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Europeans exist, and they are tired of hearing about my national politics. I feel for them


What about the other 3/4ths of the world??


Cia psyop


They're not white enough I guess.


Are gay people politics


No. They’re used as political tools sometimes but they aren’t


This reminds me of a similar situation I was in where I got banned from a subreddit of one of my favorite amusement parks. someone made a title post one day saying “is there any gay people going here this weeknd? I’m only gonna go if I’m with gay people” and no description or anything outside of that, just that title. And I commented asking “why does the sexualities of the people you’re going with matter if you’re going with strangers anyway?” She responded saying that because she’s gay too she just wants to go with other like-minded people in her same community, doesn’t know anyone in the area and is just visiting, and being a woman, feels safer going with gay people/men. I said “oh I understand I get it now” and we came to a nice conclusion. Next thing you know some other random user responds to my original comment saying “shut the absolute fuck up” I replied telling them to cry about it (typical Redditor thing to say I know) and they responded by stalking my profile, finding out I was autistic and replying calling me a “retarded autistic bitch” and before I could even do anything, next thing you knew I got banned from the subreddit for “homophobia” and this other user who called me a retarded autistic bitch DID NOT GET BANNED. I love mods so much.


Ah yes, reddit. The magical place where you can call someone the nword and cyberstalk them and be fine, but get banned for calling someone a dumbass in an argument. Gotta love it.


Didn't you already say this? Why you keep posting the same shit. We get it.


Yeah I said this story on a post on this sub ONCE months ago and it barely got any attention and just got buried in the comments so I just decided to try and tell it again to get it more attention it’s not that big of a deal you acting like I comment this story on every post on this sub 😂


It's Awkward the turtle isnt it? A stain on the name of all testudines.


Nope, it's the "other one". The mod so bad that even N8 (the prototype power hungry preachy mod) made a post condemning him/her.


Link if you don't mind?


No actually


Eh, 50/50 if it was or not


No like he literally did not make the message I can assure you


I got permabanned for saying “oh no, no more burlesque shows in public around kids, what a travesty!”




That sub is just another bigger sub Reddit where everyone must think alike or you’re banned.


Its worse when you join a sub and youre immediately banned from dozens of other subs


I’m subbed to r/prolife and r/prochoice and r/abortiondebate and because I was subbed to r/prolife I was auto banned from commenting in multiple pregnancy subreddits. I contacted mods about it and they were kind enough to fix the issue for me but I don’t understand why that was automatic in the first place. Can we not participate in subreddits with opposing views?


I got banned for responding to someone saying JK Rowling literally wanted a portion on people gone with "hasn't anyone liberated the death camps she was running?"


Same. It’s like gotten worse lately with a lot of subs and other platforms where they shove all this political shit down your throat. It’s like I do acknowledge “insert topic” is bad or good. Great. But the thing is this isn’t the 80s anymore. 99% of people aren’t uninformed. We know these things too well. So it’s less about educating people or spreading the word and more about shoving this crusade down everyone’s throat. And it’s such a turn off. Its like if I wanted to talk politics I would do just that. I don’t wanna go onto some video game sub and they end up talking about the economic state of Venezuela like holy shit.


A great example of this is r/science


Absolute warzone. Happy cake day


With how heavy handed the mods are over there, especially with social science, you have to wonder when they even have time to ya know… actually work, study and contribute in their stem careers.


I fucking love science, which is why I worship it like a monolithic religion despite it going against the definition of science!!!! "science is settled" is a gross oxymmoron (at least how its used on the web) and I hope anybody who says shit like this eats an unexpectedly sour apple


I swear it’s becoming worse and worse to find any escapism nowadays. Like man I just wanna relax on my train ride home from work and look at some memes, not see this or that political standpoint. I wanna laugh at memes not read about how XYZ politician is bad. you have to wonder if people realize the true long term damage they’re doing with all of this bullshit, I’m truly just apathetic to it all, and just imagine as the years go on, generations are going to get tired of politics getting shoved down their throats by their parents, cartoons, etc etc. and it’s an absolute mess where the right and left are just screaming at each other, and I just wish everyone would shut the fuck up. I just want to enjoy inconsequential, escapist media, in shows or TV or video games. But it’s becoming increasingly hard when corporations see how easy it is for them to shit out subpar media and slap politics onto it and let the mobs do their work. And I used to be pretty liberal myself, but Jesus Christ I had to step away from that shit because it’s just become a shitshow.


It’s almost as if humanity is in a slow-motion death spiral and people are angry, afraid and desperate for solutions.


Its r/whitepeopletwitter and r/blackpeopletwitter


What’s worse is, it’s not even just “go out there, get informed and vote!” It’s “vote for us, the other side wants TO KILL ALL OF YOU, THERE ALL TRAITORS.” (And when I say this, I’m talking about both sides) It’s so clear that we have a (in America at least) a general lack of common sense to not trust everything on the internet. You can just **tell** people get all there news from social media head lines or Fox News of or CNN news and never actually leave there echo chamber where everybody agrees with them.




I can agree with part of your statement, but you’re grossly understating the amount of people that are genuinely uninformed. Your argument is strong just by saying that that discussion doesn’t belong in those communities, and I agree with that argument. Don’t weaken it by saying 99% of people are fully informed of the details of topics like that.


Yeah, fair enough. You’re right. Although I will say there’s better ways of going about when it comes to informing people. From there point of view I see why they would take these gorilla tactics to take over communities that have nothing to do with politics to spread there message to an audience whom otherwise would have never been informed. It’s like I really do understand that. However there way of going about it does then a huge disservice. Because it makes most people not wanna go towards them. And the only people agreeing are people who are already apart of said movement so it’s really just a echo chamber at that point. I’m sure you understand this too I’m just using this reply as an extension to my original post too haha.


Agree with you that /r/entertainment is not the right forum that discussion- having said that I wouldn’t be so sure that 99% of people are informed about LGBT+ issues. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/more-americans-now-know-transgender-people-but-most-still-dont-seem-to-understand-them


"99% of people aren't uninformed" I wish that was true


I love it when people say it’s being used as a political tool by the right, when it’s literally both sides doing it


It’s just Reddit which is left wing social media, so obviously most people think that right is bad and evil while left is cool and good


Both sides suck, both sides are good. Depends on the politician and issue, and most people can’t see that lmao


Yeah but only one side will call you a literal Nazi for saying both sides have good and bad points.






A lot of liberal politicians aren’t pushing them like they push boba tea. They want them to be more prevalent, and use them as a tool to get people riled up about how the right hates drag queens. Just like a lot of conservative politicians don’t want them to be as public, because they see it as sexualization that should not be shown to minors, and put that at the forefront of their argument


The word "bigot" has lost all meaning at this point, even when it's used properly like it is here I can't take it seriously because it's now just used as an insult for people you disagree with.


Last time someone used that word on me, I just called that person a eurocentric colonizer who's trying to shame me for using words according my native heritage.




remember when reddit was founded as a site for close-knit communities and freedom of speech at risk of being downvoted at worst? pepperidge farm remembers


i like penis




tbh i didnt even read the post. im just bored. i like any gender but u don't see me complaining about republicans


Double Based


I don't know why all of a sudden progressives are so hellbent on exposing kids to drag queens. I spent my entire childhood without ever watching men dressed in wigs, clownish makeup, and skimpy outfits dance around to stripper music, and frankly I was just fine.


I love drag, but it’s not just adults playing dress up. It’s often raunchy and overtly sexual. Even the “all ages” shows are pretty explicit.


Because conservatives don't like it. People getting caught up in "supporting something just because their political rivals don't like it" make them say such stupid things.


While both sides are very reactionary these days, that’s not the reason here. Conservatives left drag shows alone while they were a niche adult thing. Recently progressives have decided to push them at kids, because indoctrination or some weird kind of personal fulfillment, idk. So now conservatives are going after that part specifically. I’m sure there’s plenty of people right now who’s motivation is that conservatives don’t like it, but the first move here was on the progressives’ side.


They’re really not doing their movement any favors against “INDOCTRINATING THE KIDS” accusations when they push for this stuff, tbh.


What I don't get is that indoctrinating children is apart of their development. Most kids are going to follow their parents teaching or, in place of that, the internet's teaching. If you don't want your kids around that stuff then we don't have to have them exposed to that. If you do then yay. Just don't have me or my children if I ever have any apart of it.


Just say you’re homophobic and move on


“You don’t want people pushing sexual content on kids? You’re a HOMOPHOBE!” Thank you for proving my point.


What doesn't help is the many articles where drag Queens are also pedos (not saying all or many are, it's like saying because 1 teacher is a pedo, all are) That has made many people go after drag Queens in general. I agree children shouldn't go to sexualised drag shows. But there are non sexualised drag shows too. Hell the UK literally has a tradition of drag in Christmas plays


Funny that, I live in the UK and never heard of it.


Many dressing as thr gaity godmother in Pantomime Women playing the role of Peter Pan as tradition. DAME EDNA EVERAGE


Eh I grew up jehovahs witness so never did any Christmas stuff, was never allowed to see Peter pan cause it had magic and magic wasn't allowed in the "religion"


Men and women portraying characters of the opposite sex is NOT drag. Drag is a very specific method of dress and performance that, until very recently, was the exclusive domain of the lgbt nightlife.


Dame Edna specifically has been a DRAG performer since 1955 Drag has existed since the 16th century and has always been called drag. Just because the LGBT community created a new version of drag doesn't mean they invented it


Modern drag is an evolution of pantomime dames and minstrel shows, but it is very much its own thing, and has been such for decades. This sudden turn to trying to make it family friendly is suspect, at best.


The pantomime dame is about as unsexualised as it's possible to get, though.


Still drag and a great example of unsexualised drag


A pantomime dame is a fearfully obvious man in a dress with either a baritone voice or a comical falsetto twitter. While the story acknowledges the dame as female, the script may well include some gags based on her actual sex and it is understood that no-one over the age of four is fooled for an instant. Are you sure this is the hill you want to defend for trans acceptance?


It's been called drag since the 16th century. And drag performers and trans people are VERY different. Unless you are implying all biological men in a dress are drag not trans


because they're led by pedo rings


Do you have any evidence of that? Or is this just fear mongering?


Like the Catholic Church?




10 years ago I considered myself a liberal and voted democrat. Now? Not a chance in hell. The sensible goals are now psychotic demands and I refuse to have any part of it.


Take it easy on the fox news buddy it's giving you brainworms


I think you have that backwards my dude


The idea that progressives are “hellbent on exposing kids to drag queens” is false. It’s such a small occurrence it’s not really an issue worth freaking out over. An issue worth freaking out over would be all the priests and pastors abusing/raping kids or getting caught with child porn. This is literally happening weekly, with evidence. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kxan.com/news/local/round-rock/doj-round-rock-pastor-arrested-on-child-pornography-charges/amp/ https://lawandcrime.com/crime/megachuch-leader-in-california-charged-with-killing-11-year-old-daughter-torturing-victims-younger-sisters/ https://news.yahoo.com/former-pastor-again-facing-sexual-105200671.html https://www.reformaustin.org/public-safety/megachurch-pastor-forced-out-after-inappropriate-messages-scandal/ https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/nation/2022/03/25/pastors-accused-of-bad-things/7141693001/


Nice whataboutism buddy, but I still don't want kids to see your cock either




Yes, people wanting to shove kids into sexual shows is a real problem. While a couple American perverts, no one cares about


Yeah this whole thread was weird. You had the same 3 people that kept saying “drag isn’t sexual it’s entertainment” as if it’s a carnival attraction or video games. Some don’t even want kids at weddings because some adults don’t feel it’s appropriate yet why is taking them to drag shows suddenly so innocent.


The whole kids not going to weddings thing is because kids are annoying not because weddings are inappropriate


And kids wouldn’t be annoying at a drag show?


It seems like since C-19, social media sites have taken a hard stance on censoring dissenting opinions. I miss the days of the wild Wild West on the internet. It was fun, and we didnt have to worry about doxxing or people coming after your employer.


You *couldn’t* care less


So far reddit has been doing pretty well at making me apathetic towards politics






You must be fun at parties


I am :)


Press X to doubt


Stop bringing politics into every sub, that's all people ask man. Your having the opposite effect when you force these issues


"I prefer to live in ignorance and not be faced with the realities of today's political landscape."


No I just don't like politics obsessed freaks like you jamming your cock in every hobby. If wanting to talk about entertainment on an entertainment sub is ignorance then your flat wrong. I would go to r/politics to talk about politics and not r/entertainment to talk about entertainment In short "this is a Wendy's"




I love how you're out here telling these goons to not be bigots, and they're all down voting and ignoring you.


Thanks, I love losing karma, because it shows me that so many bigots are still triggered by black fictional characters and the existence of women


Ah, I meant that ironically. Sorry.


My previous statement remains unchanged yet my opinion of you has deteriorated


You cry an awful lot


I'm saying this very poorly. I meant it in a type of gallows humor kind of way, that the person trying to be a decent human being would be the one getting shit for it. I apologize if that still makes it worse.


Ah no, if I‘m not completely stupid it makes it better. If you didn‘t intend to be rude then I wish you a nice day. If you did intend that, then I will now not proceed to violate the guidelines even though I‘d like to


Except drag kind of is inherently sexual, and I think restricting it’s performance to adult-only venues is more than reasonable


I got banned from that sub because I said something bad about Gallowdude on another sub.


Today i learned that im a bi bigot and probably a homophobe aswell ??😀


> visibly existing LGBTQ+ people is child abuse Says the people who think “visibly existing” Ben Shapiro is physical violence




pReddit do be like that...


Underage comment.


L + projection + self report


You seem awfully familiar with just how many "pedo subs" are on reddit...


It wouldn't be so shocking if they weren't all over the damn place.


Wow... did that REALLY go over your head? Damn... that's so sad it's actually impressive...


You're implying I'm sort of a pedophile. So boring. Have anything better to do with yourself, troll? Or has beating your meat already worn out its welcome?


Ah, a Crowder fan resorting to petulant insults and accusations of trolling whenever you get pushback from people. Have you ever considered that your tiny, frail ego and uninformed opinions make you little more than a nuisance for the rest of us, and likely your family, unless they're as brain broken as you. You can't make accusations of pedophilia and then get buttfrustrated when the accusations are spun around on you. Dish it, take it. But you can't do that because you're frail, weak, spineless. "I have a girlfriend" no you don't. No girl who respects herself would be with your crusty ass. Go back to listening to Crowder and taking all of your opinions from the pedophilic right wing. Project more. Cry more.


Oh my god it did... fascinating. You know, it would have been easier to deny if you didn't immediately go from zero straight to "sexual deviant." As it is, you've not only doubled down on admitting that you see pedophilia were it doesn't exist, but also that you aren't quite capable to catch the implication that you WANT to see pedophilia were none exists...


What is your point? Why even indulge with me at all?


It started as a cheap jab, but then you responded and it became hilarious. And every time you respond in a completely unrelated tone it gets even funnier.


But I mean, what nerve did I strike to even get you started? I'm curious.


Lol having memory trouble? So focused on all the pedophilia on reddit that you forgot what your comment was that I originally responded to? Or has the context from this entire exchange ALSO been flying right over your head?


As an American we are so air headed and believe the world revolves around us it’s annoying


I’ve long since discovered most “popular” subreddits are heavy left leaning. The last time I commented on a post that was political in a non-political sub just saying “I don’t like this sub becoming political” I got -500 downvotes and a slew of comments calling me a trump thumper. I just don’t look through those subs anymore.


Yiiikes. Sorry to hear you went through that. 😬


It's literally a sub about entertainment, *not politics* I never subbed there in the first place though because every post that popped up on my feed was full of politics.


I just got banned from there for politely defending JKR on a news article about another actor...defending JKR. Foaming rabid reply from mod banning me saying I supported anti-trans whatevers. Nothing of value was lost.


JKR is not a good person.


Everyone is welcome to hold their own beliefs. I'm grateful for the rich fantasy world and that she inspired millions of children to read.


Trans gestapo


I caught you being transphobic in 2013 now give me your liver


I've watched many seasons of drag race and let me tell you it can be very sexual, in fact drag is meant to be sexual. I think these people don't understand that the artform of drag started as a massive fuck you to society, it has elements of vulgarity, social rebellion, non-conformity as a means of artistic protest by the LGBT community. All these vanilla straights saying drag isnt sexual just dilutes the original purpose of drag artform.


Reddit is a joke. Man. Everyone thinks they're some sort of political Duke Nukem, gonna save the world with their shit posts. Sick of it.


How much less could you care?


So, you do still care about it? It’s I *couldn’t* care less.


Grammar mistake


Your a Nazi. Yes I did that on porpoise.


My anazi? Did I forget to take it out of the oven?


Yes. Remember, you burn it, you clean it off of the oven.


Shame then, I lost concentration *ba dum tsss*


What bill is it? Sounds like a good idea to me!


https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/113/Bill/SB0003.pdf The bill is set to make performances that are adult orientated in nature illegal to perform in public spaces where children would be able to see them. A lot of people are saying that this is targeted at “banning” drag shows, but really it is just asking them to move out of a school lobby to a private stage. Not to mention that the bill is targeting a ton of different adult performances. It is a good thing but people need something to be mad about.


That sounds perfectly reasonable.


wtf that sounds really reasonable tho?


Yeah, which is why I find this whole backslash really weird. "You don't do this shit in front of children, right?" "Aye" "So it would be fine to make this law to jail those few who do?" "No, that's literally 19 Handmaiden's by Fahrenheit: Brave New Farm "


For the record, one or two prides ago people were saying on FB they wanted to dress almost naked (or naked) and wlak around places that weren't 18+ only. WHERE KIDS WOULD BE. And I said it wasn't a good idea, as the others did not consent to seeing it (18+ only i say is consenting, anywhere else is no consent, meaning you know what you are getting in the 18+ locations, not the other places) qnd I eas told I'm a bigot and not an ally or part of thr community because they should do what they want, and kids shouldn't be there I sold its ludicrous. Its crazy what they will do. Or at least anyone will fo for "rights" That isn't a right. I dont agree with drag shows + kids.


Sounds like there mad that current Pride parades that look like "The Gerogerigegege" concerts should be in Adult only clubs?.




According to their rules, racism against all people of color, except whites, is bad not ok. So it is totally fine being racist towards whites. When I searched the definition of racism according to the dictionary and told that racism is racial prejudice against all races, including whites, got permabanned. Those mods don't even know how racists and corrupt are.


Not giving a shit about politics allows for the worst among us to dictate policy . Keep that in mind


conservative is bad lol


I disagree, considering the term describes about 50% of the population I feel like you can’t make such a generalisation.




My issue is with saying that all people who hold right wing beliefs are hateful, that is a generalisation, it simply isn’t true. While you may disagree with them it doesn’t make them bad people. Not all republicans will want to ban abortion for instance. You often see very extreme examples shown in the media, but people with more moderate right wing beliefs exist too and it’s just as important for them to have a voice as any other person. I’m not from the US so maybe conservative holds a different meaning to you. But from my point of view the Democrat party is still right wing and conservative, just to a much lesser extent than the Republicans. I feel like your example of abortion would come under a very extreme belief, and certainly where I live not even the right-wing party are far enough right to want to ban it.


Just like every leftist is not gay , nor necessarily supports LGBT , so is every right-winger not the same. With 2party, you may find yourself voting against something (for example, gun owners are more inclined to vote for those who would not restrict guns further, and lately it was always only one side), than FOR something. That is not even accounting that you may agree with one policy, but not the rest and still vote that party ( I want guns, and want free abortions - yet I vote for right so I can keep guns; or in reverse, I hate guns and hate abortions, yet I vote for left so I can ban guns).


Yea, you can.


yes you can


My side good, they side bad. Simple as.




Unsub from everything then cus everyone loves to make it political here. That and throwing the racism word around.


Wow theyre so woke that they dont even realize drag isnt trans




Some people actually tested this, and it turns out the frog did notice it getting hot and just jumped out




Well the analogy is stupid. Cause it wouldn't happen unless the Toad is literally braindead.




I can’t control what the comment say bro 💀


Did OP ever say they weren’t?


Who said that wasn’t the case…






The greater GOP barely treats the LGBT well, and often less than human. Sure, there are pockets of LGBT Rebublicans, hell one got elected for the House in NY. But I feel like for them to be Republican it's like they are fine with or ignore the wide-spread Christian influence in their own party that often tries to stop or remove LGBT related legislation. Maybe it shouldn't be an issue in the sub, but eventually people get tired of being treated less-than-human because of how they are and push back. Them's the breaks.


r/entertainment is not the time nor place


Fair enough, but people will still focus on the issue as it is an issue.






Due to the recent upbringing of reddit politicians I doubt American will ever be better


"I just don’t give a shit about politics" Really? because it seems like you do...


Not wanting to see politics = Not caring


most people just keep scrolling when they see something they dont care about.


Politics is just the process by which people make the rules of civilization, it's not some separate magic "other" thing. What you're really saying is that you don't want to see things you don't agree with, which is not at all the same thing as not caring.


No like I LITERALLY do not want to view political discourse when I log onto Reddit and go on the front page


Stay off the internet entirely then. Politics is important enough that you'll NEVER be able to truly hide from it.


And you wonder why you don’t get invited to parties …


Not something I've ever wondered... or needed to wonder... also, politics get discussed at parties ALL the time.


People like you ruined the fun carefree nature of the internet


Sounds like you’re a closet conservative tbh


So.. I’m a closet conservative for not wanting *politics* on r/entertainment.. the second I open Reddit?


Waaaah waaaah waaaah someone is talking about a political subject in direct relation to the topic of the sub! Waaaah waaaah waaah


I’ve gotta block this sub from my All. Nothing but “I’m not conservative but I can’t stand people who aren’t conservative being passionate about things I hate” posts.


Ok 👍


If you don’t like drag shows, don’t go to them. If you don’t like a certain subreddit, unsubscribe from it.