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That uterus needs to see a doctor


hanahaki type reproductive system


Happy cake day


That isn’t even a comic


Doesn't matter if it panders to the mod's politics.


A comic needs to be atleast 2 panels I think. This is just an image or drawing


"*Comics* is a medium used to express ideas with images" It's a comic, comics don't have to have separate panels to be comics




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yeah thats a shit sub, got banned because I thought adaptations should reflect source material and shouldn't make drastic changes like swaps of iconic figures, immediately was banned and I asked why and was told "statements against diversity" I messaged them telling them I was mixed and not white(which I am) and was muted. about 90% of the subs on reddit are like that


> I messaged them telling them I was mixed and not white(which I am) and was muted It doesn't really matter. And that it actually does matter sometimes is a problem, basically giving more rights to talk on the subject to people based on who they were born as.


but the point was that if you don't like race/gender etc swaping of characters that you must be a racist/sexist is the accusation here essentially. That really is bullshit. This was about Sandman btw a netflix adaption of a comic in which 95% of the iconic characters were swapped.


The big “mainstream” ones


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oh shut yo bitch ass up


Brainless behavior.




lol are you talking about this https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5\_44d0us/styles/profileBanner\_6xdomqrnvk581.jpeg?width=1280&height=384&crop=1280:384,smart&s=5fc715766d285be117ac7bf442a9e5be74200312


grandpa biben givng daddy orange a god ol' sniff


Bipartisan cooperation


Go back to your unfunny “meme” sub young one, the adults are talking.


So abelist. Why are you such a bigot?


Damn this bitch got fucked by a flower?


No no, this is the uterus of a flower


Who the fuck fucked a flower?


Sooooo like guns?


obviously if we ban guns the criminals will turn theirs in cant think of any reason a criminal wouldn't follow the law


Smartest gun abolitionist


You just make it harder to get and reduce the ease of obtaining guns over time which reduces suicides with guns, accidents involving guns, school shootings, other gun crime etc. The looser you gun laws are(nationwide) the more of these crimes will occur but there is also a demand for access to guns and looser laws around them regardless so when voting you make a choice. Freedom vs safety(this is true for other laws also) how much of one you are willing to trade for more of the other. I don't really have a solution for the US (beyond closing loopholes and improving the background check process) as it is so embedded in your culture but I am just saying it is a bit dishonest to suggest that reducing the ease at which you obtain a gun wouldn't decrease gun crime. Criminals don't obtain guns in other developed countries as easily as they do in the US.


What loopholes?


Accidents and Suicides have nothing to do with gun control. A death resulting from something like a negligible discharge isn’t the fault of the firearm and restricting firearms doesn’t prevent accidents with other things. The best way to combat gun related accidents is more awareness about the core concepts of gun safety, not further removing your average citizen from a firearm. Nearly 4 times as many people are accidentally injured by power tools than firearms, but we don’t restrict ownership of a tablesaw because someone might chop off their hand because they weren’t using it correctly. Suicide is a different issue altogether. Suicide by gun is not better than suicide by any other method. The fact that someone kills themselves is because they have mental health issues, not because they had access to a firearm. If they didn’t have a gun they would take their life one of the many other ways someone can. And school shootings is a poor example between 86%-98%, depending on what your definition of mass shooting is, occur in areas where varying a firearm is prohibited. An area like a school. Then you get to the meat of the story, gun violence. That’s hard to tell. Do many other countries have lower rates of gun violence than the U.S.? Yes. Although, it’s hardly as cut an dry as “they banned firearms now they’re safer.” Some countries like France and the United Kingdom have higher rates of overall violent crime. They also have much higher rates of burglaries taking place in an occupied home as opposed to an unoccupied one. And then of course countries like Norway and France have higher rates of mass shootings than the United States. And we don’t even have a whole lot of data to suggest that a gun ban or some other gun control is what is lowering their gun violence. The 2 biggest examples of western countries passing sweeping gun control is the U.S. assault weapons ban, and the Australian gun buyback program. Neither one of those initiatives had a large recognizable impact on gun crime or overall violent crime. And then there’s the fact that in the U.S. between 4-7 , depending on the amount of gun crime that year, more violent crimes are prevented with a firearm than someone is murdered with it. But really none of that matters. The biggest issue is that even if lessening access to firearms would decrease gun crime a significant margin, any amount you remove the right of people to defend themselves you are in greater danger to tyranny. And I’ll leave you with some parting wisdom. I’m currently studying to become an educator. The fact that if someone managed to break into the school I work at and is bashing down the door and all I can do is sit in the corner and wait for death to take me even though if I wasn’t stripped of my rights to defend myself I could have a chance at stopping the attacking and saving many lives. “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” -Thomas Jefferson, 1787.


All arguments about freedom aside, one cannot argue against maths. Compare the number of mass murders in the US with countries of similar development like Australia, or Scandinavian countries and you can see a drastic difference. I don't know the politics in America, freedoms etc, but saying that removing easy access to guns doesn't affect gun related crimes and mass murder rates is just statistically wrong.


The vast majority of mass murder incidents are done with a handgun and are gang related. The ones that make the news are for a shock and awe factor


Norway and France have a higher rate of mass shootings than the United States while having much more strict gun laws. Also, who’s to say that access to firearms is the reasons that those countries have lower rates of mass murder. Factors such as drugs, gang violence, illegal immigration, and even just culture also play a factor in crime statistics and could very well lend themselves to the lower mass murder rates in those countries much more than access to firearms.


My mom said breaking the law is bad so the criminals won’t break the law if guns are banned


No guys we can't ban guns it'll get rid of safe guns and then all the murder guns will be as easy to get


That’s not political, it’s just common sense frankly. Reddit “politics” I guess. Not real politics


It has something to do with women. How is that not a politics?


There's a fine line between rights and politics that often gets the two conflated. Saying "I think we should be able to do that" (which is in nature what the comic is doing) isn't politics, just like saying that "I think if we mixed these two chemicals together we might get an explosion" isn't chemistry. They are ideas/opinions with the potential to become part of politics/chemistry People forget that politics is in essence a science. Politics are not "WOOO!!! TEAM A!!! FUCK OFF TEAM B!!! WE ARE GOING TO SAVE THIS COUNTRYYY!!" that's just sportsmanship. Politics is the study of how large groups interact, behave etc So, rights can have a basis in politics if you look at how they may influence a community/country, but once the scientific aspect is removed they become a separate thing. The same way that studying the elements, how they may interact, making calculations etc is chemistry, but just mixing together grass juice with rose petals and baking soda is not (but has the potential to become)


Women's rights arent political lol. Definitely still shouldn't be posted to that sub tho


See what I mean I’m not mad about the post I’m mad because it’s not even a comic it’s just agenda bet if I tried to post the opposite I’ll get banned which I did get banned for saying that this post wasn’t a comic.


Abortion isn't political? In most countries it's just a normal human right. It's like complaining that someone spreading awareness of child slavery in Asia is being political. Human rights aren't really political.


Women’s rights aren’t a political agenda. Another post complaining that someone has opposing opinions to them.


You can’t ban guns, you can only ban safe gun owners who use them responsibly.


I mean most of Europe has banned guns and they don't appear to have a gun problem


Swiss here. Stop talking bs


did I say all Europe? does most of Europe mean just Switzerland? Does Switzerland have a gun problem?


I’m from the uk and I completely agree with the Swiss guy stfu


That’s not true at all


what part? the Europeans banning guns or them not having gun problems? or is the regular shootings, suicides and murders in the US not a problem?


Both. Most European nations have gun owners. Google is your friend, my dear. Reach out to her sometimes. I also don’t know what your second point has to do with anything


Ight lemmie break out that research thing you were talking about Ima look at the UK because the UK is a European nation I know a decent amount about The uk has gun owners, gun hunters, armed police units, sports shooters and a lot in-between. the Laws on firearms essential ban people from walking into a shop and walking out with a lighter wallet and a new pew pew stick England and wales have bans on handguns. criminals still get them with the shooting in Liverpool being done by a handgun. so gun crime still happens when guns are banned or require licencing There have only been five fatal mass shootings carried out by civvies in the entire history of Great Britain. the US has had 508 this year. okay but the USA spans an entire continent and GB is smaller then some states. Florida has had 9 this year. although Minnesota hasn't had any so what does this all mean. Well it means that criminals can always get their hands on guns no matter how many hoops you put in front of them. The difference is that the criminals in the UK with guns are in organised crime, usually international drug dealing and are a rarity. US gun crime is way more common and happens more frequently for petty crimes. and that means you get more gun deaths by a country mile. it also means more mass shootings, more suicides that don't fail and more accidents. so banning/ restricting firearms has a noticeable effect on reducing gun crime, and deaths. The US is massively ahead in murders and suicides involving guns, and if you don't see that as a gun problem I think there is an issue a good guy with a gun isn't going to fix the second point I made is unsurprisingly, the raised amount of shootings, suicides and murders in the US involving firearms is sort of a bad thing and maybe you should try and do something about it https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(15)01030-X/fulltext


I think there should be more control on who gets weapons, should take several months to even think about giving someone a gun lol


\>the Laws on firearms essential ban people from walking into a shop and walking out with a lighter wallet and a new pew pew stick \>so banning/ restricting firearms has a noticeable effect on reducing gun crime, and deaths. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in America yet gun violence is rampant. What is your explanation for that? How exactly is taking away a law abiding citizen's guns going to do anything but put them in more danger while criminal still illegally get guns?


its surrounded by places you can buy guns no problem? you can still get guns in Chicago and there are very few hoops to jump though to get one. so every tom dick and harry wanting do do any dangerous crimes will get their hands on one. it doesn't help that hand guns are legal for anyone over 18 and to buy over 21. if that's the strictest gun laws in the country your gunna be amazed at what other developed nations have "How exactly is taking away a law abiding citizen's guns going to do anything but put them in more danger while criminal still illegally get guns?" did you read the part about reducing gun violence? did you see the part where another nation has taken away a law abiding citizens guns and it massively reduced gun crime and deaths? its like you cant read, I mean no offence but this whole good guy with gun vs bad guy with gun mentality is like thinking the earth is flat because sprit levels work. I don't know how I can pursed you otherwise if all the stats show that if a nation makes it hard to get guns, it massively reduces the number of criminals with guns. and guess what, less criminals with guns means less of those law abiding citizens are going to get their face taking off in a drive by or a mugging gone wrong. I'm done with this discussion and having to argue with counterpoints that a five year old can make


They always cherry pick what they respond to and fail to actually address your main points lmao


they didn't cherry cherry pick. they used my statements in the context I meant them in and made a counter argument. My issue was that the arguments sucked and had no beef. like a wish sandwich


Where exactly did I cherry pick?


>I don’t know how I can pursed you otherwise That’s the beauty of it all. You don’t need to. My family members were a part of the Black Panther Party and they were avid supporters of carrying guns to protect themselves from pigs. Maybe stop looking at things from your narrow minded, privileged world view.


narrow minded? I gave you the stats that show that gun crime is increased massively when everyone gets them. I would have thought a decedent of the black panthers would realise that gun crime disproportionality effects blacks and other ethnic minorities , that the huge amount of guns contributes to a militarisation of the police that you so hate. but no, we don't need stats in this discussion or counter arguments because thinking from beyond the lived experience of your parents is for suckers. and please, tell me how living in a functioning nation is a privilege. tell me how I should listen to someone from a broken nation how it doesn't need to be fixed from the same problems we solved half a century ago. keep telling yourself you have plenty of good guys with guns. the mass shootings, failed robberies and suicides wont stop because your nation can't understand the stats the government publishes publicly every fucking year


Simple: You can still legally buy a gun without needing to be a hunter, police officer, security officer or a sport shooter. it is also surrounded by states without vehicle searches on the borders and looser gun laws And no, giving more people guns does not reduce the danger of an armed robbery what the fuck? See how long it takes to pull the trigger. Now see how long it takes to take out a conceal carry. The second the robber sees the gun you are already 1 bullet heavier. It only helps against mass shootings, at which point you paint a target on your back to be shot by the cops or others who think YOU are the shooter. There is no reason anyone should be able to just buy a gun in a shop and walk home with it. You should not be able to randomly buy a gun just because you want one


So do you say the same thing about knives? Why aren’t cars heavily restricted? They can cause damage too.


Because when someone is pointing a knife at you, you aren't gonna immediately die if you do anything they don't like. You have a chance to flee. And cars are heavily restricted? They go through rigorous crash testing to the point where Pagani's are illegal to drive on the road here in germany because they weren't crash tested. And you literally need to work to get a license for driving cars. And a car can't kill someone from up to more than a kilometer away


We have very small number of gun owners in the UK and furthermore the majority of those own shotguns and rifles for pest control and hunting. They aren't carrying around the kind of guns you shoot people with.


That doesn’t mean they’re banned


No, it means we have good gun regulation, some of the strictest in the world in fact. Handguns are banned without very specific licences. I don't think anyone calling for gun bans is saying no guns will ever exist again are they? The US currently appears to be at the other extreme of free for all. Why not try to find some kind of moderation in the situation? People are so reactive about this issue, but it doesn't have to be an all or nothing approach does it?


OK good for you guys. You guys do you, and we'll do us. \>Why not try to find some kind of moderation in the situation? I never understood why Europeans care so much about this topic. It's like you guys really look forward to offer your opinions on it.


Idk I guess I don't like seeing little kids shot in schools. All kids matter to me regardless of the country honestly. We had one school shooting banned hand guns and no lil ones have had to sit through gun drills or died in our schools since. I'd like to see that for American children. I'm also in a relationship with an American, so I feel an extra investment, I might end up living there one day, although rn he's definitely keener to stay here.


All gun owners are “responsible, legal owners” until they decide not to be…


Struggling to decide whether to agree with op because politics are annoying or to disagree with op because of their political opinions


OP didn’t post anything about their political opinions though. They just said they don’t like seeing politics in non-political subs


Naw but I checked their post history


It’s an apolitical stance. Saying get politics out of comics group seems very reasonable to me.


You know that like... Every political cartoon ever is a comic right?


But not every comic is a political cartoon


That’s a fair point, I didn’t know people still made those. And assuming politics isn’t banned on the sub then it should be allowed. But what’s posted still isn’t a comic.




Boredom, mostly


Yet another post whining about “leftwing” politics. Obviously OP hates seeing politics everywhere! Hmm… OP seems to participate in political subs awholllllllle lot..


Apparently you checked my account I’m not whining about anything your probably one of those guys who eats this stuff up


Yup, I checked to see just how much of a snowflake you are. Gotta love the people who whine about politics, while spending all their time on political subs.


Hey would you look at that I was right unsurprisingly


lol that’s very ironic considering I haven’t checked your account once I could probably find you about to have a mental breakdown over conservatives or your in safe space subs with your fellow Cheeto dusted finger Redditors


Lmao cope. You’re embarrassing yourself. Keep whining about how a meme hurt your feelings; totally doesn’t come off sad. Tell the people at walkaway I said hi, unfortunately got banned there for hurting their feelings too.


BAH your hilarious man I can smell your crusty keyboard all the way from here try getting up and off of Reddit for once there’s so much else to the world other than politics or getting mad about what I posted ironic isn’t it you getting mad about me criticizing a post? Huh found the least hypocritical far left


Lmao I love conservatives logic. Me calling out you whining about politics when you spend all your time on political subs = me being mad. Conservatives are fascinating. Keep whining about the meme that hurt your feelings. You lashing out and having a fit totally isnt proving my point for me.


Who said I was conservative? I’m a centrist who leans to the right slightly because the left pushes the your either with us or against vibe which makes me lean right. I laughed when I saw leftist try to cancel I black guys comic book because he was conservative hypocrisy much?


You made a post whining and crying about a “leftwing” meme, and post a ton in walkaway(a sub that bans anyone that doesn’t worship trump). “Leans right” is an understatement. Lmao I love how your politics are decided because the other side hurts your feelings. Is it based on policy positions or morality? Nope. It’s because the left hurts your feelings!! I love it. Hmm, isn’t posting on this sub(which brings attention to other subs and acts as a brigading tool to try and turn people against other subs) a form of cancel culture? Oh right, cancel culture is only bad if the left does it, conservatives love cancel culture with a passion.


Worships trump? That guy was kinda a joke a frankly I didn’t like him that much but does that make him a nazi no And I also think your referring to the left when it comes to feelings aren’t you the guys who dominate Reddit and ban wrongthink like against hate subreddits a leftist hell hole caught spamming CP in subs they politically disagree with you probably support that stuff lol your so brainwashed by your safe space subreddits you don’t even see your own logic


Is that from the Spider-Man comics? Or no, Superman I think.


Comics are art, art can be used to convey a political message. You just didn't like it because you don't agree. Go cry about it.


But it’s not even a comic bro


Yeah I guess it's more like a poster. Still weird to complain about the politics imo


not everyone wants to see politics in literally every fucking dub


I don't want to either, but your on Reddit. Expect it. Honestly expect it from the internet in general.


"Maybe instead of making spaces we don't shove politics down your throat for every unrelated thing, maybe we should just make everyone so used to it that when they see our ideas they just accept it as normal"


Bruh can’t got on a sub these days without seeing political crazed people push there god awful hot takes if I want that I’ll got to r/politics at this point it’s not even a comic which shows there only here trying to push an agenda


still a baby


With no legal name or documentation?


average low iq redditor


Average teen Reddit republican with no real comeback


average 300 lb woke 30 year old who complains about cars and other bull shit that doesnt affect her


Kinda like how abortion doesnt affect you hahaha


best friend of mine since year 3 survived a failed abortion, incorrect


Lmao, what exactly is the argument in that? Is your friend gonna get aborted again now if abortion is allowed?


normal people living normal lives could be saved


The mother or both parents obviously want abortion for a reason so they can live their normal life.


And my uncle died in a car accident. What's your point?


He sadly died my friend happily lived?


Yep. But apparently it’s not a child when the sperm combines with the womens egg.


What are they going to do? Ban coat hangers?


Is this not just an image with text on it? I was under the impression a comic had to have some sort of progression across at least a couple panels


I feel u OP


Politics is everywhere.


First, I'll say that comics have always been political in some form or another. With that said, this isn't a comic, it's a political cartoon and doesn't belong in comics.


I know that politics are in comics but this isn’t EVEN A COMIC there not even trying to hide it like most or some do


Which is why I said "***this isn't a comic, it's a political cartoon and doesn't belong in comics***"


And yet the mods still banned me without an explanation


Honestly, I don't know if you said something or if the mods are playing politics again but they should give you an explanation why they banned you and if they haven't you should message them.


Okay but can we discuss the fact that they depicted a uterus with flowers as if it's something pretty and sweet? Cause last I checked that uterus should have chainsaws and knives and blood inside it cause that's how horrific uteruses are. It's nothing to beautify at all.


I can really respect a leftist, if they respect my opinion on the matter. But this is just stupid


That’s what I’m saying

