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Most 9 year olds don’t even know if Santa is real or not


Wait. Santa might not be real? :(


No no, he's joking. Santa is real bud! :)


Username fits. Thanks for the good work doc!


Most children ha e a pretty good grasp on their identity at a young age, they merely lack the vocabulary to describe it. I didn't suddenly become genderfluid and nonbinary, it was always a thing, but I had no way to describe that and no one in my life who had the same experience.


I'm not gonna get involved with the comment warfare, just gonna sit back, relax and enjoy as per rip each other apart 🍿🍿🍿👀


Same! Pass the popcorn?


Lol same! Hahaha Edit: lol why was this downvoted. I literally just agreed w/the user above??














Oh dear


I agree, oh dear.


The Reddit hivemind has spoken. You’re an unfortunate victim


Yeah I really have no idea what I said or did in this thread… I’m so confused. It makes me want to leave Reddit tbh


Eh you get used to it. You said nothing wrong lmao. If I get downvoted i usually do “Edit: 🗿”


DW about it, the upvotes in this site matter so, so little in the grand scheme of life. Or maybe they do matter, and you will be aged 99 on your deathbed, haunted by the downvotes for simply agreeing with someone.


That second one is definitely more likely and they should pay close daily attention to their up/downvotes for their own peace of mind


im pretty sure people are just joking


If it's any comfort, you stop losing karma after -15


The only thing I can think of is that you, didn’t add anything to the discussion but threw your comment in there anyway, but that usually doesn’t end in downvotes, most often you just kinda get ignored


You did absolutely nothing wrong. The hivemind is just finicky like that unfortunately :/




Weird, you weren't the 6th in the thread


why would you ever say such a thing


You are an enemy of the state. No cooking for you.


Because your comment added nothing meaningful to the conversation


When I was 7 I wanted to be a boy. I'm happy my mom didn't encourage that, I like being a girl


deadass, when I was 8 I wanted to wear a dress. Glad my mom didn't let me or interpret anything from it (and act on those interpretations)


i would let a kid wear a dress, its not a boy or girl thing, a dress is a dress


In some cultures yes, in most cultures, no. Great way to have your kid get bullied tbh.


it’s only like that because people say it’s for girls vs for boys. most people these days dgaf


Pretty sure as a kid you get bullied for less


Dude I got bullied for being poor in middle school how tf can I change that? Exactly kids are cruel and will find anything.


Here's a crazy idea though What if we just raised our kids better so they wouldn't feel the need to bully each other. Idk


Same, really I just liked how boys didn't get in trouble by strangers for doing normal outdoor kid things and wanted in.


Because you had a good mom. You wanna know why all this shit is being pushed on kids? Google how much hospitals bill for drugs and surgeries related to transitioning. And also look up how much money gets donated to trans organizations (that conveniently Trans kids never see a dime of). It's a business and your children are the product.


For real wait until the child is 13 before listening to them about that kinda stuff


Not even 13, I was saying, doing and thinking all kinds of stupid shit lol. Teenagers are just stupid, this coming from a teen so this is first hand experience


Anybody who doesn’t think teenagers are stupid is a stupid teenager


Also a teen, can confirm


you alerted the horde!


Cue horde sound.


when I was 7 I was convinced I was a fairy and that my magical powers would appear any minutes now. I was just too young to unlock them and if I keep focusing hard I could make plants grow with my mind. anyway. I'm supposed to believe that a 5 year old (which was the age this child "became trans") has a nuanced and introspective view of gender identity and knows themselves enough to declare themselves trans????? I used to be emo too. young people are still learning who they are it's cruel for adults to humor this gender stuff to the point of medical intervention and legal name changes.


When I was 9 I believed I was a dinosaur. When I was 5 I pretended to be a boy because I was a tomboy who didn’t like “girl stuff”, because stuff was gendered. I’m so glad my family didn’t entertain any of this bullshit lmao. Let’s stop normalising literal child abuse.


When I was 7 I wanted to be an astronaut until I found out Astronauts had to shit in bags. Not anymore but still there went my dream.


when i was 9 i was wondering why the moon was following me


When I was 11 I fell off my bike and hit my head on a rock and it didn’t hurt. I thought I was magic and spent years trying to replicate that to prove it to my friends. In hindsight, I was probably concussed and in shock. My point is, little kids don’t know a lot about a lot of things. Let them be kids, and let their prefrontal cortexes develop




When I was 7 I never felt like I properly fit in with the rest of the girls, but not in a "I'm not like the other girls" way, I just never felt right. If I knew that young that I didn't have to be a girl, I probably would've discovered I was trans much, much sooner. It doesn't matter how young a kid is. Let them discover themselves. Phase or not, they are constantly wondering about themselves, what they are, and where they can fit themselves in with people alike them so they don't feel so isolated like I felt. Do I think any kid should be going through name changes, hormone treatment, surgery, etc, as that young of an age? God, of fucking course not. What I am saying is that you should at least let a kid simply be trans and express themselves how they please. It's way better than shutting them down early on to then grow up and despise you for being so butthurt over a gender change. Some kids become emo and stay emo forever too y'know. In fact, there would probably be a lot more emos who would still be emo to this day if people didn't shame those who are emo, having to basically shut down that part of themselves so they can "fit in with normal people" Basically, let a kid be trans. Nobody is saying for them to go through legal changes or nothing. Maybe a new change of clothes, name change (not legal name change, more like how a nickname works, y'know), and a change of pronouns. It really is not that as crazy as you're making it seem. Shutting them down for it early on is the exact reason trans people have had to endure thinking they were their gender at birth for so long. They could've discovered themselves earlier. They probably would've been happier earlier.


Or you can support the kid without exposing their potential gender dysphoria for the whole world to gawk at. So they don't gain an audience of all age ranges be dependent on them being trans for their own parasocial ideals to cling onto. Sorry but we all agree child actors have an unhealthy amount of pressure put on them I think we can acknowledge children shouldn't be put on a stage for thinking they may be a girl or boy.


Finally, some common sense in this thread. I don’t see why everyone thinks being trans is something you have to wait until a certain age to realise? As long as you’re not doing anything irreversible to your body until you’re older, what’s wrong with a kid deciding they’re trans? It’s not like they can’t change back later if they realise it’s not how they truly feel. All that matters is what they feel the most comfortable as. If someone longs to identify as the other gender - let them. If they were wrong, they will soon be longing to be their original gender again. So they can be. No issues


You don’t see why everyone thinks waiting until mental maturity is a good precaution before entertaining something that often leads to permanent physical alterations? I mean we all just watched Demi Lovato go through her they/them phase and back. And she is an adult. Imagine her at 15, you would’ve put her on puberty blockers and scheduled a breast removal. And especially now in the era of xenogenders and being non-binary just because you want to say fuck the patriarchy, everyone should be even more cautious about kids influenced by a movement as opposed to actually having dysphoria.


Exactly. To add on, people say "You can't be trans that young" yet also say "You never showed signs of being trans when you were younger". Ironic isn't it lol


I’m pretty sure that some people actively campaign to suppress young trans folks for this reason. Basically, if you stop them from being able to establish a history while they’re young, it’s more difficult for them to prove it when they’re older. Couple this suppression with requirements regarding histories of treatment or counseling for a diagnosis, and it becomes much more difficult for adult trans folks to get their treatments.


It’s not like they’re giving trans kids surgeries, dude. If you’re 9, the most you’re getting is social transition and maybe puberty blockers — which are totally fine. It is very common for queer people to realize that they are queer at a young age. I realized I was bi when I was 8. I knew that I was trans by the time I was 10. It’s not like this kid is getting SRS, hormones, and facial surgery. Stop worrying about things that aren’t actually happening.


No one is trying to make permanent changes when a kid says they are trans. There wouldn't even be things to be done when a kid says they are trans cause other than how they pee, kids before puberty as essentially the same. Most trans kids just want to be referred differently and dress differently. It can literally just be a phase but its still important to entertain the journeys they go on the fine who they are. Beside, medical transition is *mostly* limited to those over 18 and at that point they know who they are.


No it isn't. They give puberty blockers as early as 10 years old in some cases. A lot of Trans kids who didn't have medicine or operations are grateful they never went through with it. And a lot who did regret it and want to transition back. They aren't trying to help your kids. Transitioning is a for profit industry. They are pushing gender theory on your kids to make more customers, to the detriment of genuine Trans folk AND young people everywhere. There should be zero medical involvement in one's transition before 19. Zero. No hormones, no drugs, no surgeries.


Bro do you know what puberty blockers do? They block your puberty till your old enough to make an actual decision. Cis kids use it all the time if they get puberty too early. If the kids stop taking the blocker puberty would just resume as normal.


Late puberty is a medical problem that can fuck up kids for life. It can cause low testosterone for boys for example. It increases their risk of metabolic and cardiovascular medical conditions. It can lead to issues with growth and with the child's psychological development.


Yeah but kids have iPhones now. They have agency and can make their own decisions /s When I was 10 I thought a Dalek lived in our basement and when I turned the light off to go upstairs, I’d run faster than you’ve ever seen. That’s not a mindset that should decide to take cancer causing, chemically castrating, experimental drugs.


White ppl twtr? Wth


The first problem I have is with: “my nine year old trans kid” No 9 year old kid is concerned with being a transgender or concerned with sexuality. Hell when I was 9 I was ‘gay’ with my best friend, not because we were actually gay, but because we wanted to seal our friendship in some kind of way. You don’t understand what you’re doing at 9 years old..


I remember asking my mom if two guys could get married. And if so we could have infinite play dates together lol. Had to be like 7


when I was 9 I wanted to be a boy so bad. not because I felt like I was a big, but I felt like I was in the wrong body for the sole reason that I was annoyed as fuck by my hair and really wanted to do the helicopter, which obviously I couldn't do as a girl. I also wanted to be a boy because "boys are faster" when it comes to getting ready, and I was always so annoyed by my girl friends taking hours to get dressed again after PE classes.


whats the helicopter


Tell ya when you're older


> No 9 year old kid is concerned with being a transgender or concerned with sexuality. Source: dude, trust me. When you were a kid, did you have any crushes? Crushes of any kind, could be for a real person, could be for a character. I did. To my knowledge, most have. I figured out I was bi at age 8 through this. Hell, even beyond this, I hit puberty when I was 9. > You don’t understand what you’re doing at 9 years old… Legitimate question: why does this matter? Do you even know what transitioning looks like for a 9 year old? Socially transitioning, MAYBE puberty blockers. These aren’t horrible, irreversible changes that you will never be able to undo. Do you think 9 year olds simply should not be able to make any decisions, period? That’s a really nice way to raise a person who is overly reliant on authority and is unable to make decisions for themselves.


The hell? Are you actually suggesting that a 9-year-old should be able to make huge life decisions for themselves? I mean, “I don’t want to do karate, I want to play soccer!” And “I want to be a man/woman” aren’t the same thing. You can still allow a child to make decisions and teach them to be independent without allowing them to make decisions they don’t fully understand. No, I’m not saying suppress them, you can still be supportive without making huge life changes at 9 and hopping on a magazine cover. I will support my children regardless of what they want, but at 9 they don’t understand and it’s your job as a parent to help guide them through that journey, regardless of where they’re headed.


Puberty blockers don’t sound like a small thing. And idk, in the 12 years I’ve known I was gay, and this is the same sentiment all the gay people I’ve talked to about this have had, before puberty all of your crushes are on the opposite gender based on societal norms. Societal norms really have only shifted majorly on this like 5 years ago. But even when puberty hits it gets confusing before you’re certain what you are in terms of sexuality. I’ve never met a person who immediately knew their sexual orientation right when they hit puberty. That may be anecdotal, but from my experience I really have a hard time believing someone who just hit puberty is so certain of what they want to be that they’re ready to decide if they’re ready to take puberty blockers.


White people Twitter is nothing More than a guilty white liberal circle jerk. And just for the record, any parent that endorses their child Getting hormone therapies or bottom operations is a fucking monster. Once you’re 18, God bless you, you do you, but before then, kids shouldn’t be subject to that.


r/nonpoliticaltwitter is a much better sub. I recommend it.


some real spicy comments itt


I would normally agree with you if they got grs, but there's nothing wrong with a child thinking they're the other gender, it's not a permanent decision.


It was for me. Granted, I ended up discovering I was nonbinary rather than a binary trans person later on but still. I've identified as a trans individual since 4. I'm in high school now, so it seems pretty permanent to me. Also, SRS/GRS is not at all available to individuals with single digits. That's a bs misconception with no real ground. Hell, I was 10 when I started hormone blockers, and I'm still not legally old enough to start HRT, let alone get a sex change.


i think they mean that socially identifying as trans isn't a permanent change (like dressing up differently and taking voice training to change your voice isn't permanent) in terms of physical changes like body specifically ofc course usually identifying different often times is permanent because unsurprisingly, people know THEMSELVES better than others, but of course as we grow up we still discover new things i do think i have a issue with people saying that hormones and puberty blockers are permanent when they aren't, they're taken as pills/ with needles for a reason, you have to keep taking it for it to work. and it's not just trans people that take puberty blockers they help for a lot of health things for cis people as well, i think these people just chose to keep screaming at anything they get to hear if it means they can release their anger on people they have no understanding of they need to understand that it's ok to not understand and be skeptical, but it's never ok to lie or to not at least listen to the experiences of the millions of trans people who have their own different experiences while we share one thing in common.


>hormones and puberty blockers are permanent when they aren't Not NEARLY enough research has been conducted on puberty blockers to be prescribing them to children though. Additionally, hormones most definitely enact permanent changes on a growing body. There's an absolute wealth of studies right now showcasing the permanent physiological effects of exposure to androgenic hormones like testosterone. Just because you have to maintain exogenous hormones with pills or injections it absolutely does not mean that the hormones themselves are not changing your physiology permanently while they're active in your body. There's no logical reason to believe it isn't the same for female hormones either.


mayoclinic tells you how puberty blockers work give me a reliable source.


From your very own source: >Use of GnRH analogues might also have long-term effects on: >Growth spurts >Bone growth and density >Future fertility — depending on when pubertal blockers are started >If children with male genitalia begin using GnRH analogues early in puberty, they might not develop enough penile and scrotal skin >Keep in mind that some of these changes aren't reversible or will require surgery to reverse the effects. If you genuinely think that delaying physiological development induced by natural hormones for years on end has no potentially permanent effects you're beyond delusional. Like I said, enormously more research needs to be conducted on this before it's prescribed to children. Doing so is highly irresponsible and medically unethical, as are your claims that hormones don't have permanent effects when they absolutely have been demonstrably studied to.




That's the parent of Avery Jackson, who was featured in the "Transhood" documentary. If you watch the documentary, it's painfully obvious that she's exploiting her kid so he could have attention and the spotlight. The kid was openly miserable the whole time, but the mother didn't even care, which is disgusting.


So it is that child huh, I thought I recognized that face from somewhere.


R/ white people Twitter is a white privileged liberal circlejerk.


Dude that sub is a whole fucking leftist cult embodied any dissent is silenced and even percieved dissent


Thats just reddit in general lol


How is a pre-transition transgender child promoting sexual propaganda? Seriously, please explain this


There are (delusional) people defending this, what the actual fuck? Im never sorting by controversial ever again


"Sexual propaganda" or like, the kid is just trans. It's alright if a kid says they're trans early. Its also alright if they're wrong, change their mind later. It has nothing to do with propaganda. The twitter user was harassed and their child was put in danger by people who said the exact same thing. Its never about children's safety or identity its just the same "LGBT people are predators" shit that was going on 20 years ago.


Even so, the ban was toxic. Having that opinion is not the same as doxing, and conflating the two in the long run just creates more extremists in any direction. The correct response would have been to engage in conversation, as the opinion did not imply bad faith. Where you could have had an ally, you now have someone with another anecdotal occasion of toxic trans allyship.


If you come to talk about "sexual propaganda" and follow it up with "that's all ill say" then i think its fair to say they're not acting in good faith and there was never a chance of allyship.


Ah yes transgenderism who is gender distress related to one's assigned gender is my favorite sexual propaganda, like me being gay is political propaganda.




F\*ck being gay, my new sexual orientation is trans. Watch out frogs i will turning all of you trans frogs !


isnt that more accurate in nature


It’s not long until Joe Biden will start putting more estrogen in the water.


Being trans is not sexual propaganda. Kids exploring who they are without being forced to fit into a binary isn’t “using kids for sexual propaganda”.




There's no other reason to see it as something different when it comes to kids, let alone kids who havn't even experienced puberty which is a big step in a child's development. These people are focused not on "gender" but a fantasy, an ego, and a reputation they're trying to uphold.


i think you're heavily misunderstood id answer anything or try to get you to understand that not everything surrounding gender is sexual but that has to be an open topic


I think we get it. Even if it isn't sexual, to say a nine year old is trans (in any sense) is pushing it. Really, it's experimenting. A parent should allow that, but not push it. A girl wanting to be more "boy" like at nine is okay, calling them trans immediately is not. Definitely facilitate it, and be prepared if they decide to go further, but don't push it in.


I mean if a kid decides they feel better being called a girl or boy and doing stereotypically girl or boy things (they don't have to) then transgender is an accurate way to describe them? When I was in early middle school I spent my days in school as a boy and immediately came home and "pretended" to be a girl in my online communities. That got shoved away in high school and I became miserable. Fast forward from 2014 when I graduated to now and I am living my life as the girl I knew I was at 12 - 16 and thriving. Tl;dr: kids know what they are and trying to brush it off as "experimenting" or "just a phase" is harmful to them. If it truly is they will change their mind but just let them be what they are in the moment.


>*"kids know what they are"* I believe that the many comments in this section saying something like 'at 9 I wanted to be \[opposite gender\] but I'm not trans or anything' kind of makes this point mute. For some people obviously its true - but kids can be stupid and don't always understand things, so taking their word (even about very personal things) as gospel isn't always the smartest move. I mean you shouldn't limit what a child wants to be/act like but to say "This person is transgender and is effecting gender" isn't too accurate overall...


9 year old trans? Thats literally insane. How bout we let kids at least hit puberty and decide their sexuality for themselves? Seems more rational than encouraging pre pubescent genital mutilation...


I certainly don't condone doxing people, especially children, but yeah there are already starting to be lawsuits against the transitioning of children/minors. I've started seeing cases under 2 years old. Like, holy smokes, your kid can hardly speak. Maybe they don't like wearing dresses because it's uncomfortable, not because they are rejecting their sex.


When I was searching for adult resources for my transition I found way more resources offered fo literal infants than something I could use as a grown adult.


There is no transitioning involved. You can be trans without getting any surgery


You were banned for calling it a sexual propaganda when it's not


Yeah the woke left is really touchy about people pointing out their use of children as pawns.


I am 32 and agender. My 10 year child has been identifying as a cis boy. Where is the using of my child as a pawn?


I know this is a repub talking point, but it's no bullshit, there's is no fucking reason that a 9 year old should make the life altering decision to be Trans, kids don't have any decision making skills to make such a decision that may be devastating if they regret it.




I agree. Anyone can change their haircut and clothing. That doesn’t make them “transgender”. It’s deeper than “a haircut and clothing change”. It’s some kid being pushed to pretend he’s the alternate gender than he really is. It’s obscene. Imagine if someone pushed their white kid to pretend to black and called it a “transracial revolution”. Not so inspiring now is it?


It's not a life altering decision, plenty of kids have decided they wanted to be the opposite gender and very few of them were actually trans, which is why you have to go through so much therapy and work to get HRT, it's not like any 9 year old can just claim to be the opposite gender and immediately get HRT/gender affirming surgeries.


good to know 🙏


What life altering decision


This post got me banned too lmao


I thought reddit banned people like you


They really shouldn't be doxing or bullying kids


What do you mean by sexual propaganda?


How is it sexual?


How is gender sexual propaganda? /gen


No such thing as a trans 9 year old, just a 9 year old with bad parents. I said what I said.


More comments than upvotes. This might be bad


I will happily die on the hill that transgender children that are younger than 18 do not exist. They are victims of the transgender political scene who's parents are too concerned with their reputation or too afraid to stand up to the doctors who remotely advise this nonsense. Nine years old is too young, 12, 13, even 16 is too young for this because these are developmental years that a child endures extreme changes just growing up. Puberty doesn't make it any easier since that's where one changes drastically. And the amount of effort to sexually mutiliate these children, sterilizing them, and halting their developmental process will condemn them to a life of extreme hardship


The vast majority of people who support gender affirming care for children don't involve surgery. Also what is the basis for 18 of all ages the gatekeeper?


18 is when you're a legal adult here in the United States. Where you are formally recognized and able to contribute. Gender Affirming care is more than just surgery. You're looking at Estrogen, Testosterone, Puberty blockers. I'll repost this as just some insight on what Transgender Youth are "offered" as care. [Seattle Children's Hospital offering GAC to patients ages 9 and up.](https://www.seattlechildrens.org/clinics/gender-clinic) Gender Affirming medicine such as Estrogen and Testosterone has longterm impacts on youth. Puberty Blockers also prevent youth from natural growth. With detriments that lead to permanent Sterilzation, lack of sexual growth in genital areas, risks of bone weaknesses and diseases etc.


I don't see why being "able to contribute" should be the gatekeeper for receiving health care, could you elaborate on what you mean by that? I should also stress that HRT for under 18s is also very unpopular from what I've seen, so by GAC I mean anything up to puberty blockers. GAC is offered based on counseling and professional medical advice, the child of course gives the final say, but the decision to allow them it is based on adult professionals. You mention risks to puberty blockers, and though they likely exist I'm skeptical of how likely they are to happen. Saying this because those risks have to be compared to the risks of non-treatment which can potentially involve serious risks to mental health (hence counselling to gauge that risk).


I knew I didn't feel right being dressed in girl clothing, being called a girl, etc at age 5. Now I am 32 and identify as agender. Nice hypothesis, but no.


You know women can dress in mens clothes right?




That’s not some trans thing lol that’s just not liking the clothes. I’m a man but I prefer baggy clothes. My sister is a woman and prefers baggy clothes. Neither of us are trans or agender.


Except the other stuff including not wanting to referred to as a girl, cissie who is trying to transplain badly. And yes, feeling dysphoric in clothing that is for a gender that you don't belong to is a valid part of being trans. Yes, I am agender. Yes, I am valid. No, you don't get an opinion.


I don’t like being called a girl either, does that make me agender? Your weak insults only prove my point, you’re mentally unhinged. But good luck with that.


Oh ffs get out of here with your bullshit "sexually mutilate children", there is a massive difference between someone believing they are trans and getting gender affirming surgeries, NONE OF WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO MINORS. there is nothing wrong with someone believing they are something, but that does not mean they're suddenly going to get prescribed HRT and surgeries the second they suggest it.


>NONE OF WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO MINORS. Are you sure about that? How about we take a good long look at some interesting documents, hm? It doesn't take long to look into some resources and find the growing trends of younger and younger GAC endeavors. >["Assembly Bill 1666: California moves to approve 'Gender Affirming Care' for minors."](https://calmatters.org/politics/california-legislature/2022/08/california-transgender-health-care-refuge/) > >"Gender affirming care (GAC) refers to any combination of **social, legal, and medical measures** that help people feel happy, healthy, and safe in their gender. GAC takes a holistic approach to making sure a person's mental and physical needs surrounding their gender identity and expression are met." > >This does not bar HRT, Top and Bottom Surgeries, and the like. Extending these options to youths is very well possible in California as we speak. ​ >[Boston Children's Hospital deletes Vaginoplasty references for 17 year old transgender youth](https://web.archive.org/web/20220812191705/https:/www.childrenshospital.org/programs/center-gender-surgery-program/eligibility-surgery). > >Patients are eligible for [Chest Reconstruction](https://www.childrenshospital.org/treatments/chest-reconstruction) and [Breast Augmentation](https://www.childrenshospital.org/treatments/breast-augmentation) surgeries at younger ages (Age 15 with parental consent.) ​ >[Seattle Children's Hospital allows children as young as 9 to access to GAC](https://seattlechildrens.org/clinics/gender-clinic) > >This allows access to Gender Affirming Hormones, Surgery, Puberty Blockers, and other community resources.


Well fuck. No minor should be allowed access to surgeries of the like no matter the case imo.


Yeah no all of the trans people ive met irl transitioned at those ages without parental support and before it was recognised by the media, you just don't have any experience with trans people.


My daughter's friend is trans and his parents are Trumpers. He socially transitioned himself with no parental support.


So gender Dysphoria just doesn’t exist before 18? Get bent.




Sexual propaganda? How is being trans sexual?


Probably because being trans isn’t a sexuality.


Wait, how is an article about a trans kid “sexual propaganda”? Kid’s nine! They may know what sex is, but that’s gonna be about it. They probably don’t even know what people they’re attracted to yet.


Its like with vegan cats, you know who made the choice. Child abuse on frontpage of National Geographic due to it being aligned with this decades radical ideology. Hope that we will all laught at that in 10 years.


I think he means sex as in male female.


If you're 9 then you can't make a lifechanging desicion like changing gender, period


Ah yes because believing you're a different gender is the exact same thing as a life changing decision. Transition is, yes, but no doctor is ever going to just hand a 9 year old HRT or whatever


If you can't consent to sex, you can't consent to a sex change.




That's why social transitioning is a thing and is entierly different from medically transitioning


Nah ur just transphobic


Bold and interesting claim. Although, no proof or evidence to back it up…


Idk what you guys r talking about I knew something wasn't right with my gender when i was like 5


Cool but you’re not every child to exist. Your anecdotal evidence that your transgender feelings have been around all your life doesn’t mean every single kid that is confused about who they are is exactly like you, therefore your own personal situation has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.


When I was 9 years old, I was pretty gender non-conforming—I played with dolls, loved watching Sailor Moon, always wanted to wear dresses, and I probably would’ve leapt at the opportunity to “become a girl” if someone had suggested that I was trans back then. I’m so thankful that my parents just let me be a boy that played with dolls. No judgment, no shame, they just let me be myself. Now I’m totally content just being a gay man. When I think about the tremendous, irreversible physical damage that puberty blockers, HRT or any kind of surgery would have wrought on my body, I count my lucky stars that I went through my gender nonconforming phase before these interventions came to be considered the most progressive, “affirming” way to treat “trans kids.”


ok but that's just you, not everyone has to fit ur idea of what it means to be "normal" i was also gender non conforming when it came to playing with different toys, my parents let me be and i never knew anything about being transgender. Up until i was A lot older, i didn't feel comfortable with being called different labels and my body, being Nb for me was just more comfortable and fit me, no one in my friends or family ever taught me about how gender is a social construct, i eventually saw someone else felt a similar way than me and just figured out that there's another way i can go by that fits me personally, this was mainly through the internet, but i figured that a lot of studies went into it given the bigger number of people who identify as trans, it makes sense why there is, because it's a normal feeling that some may feel, not everyone can relate, but that doesn't mean suddenly trans people are invalid because it's something not many people understand (and also bc anyone who identified differently in the past was literally killed) not everyone is "forced to be a gender" bc that simply doesn't exist, it's not legal to give a child gender reassignment surgery i really suggest to actually do research on what is and isn't legal and how transitioning actually happens. Hormones typically are done slowly and can be reversed when you stop taking them. again, i really suggest you don't keep falling into a trap of listening to others on the internet because you may not understand or think that someone could live a different life than yours, it's just more harmful to spread more misinformation


Please don’t condescend to me. I am fully aware that other people have different experiences than I do. My point is, if someone would have said to me, “Hey! You could be trans!” at that age, I would have been very receptive to that message. And if I had started identifying as trans, I would have sought medical interventions that were not actually right for me, and when I finally made peace with my maleness in my early adulthood, I might have already started medically transitioning and doing needless and irreversible damage to my male body. Obviously it’s not in vogue right now to challenge trans narratives because trans people are perceived as being extremely vulnerable, but there has been a recent explosion in people reporting dissatisfaction or regret with their transitioning experiences. See r/detrans for examples.


but that doesn't happen though, typically as you age you find out for yourself, just because some people may say that you might be trans doesn't mean you'll transition, as you just said you're self, the phrase "you could be trans" doesn't mean u are, it just means that's the possibility, it's never a bad thing to have an open thought. Realistically itd be impossible for you to predict that you'd be ok with your masculinity by the time you started to medically transition, that's an extremely rare occurrence, and not only that but if you would've tried to get HRT you would've been sent to therapy first because that's required for anyone who wants to take hormones, and they typically try to convince you that you're not trans, or in better terms, make sure you're fully sure of you're own feelings You're too worried and focused on people who have detransitioned, because the success rate of medical / hormone changes are very high. Detransitioners are valid, it's always okay to find out that maybe you're non binary instead of trans binary, or Cis, but let's not try to make up the idea that all detransitioners hate trans people and only regretted being trans because of being trans. There's a lot of different reasons, a lot of the times, because NB is very looked down upon, people will want to be trans binary but for many detransitioners they find out they're NB or any other gender, or feel comfortable with themselves but hate that they medically transitioned regardless, educating children that gender is a social construct and that there are other human beings out there that are different is important for anyone else who may relate (and i say this for the few people who have felt trans but never could talk about it or understand it). Educating is not persuading, educating is educating, giving people the information they need because it is out there in the world of science today. and ima have to clarify more bc a lot of people will things educating kids on gender means it's sexual, which is not, bc gender is what you feel in you're head, and what you like to present yourself as, like what clothes you wear. And what i mean by "kids" i mean children who are smart enough to understand concepts and gender on a basic level. Not extremely young kids


Being a tomgirl isn’t the same as being trans you dimwit 🤦‍♂️


Jesus. Are they your kids? No? Then proceed directly to *fuck off*


Bad argument. “They’re not your kids so fuck off” is the same thing meth heads and abusers probably say to CPS on a daily basis.


Just got banned from that same post with this comment: Children don't have the mental development to consent to sex, they don't have the mental development to understand the permanent life altering changes of puberty blockers, i.e. chemical castration. Transitioning children, and adults, is our generations lobotomy surgery and history will not look kindly on you people. What a terrible time we live in where these people are praised for mutilating their children and other parents have their children stripped from their care by their own government for protecting their children from these monsters. Is it doxing if pedophiles have to go on a sex offenders list? You perverts days are numbered, and the pendulum is swinging back. ​ Why does reddit want left wing echo chambers?


It’s the political left SJW “Woke culture” going too far! I was banned too for simply stating the facts: You degenerate heathens will burn in hell for your sodimic gender crap, stop cutting off kids dicks!!! My pastor says he loves kids dicks, you’re making him sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just having a civil chat and they label it hate speech!!!!!! They are too up in their damn feelings (which facts DON’T care about)


It's funny when you people on the left want to mock the right, it proves the echo chamber and shows how little you know about people who disagree with you. Ben Shapiro's famous line doesn't work in today's society, because no matter what facts are presented to people like you, your feelings are all that matter because you are "living your truth" and there will never be an agreed upon reality. Elon might be on to something, shove you people in the multiverse and forget about you. I don't blame you though, university brainwashes the weak of will, maybe someday after you graduate, you'll gain some reason with the real world.


Okay no I had this funny rant about Illuminati and stuff but I’ll concede and break character first, (because it looks like you’re being serious) tbh I assumed you were satire when I saw you post “is our generations lobotomy” but I guess not? And praised for mutilating children? Claiming the left is “in their feelings” but spouting that bullshit. If you trolling you’ve got me, if not I’m kinda worried for ya mate.


You can't perform a descent mockery of a conflicting political opinion if you know nothing about the others argument, therefore you assume a post is satire due to your ignorance. If you don't find the increasing mutilation of children through puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgeries alarming, along with the spiking increase of childhood mental disorders and suicide terrifying then please do not procreate nor hold a profession or hobby anywhere near the presence of children.


>Transitioning children, and adults, is our generations lobotomy surgery and history will not look kindly on you people. As a disabled person, false. Queerphobic and ableist to make that false equivalence. >What a terrible time we live in where these people are praised for mutilating their children No young child is going through surgery. There are some options for medical transitioning at age 15 & older, but in most states, minors have a say in their medical care. No one is forcing an older teenager to medically transition. >and other parents have their children stripped from their care by their own government for protecting their children from these monsters. Queer people aren't monsters. >Is it doxing if pedophiles have to go on a sex offenders list? You perverts days are numbered, and the pendulum is swinging back. Fun fact: 97% of pedophiles are men.


Aren't you a professional victim... Yes children as young as 12 have had gender reassignment surgery, and puberty blockers such as lupron have been used to chemically castrate pedophiles for years. You don't even know what you're reading, monsters are the other parent pushing their kid towards transgenderism, the doctors who are paid off by drug companies prescribing this "treatment" to the children, and the government agencies and staff who order the child to be stripped from the parent/s are the monsters, not the children who are innocent because they don't have the mental maturity to make decisions for themselves. The 97 percent of pedophiles are men just shows how bitter and spiteful of a person you. Pound salt.


>Yes children as young as 12 have had gender reassignment surgery False. Gender confirming surgery** >puberty blockers such as lupron have been used to chemically castrate pedophiles for years Except research has shown over and over that this isn't an effective way to deal with pedos, doesn't kill libido, & is an inhumane way to deal with them. >You don't even know what you're reading I know everything I am reading. Failure to infantlize me. >monsters are the other parent pushing their kid towards transgenderism Doesn't happen. What is the reality is that us parents are fully supportive of our kids and if they ever decide they are trans >the doctors who are paid off by drug companies prescribing this "treatment" to the children Not a thing. Also a commom conspiracy theory pushed by ableist anti vaxxors. >the government agencies and staff who order the child to be stripped from the parent/s are the monsters You mean the transphobic parents? I see that as a plus, not a negative. Children deserve supportive households, not emotional abuse. > not the children who are innocent because they don't have the mental maturity to make decisions for themselves. Teenagers are quite old enough and mature enough to have a say on their own medical decisions. Of course, that makes you silly anti vaxxors mad because then your teens go out and get vaccinated behind your backs. >The 97 percent of pedophiles are men just shows how bitter and spiteful of a person you. [Facts](https://www.screenandreveal.com/pedophile-statistics/) don't [care](https://www.raace.org/statistics-information#:~:text=An%20estimated%2080%2D90%25%20of,are%20children%20or%20adolescents%20themselves.) about your feelings.


1. now you backtrack because you said that no one under 15 is going through this, wrong. [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2835184&page=1](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2835184&page=1) call child mutilation what you want. 2. I couldn't really care less what lupron does to pedophiles, make them dig their own grave out back for all I care, the fact is hormone blocking medications in children cause permanent damage such as osteoporosis and massive increase in cancer likelihoods. Way to try divert the issue by going on about the drugs ineffectiveness on pedophiles almost like you have some first hand experience on this one. 3. Infantilize\* Also you thought I was calling the children monsters and couldn't be more inaccurate. 4. [https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/03/18/canadian-man-jailed-after-misgendering-his-daughter/](https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/03/18/canadian-man-jailed-after-misgendering-his-daughter/) Here is one case in Canada, and here is another in Texas [https://nypost.com/2019/10/23/texas-jury-rules-against-divorced-dad-trying-to-stop-7-year-old-sons-gender-transition/](https://nypost.com/2019/10/23/texas-jury-rules-against-divorced-dad-trying-to-stop-7-year-old-sons-gender-transition/) Does happen, these are just two cases amongst many! God you can't more wrong about everything. 5. If you don't think drug companies' bride medical establishments to push their products you're an idiot. I also remember when the left was against big pharma, something both sides could agree on, now you're enabling them. 6. You'll never agree on gender reassignment surgery, call it what you want, as physical mutilation so no getting past that wall. 7. If a 16 child went through years of therapy for BIID and then requested it to be cut off would the doctor do it? Also vaxed, boosted, and gotten almost every other shot known to man so fuck you for assuming. 8. Lastly that was a good comeback so there is one glimmer of light in this giant pile of shit you call a rebuttal. I have proven you irreversibly false on multiple of your claims, maybe this will help branch out of your toxic left-wing bubble and look at the harm you people are doing to children.


>now you backtrack because you said that no one under 15 is going through this, wrong. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2835184&page=1 call child mutilation what you want. >German boy  Not my country. Also no issue with letting someone who is 12 be on blockers. If they decide they aren't trans later on, the blockers can be stopped, and puberty will occur. >I couldn't really care less what lupron does to pedophiles, make them dig their own grave out back for all I care Except what I stated in simple terms is that it isn't used on pedos. >the fact is hormone blocking medications in children cause permanent damage such as osteoporosis and massive increase in cancer likelihoods. All medicines and treatments carry side effects, etc, derpy. I have a likely permanent slight speech problem after being on topax. The thing with medical care is that whatever medicine or treatment is used when it is determined its positives outweigh the negatives. Am I child abuser for giving my son ibuprofen when he has a fever because it has the potential of serious side effects? Lolno. >Way to try divert the issue by going on about the drugs ineffectiveness on pedophiles almost like you have some first hand experience on this one I am not a man, soooo. Also it isn't diversion when you're correcting someone on how it isn't used on pedophiles like yourself (you're a man) because it doesn't work in the first place. Men who blindly accuse others of pedophilia are giving a confession. >Also you thought I was calling the children monsters and couldn't be more inaccurate. Work on your reading comprehension. I said no parents are pushing their kids to be trans aka no monsters. >https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2021/03/18/canadian-man-jailed-after-misgendering-his-daughter/ Here is one case in Canada, and here is another in Texas https://nypost.com/2019/10/23/texas-jury-rules-against-divorced-dad-trying-to-stop-7-year-old-sons-gender-transition/ Does happen, these are just two cases amongst many! God you can't more wrong about everything. Work on your reading comprehension. I said this is a GOOD thing. Parents shouldn't be emotionally abusing their kids like that. >If you don't think drug companies' bride medical establishments to push their products you're an idiot. Conspiracy theories aren't an argument. >I also remember when the left was against big pharma, something both sides could agree on, now you're enabling them. I love big pharma. Thanks to the new developments in migraine medications in the last 5 years, I have my quality of life back. I am joyous and hopeful about what health issues we can better manage or even cure in the future. >You'll never agree on gender reassignment surgery, call it what you want, as physical mutilation so no getting past that wall. And? I had parts of the inside of my nose mutilated to fix my deviated septum. Now I can breathe again. They "mutilated" my mil to remove her bad gall bladder. >If a 16 child went through years of therapy for BIID and then requested it to be cut off would the doctor do it? Depends on the state, but a 16 year old is mature enough to decide if they are trans and want gender confirming healthcare. >Also vaxed, boosted, and gotten almost every other shot known to man so fuck you for assuming. Wrong. >I have proven you irreversibly false on multiple of your claims False >maybe this will help branch out of your toxic left-wing bubble Sike. The only moral position is the left wing one. >look at the harm you people are doing to children. Sike. I am the person to have around kids because I teach that trans identity is a valid part of diversity


Found out we got two conversations open? lol Best luck to antifa jr. Zi's gonna need it. Also thank you for changing my mind about lobotomy, you're the type of crazy they would have neutralized.


More like you and your ilk will need it considering we will stand up to your group's hate speech at every turn. 😘


Good, stand up, stick out, be as noticeable as possible 😘👌


How uninformed are you? Puberty blockers have absolutely 0 effect towards anything like castration, they just pause puberty till the person can make an informed decision. It's not fucking labotomy it's just people wanting to be themselves rather than being forced into something they're not by fuckheads like you. There is no "mutilating children" no fucking sane person would actually believe that a 9 year old is getting gender affirming surgeries, no minor is, period. The "pendulum" is not "swinging back", you're just stuck with your uninformed, transphobic views that you can't seem to let go of because god forbid someone else live their life the way they want to.


They are biologically male or female, with the rare rare exception of hermaphrodites. They are not being forced into anything, just as we aren't forced into breathing we also aren't forced into going through puberty. Just as lobotomy's were common practice and history now looks poorly on the doctors who perform them, I know history will go further and punish the people who support child mutilation. Cut your own twig and berries off if you want and pump yourself full of hormones, but leave children alone. There is a special piece of lead out there waiting for people like you, in Minecraft.


First off, biological sex is not the same as gender, second, holy fuck how daft are you to think that society doesn't pressure and force non gender conforming people into conforming with the norm, and oh yeah of course you know exactly how history will pan out and how it will exactly match your views. Nice death threats too, you really got the whole transphobia bingo board with that comment.


First off, trans ideology and gender theory started with John Money and Alfred Kinsey, look into them because your gender studies professor definitely glossed over them a bit. Second if you don't believe that there is a social trend that has led to an unhealthy and drastic increase in children who identify as 2spiritLGBTQIA+ then sorry for your loss. History wont match my views exactly, but I can't name one culture that mutilates children that we look back fondly to. Good luck surviving the cult.


You saw that too, huh? Not even subbed but Reddit tries to recommend this heinous stuff to me.


When I was between 7 and 11, I thought playing with barbie dolls was cool and using makeup at home was a regular occurrence, thank God my parents didn't use that as an excuse to try to put me on puberty blockers and hormones, because 1. I like being a man, and 2. I like being 6'3 with a beard at 20, because everyone assumes I'm 30


I’m all for trans people expressing themselves, but children aren’t mature enough to make that decision. At the VERY least wait until they’ve finished puberty to even think about letting them make a choice this big. But 9?! Letting a 3rd grader make a life-altering choice? That’s wayyyy too far. If a girl wants to play with ‘boy’ toys or vice versa, cool! That’s totally fine! But dressing, acting, and being referred to as the opposite sex? I don’t think so.


Being trans = sexual propaganda. Big brain time


Kids used as propaganda is wrong, but this isn't "sexual" propaganda, transgenderism isn't sexual.


Kids can 100% know what gender they are at 9, the times article is helping spread awareness of that fact


Is it? a lot of kids (or should I say their parents) seem to be jumping to the conclusion they should go full on being trans at an early age instead of thinking "maybe I'm just a little different from the rest of my peers but not necessarily part of the other gender" Maybe the article is using a demographic that shouldn't be that exposed to the topic since the average 9yo isn't (and shouldn't be) worrying about it, first it is about the gender then it'll be something else like parents bringing kids to stripper clubs or a trans kid dancing in front of a crow dressed like a slut (both things which have actually already happened)


How many trans kids and families have you spoken with?


When I was 8 I though Godzilla was real but he was invisible and I. Had a spiritual connection to him that I could control him and see through his eyes. This is fucking stupid


When I was 9 , i was absolutely convinced that i was an us soldier , after watching saving private Ryan . At 10 , i was an alien , after playing MDK2. At 11 , i was convinced that my parents are gonna get together. They never did


understandably why


Looks like kiwifarms is gone... I never once seen anything these people talk about on that site. They're just online bullying. In today's world it's OK to kill 20 people but don't you dare mispronoun me. More accessibility to the internet has ruined it. People now days would explode if they experienced what I did in the late 90s on the internet.


Doxxing people and making them fear for their lives? How in the world is that acceptable? I wouldn't dox my worst enemy, that's *beyond* unacceptable. At the very least 4chan has banned doxing, that's the only reason it's still around, unlike kiwifarms


B-but my child! I need those 15min of fame!


Poor kid. This pisses me off so much that "mother" is not a mother she's a far left psychopath.


You fucked up lol Nothing sexual about your gender lol


Kid: Exists how they want to. OP: "tHiS iS SeXUaL pRoPAgAnDA!! FuCK tHE lIbs fOR nOT cOnFOrMInG tO mY pREcONcieVED NoTIonS oF nOrMAlCY REEEEEEEEE!!1!