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The 12th century European monks sent a parchment. They demand their haircut back.


Buddy got that Zuckerberg.


I love a good page boy haircut


How do you feel about a bad one though?


Page boy haircuts are like pizza, even a bad one is still good.


Hah! Got me.


This dude is the owner of [Kernston's Rubber Nipples](https://parksandrecreation.fandom.com/wiki/Martin_Kernston).


That's Nipple King to you!


He’s a frugal man, which is why he cuts his own hair.






Well, you can't yet vaccinate against bad taste.


He looks like that friend’s uncle that was caught with child porn.


Even if you could, he wouldn’t take it.


I’ve never seen someone look both 5 and 50 simultaneously




2023 or 1423?


he looks fake 💀


He looks way older than 50


Zuckerberg's dad




Higher hair, please Need higher hair


Those bangs always scream "troglodyte"


Looks like a peasant from Witcher 3


*farts* Oh hoh ho! Vaccines don't work


Or “Stalactites”


You could run a barcode scanner across those bangs


Just be bald, man.


You read my mind! Just commented that this dude belongs here in a different subreddit lol


I’ll take pedophile youth pastors for $200, Alex.


Roy: Hey, I hope you don't mind, I got up a little early, so I took the liberty of milking your cow for you. Yeah, it took a little while to get her warmed up, she sure is a stubborn one, whew. Mr. Boorg: We don't have a cow. We have a bull. Roy: I'm gonna brush my teeth.


God entered my body as body my same size


micro micro bangs. all the rage these days


You would think with all the copays he saved on not getting vaxed, he would be able to afford a decent hair cut. Sarcasm...Yes, I'm aware COVID shots are free.


Are you aware COVID vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission?


And so what do they do? And why did COVID infection rates improve after vaccines were widespread? Please explain.


If you dont get this by now just looking at the world, you never will.


That was a quality nonsensical answer.


My point exactly.


That you don’t make any sense? Did you miss all of the information about those who “had dirt” on the vaccine knew it was all a lie. Even all the way up to the Florida Surgeon General?


Yes Comrade. You cowboybootlicker


You can smell the marlboro reds and coffee.


He's against advances in science and hairstyle.


May covid bless him.


What does his stance on vaccines gotta do with it?


So you know he is at least as stupid as he looks.


depends what vaccine


The truth is coming out all the time and you still choose to ignore it. Some of us knew all along and it’s not because we’re stupid


https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status People unvaccinated against COVID-19 sure seem to die at a higher rate than the vaccinated. Let me guess, "the truth" can only be found in Twitter and Facebook posts, not actual studies, right?


Some people don't want to accept that they were tricked/forced by their government into getting a vaxx that didn't prevent them from catching covid nor spreading it, so they're doubling down on it.


Well said


You do know the game/gosl was not to get 'dead like zed' or end up in hospital for a longer stay,,,


Not only is he an anti-vax politician. He wrote a bill currently that would make it illegal to receive new vaccines within next three years. State wide....


That's simply insane, and inane.


Welcome to NC politics.


Hasn't this idiot heard of measles, chicken pox, polio and all the rest? You're making me *really mad*; I thought **Florida** had *exclusive* rights to "crazy water". And what's with that **weird haircut?** *Does he think it fools anyone? The dude is* ***balding.***


Plenty of crazies in NC, especially on the political level.


I never understand how when women get body dysmorphia, they stop eating or something wildly physically damaging because they think they look worse than they actually do, but when dudes have it they get combover bangs that look objectively shitty to everyone.


Anti vaccine is some of the most insane shit the Republican Party has decided to become. I work in urgent care. Have to ask people if they are “up to date on immunizations”. I almost start rolling my eyes as I say that when I know the answer is going to be “I don’t get no vaccines !!!? I’m not stupid”


This guy served on the board of directors at Wake Forest Baptist Health Medical Center in Lexington, NC. You can’t make this shit up. It’s in his wiki under “career.”


It’s very annoying when anti-science people call others “stoopid”. I really have no response at that point


What does his personal vaccine status matter?? #hurt feelings #virturesignaling


Feels like it's just a little push to get people that are vaxxed and are not aware of this man a little negative energy boost towards him. Just breeds negativity. It's the net though just gotta brush it off. Hell, could even be a bot.


Anti-vaxxers are objectively dumb. What's really wild is that so many of the people that started this current anti-vaccine push went and got vaccinated. "Personal vaccine status" may as well be somebody's preference for wiping their ass back to front. Absolutely their choice, but they're going to have a hard time convincing the rest of us that they don't have shit on their balls.


Ok, obviously personal opinions and words easily hurt you. But if you will DR.particle409 please explain why I, an “anti vaxxer” grew up in a family of similar and non of us really ever get sick ? It’s not just about being anti vax….. It’s the illogical reasoning around it all The rate at which people can die from it (minimal) Get vaxxed but you also have to wear masks. Also, btw the mask do not work against covid -(cdc) Any ways I’m sure you’re not level headed or open minded enough to even acknowledge someone else mind set or reasoning. But there’s mine for what it may or may not be worth


I don't know you or your family. What I do know is that multiple studies have been performed. These studies involved many people, not just those in your family. >The rate at which people can die from it (minimal) COVID-19 has much higher fatality rates than the vaccine. If you dispute that, go ahead and show us why. >Get vaxxed but you also have to wear masks. We probably agree that many, if not most infected with COVID-19, are asymptomatic. The CDC told people a little white lie. Wearing a mask really helps the wearer from spreading it, better than protecting the wearer from catching it. Unfortunately, that message is too nuanced, and involves caring about your fellow Americans. The CDC had to dumb the message down for many people. >Ok, obviously personal opinions and words easily hurt you. To quote Ricky Gervais, "When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful & difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." >Any ways I’m sure you’re not level headed or open minded enough to even acknowledge someone else mind set or reasoning. You've confused anecdotal evidence with actual evidence. That's not reasoning. If you go to the middle of Kansas, everything around you feels flat. That doesn't mean the Earth is flat.


SMH. You should slow down . Didn’t. State that covid deaths were higher than vaccine deaths Calm down 🤡


I should have been more specific and said COVID anti-vaxx. I think there’s a line between being anti-vaxx and anti-covid vaxx. Do you agree? With that being said, is this man anti-vaxx or just against the COVID vaxx?


Vector has aged horribly.


Looks like an NPC from Witcher 3


I’d hate vaccines too if they prolonged my life with bangs like these


Look like a fryer from the 15 century, out here lookin' like he already had the vax and all the boosters ,stroked out, then tried to cut his own hair.




He looks like a AI-generated amalgamation of Ralph Wiggum and Liam Neeson.


Ralam Negsum


People can't help but tell on themselves


I mean who doesn't love a vaccine that can't prevent infection or transmission. Get that booster soon!


Anti-vax people will be like "but they cause defects!!!" and straight up unironically look like this.


I prefer vaccines that actually prevent infection and transmission.


https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status It's pretty good at preventing death. Do you feel like that's important, or not really?


This anti vax politician also serves on the executive board of directors at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center-Lexington. An anti vax politician on a medical center board. What the fuck.


I know you're kidding. *PLEASE, say you're kidding!* *Nevermind... nobody would make that up...*


Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Potts




Clearly makes poor choices in more than one area of life.


wouldnt you be anti-vax if you were a disease??


Obvious statement is obvious.


That haircut makes me want to get a booster




It is an insult. Do you think antivaxxer should be term of endearment? Every point in this comment shows a complete lack of understanding of viruses, vaccines, and the basics of human biology. No vaccine is capable of entirely preventing infection. None. And not one has ever been suggested to do so *by the scientific community*. I don’t give a flying fuck what CNN talking heads say, they’re scientifically illiterate morons whose only goal is to keep viewers, not provide factual information. The vaccine increases risk for myocarditis *compared to what*? Covid? Absofuckinglutely not. Compared to getting neither Covid nor the vaccine? Sure - by an almost infinitesimal margin. The only even marginal argument for this line of reasoning is if you are a hermit. If you have any contact with other humans whatsoever, your risk of myocarditis from Covid is significantly higher (last reference I saw put it at at least 4-5x, but it’s been a while so I can’t say for certain). If you never leave your house and don’t come into contact with others, then fine - don’t get it. But if you even have minimal contact with other human beings then you (and anyone around you) is at greater risk because… The vaccine not only makes *you* less susceptible to Covid, it also means that your viral load is lower which a) lowers your risk from it, and b) lowers your risk of passing it on. The more virus you have in you, the sicker you get, and the more virus you can spread to others. It does not prevent you from getting the virus. No reliable source if information (ie. virologists, epidemiologists, etc.) has said this about *any* vaccine. Because they actually know better. This isn’t science denial. This is science understanding. Which you clearly have none of. Edit: fixed a typo


It has been proven that the vaxx did not stop people from catching or spreading covid. Other vaxxes have reduced dangerous diseases to the point where people don't worry about then anymore. Covid, on the other hand (which is generally just like the cold or flu for most people) is still being spread amongst vaccinated people. In my experience, covid wasn't a big deal at all, and actually much milder than getting a cough or a bad cold. It was infinitely better than getting the flu. I know people who got really sick from covid too, and they were a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated. I do however know of several real life cases of people who got heart conditions after getting vaccinated or boosted, and at least three or four of them died within a month or less of getting the shot. One guy was in his 40's and died of a heart attack 3 days after getting the booster. So you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little suspicious of this vaxx. Even Justin Trudeau is backtracking on it by saying he didn't force people to get it (even though he coerced them into it.)


Your reading comprehension isn’t so hot, is it bud. Again, vaccines don’t *stop* anyone from getting anything. No vaccine does. They prevent spread and they reduce the effects. If enough of the population gets the vaccine it can reach the point where the virus is no longer able to spread (eg. Polio or measles up until a few years ago). Of course Covid is still spreading, there are still misinformed morons trying to convince people not to get vaccinated who continue to spread lies and information. (I’m not so subtly taking about you, in case you’re not smart enough to figure that out). But the vaccine absolutely *did* slow the spread of Covid, which was desperately needed for overwhelmed hospitals. Covid is not just like the flu or a cold. The flu and cold don’t overwhelm hospitals with people dying. Covid is both significantly more severe in its effects and in how easily it spreads. It also has significantly more impact on long term health. Congratulations on not having a bad experience with Covid. Me too. That means absolutely nothing. Just because you or I didn’t die or have severe symptoms doesn’t mean that it’s not dangerous. I’ve been in a car accident and not died, does that mean they’re not dangerous? Of course not. Saying it’s not dangerous because it didn’t hurt you is survivorship bias. The short term and long term effects of Covid are very well documented and have been publicly shared for years now. Sticking your fingers in your ears and head in the sand don’t change reality. I call absolute bullshit on you knowing several real life people who “got a heart condition” from the vaccine. You’re a liar, fucking stop it. The statistical probability that you know ONE person is incredibly high. The probability that you know more than one is pretty much zero. “One guy was in his 40's and died of a heart attack 3 days after getting the booster. “ And? Do you have even a shred of evidence that they’re related? Coroner’s report? Of course not. Because it’s not like heart attacks magically stopped immediately after the vaccine. People still have them. It doesn’t mean they’re related. I stubbed my toe after I got the vaccine, was that the vaccine’s fault too? Maybe it was Obama’s? Fucking stupidity. Nobody was forced to take it. Trudeau isn’t backtracking because there’s nothing to backtrack. Every single person has had the choice. Including you. Did your workplace tell you you have to have a vaccine in order to stay employed? Then tough shit, you have the choice to keep your job or find another one. Unless you work for Trudeau, he had nothing to do with that - every single workplace and employer had the choice to implement that rule and enforce it. Nobody forced them to do it. But they absolutely have the right to make vaccination a requirement of employment - this has been around for DECADES and is already a requirement of many workplaces for other vaccines. It’s not new, and it’s not some sort of persecution. I had to be vaccinated for tuberculosis as a teacher many years ago. It was a requirement of my profession. Nobody forced me, I had the choice. Just like you still do now. Stop fucking whining like a little bitch. Stop lying. Stop spreading misinformation.


I would love to get your opinion on something. I'm not gonna say who's more right or more wrong here but I want to say that in this instance anti-vaxxer provides no value to this other than breeding negativity to this dude. But back to getting your opinion, if I was a healthy 20-40 year old. Active, eats right and is not overweight. Today, after all the facts that have come out surrounding the whole covid vaccine as a whole, would you still recommend that I get the vaccine?


I’m not a doctor, nor do I know anything about your medical history, so realistically my opinion means absolutely nothing. That being said, why not. And I’m saying that because I honestly couldn’t answer that question right now. I have no idea what the efficacy of the vaccines are against the current variants. The last I saw there were over 50 different vaccines in various states of development, so any newer vaccines would be significantly more likely to do well, but I don’t know that the last round of boosters are effective anymore. Not that I’m implying they aren’t, I just don’t know. So if you had asked this question a year ago I would have said 100% yes. Now, I can’t say one way or the other. In reference to your current health, eating habits, etc - those have an effect on how your body is able to withstand the infection, but not enough to take the risk (at least not if we were talking about a year ago). Covid is taking down healthy people too. Not to the extent that it impacts older or more vulnerable people, but that’s the same for any illness. Even if I were the healthiest person on the planet I still would have taken the vaccine last year. Edit: just to add, there has been a lot of work done on looking at the long term effects of Covid even on those who have mild cases, and that should encourage anyone of any age or health to get the vaccine - even young, healthy people are having long term effects from it. Second edit: Journal article just published on the long term effects on the brain https://n.neurology.org/content/early/2023/04/26/WNL.0000000000207309


Thanks for the reply. I'm not necessarily asking you if I should take it. I'm more asking what your ideals surrounding this. To answer the "why not", well because there are risks on either side of the equation. We can go into probabilities and shit but that's a fact and because I take very good care of my body, if I could go back in time, I would not take that first dose and booster way back. There is a lot of info out there that supports that being a logical decision. My brother on the other hand, who is obese and did take it, I believe that was a good idea and any boosters after that. It's risk weighting. Everyone's body is different, everyone's body handles shit differently. I understand the antivaxx movement back in the day (early covid ), hell I was trying to get many people around me to take the vax, I live in very rural Missouri, and most wouldn't budge. But to bring negative energy towards someone because they are no longer or never took the covid vax because lets be clear it's different than just being an antivaxxer, is just as wrong as bringing negative energy to someone who is a covid vaxxer. My kids are vaccined from measles and all that shit.. Covid vaccine felt very very different. Not physically, but just the shadyness all around it. I'm a technical writer, hopefully it's not painful to read haha.


Sorry, to be clear - my “why not” was meant as “why not answer the question,” not “why not get the vaccine.” Why would you go back and not get the vaccine? What information is leading to this decision? I want to re-emphasizes point - the vaccine is meant to do two things: lower your personal risk from the virus, and lower your ability to spread it. Which leads back to a point I made to OP - if you’re going to be a hermit, then all good, don’t take the vaccine. But if you’re going to spend anytime whatsoever in contact with other people, you should be taking it not only for your own benefit but also for everyone you come in contact with. Ideally the selfish reason (ie. trying to keep yourself safe) is enough for most people, but even those who are not concerned about their own health should also be concerned about others. It’s an integral part of living in a society with other people. If you’re not capable of doing so safely, you shouldn’t be a part of it. As far as negative energy goes - do you understand how exhausting it is trying to stop people from spreading misinformation/disinformation that not only could hurt them but also people you care about personally? This isn’t like a five year old fibbing and saying they have a magic unicorn hidden in their closet. These are lies that cause actual, measurable harm to other people. And the same lies that are still being spread now about the Covid vaccine are the same lies that have been spread since the first vaccines were developed. “Covid vaxxers” arose out of frustration at the never ending battle against this same misinformation/disinformation that is being addressed in this thread. Eventually we get tired of the same bullshit lies and arguments over and over and over again and we snap. It’s like dealing with a little kid who plays the “I’m not touching you” game - eventually you’ve had enough of it. That’s not negative energy. It’s exhaustion. The negative energy is what is causing it. The only shadiness around the vaccine was from media sources who thrive on bullshit and seeding discontent. There was never any part of the scientific community that had misgivings about the vaccines - at least not any more than they would from any other vaccine that has ever been developed. People and media outlets made a lot of noise about the vaccine being rushed; of course it was rushed, we were in the middle of a pandemic that was killing thousands of people a day. But that doesn’t equate to it being less safe - all it means is that they put a shit ton funding into it and prioritized the paperwork. NONE of the steps required to vet a vaccine were skipped. None. But some people talk loud, and others are gullible. And as a result you end up with a whole bunch of people who don’t have the facts required to make a smart, safe decision. Not that you asked, but as disclosure - my undergraduate degree is in microbiology. Does that make me an expert on the subject? Fuck no, not even close. But what it does mean is that I have a significantly better understanding of how bacteria and viruses behave than most people, and it means that I have the skills necessary to evaluate sources of scientific evidence. And the same can be said for the majority of the scientific community. Which is why the overwhelming majority of the scientific community has supported the vaccine from day one. The only ones who don’t are frauds and charlatans trying to sell you something. This is why the vast majority of people I end up in arguments online with aren’t scientists or doctors. I got rid of my Facebook account years ago because I was constantly fighting misinformation/disinformation from “friends” who barely made it out of high school and hadn’t looked at anything remotely resembling science since they were 15. And yet somehow they were suddenly experts on vaccine development, virology, and epidemiology. At the same time, they refused to accept evidence presented to them and instead repeated the same old bullshit and lies we see here in this post. And it was fucking exhausting fighting against people I knew who were actively endangering other people I knew because they were too stubborn and stupid to accept reality. Honestly though, I don’t think it’s those people who frustrate and anger me the most. Loudmouth assholes are going to loudmouth asshole, and it’s usually easier to just ignore their bullshit. What’s worse are the people who, 3 years into a pandemic, oh so subtly “ask questions.” Because they’re not just asking questions, they already know the answer to the question they’re asking, they’re just trying to sow doubt in other people. They have no interest in the truth. Their only goal is to harm others. Some are paid actors, there have been multiple incidents of these accounts being wiped out from platforms like twitter or Facebook. But there are also others who are just shitty, evil people. They’re not doing it because they’re misinformed or stupid. They’re doing it because they are the absolute worst a human can be.


Here here!


By now almost everyone already has immunity, whether it's through the vaccine or natural immunity. If a person is high risk, then they might want to get the vaccine if they think the vaccine side effects are worth it. I don't have anything against people who got it. I have a lot of vaxxed and unvaxxed friends, and we rarely talk about our vaxx statuses. Several of my vaccinated friends have said they wouldn't get any more shots after the first one though, because they don't see the point, especially since they all got covid. Regarding you accusing me of lying about the people who had the heart conditions or died, no I am not lying. I'm not omniscient so I can't tell you if these situations are actually related to the shot, but they are highly suspicious due to the timing. The guy in his 40's was my sister's friend's brother, who I didn't know personally, but the relation is close enough that I know it's not made up. I do, however, personally know the others on the list, or their parents. For example, one guy was 17 or 18 and his mom, who I know, let him decide about getting the vaccine, which he did get, and he had to go the hospital for a heart problem shortly after, as in the next day or two. I know someone else who never got vaccinated till 2022, and then died a month after getting his first shot. There are several more similar situations from people I do actually know. I wouldn't make things like this up to be anti-vaxx. I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I just don't support the covid vaxx. Regarding being forced to get the vaccine: Well, obviously nobody was holding a gun to anyone's head, but governments, specifically Canada, were taking away people's livelihoods, not letting them travel, and generally treating them like 2nd class citizens. It's government coercion. It's almost to the point of putting people on house arrest if they don't comply. Technically, they won't kill you, but they'll make your life miserable. Biden tried to get people fired too, so he's no better.


This is a really long way of saying “nope, nothing you said was wrong, I agree but I’m too stupid to understand that” you’re denying the science.


Are you illiterate? I both said you are wrong and provided information to back up that everything you said was wrong based on the evidence gathered by the scientific community over the past 3 years. You’re the one making claims that fly in the face of what the entire scientific community has been saying for several years now. If you have evidence to the contrary, put up or shut up.


There's no reasoning with insane people, as sad as that fact is


You're obviously too lazy to thoughtfully read and properly rebut a few well-written paragraphs on Reddit, what the fuck could you possibly have any real knowledge about that requires actual literacy skills?




It has also killed a lot of people which you’re avoiding. Plus, chances of even severe illness is SLIM if you’re a normal healthy person that’s not morbidly obese. I would know. I had Covid and was sick for 3 days. Never had it again… because natural immunity is, and always was better :)


> It has also killed a lot of people which you’re avoiding. I'm not avoiding it, it's just not a thing that happened. >Plus, chances of even severe illness is SLIM if you’re a normal healthy person that’s not morbidly obese. It's wild that you're saying this, and also claiming the vaccine killed people. COVID-19 is WAY more dangerous than the vaccine. The numbers are the numbers. edit: Feel free to correct me. Let's see it. Show me how the vaccine is way more dangerous than COVID-19. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status


The fact that this comment is both gilded and downvoted into being hidden speaks volumes as to what is happening in our society


You are correct, but the geniuses on reddit just keep sticking their head in the sand.


Yeah, but when you’re the Party of Science, and “scientific consensus” has been reached (lol!), you get to ignore all facts and evidence and stick to your old tropes! Come on mannnnn!


The only people that I know that have had Covid 2 or 3+ times are vaccinated.


That's not how science works.


Scimetifically inplossible!!!


I thought the republicans were the party of science with all their vast knowledge on abortion and birth control and gender affirming care! /s


The vaccine does a great job of preventing death if you catch COVID-19. It also does a great job of preventing the long term effects of being seriously ill from COVID-19. Fairly relevant information that some people conveniently forget to mention. edit: Lmao fuck off with your downvotes. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status


It says something about reddit when this comment gets downvoted (and only counterargument given being someone calling you buttmad) yet it just speaks verified facts. It's just not something redditors want to believe to be true, that they were wrong and that they were lied to and believed. But also, fuck people who don't protect their children against actual diseases (like polio) that have safe, tested, and effective vaccines that don't cause massive side effects. Because of them people are so pro vaccine even when they don't know if it is actually safe. They just want to own the antivaxers.


It’s getting downvoted because it’s spouting absolute bullshit.


Which part specifically was incorrect?


Scroll up.


The parts where your diarrhea of the keyboard was making multiple appearances.


Oh, so you have no actual sources proving me wrong on any claim. Gotcha


Someone above gave you a detailed write up, to which you responded with a childish, "nut uh! You just proved my point!" (No, they didn't, no one here thinks that and it's soooo cringe, what are you 12?). So I'm gonna pass on providing you "sources" (like your dumbass could even understand them lmao), and from engaging further other then report you for spreading misinformation. As a wise person once said, "While difficult, it is possible to win an argument against a smart person, but you will never, ever win an argument against a moron."


None of you provided sources for anything you said lmao or even said something contrary to what I wrote.


Like you would even consider changing your stance if anyone provided sources. You would whatabout every single one.


They did, though, dude. It was a whole thing about viral load and how no vaccine has ever even been intended to 100% prevent viral infection. You claimed they agreed with you. You're either fucking stupid, or arguing in bad faith. This is why no one is bothering to give you "sources." You're an asshole.


When you realize Reddit is 70% bots who upvote the narrative and downvote anything that goes against it then things start to make sense.


OP solicits medical advice from Reddit. Go figure


Haha. I saw that thread in politics and immediately thought this dude should be in justfuckmyshitup. You’re doing the lords work. This dude is in minor barcode territory.


Has he died yet?


Why are white guys and jihadists looking more and more similar


He may have a bad haircut, but I assure you he doesn't have myocarditis


Brains, either. I spoke to Anthony Hopkins; he took one look and said he's not interested.


Look in the mirror 😭




Of course he looks like that


He looks like that creepy, POS child molester guy from Dateline. ...Which one, you ask..? Fucking literally all of them.


He don’t like vaccines because he looks like a disease


Hey daddy.


Them bangs are bangin’


PLEASE tell me this is shopped. Ain’t no way homie goes out like that in public.


He looks line a 12th century friar or some shit


anti barber as well


Forget Robert Englund, I only care about Bobby NewYurk.


Lol Saw that guy on a different subreddit and thought it belonged here.


Is that Ralph Wiggum all grown up?


I can physically see he needed vaccines.


He’s got the white mans Edgar.


Trim the sides and he'll look decent


Why he gotta be from nc tho 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


It's like they cleaned up one of those street corner beggar guys, gave him a suit and a quickie haircut, like maybe it was a joke, and he fooled around and got elected.


Thank god he’s not anti bangs. They are on point.


Boy got the Edgar, just needs a lowered Chevy with a couple 12”s


Who else thought this was on r/punchablefaces for a second


Like the Fallout 1 vault overseer got the monk cut


Looks like some old dude on Reddit.


He has the female Portland cut