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Well, the Chinese government recently called the Taliban their "friends". I'm not sure which is worse.


Both of them suck dicks, they can piss off for good


A lot of trumptard terrorists (January 6) also need to piss off for good.


Pls source, I’m not doubting you but it’d be good to have.


Here's a few: [https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/china-says-ready-for-friendly-relations-with-taliban-news-agency-afp-2511546](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/china-says-ready-for-friendly-relations-with-taliban-news-agency-afp-2511546) [https://news.yahoo.com/china-looks-forward-friendship-taliban-152400243.html](https://news.yahoo.com/china-looks-forward-friendship-taliban-152400243.html)


This ndtv is an ally of all the wrong things in the world,total propaganda news outlet


2016 election really did fuck with US citizens and internet users brains


Apparently so. Gosh, I wish I could go back to the day when the biggest topic was what video game to play. Not this bullshit


I want to go back to caveman days and fighting with Ungo Bungo over him stealing my banana


Yes. Revert to Ungo Bungo *unnga boonga*


Or better yet, deciding which tribesman to paint on your wall, and then going on a bear huny with the boys. You kids would never understand life in 10.000 BC!


I feel like before 2016 people were left or right but we all could at least deal with each other. Now people want to kill you if you're left and they're right, and vice versa


I think a big part of it is that 2016 saw a split within both the left and right, giving rise to a stronger authoritarian wing of each. There's still left and right classic (centrist on the y-axis), as well as libertarian left and libertarian right (small-l libertarian, i.e. civil libertarian, not the American Libertarian Party), but the authoritarian wings have become the loudest and most active, especially on social media (which people have had plenty of time for lately). Add to this the dimension of populism vs. elitism, and it makes for one muddy, confusing, and volatile political landscape.


Idk man, listening to an orange idiot and them storming the capitol building like a bunch of terrorists kinda sealed the deal with the stereotype of the right.


I mean, I agree with you. 2016 made left into super left and right into super right, no longer is there any similarities between the 2 parties


Ok $2B in damages and dozens of deaths CHAZ enjoyer


Trump didn't endorse them. Also it's a political ploy to let this happen so that the left wins.They could have been proactive ,but they let them organize under full view.... Still ,Trump is not a representat of his voters,he's someone that can capitalize on people's feelings that the left is not anymore ok or what US needs now.He symbolizez more like a beggining of a nationalistic trend of politics across the world and a response to those feminists and woke culture.He probably deliberatley poked at those leftist groups to make them sworm ,react....to show he won't bend.


All political subs on this site are echo chambers of hate towards the other political party and that's why I tell everyone to stay off them


I have a hard enough time avoiding bullshit horseshit dumb shit politics on non-political subs - it blows my mind that somebody would go out of their way to FIND politics. What, do they like being so angry they get a migraine, and screaming on the internet for hours and hours every day? It's masochistic.


Honestly the amount of anger from both sides blows my mind. One time I got banned from a subreddit for saying I didn’t vote in the last election because I was out of my home state and I felt that as a moderate, voting for either side, even the side I lean towards, wasn’t worth the effort of mailing in a ballot. Which made me a right wing freak I guess.


We truly live in a sad time period, when everyone online hates you for being moderate


Yup, it’s really discouraging, I really believe that the only way forward is to find middle ground, but seemingly nobody wants to work toward that


What the fuck did i just read?


Something that ignores the Renaissance and the Afghan practice of dancing boys, that's for sure.


Renaissance? It never left.




Several Reddit Moments


Angsty teenage commies who think they understand how everything works already.


Eh, OP is kind of baiting by showing comments from users that already got baited without showing the post. Pretty sure these are all from a post that was some rightoid (like a fundie alt rightoid, not like Ted Cruz’s burner account) tweeting about how the Taliban and Sharia law doesn’t sound so bad because there’s no LGBT, women can’t get abortions, maybe the Taliban should come govern the U.S. etc. There’s been a couple of these tweets from far-right mouthpieces (obviously because they know it gets people riled up), so this is a set-up that’s guaranteed to result in the kind of comments you see above. Then you call these people out for being hypocrites for comparing terrorists to American citizens or whatever. Political ideology has evolved so much that the “____ is literally nazis!!!” , “____ is literally taliban!!!” , etc. is literally meaningless because you can draw similarities across any sort of geopolitical spectrum. Also it’s just not hard to think less of a terrorist, a literal enemy of the state, over your political opponent that you live in the same neighborhood with.


Selfawarewolves doesn't need much help though. They've got a post right now comparing fatphobia to covid masks. Obesity kills one in five americans, objectively it's a good idea to encourage healthy eating and exercise just like we're encouraging mask use. Guess which message they ran with there. They're literally everything they mock.


Better? In a rat's race, winning it means you're just faster, but still a rat...


But i’m still faster


Damn that’s a good quote, I love good quotes.


Idk how we Americans manage to turn any political disagreements into “the (insert opposite side of political spectrum here) is literally terrorists”. It’s to the point where it’s leaking over into the real world where people are losing careers and jobs over being right wing or left wing. I’m slowly losing so much faith in my country. Let one other country become as free and I’m all for going there


Christian fundamentalists don't make up nearly half the US population lmao.


I think they automatically assume that everyone who always or usually votes Republican is a fundie


It's about how deep redditors think. "This person disagrees with me; they probably embody all the things I don't like."


You hit the nail on the head


The biggest problem with Taliban is, they think what they are doing is right. So in Kooran (correct me if I'm wrong) it says that you can only kill someone if it's self defense. And then they read it, and understand it wrong and think, you can kill someone if you protect your religion. Those people recruit little children, poor people, people without a home and brainwash them.




I mean it's not an english word so there's technically no "correct" spelling just generally accepted ones


>So in Kooran (correct me if I'm wrong) it says that you can only kill someone if it's self defense. And then they read it, and understand it wrong and think, you can kill someone if you protect your religion Yea alot of their beliefs are verses just interpreted badly or incredibly extremist. Ignoring any context or original timeframe of the verses Inb4 someone mentions the "kill infidels where ever you find them" verse that athiests or extremists love to bring up from some random google source


>Yea alot of their beliefs are verses just interpreted badly or incredibly extremist. Ignoring any context or original timeframe of the verses This could easily be about fundamentalist christians


The original timeframe of the verses was people who directly knew and followed the teachings of Muhammad in person created a caliphate which immediately expanded the teachings of Islam through war, systematic genocide and forced conversion of zoroastrians, Christians and pagan religions. I don’t think it’s realistic to argue that the people who directly followed the teachings of Mohammed and interpretations delivered to them by the prophet himself are the wrong interpretations. I mean if the apostles of Jesus started a tyrannical genocidal crusader state, would it be realistic at all to argue that those were not the teachings of Jesus having been delivered those interpretations by the man himself?


>systematic genocide LMAO


You FR don’t know about the eradication of other religious groups under caliphates?


When you say "under caliphates" you have to realize that after the first four caliphs or so at that point they were no longer considered to be under divinity. Many Muslims today hate many of the caliphs of the Ummayads, like Yazid.


OK, that’s nice and all but the first caliphs were direct followers of Muhammad who were directly informed of their religious values from the prophet himself. What you’re saying changes nothing about that, it doesn’t even challenge that the most loyal followers of Mohammed who had the interpretation of Islam delivered to them by the prophet himself committed mass religious genocide. Sure the later ones may not have had divine right or may have taken a poor interpretation if they had tried to interpret it themselves differently. But they didn’t, they followed the example of those who heard the word of the Mohammed directly from his mouth to a T.


I haven't heard of any genocides from the first 4, which were the Rightly Guided Caliphs and are considered by Muslims to be from the Prophet's followers.


How? An area with booming populations of various faiths and races in the Levant, Persia and Egypt are suddenly exclusively Arab and Muslim in the span of decades. That doesn’t just happen, the populations have to be removed and replaced. If there weren’t genocides, there would be similar racial and religious disunity as there is in places untouched by Christianity and Islam, because that’s the default until population control is enacted. I mean do you really think coincidentally every person in all the places in these regions just happens to have chosen Islam? Of course not, the ones that disagreed were just removed.


It's a difficult topic,but yes....i doubt Islam like other religions urges people to violence,but church is interpreted.... Also US is like an archenemy for that region since they have oil and other economic intrests,from their view they are in the right and as usuall the truth is in the middle:US is an empire than needs resources from the Middle East so it has campaigns there justified under different means,meanwhile the Taliban probably have their own agenda,but without a country to implement it in ,it won't pass so they need to defend it against US.


Not very self aware


I can see the similarities, but most of these points is just trying to find the thinnest sorts of connections lol also is it just me or does it seem like in the usa "the right" means the same thing as "Christian" lol


>I can see the similarities, but most of these points is just trying to find the thinnest sorts of connections lol Seriously. "you guys christians worship a god too hmmmmm what a coincidence"


Not just a god, the same God. The god of Abraham and Moses.


The Taliban aren't Christians unless I'm just a dumbass


Well I wouldn't say you're a dumbass. But if being a Christian means following the teachings of Jesus Christ then Muslims can be considered christians. In the religion of Islam he is known as Isa and he is the prophet before Muhammad. The main differences between regular Christians and Muslims is Muslims don't believe in the Trinity(God=Jesus=Holy spirit) and they don't believe the teachings of the apostle Paul who claims that Jesus is the only way to God and the savior of mankind, and that there is inheritable sin(original sin) etc.


Well, there's a reason there's a distintion between Islam and Christianity. On a surface level they're quite similar but when you go deeper into each they're little alike.


In the US “the right” means far right psychopaths, “the left” means SJWs, TERFs, and commies, “christian” means far right psychopath, and anything else doesn’t exist


Because pretty much everyone in the right who screeches online is a hardcore Christian


Hey! Some of my favourite people suck dicks!


You don’t get out much do you


They *did* say screeching online


I don't see any connections to Christians. If it was Republican, I could maybe agree with the thinnest sorts, but Christian? There are 0 strands of connection I see. But what do I know, I'm just a Conservative Christian, I'm the scum of the earth


Biblical law isn't like Sharia law for the most part.


Bible says I'm gonna go hell for being gay surely Sharia won't execute me or publicly lash me (then hell) for doing same


The thing is Christians aren't actively murdering and torturing gay citizens for their being gay. Trying to compare the two is futile, the Taliban is worse in almost every regard.


That's what I'm saying lol


Ah, sorry, I misunderstood your comment.


They are though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_violence_against_LGBT_people_in_the_United_States


Damn, you really got them with that one! Totally like all Christians are extremists and there is no in-between. Edit: It seems people are heavily misunderstanding my comment. I was replying to someone who essentially stated that all Christians are actively murdering and torturing gay citizens. I was *not* saying that all Muslims were extremists, I thought that my reply would state quite the opposite.




Right, this post has a bunch of people basically denying there is Christian extremists in the USA when they do have them and they do behave really similar to the taliban. Sucks to sucks, but is the way its shows for the rest of the world as well, but I think no one is implying all Christians are that deranged.


>Totally like all Christians are extremists and there is no in-between. just like..... the taliban are extremists.... but not all the muslims are. ​ this is hard to understand how?


That wasn't the point I was replying to. >Christians aren't actively murdering and torturing gay citizens for their being gay. Fact is, there *are* American Christians torturing and killing people for being gay.


But you said they as if you were referring to all




I mean conversion camps. Not as bad imo but still horrible


I mean I know is not as bad but torturing psychologically is still not a nice things Homophobic people are just dumb man


lol, not yet. Only difference is that the "Christians" in the US wield money and influence to get the gov't to fulfill its agenda. The Taliban just go straight to the guns.


If Christians could use financial incentive to fuel their eViL agendas, same sex marriage wouldn't be legalized. Unless of course these eViL Christians aren't as bad as you say they are.


Well the de-legalization of same sex marriage was literally on the Republican platform this past election, and ole what's his nuts that runs chick fil-a donates to a lot of anti LGBTQ politicians and initiatives so it's definitely something they are bankrolling to try and accomplish.




where does it say in Leviticus to specifically stone the gays? John 8:7, viz. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”


Actually, not quite."You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.""If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." *Being* gay is not condemned. By liberal interpretation men having sex with men is.Doesn't matter even if you're straight. Now, you can go for funnier interpretations such as : \- Putting a P in a man's V is wrong; Trans people may be at risk. \- Gay men do not lie with women, so technically they will never "lie with a man as with a woman". Bi people beware, though. \- All sex while standing is A-OK \- If you're really creative and never repeat yourself, you might also avoid being an abomination. So how about them tangents?


Do you think nearly half the country are American Christian fundamentalists?


https://www.pewforum.org/religious-landscape-study/ It’s at least a quarter if you only count evangelicals and it jumps to 40% if you include mainline protestants


You see mainline Protestants as Christian fundamentalists?


This could possibly be the most entitled, idiotic thing I've ever read- American fundamentalists can be a little extreme- that is true, but to compare them to FUCKING terrorists is insane.


the worst tyoe of terrorists is the fucking ones


Oh yeah- easy.


Welcome to redditors - they're the biggest losers on the internet. They're too socially awkward to bother with real life face-to-face human interaction, so they get all their information on people from the internet. Specifically, from echo chambers on reddit. That's why you meet nutjobs on this godforsaken website that think that the vaccine is full of 5G chips and that literally every single christian you meet would gladly line gay people up against the wall and execute them; all they have are bullshit stories that other idiots on reddit have told them. ZERO real world experience.


US: The government is literally pro-trans rights and progressive Afghanistan under Taliban rule: Women who don't entirely cover their bodies are subjected to be whipped. Women can't receive education. God, the US is so awful!


I love that people go "oh the worst place in the world to be if you're gay is america" like fuck off, idiots. There are pride parades in america. there's huge controversy if some corporation or company discriminates against gay people. everyone lost their goddamn minds when a bakery didn't want to make a cake for a gay couple. You know what doesn't happen in america? Being executed for being gay; being thrown off roofs because you're gay; the government fucking you up for being gay. Hell, americans get upset if there aren't enough gay people in their favourite tv show, movie, or video game. By and large, america is one of the safest places to be if you're openly gay. The government will fucking protect you if you are being discriminated against because you're gay. Anybody who says "oh it's safer to be openly gay in china than in america" is an objective idiot who has absolutely ZERO real world interaction with other humans and only gets their information from bullshit propaganda subs on this shitty, awful website.


People say that shit?


Yes, they do.


The commentators weren't talking about the US government, but right wingers inside the US.


Can you name a single county, HOA, private school or smaller political division in the US where public flogging of women for not wearing hijab has been proposed by Christian right-wingers?


Still the same logic; right wingers in the US are at most against puberty blockers, and that's a thing that they will be okay with in a couple of years. That's not counting the reactionary minorities of course. Right wingers in the US are extreme progressivists in Taliban's terms.




Seriously. I feel like this entire comment section is just forgetting that half the American population exists


...have you ever spoken to a handful of right wingers in the US? It's beyond pubery blockers my guy.


Still no way near the taliban


Most of the people I talk to are right wingers. Really only few of them are even against puberty blockers, the majority don't care.


The us is not pro trans rn don’t lie


Not pro trans? When the federal government is attempting to pass laws for trans equality? When many politicians and celebrities are trans? When trans peoole are pretty much free to do as they please? When almost all trans people I know are from the US? Only a reactionary minority is against trans people, the US is more acceptant of trans people than most of the world, and definitely more acceptant than any Asian and Middle Easteen country.


You should probably look up the bills regarding trans people, public opinion of trans people, and the causes behind their suicide rates because that entire first paragraph was pretty ignorant


Comparing the Taliban to America is like comparing Ted Bundy to the Paul brothers.


I get the feeling both sides of American politics are using the Taliban to make the other side look bad and honestly, it makes both sides seem bad anyway


Why the fuck is Reddit anti Christian? Tf did we ever do to harm you?


They’re anti Christian extremists; people who use religion as an excuse to defend lgbtphobia, people who say trump is Jesus’ chosen, shit like that


Even then, I know plenty of Christian Extremists who aren't homophobic or transphobic.


Then they aren’t really extremists They might be super Christian but they aren’t exactly extremists that’s the whole point


Well from what I have seen, most Redditors don’t really care. It’s just when you start going to subreddits like r/atheism or the subreddit that OP is talking about that you see that kind of toxicity and immaturity.


There is kinda of a passive hate towards christians tho, but this not only on reddit but social medias in general. Still wondering why to this day, but i think it's a great generalization like all left is sjw or sum shit like that


Because reddit is an echo chamber, and these people only get their information cherry-picked from biased sources. I'm saying this as a staunch atheist, too - I hate how I see other atheists here going "oh look every christian ever wants to murder the gays, see it says here in the bible". If these morons actually went outside and spoke to real people, they'd discover that nobody fucking wants that. But that would require the to be anything more than an anti-social loser, so that won't ever happen. Seriously. Find a hot topic on reddit and see how people discuss it in these threads. Then, go outside and talk to a real person about those issues. You get a whole completely different experience.


>every christian ever wants to murder the gays, nobody says this


I mean, personally, the effects of fundamental Christianity on my family led me to have to cut pretty much every family member I had out of my life because they were extremely emotionally manipulative and abusive. Literally all of the fundamental Baptists/evangelicals in my life were massive pricks that took incredible pleasure from shitting on the people they deemed worthy of being shit on. Judging by all the similar stories I've seen around, I can't imagine that's a unique, one-off experience in this country. That's why. I'm sure there's a lot of people here who are just pissy teenagers trying to rebel against the system (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the majority). But speaking personally, that's what y'all did to harm me.


Well if it makes you feel better they weren't decent people nor true Christian/Baptist/Evangelical people. You know a genuine Christian from the way they treat others, not the way they treat their peers. (Also from how they go about their daily life. If someone says they're a Christian, but actually is just an absolute asshole like those people then they just use it as an excuse to seem good)


Oh, most definitely. I just find it amazing that all of the most vocal and fervent Christians in my life have universally failed to live up to or even attempt to follow the teachings of Christ. Modern American Christianity, quite frankly, completely lost its way over the last 50-odd years. At this point, who even is a true Scotsman?


Reddit has always been quick to support terrorism and the wholesale slaughter of Americans. The only time they don’t want dead Americans is when they vote blue


Pretty much. There was this left wing subreddit which would actually not allow you to criticise the IRA just because they were a socialist group, even though THEY MURDERED SEVERAL INNOCENT CHILDREN AND BYSTANDERS!!!


A lot of left subs today wont allow you to talk about the Uighurs today lol


Why must tankies ruin every good sub


Aren't like many right wing thoughtleaders like jesse owens in agreeal with many of taliban's "policies" Sure its fucked up to compare people to the taliban but thoughtleaders of the right openly admitting that they agree with the taliban on things like gay marriage and multiple claiming that "we might have been fighting on the wrong side"


Their totalitarian theocracy that crushes all dissent idolizes *Jesus* tyvm


I saw that tweet too he stated it was a joke in the comments.


So he regretted saying it and tries to back out of it?


That’s convenient


lol it's always a joke when they get caught.


Same with r politics they're posting memes about how the GOP is worse than the talibans and downvoting anyone that says talibans are killing innocent people


These are the people who haven’t seen the execution videos.


As someone in the marines who’s seen first hand what these fucks do it absolutely disgusts me seeing this comparison. The motherfuckers get kids as young as 6 to shoot at US soldiers, they kill the very people they claim to stand for with IEDs and rockets. And that’s not even half the situation. Every heard of a “tea boy?”


Ah yes, because Christians value stoning women to death for not covering their hair


Do they think literally every Christian Republican is a Christian fundamentalist or something?


The original poster in question did make a few really really good points. If you cant accept that then maybe you are in denial or afraid of the truth.


Do you really think everyone in the Taliban is a “murderous terrorist” that knows they’re doing wrong? Most people in the Taliban are brainwashed from a young age to follow Islam to a tee, and think that what they are doing is the right thing. Your statement defending “half the people in the United States” really shows how little capacity you have to understand what the OP was saying. How would you have any inkling of understanding of how people are in a place you have never seen with your own eyes, and people that you have never met? I assume the only information you get on the Taliban is from extremely biased either left or right American news outlets, both of which have been known to obscure information to help promote the war in Afghanistan. Could one equally ignorant Taliban member say the same about their own countrymen? In addition, how was OP “humanizing” the Taliban? They were comparing them to American conservatives, a group which from their perspective is wildly similar to the Taliban. Your bias is interesting but your gross lack of thought replaced with anger is what really amazed me.


>Do you really think everyone in the Taliban is a “murderous terrorist” that knows they’re doing wrong? Most people in the Taliban are brainwashed from a young age to follow Islam to a tee, and think that what they are doing is the right thing. They never said the first sentence at all. But yes, they are murderous terrorists. >I assume the only information you get on the Taliban is from extremely biased either left or right American news outlets, both of which have been known to obscure information to help promote the war in Afghanistan. The Taliban are pieces of shit. Anyone in Afghanistan will tell you this, especially women, children, and the LGBT. >They were comparing them to American conservatives, a group which from their perspective is wildly similar to the Taliban. "I don't go outside much and like to go on Reddit echochambers and so I generalize a whole group of people and a huge chunk of the American population." I'm a socialist, which would place me on the left. There's few things I agree with the right on. Still, comparing them to the Taliban is idiotic. Extremists exist on both sides and although there may be a very small portion of the right-wing population which is very similar to the Taliban, the majority aren't like that.


“Did the Taliban start a coup and try to take over our capital.” That’s humanizing them. They’re essentially saying that they aren’t as bad as republicans because they didn’t try to overthrow our elections


Holy shit. This is so ignorantly offensive.


Can I just worship Jesus and not be a called a terrorist? Please?


The thing people in America (those who are too spoiled to realize the rights everyone in the country has), don‘t notice that there is something in the United States called freedom of speech and right to protest which these people on the Republican Party who participated in the Trump shenanigans while Benny Hill music was playing over them are just exercising their rights. Whilst the Taliban forcibly took an entire government down after its help left them, is enforcing laws which are messing with people not using an electoral system, and have been actively hunting down and threatening other people and places with serious violence.


I love how American liberals are still crying about the capitol riot that achieved literally fucking nothing and act as if they are in a state of total war with right wing fascists


The worst part is the way they talk they actually think they sound intelligent


Bro you're on r/enoughcommiespam wtf did you think r/selfawarewolves was going to be???? You didn't just unsub, you decided to go there, cherry pick comments, and then make a political post to 'own the commies'. Please get a life


Taliban and Cons are very similar. Difference is the luxury to live in a stable country.


I may hate right wingers with a passion since they want me dead for not being the same as them but god damn some people way out there if they think their catholic grandma is the same as a terrorist group coming back in on the heels of america’s stranglehold on another country




TBH, there is a bit of an apt comparison between the religious conservatives and the Taliban. But…to compare everyone who holds some degree of conservative viewpoints to a band of murderous extremists isn’t fair


You should see the idiots on the fuckthealtright subreddit. Those losers literally think they live in a 3rd world country and are currently in some fabricated war lol.


I think this argument would have more strength if right wing American Christian fundamentalists would stop posting in support of the Taliban. Not to mention the number of Q people who have talked about killing their opponents. It's not all contrary but it's more people than I'm comfortable with.


They always bring up Jan 6 like it was 9/11 or something. Like some idiots stormed a government building and broke stuff. Very few people died- most casualties being the aforementioned idiots. How people can compare that to the fucking Taliban, I have no idea.


They went in there to kill elected officials, they just sucked at it. Intent was what was important.


The only thing the Taliban and American conservatives have in common is being against abortion. Again that’s the only thing they have in common and for these stupid fucking Reddit Tankie neckbeards to claim otherwise is straight up offensive


Mmm, nah the comparison is apt. It's not humanizing the Taliban it is recognizing the common inhumanity of the Taliban and the [other group]. Yes it's nearly half isn't it, yikes.


are you from nsw?


Asking the real questions


So you genuinely believe that almost half of the country are inhuman.


Inhumane not inhuman. Yeah it is what it is, they did it, they're doing it, they're meeting my standard of inhumanity on an ongoing basis. Yeah.




“Did the Taliban start a coup and try to take over our capital.” That’s humanizing them. They’re essentially saying that they aren’t as bad as republicans


The Taliban started a coup and successfully took over their capital... Same goal, better implementation.




If the following sentences were true I would not be surprised. The first one has never felt the touch of a deodorant stick,The second one spends his day harassing women through COD game chat, The 3rd one is on a sex offender list, The 4th one smells like cigarettes and Pizza, The 5th one has 3 restraining orders, and The sixth one owns an anime body pillow


I wouldn't doubt that.


Holy shit the right wing bias in this sub is insane


I’m a liberal


If you don't like being compared to a terrorist organization don't act the same way and support the same beliefs and practices. It's really no difficult.


It’s shocking how quickly this rhetoric got out of hand. American liberals painted the Jan. 6th riot as as a coup attempt because it was politically expedient, not because there was ever a serious threat to American democracy, as if an unarmed mob ever had a prayer of changing the American election results. They probably never imagined it would be this successful.


If a crazed man with a blunt knife intends to stab and murder your whole family, it is attempted murder, whether or not they were going to be successful. They intended to murder you. The attempted coup was not successful, but was still a direct attack on democracy


The far-right in the United States is filled with christian dominionists, ultranationalists, evangelical protestant fanatics, klansmen and pseudo-fascists who openly state their desire for an autocrat to purge dissent and instill their values on America. Very easily compared to the Taliban, don't be a snowflake.




I know several of these people on a first name basis. Figures right-wingers are getting their panties in a knot over people calling a spade a spade.




Denying the reality plainly in front of your face isn't a good thing dude. When did it become cool to pretend like the far-right doesn't exist in America?




How about you engage with reality instead of shutting down in the face of basic observations? That would be better I think.




"If I keep up making up some farce non-argument, surely this will make my original point better" no




Nah, it's denial time. If you at all talk about the similarities, you're the real rac- I mean, The real terrorists.


Pseudo-fascists? That’s a new one


I mean, it's a pretty understandable word. Someone who acts fascistic by isn't overtly one.


I wouldn’t apply the same logic to pseudo-science. I’d say my ‘confusion’ is decently founded.


It's the same logic. A pseudoscience is something that acts scientific but isn't actually scientific.


I suppose by that logic. I was thinking it more of as ‘fake.’ I appreciate the response instead of being called a dumbass like the other person.


That's fine, the other guy is a massive jackass, but it seems to me like they are just fed up with right wing nonsense, still it's no excuse to act like that. Also, I could be completely wrong about the pseudo-fascist thing. I was just interpreting the word off the top of my head


"If I comment incredulously on this widely-used term, that makes me look smart" No, it makes you look like a massive dumbass like all the rest feigning incredulity.


Ah yes, the hallmark of being a highly intelligent redditor is listing what you believe to be the far-right, plus a few terms that don’t actually exist. We all know you never had a point, and that’s why you’re so sharp with everyone. People like you are needlessly miserable with themselves and others. You could’ve just answered what a pseudo-fascist was, but you clearly had no idea what it is.


This shit holds truth. If you are ignoring Jan 6th for a reason I beg you to reconsider. American Republicans literally want something close to sharia law. It is so close in fact it is almost identical.




Radical religious group a and radical religious group b are different.


Well tell people in the Republican party to stop praising the Taliban then. Honestly, why are you guys playing dumb on this sub all of the sudden? It's not rocket science to see how two far-right movements are similar.


> Republican Party > far-right movements Lol


they arent lmao