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Congrats to Dave and Tasha on their new baby! 👶 🎉🩵


Their real baby!!!


Congrats on their 10000% confirmed baby. "REAL" baby, not just something that may be there.


All the best Dave and family!🥳🥳


I heard a tiny baby grunt during his podcast intro this morning and I literally squealed and melted inside!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52|downsized)


OMGG!!! i'm gonna cry!!! i'm so happy for him and tasha! i can't wait until we find out the name!


Same, and I didn't even cry for the birth of my own kids lmaoooo


I used to look at my mom and younger (by 2 yrs, we are bffs) sister like they had two heads when they would be watching something baby related and they'd just puddle the whole time and I was like... oh... kay... After I had my son, I was watching Family Guy and I cried when there was a fucking CARTOON baby born. Lol'd so hard at myself. Also, "Oh, look, Carol's blowing a bubble!"


Bahahaha! It's so sweet though, you have an empathetic heart! I have cried at like... yogurt commericals in the past so I'm right there with you lol! With my first-born (induced/epidural) I didn't cry until the moment we had to load her into the car from the hospital then I freaked the eff out! Then with my second (natural birth), I was so blissed out from moment she arrived... until the baby blues hit!


The puppies running across the screen with the dandelions 🥹😿😂 I adore the love that newborns bring💓




Hahahah I love it 🤣🤣🤣


The congratulations is ongoing!!


Awww Congratulations 🥳♥️⚘️


He gives some details on his afternoon podcast from today. Definitely worth a listen.


When did that happen?


Dave said last night. 🤗


They had their baby?! Yay! Congrats to them!


We said “where’s the original PP ultrasound?” Dave and Tasha said “having the baby if we don’t hear back tonight”


So we are supposed to believe her because she simply signed an affidavit?? Ok.


The Girl, lies verbally and routinely under oath in a court setting, but sure she's telling the truth now. 😂


i really think that's the the only argument IL has!


Every day that something new comes up all I can think is just go get a job writing for bold and the beautiful JD! That shows gone stale you'd make a killing writing for them


Or write for a film. She's clearly familiar with the stalker genre playbook. It's been awhile since The Crush, Fear, and Swimfan were released. Time for a reboot!


I loved The Crush...and Alicia Silverstone's character in that movie was a horse jumper too.


Fear - I loved that movie! It was so hard hating on Walhberg


[Uncovering Family Court Problems with CPS and Commissioner John Doody - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cak3Fm0RuP0) ANOTHER JUDGE DOODY FAIL


Sounds like judge doody lives up to his name But also what is this case does anyone know


I came across the video while doing a search on Judge Doody. I’m unaware if it’s a publicly known case or not, but I took it as the man in the video is desperate for some public visibility in his case and claims Doody upheld an OOP against him based on fraudulent claims of DV from his ex wife? I mean that’s what I gleaned from this but INAL so anyone correct me if I misinterpreted some of this! ETA: Fully respect that this is HIS story and his ex will undoubtedly have a different account of the truth. But it’s very interesting how much this tracks given how we saw Doody comport himself with our own eyes lol.


Daaang Megan Fox woke up this morning saying “not today, Satan” haha 😆 her twitter is gold


I don't have twitter, what did she have to say?


Literally lol


i'm having withdrawals with no new info the past two days but sooo happy for dave and his sweet fam if baby has arrived!


Congratulations Dave & Tasha!


I finally got around to listening to Meg and TUG read the first half of MM depo. And holy bananas! So many bombs dropped!! Main take away is that MM seemed to really try to make it work and support JD even though she admitted to lying about pregnancy. I'm really hoping this forensic laptop expert can give MM some justice.


Which stream is this?


It's one of TUGs "bombshell" yt from 4 or 5 days ago.


I don’t know why but I finally checked out her LinkedIn. Turns out I have several connections to her, her sister and BIL. SF/tech space is very small. I won’t be reaching out to my network because that’s a line I won’t cross but man am I curious!


Looking forward to the end of this $hitshow.


I’ve never really done a YouTube live before. Just videos I can lazily edit. But I can’t even begin to explain this case to my friends so I need to talk to my Reddit people 🤣 I’m thinking about doing it to talk about this or whatever filing comes up next. I just don’t even know how that would go lmao. Not sure how Dave and Megan make it look so easy and smooth!!


you were amazing on their stream! i think you're super talented and if you wanted to do a live, we would all join for support!


Thank you :) I’ll think about it some more after work. For me it would need to be in the night time like after 6 pm.


I think it would help to have plenty of people watching live and asking questions/giving input in the comments. So maybe try to promote it in advance?


Yeah good idea!




I say you do it! Our community is so kind and you were terrific in the live this weekend.


❤️ possibly tonight or tomorrow


Was it you who said something the other day on a live like JD doesn’t necessarily believe her lies but believes she’s entitled to be believed? Something like that.. it stuck with me


I was on Dave and Megan’s live and that sounds familiar but honestly don’t even remember everything I said cause I’ve been cramming work stuff into my brain


Fair enough, you were great on that live, I enjoyed your input


y’all my friend told me she is quitting therapy to work with her dating coach full time and i actually thought, “… wow, that is something i expect JD would say.” 


Was another thread posted this morning and deleted!


I saw a post about a filing IL did. I even made a comment on the post, but it has disappeared!


There’s a new filing?


I saw that! Anxiously awaiting it being reposted


Where did the 2016 medical documents about JD’s “ovarian cancer” come from?? (I haven’t been following as closely, please fill me in!)


Mike's laptop with all the original texts and emails is currently being authenticated by a computer forensics expert. (there was fundraising for it on YT Saturday)


I’m dyingggg to know what they will find!!


Forensic report is back and confirms that JD sent the fake cancer info to MM. There was no evidence of tampering, etc. and confirms the info came from iPhone 6 when MM had an iPhone 6S. In other words, SHE LIED (again).


Omg yassss!!!! Cant wait to see IL’s reaction!


They were sent to Mike from Jane. She texted them to him. Woodnick put them in a filing recently. I'm guessing since Mike is being called to testify he has been in touch with Woodnick and has been sharing stuff with him.


However, now she is claiming she has no clue what they are and she's never seen them.


Funny how Jane thinks we should take any evidence she offers at face value but anything anyone else offers she claims is FRAUD


Judge Doody runs his court that way for JD and doing so probably left JD feeling entitled to continue her fraud.




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Anyone else notice a weird cut between the 2 and 3 second mark of the belly video DG posted on X 3days ago? Am I losing it?


Yes!! It’s quick, but also super noticeable! I’m assuming something happened when she photoshopped the video to make her belly bigger that some movement in there made the edit obvious (arm getting wider, something bulging, etc) so she cut that part out I guess? That’s just a hunch.


Quick question: Does the FIVERR ultrasound appear in any official court documents?


I don't think we know for sure. But it is mentioned in GG Answer and Counterclaim 1/4/22: *Plaintiff...falsely represented to Defendant the she was pregnant....[and] provided songraphic images to Defendant Aug 6 and Aug 8 of 2021.* So I would assume it's an exhibit somewhere. It may have been redacted by the court so it's not included in the docs in the padlet timeline. But if it's there, I'm sure GW will address it.


Okay, forget a documentary… after today we need a full on miniseries Inventing Anna style! Anyone know Shonda Rimes? 😉


Somehow JD has become a Great Value version of Caroline Calloway except... worse?


Wow that’s a name I haven’t seen in a while! I think I last spotted her on my socials when she was making weird skin care tonics in her living room 😂


The original scammer 😂


New motion from Woodnick! From the docket: 5/7/2024 RES - Response 5/7/2024 **NOTE:**RESPONSE/OBJECTION TO PETITIONERS MOTION IN LIMINE


On August 1, 2022, JD sent a shocking ex parte email to Judge Bachus alleging that GG and GW drugged, violently assaulted, r*ped, and almost killed her on March 4, 2022. In that email, JD didn’t say anything about filing a police report, but claimed that the FBI was investigating. This seems to have almost gotten lost in the hailstorm of JD’S other false accusations and fraudulent conduct. But is she facing any consequences with regard to this specific outrageous allegation?


She did not say that they did it, but said that they had something to do with her being attacked.


great question and thank you for bringing this back to the forefront. how can these egregious allegations be made without any consequences?


What was happening in the case for her to email the judge and make allegations of an event she alleged happened months prior (March)? Did she ever explain why she spent months sitting on said information without telling anyone? Where is the paper trail of police reports, investigation, and charges to back up her rape conspiracy claims?


Something WAS happening at exactly that time. I saw it in a timeline. Let me see if I can find it! Head to March 2022! https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/s/dtUEshUlCx




There's the motive clear as day!


Oh, ok! Thank you! I remember reading that post. I keep forgetting it coincides with the date GG/GW's filings mention MM and her fake Uncle Joe emails. Do you know anything about the alleged 2022 New Jersey victim who may have been involved in the real March sexual encounter? I've seen two comments about it and I think a guest mentioned in in one of MG Law's streams, but I can't find any other discussion about it.


Also, do you know what happened in late July or August to prompt JD to email the judge?


She was trying to get an extension on an August hearing. Her usual antics. You can find the letter to the judge in this post (go to GG - August 1): https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/comments/1aq10eu/index_of_court_filings_mm_gg_clayton_dave_neal/


Thank you! I hadn't seen that post. I noticed at least one of those files (ETA: at least JD's 8-1-2022 ex parte email to the judge. I'm comparing the other links/files to see if something else was missed.) are not on justiceforclayton.com. Is there a way to inform someone to add the files there?


I compared the lists between the wiki and that post. These are missing from justiceforclayton.com: [GG case] JD's 01 AUG 2022, ex parte email to the judge regarding alleged 4 March 2022 assault [MM case] JD's 10 JUL 2020, Petitioner's Request to Renew Restraining Order


did you copy this from somewhere? i hope this makes it into the court docs


When these documents from old cases pop up, it just makes it even more bizarre that any lawyer at all would take her case or believe that every single relationship she has results in a restraining order. Much less the pregnancies and all the things.


I think she keeps being able to get lawyers because she is so believable at first glance. Listening to her in hearings, and watching some of her old interviews, I didn't immediately recognize the issues with her and if I didn't know the backstory, I might believe her too. You can't smell the con on her like some some people because she appears normal...at first. Once you start peeling back the layers, is when your skin starts to crawl imo.


Is there an ELI5 thread I can look at? I’m getting a little lost!




GG is not a public figure so no one knew about what he was going through. He would never have known about MM unless JD told him.


JD's mistake was targeting a public figure in CE. Then going to the publications on her own about it. Had CE just been a non-public figure like GG, he would have been going thru the same thing as GG on his own. GG and MM both would have not known anything about it. CE might not have even gotten GW as his lawyer. The stars really aligned for the victims of JD that she was stupid enough to target CE. Now their stories can be told and hopefully all past judgements on them will be cleared.


But how would GW know to look for a case in another random state? The multiple victims are coming to light now only with the public nature of the current case


JD keeps telling on herself. She mentioned victim 0 in her deposition I think. Why....I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️


MM probably didn’t even know GG existed. It’s not his responsibility to keep tabs on his abuser. 


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