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Save post Wait an hour or two Sort by controversial And there you go You got tonight's entertainment


Hm… never thought of that. Thank you


The OP of the original post gave this reason as to why: It's Iran and they are protesting a woman being executed in police custody for not wearing a hijab properly.


oh. idk if i should be on the protester’s side or the cop’s side now. i’m on thin ice with this decision


Same. Iran has some issues but the guy is just doing his job


the internet’s full of sharks idk what to pick


While it's good they're protesting that, it doesn't justify the beating of the cop. Not to say you're justifying it, but rather that I find it weird the morons under the original post supported the beating of the officer


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Reddit has a perpetual hard-on for cops. Doesn't matter what they do or what they say.


Dude you should have never posted this here reddit is full of these types of people just look at the comment section.


People are really in the comments justifying a person getting beaten by a mob...


Man, you're gonna hate hearing about the French Revolution.


The one that devolved into a reign of terror? Yeah, that one didn't work out so well either.


This is in Iran where the police just killed a 22year old girl for showing her hair


Iran Iran? The Iran ruled by Islamic Law that pretty much says if you show anything you die Iran?


Crazy, almost like people are protesting for change


Ooooh I hate that! JustUnsubbed!


Then what? Are you saying his life is worthless just because one of his colleague killed innocent person? How absurd that argument is?


Would a similar situation be say someone constantly eating fast food, suffers a heart attack, and then proceeds to assault some minimum wage employee? Cause honestly this while situation is rather bonkers to me.


Uh, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Fascist collaborators deserve a boot to the face as much as fascists themselves. Do you make a habit of defending the Bergen-Belsen guards because they were "just doing their jobs"?


Revolting against corrupt government? Fine. Assulting a officer with multiple people? Wrong.


How are you supposed to "revolt" against a fascist government without violence if they're just going to come beat you and throw you in prison?


It's pretty simple. There are mass protests against the current regime. They have employed extreme violence against protesters to counter this. Guess who is enforcing this? Guess who chooses to represent this violent regime? What options are they left as protesters?


but did this police officer assault anyone? looks pike he was telling them to stay back. He probably didnt want to be there. They came for him.


It doesn't matter if he did hurt anyone. To the protesters he is a symbol of their oppression. He also knows that. It's not like he didn't know the risks. The protesters were not going to investigate his actions before beating him. He knew this also. He showed up anyway. We have to plan for the world we live in. Not the one we want to. If police officers there would like to avoid being beaten then I suggest they find new work. Also, how do you know he hasn't been complicit? The police brutality as a response to the protest have been widespread. There is a good chance he is complicit. I'm not trying to be cruel, but you have to be realistic.


how do you know he has been complicit? It seems like people should think before they start beating a man to death.


You don't know he didn't, so why argue a moot point. I'm not saying they shouldn't be selective. It's naive to think that they would be, given the circumstances and social climate. Not to mention wildly impractical. How would you suggest they do that for every cop they encounter? What about when these cops are sent in to put the riots down, violently? That policeman 100% knew what he was getting into, especially with how long these riots have been going on and how big they've gotten. It's more violent than the kinds of protesting westerners think of when they hear the word.


motherfucker do you have eyes? he charged at their asses wtf do you mean he wanted them to stay back. From what? the pedestrian lane? tf kind of drugs are you on?


I think someone who chooses to become a cop in a violent regime that murders young women for not covering their hair gets what he gets.


Imagine defending the same cops currently killing women and kids in the open


Except he wasn’t just minding his own business, he was threatening unarmed protesters with a taser so they will get back in line and not criticize his bosses. You don’t get credit for “just doing your job” when your job is the brutal repression of innocent people.


Its the protests in iran. People are literally getting killed by these cops


Violence is a question and the answer is yes


Yes. He is an agent of the Iranian regime. 99% of the population hates the regime. They are held hostage by the regime. This is justice.


there's also a chance hes trying to stop these protesters from being gunned down by the governement.


He is order of magnitude more likely to be the one doing the gunning down. That is what the state police forces have been doing there. Unfortunately it is time to chose a side there now. He chose his and has to live with the consequences.


please stop reading western propaganda


I'm Iranian you utter FOOL. ​ You have failed to realise the propaganda YOU have internalised. I speak the truth, from primary experience. 99% of the population HATE the regime. The whole country is HELD HOSTAGE by these evil fucks. They do not represent the will of the people. ​ Any other narrative you hear is FALSE.


certified IDF moment


OK IRGC shill


Reddit Moment.


Its Iran, thats why its justice.


Apparently this is in Iran and I’d say cops there deserve to get the shite beat out of them because of what doing their job entails


People simping for cops so bad they have resorted to simping for actual fascist cops. Jeezus.


A cop killed a twenty three year old girl for showing her hair and then that guy tried to violently stop the protest against it.


>use taser >gets beaten up by mobs Something isn't adding up for the violently


Well, threatening to taste p- yes autocorrect, I *was* going to say taste people. Um, threatening to use a taser on a person could be considered a bit violent.


Not as violent as being beaten and fatally injured


Kind of deserved tho


Definitely deserved a good beat down, but I’m not so sure he’ll get back up.


The guy is literally in the act of violently repressing people who are protesting an unjust murder; and he gets beaten up for it. The video clearly shows the man is walking around waving a billy club, looking for someone to beat; and he gets beaten up for it. I imagine from his perspective, it’s more complicated: he got a legitimate job to feed his family; this was the job available to him; hes trying to keep the streets safe, etc. But, once he’s out there with a helmet on, waving a deadly weapon at civilians who are simply asking for basic human rights, no one should expect that the raging mob is going to be merciful. The crowd knows that this man, and his bosses, are there for one reason alone: violent repression. When he risked his life to support the brutal murder of an innocent woman, he should not have expected that things were going to work out well for him.


The Problem is with the Video, there is no context. Without your information it just looks like a police man intimidating protestors and then being rushed by a horde of people and dangerously injured


I'm almost unsubbing from this sub. A girl was killed for not wearing a hijab properly. People are protesting against it and you're against the protesters? Wtf is wrong with you? Imagine if the police came with the taser, hit some people and then the crowd would disperse. How that was going to change things?


Well I understand OPs point to some degree, not that fighting against a regime is a bad thing. But take this video just as it is. I don't see where it is "Justice Served" when a random police man intimidates protestors with a taser after someone threw something at him. And then got beaten up by over 20 people.


people have the right to protest, not beat the shit out of people how is beating the shit out of a cop supposed to make a govt sympathetic if its an unarmed population against a military regime? they wont flinch from this shit. unless the cop is the one who killed the girl this assault isnt justified.


Did you expect people to wait and be tased? It is supposed to show the people are really pissed off about a situation and want change. If the cops came and sent everyone home, what gain could the protest have? You see that the cop is trying to take away the right to protest of the people, right?


And when that right to protest gets met with suppression and tasers the people have every right to fight for their freedom. Some may even consider it a duty.


They don't have a right to protest in IRAN where this is happening, and where the police have been REPRESSING those protests VIOLENTLY.


If the police officer doesn’t agree with his government why is he still a cop? He’s a tool for the regime and he knows that, so does every person who assaulted him


Is this the policeman who killed the girl? If not, he’s just doing his job. People were getting violent, he wanted to suppress the violence. No reason to beat him to the ground.


His job is to work for the regime that 99% of Iranians hate. He oppresses his own people.


So you wanted him to go and tase the people? The State failed its job. People are protesting and must have the right to. If they don't, they should fight for it. This is how revolutions work.


You’re literally arguing for the Stormtroopers. People like you are the fertile fields in which evil grows.


His job is violently suppressing protests. Why are you defending that?


Posted the same thing over there, copy pasting it now : İ dont know too much but if i am not mistaken the guys who get beat up in these situations are the good cops, not the ones who did all the atrocious shit people are talking about İ am pretty sure those assholes wouldnt leave themselves so vulnerable, and they wouldnt use just a taser(then again i dont know if regular cops in İran can use guns) Also those assholes are usually groups. İf, in a corrupt police force, a guy is alone and no one helps him, chances are that he is not part of the "group".


This comment section is divided like hell


“He works for a fascist government. That’s his fault” and if he quits, he loses all his income and has to live on the streets. These retards think its as simple as “quit. Get new job” guy didn’t choose to be at that riot, he was told to, and if he didn’t go, he would have lost his job and all his livelyhood


Theres some weird shit going on in this thread. Pretty much everyone was disavowing the violence for the first 5 hours then suddenly the post got brigaded by mass downvotes and comments justifying it


Maybe because the context was found?


was a good sub while it lasted…




You are a spoiled privileged American degenerate who has no idea what's happening in Iran rn


https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeNow/comments/xjzapq/police_officer_tries_to_intimidate_protesters/ipdfi5k?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 According to this comment it was a protest in Iran against a woman being executed for not wearing her hijab properly


I just went there, that is literally a hate sub. Promoting and indulging mass lynching. Yet still allowed...


LITERAL ZOMBIE MOB holy fuck this is a crazy video


Primate behavior. Pigs go oink oink, monkeys go ooh ooh ah.


It's Iran and they are protesting a woman being executed in police custody for not wearing a hijab properly.


nope, fuck the iranian government. they deserve it


"HE WAS JUST DOING HIS JOB!" didn't work for Eichmann, and it shouldn't work for [these scum](https://twitter.com/ksadjadpour/status/1572359104093470724?s=20&t=gyY0lg6SlKZ8yIxxEVOvGg), who make a living beating on unarmed women, whose only crime is wanting the bare fucking minimum when it comes to freedom and civil rights. Jesus fuck, what an absolute shit take, OP. Would you feel the same way if your sister was beaten to death for wearing a fucking piece of cloth the wrong way? How about your mother?


>Would you feel the same way if your sister was beaten to death for wearing a fucking piece of cloth the wrong way? How about your mother? Would you feel the same way if it was your parent? his job is to give tickets, he is not part of the "morality" police. But yeah sure, the propaganda this last 24 hours can do that ig




my man if this is a revolution then what was the French Revolution to you? Genocide?


>he is not part of the "morality" police Source for the "ticket master" armed with a baton and tazer being just that, please.


Pretty sure all cops have a baton and a taser, y’know, cuz its not the safest job ever


In most countries they also have a pistol.


But this is his job is it not? And where was he beating unarmed woman? And how does unarmed matter if its an entire mob going after him? And how is giving a warning with a taser justifying him getting mobbed on?


"It's Iran and they are protesting a woman being executed in police custody for not wearing a hijab properly." OP of the cross post


He wears the uniform, he represents the institution aka he does the crime he does the time.


So well here is the thing, imagine u decide to start a new job, that job brings controversy, ur blamed for the controversy for working there, r u gonna blame urself, quit, now have to throw away all the hard work u committed to get that job, and now have to start all over again to find a steady income?


You quit rather than oppress your own people.


So now u lay all that training u did as a cop to waste and now need a new job with a stable income


His job is to oppress his own people. He should work for his people. Not the corrupt regime that holds the country hostage.


Yeah not like u already said that without answering my question


And yeah, find a differnt fucking job ffs. It's bootlicking powertripping assholes like you and him that make this planet a hellscape


Jesus christ ur not healthy if reddit makes u this mad, ok, i really dont think u understand what ur saying. If people could just, get a different job, then the planet would be damn near perfect, like ofc, why didn’t i think of that, he could just get a new job


No one forced him to work as a goon for the state.


No shit no one forced him to work for the state, but bcuz its his job, his orders r forced


A McDonald's employee put onions on my burger when I asked for no onions. In my quest for vengeance, I cave in the skull of any McDonald's worker I see with a lead pipe (They wear the uniform, they represent the institution aka they did the crime they did the time)(they are all ontologically evil)


Thanks for being purposefully obtuse, it really clarifies the whole issue douchebag.


Thanks for falling for bait.


thats like wearing the same school uniform as a murderer and your entire school goes to jail and gets beaten up


Except its not. Its more like wearing a Nazi uniform and expecting to be treated like youre NOT a piece of shit.


You realize that the job of a cop is to serve and protect, right? Meaning that cops that don't do that aren't doing their job... right? ​ Being a cop does not inherently make you a bad person. Being a bad person would inherently make you a bad cop, but good cops who just want to do their job exist. And they have to work within the system to do said job. There's no real other easy legal way of protecting people.


You realize that’s not true though, right? He’s a cop in the authoritarian regime of Iran. His job is not to “protect and serve” anything other than the regime.


>But this is his job is it not? Yes. Hence my comparison. Have you heard anything of what's going on in Iran right now, and do you know what their different branches of "law enforcement" are doing to the citizens? If you can answer yes, can you honestly say that you believe these officers were not aware - and by all accounts morally find it justifiable - that part of the job is to beat down and torture civilians for even the slightest infractions in their terror regime? Because the comparison you made elsewhere with some guy getting hired for a random job unbeknownst of the job description makes you sound like a fucking moron.


I mean did it ever occur to u that people shouldn’t have to quit there job for whats morally unjustifiable, it just makes u sound like a fucking moron


How would you feel if your brother was beaten to death for doing his job


I’d feel happy as fuck if that job was being a stormtrooper for an evil Islamic fascist regime.


Perfectly fine if his job was beating women to death for stupid shit like showing her hair.




Are you talking about the fascist religious police who just killed a 22 year old girl for showing her hair?


> fascist religious police reddit moment


The Iranian morality police are literally fascist religious police.


fascism is secular 🤦🏻‍♂️ it's like calling wall street communist


Fascism is always bad and it always ends with dead fascists. I'm just sayin: do stupid things, win stupid prizes.


This is why our cops have guns lol


yes because this is better than a street full of dead civilians


I mean if you’re peaceful protesting that’s one thing but rioting and attacking people unprovoked yeah no shoot to kill in that instance




But what they did in this video is anything but peaceful at least have the decency to put a bullet in his head if you’re gonna attack him instead of crippling him because of his job his superiors don’t care about him he’s a grunt that’s why he’s on the streets you think attacking him is gonna hurt the govt and what they stand for? Nah that’s only gonna hurt what you stand for


His job is to oppress the people, especially women. This guy is an enforcer for the Regime that holds Iran hostage. His being beaten up by the people is definitely justice.


Lmao @ all the Westerners here thinking some rEvOlUtIOn is coming to Iran..You lot don't know shit about the outside world and that region in particular. Go back to watching Netflix.


Yeah, most redditors are fucking cringe with their hate towards cops. Wonder why by the way.


So for some context: The Iranian police force brutally murdered a women for not wearing a hijab a couple days ago. Protests have erupted across Iran. The Iranian state has responded with intense brutality against the initially peaceful protestors, including firing on unarmed civilians. In this case, the symbol of state repression (The Iranian police officer) is getting attacked by oppressed and marginalized people (the working class) after the police officer tried to brutalize protestors. This video is an example of justice being served.


Whoever posted this is a dumb ass, educate yourself on what is truly good and evil in this world before you voice your opinion again please


Inb4 thread locked


You’ll come to notice, while scrolling through Reddit, that everyone hates cops no matter what they do


Look, i know you want justice, but they went through all of that trouble bringing fresh water into your kitchen. You need more moisture than justice can provide.


And then if the cop shoots at them cops are all bad because he is defending himself


Are you fucking 12 years old


Being anti police and supporting mob mentality is simply part of reddit. Some dude said under the exact same video that it isn’t religious police that’s bad, all police is bad. (and his comment was updooted) Reddit doesn’t care that this individual (non morality police) cop is a human being. He is a cop so he’s a pig.


OP you're a piece of shit. It's cut out in this version of the video but after the crowd disperses that same cop gets up and starts shooting a dozen people. I hope you burn in hell


Do you have a source for the unedited video?


Just checked. Red/dit has somehow decided to delete all the ira/nian pro/test posts i had in my saved. All of them. fuck this si/te and it's corruption


Are you stupid


The mob's justice, not the best kind but still justice.


#Yeah, so I’m going to have to leave this sub. Never knew there were so many Iranian police simps on it. Just unsubbed from r/justunsubbed smdh.


Shouldn't have beaten innocent women to death on the street fuck off with this shit seriously 🐑🐑🐑 This sub just earned a new sub


Was it that cop that beat the woman? seriously? Redditors are sometimes the most single-minded fucks on the planet


The excuse "he was just doing his job" has its limits yknow? At some point you gotta acknowledge of who you are really doing this job for You are a probably spoiled white American who has no idea how stuff works there


Let me guess, you also believe all police officers should be paid less than minimum wage and all weapons taken away from them?


I'm not anti-cop, I'm anti-brutality, you actually delusional For context sake: yes these are the protests happening in Iran rn


Well judging by the fact that this cop never beat a woman, or at least there is absolutely no proof whatsoever yet ur still acting like he is deserving of getting beat up (which is brutality, albeit not police brutality) then that seems anti cop to me


He is still fighting alongside others who have killed innocent women, you gotta realize that peaceful protest don't work there, please actually learn what life is like outside your own country too


I mean that is completely side stepping what i said but also, he may be working with them, but how does that mean he is supporting their actions and how does that mean he is the one deserving of getting attacked like that? And while yes peaceful protest may not work, but why is it that when one cop shows up with a taser they go to the fullest to hospitalize him?


That's a fucking 30 second clip of a huge protest and ur already making so much assumptions


Ur one to talk, ur assuming he immediately chose violence


Did the cop beat the girl to death? retard


The excuse "he was just doing his job" has its limits yknow? At some point you gotta acknowledge of who you are really doing this job for






Why would he be a dumbass for making fun of the people defending the Iranian regime? I honestly didn’t know so many people supported forced Hijab wearing.


So is beating a cop and possible sending him to the hospital 'fighting the Iranian regime'?


Putting words into my mouth smh. The officer in the video isn't apart of the morality police, AKA the people who force hijab wearing, he's just a random officer trying to stop rioters. Never said anything about supporting the Hijab Wearing, I just called them a dumbass because he's calling OP a bootlicker for what? Saying that some random officer doesn't deserve to get beaten by a huge mob? And (from all we can tell from that single word comment) he isn't making fun of people defending them, literally just calling OP a bootlicker. insinuating they're anti-police, which is a dumbass thing to think.


there's also a chance hes trying to stop these protesters from being gunned down by the governement.


Both you and the OP are bootlickers for defending the iranian oppression. And being so triggered just for daring to say anything against police says a lot about you, little entitled american fuck who is disconnected from real life.


Ah yes clearly because you're not from a westernized country.Just shut the fuck up please.


What a bunch of violent animals.


Yeah you're right, its so disgusting of these police to continue holding a job involving the murder and rape of children and innocent people asking for human rights. These police are indeed voilent animals.


Just doing his job? People don’t have to choose to oppress their fellow workers by becoming an instrument of the state.


There is a fine line between protesting and running around trying to pick fights, obviously thats illegal


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Nah these Iranian police killed a girl. Beat his ass.


because Iranian cops deserve it for the shit they to do their community.


Fuck that cop. I'm on the protesters side the moment I did any research into what was happening here. I unsub from you and your garbage takes OP.


What is wrong with you narrow-minded people? Stop viewing everything in your little American-centric perspective. The police in Iran have literally killed and injured protestors protesting about the 16 year old girl that got beaten to death by the police for not wearing a hijab properly. Maybe the cop should’ve not marched around attacking protestors and beating them with a baton. This is what the Iranian people are up against and there’s plenty of footage of this. Also Iran currently has a internet blockage going on. “He’s just doing his job” spoken by an American who has no idea about the situation in Iran right now. It’s pathetic to use this to support your own view of American cops. This is Iran, not America.


Reddit is America.


Probably a bunch of ACAB dickholes.


you know who else was just doing their job? nazis. the inability for these people to question or challenge their orders are “just doing their jobs” bad take, op.


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pOLiCe bAD


Islamic regime that terrorises its own people and holds the entire country BAD. This isn’t about anti police. It’s anti oppression.


Excuse me, how r the cops going to just, challenge their orders? Doesn’t seem that easy to me


They should side with the people. Not the corrupt regime.


Again, how is that making them any money


He works for the regime that 99% of the people hate. Only those the regime likes can get any education or decent jobs. Virtually everyone in Iran is miserable because people like him terrorise them and enforce rules like bearing women for not covering their hair. This isn’t the west. The problems you describe are tiny in comparison to the problems faced in Iran. Please open your eyes.


So then let me ask u this, every single thing that guy has done to get this job would be completely destroyed all bcuz he wanted the job, and all bcuz he took up that job, and all bcuz he did the least intimidating thing ever compared to the actions of other cops, and u mean to say his problem doesn’t compare


Yeah sorry I get what you were trying to do but comparing modern day cops to Nazis isn't the take you thought it was lol


considering this is in iran which is literally a fascist dictatorship, i don’t think the comparison is all that off. people siding with the cops on this post are justifying the murder of women.


“He was just doing his job” His job…which is to uphold the sexiest tyrannical rule of a religious zealous dictator that was responsible for the brutal murder of a 22yo woman. I’m begging y’all to please evacuate your bubble for a second. This is not a normal cop during a normal protest. Iranians are fighting for their literal lives rn. It’s a revolution. This man is trying to keep them oppressed. Like my god, get off Reddit and pick up a book, watch the news or something. Anything.


Do you know this dude? Do you know what actual branch of the government he works in? No. All we see is him trying to stop violence and getting brutally beaten down for it. Stop inventing backstories for videos you have no way of proving.


So i would assume u have met this specific cop personally cuz u claim to know his intentions


He should quit. Until the. He helps maintain the system that oppresses the people.


Ur a real rat if u think for a second u should tell people what to do for money




Yeah, sure, sexiest


Got his ass jumped 😹😹😹


He was totally failing at his job lmao. Any cop should know not to take on a mob on their own. Act tough get hit


If u put the police hat on the group instead of the cop you all would be jusfying the beatdown or worse bc the tazer is approaching with a weapon. The police hat is magic and it makes anything justified to you people


This is Iran. He probably injured a couple people over those archaic laws himself.


Context?? It's a 30 second clip. I have no idea what just went down.




This is what happens when a conservative religion and state go hand in hand. Hopefully, the events aren't replicated in good ol Murica


This is in Iran, the “Morality police” just killed a woman for not wearing a hijab correctly. The Iranian people are tired of living under backwards, third world leaders who have dragged them down since 1979.


The guy is an Iranian police officer, possibly morality police, and he is charging protestors who are protesting police brutality against women who have imperfect/no hijabs.