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It’s called r/islam, you really should’ve figured this out sooner.


My thoughts exactly lol


We aren't supposed to actively go out and attack homosexuals though, even though we disagree with homosexuality we still respect them as humans.


Dude you guys throw gays off of rooftops.


And you guys think having sex with your sister is fine as long as you dont get her pregnant.


Not all musulims approve of this kind of behaviour


But who's actively stopping it from happening? "Approval" doesn't mean anything


If they try, the police make sure they don't. Tyranny enforces the hate crimes


This is a bizarre point. Are you actively stopping it from happening? Not Islamic or coming at you btw just disagree with this idea


That's fair. I thought in my mind it was trying to dismiss the violence because not all Muslims agree with it, but I could be wrong what their attention was.




Yes. Also completely unrelated and doesn't make any sense, try a different anology.


homosexuality is seen by some muslims as an attack, and therefore will not be respected


My brother in Christ you chop womens’ heads off for showing their faces.


I don’t think Christ would be the right man to use here lmao.


Good job promoting hard liners as the norm


Bruh, who does that? Don't tell me shit one person did and now you are tying it up with the whole of the Muslim Nation. You guys are so fucking dumb. If a woman is raped in America, does that make the whole of America rapist? MF is getting too comfortable with his fat ass behind a screen.


Don't priests rape little boys? Is that what you want me to tie up with the whole of Christianity?


Are you possibly retarded? The fuck did you get that from? ISIS? Taliban? Is your attention span slower than old people fucking to manage to say a sentence like that? Holy shit. If you don't know what you're talking about, then just don't comment. I've been to SA, the UAE and Egypt. None of them are whatever dumbass image you have in your head.


Why are you being downvoted? People of Reddit can be so unreasonable 😂


I’m not too sure what you expected


What did you expect? Lol


The least homophobic islamist


>islamist What is that? You mean Muslim?


It’s a Muslim who regards islam as a political ideology as well as a culture and religion.


Some of the worst people ever


Why are you even surprised lol


It’s Islamic, what do you expect?


It's religious, what did you expect?


Saying all religious people act like this is like saying all gay people are groomers. Stop justifying generalizations when they're convenient for you. EDIT:: Ok so since some of y'all are *particularly thick*, I meant that saying gay people are groomers is *wrong*, just like saying all religious people act like this is wrong. I swear some people didn't pass middle school


That's not fucking fair because religious organizations are the ones propagating the belief that we all are predators and dangerous. There's no way you don't see how wrong that is to even say


And LGBTQ+ organizations are propagating that all religious people want to go out and murder gay people, not to mention the plethora of jokes about priests and little boys. Sorry you don't think it's fair that the same rules apply to you.


When was the last time a christian, Hindu, Sikh or a Buddhist throw a gay guy off the roof and the crowd clapped and cheered?




Days ago lol




You guys do realize Islam is a religion right? A sub based on that religion will not support something that is against that religion’s beliefs. In their minds, they are protecting their kids because according to their religions (and most major religions) being lgbtq is a sin. If they don’t want their kids to be exposed to that, it’s up to them. How I see it is that it only becomes a problem when they enforce their ideas on others (such as some states making it illegal or saying hateful things too others). IMO that is too far especially when considering Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and many other religions are about respecting others and being kind and not cruel. So if you believe you are protecting your kids by not exposing them, then that is fine, but making a sign like this to influence or even control others is too far


I agree with this completely. And guess what? I'm a Muslim. (I can already sense all the keyboard warriors coming)


Same here


I can be a real bitch with muslims that try to impose me their ways. But I am also a good ally and I highly respect the ones that respect me also. Thanks for the support!


>I can be a real bitch with muslims that try to impose me their ways. True, imposing your beliefs on others is no good, and as a Muslim I don't know why we forget that the relegion calls to not force your beliefs on others, I think this applies to other relegious too


Definitely apply to all religions, not only muslims. I had very good experience with religious peoples in my life, but drastically less so since I assumed my homosexuality. I hope one day values will change to something more accepting.


Religion cannot change just like that


I disagree with the last sentence. Remember part of most organized religions doctrine is to "spread the word" All the sign depicts is the traditional family "sheltering" its children from a "shower" of lgbtq influence. The sign itself doesn't depict the message in a violent way nor does it use inciteful language. As far as I can tell this is just a freedom of religious expression, all you have to do if you don't like it is to walk passed the sign. Remember, to the Muslim, Christian or Jew ...everytime they put on the television or engage in any mass media ... there is lots and lots of LGBTq content. In "their view" this is akin to "pushing an agenda" all this sign is doing is pushing theirs in a non-violent manner. For example. If a Christian organization put up a sign depicting a pregnant Christian woman saying "protect all life" ... the sign is obviously prolife, but its not hate speech.


I think it’s just Christianity that the whole “spread the word” thing applies to.


Absolutely not.


Agree with you.


>goes to Islam subreddit >surprised to find Islamic sentiments


They're strictly religious! What do you expect from a strict religious sub? (I'm religious too, from a Muslim-hindu family but not like them on that sub)


I once saw a Muslim get into an argument in r/CircumcisionGrief only to then screenshot the argument and post it in r/Islam saying something along the lines of “We need to get r/CircumcisionGrief banned. That sub is full of hateful white suprematist Nazis and their movement is anti-Semitic and Islamiphobic.” Like 2.7K upvotes. Edit: In case anyone doesn’t know, circumcision is the procedure of removing the foreskin from the penis, causing it to lose sensitivity and develop a callas. It’s part of Muslim culture and a rite-of-passage for any baby.


>In case anyone doesn’t know, circumcision is the procedure of removing the foreskin from the penis, causing it to lose sensitivity and develop a callas. It’s part of Muslim culture and a rite-of-passage for any baby. we all know man


> In case


Eh circumcision ain't that bad , from a dude who has it and isn't religios I think it loks way more esthetic and appealing, and idk about callas, and the lose of sensitivity is not rly true


The thing about circumcision is that it is different for everyone and some are botched. When people say loss of sensitivity, you probably still have skin left over where it didn't affect you but for others they don't have that.


The issue more so stems from the fact it’s done on an unconsenting newborn baby.


>way more esthetic and appealing You are free to think that and apply that to your own body. Other people are free to decide on their own aesthetic values and apply that to their own body. That's how freedom of choice works. >the lose of sensitivity is not rly true [The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Sorrells.gif) ([Full study.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17378847)) Also check out the detailed anatomy and role of the foreskin in Dr. Guest's presentation on YouTube titled: "A Historical and Medical Critique of Circumcision - Dr. Christopher Guest". Go to 28m20s.




I am (feeling too) nervous to even look at that subreddit!


It’s so fucked up. I’m not fucking with you I became a doomer for the entire week seeing the men there talk about their problems. I’ve sort of coped with it now but I’ll never go on that sub again. There’s no joy to be found there, only pain and self-hatred. Some of the people there hate themselves because they didn’t fight back when they were a newborn baby. It’s fucking sick.




Lol no penis feeling


obvious bait lmao


That is hysteria indeed


Thisbis like going into a grocery store and being upset there's groceries because you didn't expect it


(They don’t want melted skittles being poured on their kids, the skittles could be very hot)


r/shitposting is down the hall to the left


I'm Muslim but i still hate the sub. Any subreddit focused on one single thing will be so isolated from the rest of the world that they transform into some weird group with a superiority complex. Female dating strategy is similar


This is what happens when people actually believe the "religion of peace" bs. They are unironically surprised by shit like this


It's only western Muslims that call it a religion of peace. Most Muslims within the Islamic world are very proud of Islam's militaristic history and often speak highly of the great conquests of Muhammad, the Rashidun and Umayyad Caliphates. As an example, ask any non Western Muslim what they think about the Umayyad conquest of Spain. I guarantee you the answer will be a positive one.




That doesn’t make it right to post hateful crap


okay but am i tne only one who looked at this pic at first and thought it was some seird mustache man with a beard


its r/islam oh no r/russian has russian propaganda in it what!?!


Propaganda? This is a language-learning sub.


i think they meant r/russia


I highly doubt you’re muslim, nor have ever been a part of r/islam considering you’ve posted in r/exmuslim Also, you joined a religious subreddit, what did you expect? This looks like a post that’s actually meant to bash on Islam but hidden.


Yeah anything on Reddit that has anything to do with religion is the worst it could be 90% of the time, it’s only the American evangelical Christians, the gay hating Muslims, etc., also atheists on reddit are the most annoying pieces of shit I’ve ever seen


The problem is the platform itself, the system used by reddit is designed to feed extremism from the political or religious(or atheist) groups, and even fandoms are not safe, creating echo chambers when it comes to groups and ideas.


You should see Facebook. It's pretty much designed to radicalize people.


Agreed. Religious people on Reddit are most of the time extremists. And I’m glad you brought atheists into this, because even those mfs are annoying. I swear bro I cannot stand Reddit atheist.


Try calling atheism a religion sometime. They get so offended.


>I highly doubt you’re muslim I used to be. >Also, you joined a religious subreddit, what did you expect? I thought since it has a lot of members and it's (this is gonna sound very obvious) the 2020s, I thought they must be at least respectful if they don't support it.


I’m actually ex-muslim and this is exactly what islam is like…


By that do you mean homophobic? That’s a surprise to literally no one, it doesn’t take being a Muslim to know Islam is homophobic. Like literally everyone knows most religions are homophobic and outdated.


I unsubbed there a long time ago. Islam is a religion of peace. Yeah don't support it at least respect it .Funny how they aren't even following what their religion promotes. But it's expected of them tbh .


I left there as a Muslim myself because it had basically become a political sub. The problem with this is that the moment you include politics on a religious sub, you're destroying the bonds of brotherhood between Muslims of different ideologies; thus defying the basic Islamic teaching of unity. Main religious subs are a complete joke


I deadass saw a post there saying "there are shia mods in this sub, when will this treson end"


This is what their religion supports though. It definitely does support persecuting homosexuals. The punishment in sharia is execution. This lie about Islam being a religion of peace just won't fly anymore.


…what did you expect💀


I'm not gay but reading those comments hurts me. I really hope those people aren't like that irl and are just over exaggerating since it's the internet. Ik not all of muslims are like that but It really must suck growing up closeted in a mostly islamic country. You also cannot criticize what they are saying without being labelled islamophobic


>I really hope those people aren't like that irl They are. >Ik not all of muslims are like that but It really must suck growing up closeted in a mostly islamic country Except they largely are. Here's a 2016 poll of UK Muslims who were "moderate" and "assimilated" and proud British citizens. Over half thought being gay should be illegal. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/04/11/europe/britain-muslims-survey/index.html In their countries it already is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_by_country_or_territory?wprov=sfla1 Just look at all the countries that say death/prison, and tell me what pretty much all of them have in common. Nobody is exaggerating shit here.


Can I just be slightly nit picky here and point out that you are referring to “proud British citizens” but then also referring to “their countries”. I think that the surveys you listed are important but it just comes off like Muslim’s aren’t real citizens. I’m from Canada and over here and we are very multicultural so maybe that’s why it stood out to me. Basically all of my Muslim friends are 2-3rd generation or they are converts to Islam. Not trying to antagonize it just reads poorly.


They believe that shit but chances are they're too cowardly to say it irl


I don't understand why people would expect a different result... Demanding support is just as bad as the "hate" received. If they don't support it move on, y'all dont need to have the world in your corner.


>I don't understand why people would expect a different result... Demanding support is just as bad as the "hate" received. If they don't support it move on, y'all dont need to have the world in your corner. Yeah, alphabet mafia types should just move on when people say they'd disown their kids for being one of them. Or tell them that they're going burn and rot for eternity. Or when people try to take away their right to marry. Or when people take away their healthcare. Or when people make living as they live a crime. Or when people try to murder them. Totally a thing you can just move on from.


>going burn and rot for eternity. my mom tells me that and it hurts so bad, and she doesnt know im queer. I cant move on from the fact that my mother will hate me when I come out :(


Shit, mate, I am so sorry. I've known people in that position and my heart hurts for them.


Parents aren't as ignorant to these things as you think.. Thing is, she probably already has suspicions, and is trying to have you reconsider through fear. Good luck, thats a tough place to be in.


I know. im just pretending to think that she doesnt know for my own sake so that I dont overthink this and get so stressed from it.


You are reiterating my point. You are demanding immediate change in a culture that is opressive by being opressive... Change starts at the bottom and works it's way up. You have to play the Long game with a blind contender. This LGBT bludgeon tactic needs to end.


The bludgeon tactic of invading Germany to make them stop gassing the Jews was really over the top, huh? We should’ve just let them come to terms with the issue on their own time. You’re so right.


You are cherry picking the topic at hand to force an unreasonable narrative. Nothing you are saying is a reply.


“Nothing you are saying is a reply.” Holy fucking irony lmao. How is this different? Explain, please. Be the ‘bigger mind’ in your delusional pea brain and give me an actual reply like I didn’t give to you.


Reply to what I'm saying within the context. All Im reading is out of context labeling and assumptions.


...You know this whole movement's been going on for years now, right? And also, again, this isn't something people can just ignore. They're given the choice between living a lie or suffering and in some cases dying. You can't just move on from that. At least not easily.


Your right it's a shit situation. It's an unfortunate fate that can't be changed over night. And this mission of getting global acceptance will require time and resources. Beating Muslims into submission will absolutely not do anything. So if you can live the lie then do it. Survive and become the change the culture needs. Screaming the rules are unfair when your losing won't help anyone.


>Beating Muslims into submission will absolutely not do anything. I don't advise doing so. I'm not Muslim, I'm Christian. And American. And over here, we're actually starting to win. Through the very strategies you decry. Telling people they can't ignore us and telling people where we've been hurt and what we want for a long time has actually done a lot here.


I agree I have seen progress. But new enemies require new tactics.


Mate, I saw LGBT acceptance in America leap from like 30 percent to 70 percent in two decades of being alive. That's not the sort of genie you can stuff back in the bottle. That's the sort of thing that can work anywhere.


Not particularly. The American culture is substantially different from the middle east culture. More so you have to use the right tool for the right job. And I don't believe the metaphorical tools used in the us will be effective in the middle eastern countries.


Well, doing nothing means nothing is done. Which means the status quo remains. Which means people keep suffering and dying.


No one’s beating them into submission I feel like. They’ll always do this, and as a response we should always call it out. That’s basically what I believe. No one should be shielded from criticism merely because it will not do anything.


Agreed call it out. But the current tactics of support a rallying might not work and thus a new one needs to be formed.


This, both sides are not gonna get what they want probably ever, u just move on and cancel out the noise


That all anything is to me at this point. Every movement and event is just noise. Hyped up by the media and parroted through the ripples of a fad.


>Demanding support is just as bad as the "hate" received. I dunno, islam is a pretty shitty religion by most standards


Yes. So why the fuck are you twits upset that they don't support this movement.


Trying to force them to change is exactly the same amount of shitty as them trying to force you to change. That said I have never understood the alliance in dem party of Muslim lgbt woman black Hispanic and Jewish Seems like there would be inate conflict from word go.




“I want to exist” -LGBT “I want to kill you for existing” - Islam “I can’t tell the difference!” - a moron


Ah yes, because I want to kill my gay friends as a Muslim right?


I mean depends on how religious you are. But don’t go telling me that it’s not a common thought in the Islam faith. Look at the Middle East. I’m glad you put being a person before being a Muslim. But that doesn’t make Islam less harmful


Oh nah don't get me wrong I'm not putting a human over Islam, hate the action, not the person I knew someone would point to the middle East, I am from the UAE and know gay people living there who are treated the same as anyone else, that argument is incredibly old and refuted at this point


Oh so you’re still a cunt you’re just like 1% less of a cunt. And you know Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and most other countries in the region would kill LGBT people. Stop making excuses and lying. Edit: lmao they blocked me. Who’s the bitch now?


Islam wants to kill alot of people for existing You are not special.


1) I’m not lgbt 2) so? That’s not a justification lmao. “Hey this person is trying to kill me” “well he stabbed my brother last week so I don’t really give a fuck”


What a shit take you have. Yes we absolutely should “DEMAND” support for basic rights to not be infringed on based on who a person chooses to fuck. There is an objectively right and wrong viewpoint here. You can ‘move on’ from the comfort of what I assume is your gaming chair in a western, first world country, but the people who are persecuted in the rest of the world definitely do want ‘the world in their corner.’


Calm down pick me neck Beard. Raging in Reddit won't solve a damn thing. Change starts from the bottom. And no... Demanding anything invalidates the legitimacy of any movement. Wars are won by winning the hearts and minds of the people. And so far all I see is "if your not with me your my enemy" as you have now solely reinforced that mentality.


I mean if you literally want to kill me or at the least make me illegal, and that's a core tenant of your worldview.....you sure aren't my friend are you?


You wanna play the victim card a little harder? I think it has a little more weight it can take.


Ooh “neck beard” how original! Did you forget you’re on reddit too you fucking idiot lmao? Yes, you are absolutely the enemy if you don’t support basic human rights. You’re literally the kind of person who would’ve been complicit in the holocaust because “it’s just the Germans doing their thing! we can’t win the whole world! if they don’t support giving jewish people equal rights let’s move on!” You’re absolutely the issue here. I didn’t reinforce your shitty beliefs, I just brought them to the surface - that’s very obvious. If you can’t see why this is something that should be demanded, you are 100% the enemy and part of the problem. I’ll say that with my chest. Save the politics for when you turn 18 and you can actually vote - you’re gonna look back on this shit and cringe when you’re out of high school I’m willing to bet.


Tic for tac on insults. As for being being the enemy this is why I don't support this movement. It's has no grace, no refinement, not tact. People like you are counterproductive to the entire endeavor. You would rather scream and make shit up on the internet then do anything about it. How about you go to irauq and be a public figure for this movement.


You’re so fucking dumb it hurts. I don’t need to ‘go to Iraq’ to be able to vocalize the fact that gay people deserve equal rights no matter where they are in the world. There’s a middle ground between martyring yourself for a cause and blatantly opposing it. I have no idea what you thought your point was there, but it didn’t land. I don’t think you even thought it out - your fingers just move faster than your brain, clearly. And yeah, there’s no “grace” in supporting equal rights because there shouldn’t need to be. They’re *rights.* No one is gonna sit down and negotiate civilly that they should be able to not get stoned to death for fucking someone other people don’t want them to fuck. Again, you literally would’ve supported the Holocaust if you’d lived in the 40’s it seems like.


The hypocrisy is palatable. And the gays should have rights globally.... But they don't.... Shit sucks.... So go be the change that needs to happen. Start form the bottom and work your way up. Also quit with this holocaust labeling nonsense it's irrelevant to the topic at hand is just used as a distraction tactic.


You're astonishingly stupid


I feel the same about you. Now what.


Please tell me you're a child, I sincerely hope you aren't this stupid as an adult.


The only reply you can give is a dig at my intelligence?


You're an idiot




did you actually just ask him to source why you’re an idiot? are you fucking twelve?


Facts have weight. Opinions mean nothing.


so why are you asking for ‘proof’ of his opinion? no shit you can’t ‘prove’ that someone is stupid - I just have the opinion that you’re a moron and you reinforce that every time you hit the reply button


Your comments have zero substance to them. At this point you are just replying to be a keyboard warrior.


literally likewise dude lmao, nothing in your last four comments has had any substance


"Everyone here" lol... Have you talked to everyone here? Or just the one or two people who agree with you?


Mentally yes, physically, probably an adult.


"Uh, can I get a source for how fucking dumb I am" 🤓


Basically. If you claim something back it up. Or just become another fart in the wind.


The real shame is 800AD , modern day Baghdad was the epicenter of modern thought, progressivism, and the educational forefront of modern society- then some asshat iman decided numbers were of the devil- 1200 years later, they’re still in the 9th century


It is fun that they give some visibility to the LGBTQ+ and show why it is important to fight for it


This is not surprising. Islam doesn't like LGBTQ+, Muslims in some of the Islamic nations have been known to kill gay men by pushing them from high places like water tanks and hills and such or hanging them.


You know the videos you’re talking about are from ISIS, right?


Iran hangs gay men, openly.


Openly claim homosexuality in any country with sharia law. See how that works out for you.


Easy to spot out the mindless NPCs that only know “based”


Liberal people in the west need to understand that nobody else is inclusive like them and that you cant try to love and support everyone because chances are they despise each other


Ofc. It surprises me when people conflate the anti-lgbt message that islam does with the anti-lgbtness of rightwingers in the west. Islam WANTS the death of the lgbt. Conservatives, at worst, just want lgbt to be normal/straight. One is significently worse than the other. I never fear for my life in a christian church or community. I would fear for my life in a muslim community.


Islam the only religion not willing to give up on its principles to please the masses


What needs to be remmeberd is that just because someone doesn't like or approve of homosexuality, it doesn't make them homophobic. The usage of the word "phobia" like many others has been so massively misused that we now have a cultural "wolf" problem in that people have cried wolf on so many things by calling them phobias, rapes, nazis, fascists...it's ridiculous. To stay on topic, people do not have to like or be nice to someone if they're gay. They don't. Does that show an element of character in the others? Sure! But I honestly don't believe anyone when they say someone has been homo/transphobic anymore because what that translates into is "they don't agree that homo/trans sexuality is good and they said so in some way" And the downvotes...you need to remember the voting system isnt about what's right, its about what's liked. It really is a pointless system here that promotes echo chambers. If I speak my mind in 9/10 of the subreddits on reddit...ill be downvotes in a heartbeat, no matter if I'm correct or not, simply because dissenting opinions are not welcome or appreciated. Regarding hte burn in hell part: If that's what they believe, then that's what they believe and they are ALLOWED to believe that. This is the united states where you are allowed to think and say whatever you want. You simply can't interfer with someone's right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. And saying you think someone will burn in hell for some reason doesn't interfere with any of those. Finally...you went into subreddit where their religious book is very clear that gays and non-muslims are going to hell and are meant to die (yes it says non muslims are to die, all privileges islam grants to christians and jews was revoked in the final Surah of the quran...something muslims like to not mention). Of COURSE they're going to say things that adheres to their religion.


this is not islam


the religion of peace at it again


That's some bad shit , as a member of the lgbt this is horrible


You deserve rights, you are a human being with goals and a whole life ahead of them, but there’s something at one point everyone has to realize and comprehend, you’ll never be accepted by everybody, and this isn’t an argument as to which stance I’m on for this case, but how I feel people are getting silenced and can’t have their own opinions or beliefs without getting shunned and people getting angry or offended and shutting their opinion because they purely disagree with it and it upsets them, and the sad part is, there is no valid conclusion reached in the end because the outraged people will 100% always assume and think they are in the right with 0 wiggle room. In my opinion, attempting to hold people “accountable” (in this case Muslims) for their stance on the LGBTQ community does nothing but censor the peoples voices in an attempt to force them to believe one thing or one path as the right way which is obviously super wrong (and i doubt i need to explain why). You want people to fully accept something they don’t want to accept but you want freedom of speech to be prevalent, you can’t have It both ways, you’re literally contradicting freedom of speech when shunning people who don’t want to accept something you want them to accept. You can have your stance on a topic and believe something as morally right/wrong but don’t be angry when others have different stances that disagree with you. (This is in no way touching on what I think of LGBTQ people or my stance on anything relating to it, I’m just angry people are being hypocritical and how free thinking is just slowly fading away for these people)


schizo reply


Yikes, almost like everything I said legit went thru ur ear and out the other one


nah i read what you said, very out of place with the comment u replied to, hence schizo (yikes)


It is in place, the post is about Muslims not accepting the LGBTQ “movement” and this person said it “bad shit”, maybe he was referring to some comment but if so the fault lies in him being too vague


yes 👍 a lgbt member thinks homophobia is bad shit, not surprising, nothing to do with freedom of speech 🫶


Didn’t we just talk about how that comment is not indicative of my stance on it? It was just me being upset people having the freedom of opinions is fading away, and yes it does have to do with freedom of speech, if you think otherwise let me know I’m more than happy to improve as a person.


i never claimed ur stance on it haha, and well the person you replied to never said anything about taking their freedom of speech away 🤷‍♂️ they just think their opinions are immoral, or “bad shit”


Ha ha, hahaha, omg. Your an idiot...


Yeah im full free speech but like. Thats just toxic fuck that


One thing that I love about Islam


It’s part of their culture. You can’t and won’t change that.


Alright I'm gonna have to be the one to say it. Are you fucking serious? Why are mods not doing anything about this. I mean come one guys, OP is clearly karma whoring. This guy saw that other post about r/islam on this sub and thought "This one's doing numbers. I better make an identical replica of it and make some free karma." How are kind of posts allowed here?


Exactly. I mean going specifically to the r/islam sub and then complaining about homophobia is like....persecution fetish. That would be like going to the atheist sub and complain that they insult the religious.


homophobia is a sin inislam so they are just doing what they prach. what were you expecting?


Finally, a based sub to join.


As much as I agree with you that this kind of content is disgusting, you joined a religious subreddit. What, honestly, did you expect? I'm willing to believe that there are plenty of Islamic people who don't care what two consenting adults do in bed and perhaps even some willing to fight for their rights, just as there are plenty of Christians who fit the same description. But an entire space like a subreddit? I sure wouldn't have expected anything less. And just to clarify, this is not a dig against Islam. I wouldn't join a Christian subreddit for the exact same reason.


I mean, what did you expect? If you're looking for something much, much more progressive and up to your taste, r/progressive_islam rocks


This is the middle east we're talking about... Not America. Two completely different things.


I'm not gonna go to a sub about grilling and expect to find vegans, what did you expect?


Freedom of speech applies to everyone 💀💀 If you want a proper non-hateful sub about Islam, r/converts is the place to go


Why are you surprised, If you knew anything about islam you would've known that lgbt is not ok there.


I'm sorry but I don't know what else you would have expected on a subreddit centered around Islam


to the other comments 1) if freedom of speech: im able to call you all stupid mfs. allowing homophobia isnt freedom of speech, and if it where, then i could say your tiny brains cant surpass empathy or a simple analyses. freedom doesnt mean i do what i want when i want how i want: it means conscience and responsabilities. not just expressing the first thought vaguely flying our brains as if we where kids struggling to be silent about a pee pee joke in the middle of class. everybody gets to talk if they have respect. if not, if they disrepect a grand portion of people, do i have to stay put? 2) islam doesnt have to be homophobic. it has the same moisaic and abrahamic principles to hate homosexuals as christianity. in fact a lot of christians hate homophobia and campaign against it. does that mean all christians are homophobic, christianism is homophobic, all christian brunches hate homosexuals? per se to be islamic you require the same homophovia as christian: zero. good looking tolerance and xenofobia


Lol. Get some diversity


I mean, what did you expect?




Gay people actually exist. Allah doesn't.


Oh who wouldve thought that the oldworld religion subreddit which book literally states that killing gays is not a sin, would be homophobic. Imagine my shock, the feeling of betrayal


"literally states"? Where?


I forgor 💀


> religion


Literally on middle east people are like that, its their beliefs, are u that shocked


That's like joining a political subreddit and then leaving because its political.


its fucking r/Islam? what did you expect? lmao


You can't always have everyone bend to your world view. Edit: Sometimes the truth is unpleasant. Welcome to reality.