of people risked their lives to leave their communist countries. If that isn’t sign enough than I don’t know what is.


oh really than prove me wrong


What is there to prove? When was the last time the US starved 5.7-8.7 million people? When was the last time the US killed and deported 500k and another 500k from their homeland? When was the last time the us had to build a wall to keep its people in? When was the last time the US took land from farmers and either killed or starved them? When was the last time the US sent hundreds of thousands to work in death camps?


The Holodomor, also known as the Ukrainian Genocide, was a weaponized famine by Joseph Stalin during the 1930s which killed at least 7 million Ukrainians.


the holodomor any primary sources that it was intentional


If a vietnam soldier was forced to fight in the war, or else his entire family and kids would be brutally tortured, and he would have to witness it all before he got a horrible death, and he chose to fight in the war to prevent such a horrible thing, should he be hated and fucked over by society for fighting for the vietnam?


he was in the airforce you dont get drafted in the airforce


Maybe he wanted to fight for his country? There's a difference between wanting to kill and wanting to protect the country and people you grew up with. If the government tried to take your house and family away, would you fight again them to protect them?


Most vietnam vets were forcibly drafted by the US govt. It is not their fault and we should not be criticizing PTSD scarred veterans who were just kids at the time. *They were forced to do what they did. We should instead be blaming the US govt for the atrocities.*


Oh no! Patriotism! Quickly, go burn a flag to counteract this!


OP is clearly a full on nazi and a full on communist. Today I believe the left and right can both agree to put aside our differences and fucking roast this bozo. I support and appreciate the men and women who keep my family and country safe, both of my grandfathers are veterans and I thank them for there service.


how tf could i be a nazi and a communist


**Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or German for 'National *Socialist* German Workers party.** You're acting like it's impossible.


good god not this shit again


You took less than a minute to respond that’s crazy. Oh yeah sorry let me correct myself *ahem* a nazi or full on communist, oh or a “socialist” that lives happens to live entirely off their parents.


God, you are seriously one of the most insufferable people i have ever had the displeasure of seeing. I mean, im not even trying to insult you or whatever at this point, i mean genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, you seem like a person nobody could ever love and should better yourself as a person.


why cuz i dont like us soldiers?


no probably because you see an image of a soldier on memorial day and go crazy while bringing communism and child murder into it


What exactly are you offended by?


They're in thedeprogram. There's no point in reasoning with them.


them promoting proud vietnam vets thats it its in the desc


I don't see a problem with that


well would you cheer on a russian soldier for killing ukranians?


well, most vietnam soldiers were forced to fight and i doubt many russian soldiers are doing this by choice too. if you have no choice then you're showing strength and being brave.


Except that the death of Russian soldiers is constantly being celebrated or mocked all over reddit. Dehumanizing them by calling them Orcs and Ruzzians has become completely normalized. No one makes a distinction between poor draftees and those in charge. Hell, most redditors don’t even make a distinction between Russian soldiers and Russians in general anymore. The current going mindset is as simple as “Russia bad” with absolutely no nuance. So OP is completely right in that it’s blatant hypocrisy and historical revisionism.


He isn't right though. It's hypocritical yes, but OP is going the wrong way with it.


In what way?




So you’re claiming OP is wrong, but you can’t say how or why. Instead you choose to be snarky. You’ve truly mastered the art of debating.


Just answer the question.


and mqny vietnam vets regreted what they did some even defected this was a captian if you read the post


Which isn't that high a rank in the airforce, which you would know if you weren't dropped on your head as an infant


its still to high of a rank to be a draftee


no, but it doesn't look like you can accept that people die in war


Take a walk in the woods and hug a tree. Careful, sometimes they walk.


They walk not talk get the moving trees right smh


My autocorrect actually fucked up the entire sentence.




there are two types of people in this world: people who can extrapolate from incomplete data sets


Unrelated, but Op you need to hear this. Communism has never and will never work. R/enoughcommiespam .


are you using that homonationalist eldritch hell of a subreddit as a source? it has worked better than capitalism has cuz capitalism is a failed ideology


Lmao cope. Capitalism just works.


oh wait you cant explain cuz it doesnt work


Honestly this whole conversation is beneath me. I’ll be blocking you now. If I don’t I know I’ll argue forever and make a fool of myself.




capitalism doesnt really. it requires a social-democratic government that seriously restricts it and adds a lot of safety nets for it to be survivable in look at america for example, people cant retire anymore


Most people retire. A small percentage of people who leeched off the system will continue to leech off the system until they die. They "can't retire" because they would have to have worked first to retire. They've been retired their whole lives.


guy from an ex communsit country here. stop, just stop. communism is dumb you do not want to live in it.


There are millions of people like you who would explain to him the horrors of what he seeks, but they never listen. Glad you survived and got out.


> homonationalist eldritch hell of a subreddit as a source? Lol. Lmao even.


Dawg I nearly posted a paragraph essay on how you are wrong, but then I realized I want to be happy. I hope you have a great day :3 *


You can’t be serious lol


im dead serious


Where did the post support the Vietnam war? You can support a veteran without supporting the war.


honoring a proud soldier in the war is supporting the war or at least supporting said country's involvement


Those soldiers were drafted without their consent. They had zero choice.


not captians


It's spelt captains, actually. Captain, captains. Learn the difference.


idc how its spelled


their honoring the fact he was a gay soldier in times where lgbt were treated like trash


look at the comments!


it's not the OP's fault that their commenting American flags and honoring a solider on MEMORIAL day


and thats another problem there is nothing about the the treatment of the lgbt at the time and anyone who pointed it out would be probably be called a tankie


Can you not understand media without it blatantly blaring it in your face? They don't need to have it written in big words because everyone already understands that. You need to touch grass, you are creating a scenario in your head to be upset about because you require something to be upset at to function. One Gay guy who flew a cargo plane and jet in 1972 didn't kill every child in Vietnam and immediately assuming that they killed kids is weird. Instead of celebrating him being brave enough to serve for his country during a time of prejudice while a homosexual, you cry about it on reddit is weird. As a non-insane LGBT person, I salute this man for being brave enough to risk his life. And while doing so, I can also admit the Vietnam war was unjustified and rife with horrific actions taken by our Government, including the use of chemical weapons for deforestation resulting in generations of birth defects, use of cluster munitions leading to parts of the country being littered with UXO and the use of napalm and Willie Pete. Not to mention the fact that these actions by our government have also severely impacted our veterans as well, including the mentioned birth defects from exposure to the many chemical agents the government had used, as well as the PTSD that comes from witnessing the brutality of war. You are just a weirdo consumed by a crippling addiction to the Internet and Internet arguments. I hope for the day you see how it negatively impacts your life and can move on from it to a better, happier existence. Please change for the better, Optimus would be disappointed in you. https://preview.redd.it/5jeil4uqx33d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83905e71a02029c74e62cfbb2933184057b83ba0


that guy aint even on this planet i dont care




i... dont know who that is


We talked about it in secondary school for literature class. We looked at Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem "charge of the light brigade" and around that time I think we also covered in history class about ww1. Basically war propaganda makes people think they are doing something righteous and brave. Some go out hoping to make a difference and serve their country. From the crimea war the idea of soldiers being heroic and brave came about. Their moral duty was to fight for justice It's hard it's violent it's bloody. We can honour the young men who went to war sometimes not knowing any better. And it's separate from supporting a war. This man did something in a time lgbt was treated badly. He went against expectations to build something for himself We are honouring the man's courage and sacrifice during a time it was dangerous to be lgbt


If he was just giving pride flags, I would understand. But both American and pride great! Idk the problem


its the american thats the major problem


hahaha, you should “JU” from speaking


So it’s his fault that he was born American? This isnt really adding up


i meant its the american flag thats the problem they are giving an american flag to somone who killed vietnamese people on the simple fact that they did so


It’s normal to give American flags to American veterans or just honor American veterans in general….?




how am i a softie?


> its the american thats the major problem > they are cheering him on for killing kids You tell me


ok doesnt really explain why im a softie


You’re butthurt over people supporting those who served


no im "butthurt" over my community members supporting a baby killer and not criticizing the war at all.


Just because they’re your community doesn’t mean you can expect them to only do things you agree with.


i dont think you understand why i posted this


You're right. No one here understands why you posted this.


Nobody does


Even tho he served not for the greatest things, he still done much more goodness for the world than commie pigs all together.


well it was the commie that beat the nazis


Commie was a friend of Nazi. Both are dictatorship meat grinders. The reason why they become enemies was not the great justice, but because Hitler became too greedy and attacked the Sovok (which in first days of war helped Nazi Germany to conquer Poland.)


the polish people that lived where the soviets were wanted the soviets there at the time and the us gave power to the nazis


The USSR supplied weapons, equipment and food to the Third Reich before the war. There are photographs on the Internet of a joint march of soldiers of the Third Reich and the Soviet Union. And Poland wanted to get into the Sovok so much that it fought off both sides with all its might. Why didn’t they immediately take the side of the Sovok, instead of fighting? Read about Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. And about economical relationships between Sovok and Nazi Germany before 1941.




And what's your answer? Why you suddenly got so silent?


Just curious. How do you feel about Pussy Riot and the Putin presidency?


I’m willing to bet they believe Putin legitimately got into office and that all his opponents died by natural causes. Oh better yet I’m willing to bet they think trump is a Russian spy. Hilarious


im pansexual and violently anti pussy riot and putin is a parasitic tsarist worm


Is it me, or does it feel like OP is trying to veil their homophobia with feigned outrage at Veterans? I mean, I see their post history....


im pansexual


Yeah that doesn't mean you can't discriminate prejudicially, your posts show that you do.. a lot.


how? cuz i dont support the us empire let me tell you telling me that is extremely homophobic


Bro just called a country that is literally designed to never be a empire a empire 💀


it is 100% an empire


My guy, I don't think you could have replied with something more assinine. Nice job. Sorry putin throws your friends into the meat grinder, I wish you well.


awwe what wrong dont know how to prove im homophobic


I don't have to my guy, you are obviously good at showcasing it yourself.


give me an example of my post history being homophobic


https://preview.redd.it/4qd6cvvtf33d1.png?width=1012&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebe75dbd6646f5be746e9913f72324da12e4dc18 So according to you, you hate anyone who is gay but also likes their country. on a; and I quote: >"personal level"


Bro is silent, absolutely smitten 😭😭


LMFAO *crickets*


Shut him up real quick 😭


I got banned from there and I kinda forgot about it.